class DiskSensorPhysical(DiskSensor): """" This is an abstract class to help manage both physical and Xen implementations. This will also allow us to expand to new implementations very easily. """ def __init__(self, sensor_ip, sensor_port=G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_PORT, bind_ip="", bind_port=G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_PORT, sector_size=G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE, name=None, use_threading=True): """ Initialize our sensor """ # Set our variables self.sensor_ip = sensor_ip self.sensor_port = sensor_port self.bind_ip = bind_ip self.bind_port = bind_port self.sector_size = sector_size # Keep our connected state self.connected = False self.sata_enabled = False # Initialize a heap to re-order SATA frames that arrive out of order self.sata_heap = [] self.last_lophi_seqn = None self.last_lophi_packet = None if name is not None: = name # Are we reading a separate process? self.use_threading = use_threading self.read_queue = None self.packet_reader = None self.SOCK = None self.DROPPED_PACKETS = 0 # Connect to the socket # self._connect() DiskSensor.__init__(self) logger.debug("Initialized Disk Sensor. (%s)" % def __del__(self): logger.debug("Destroying Disk Sensor / Disconnecting. (%s)" % try: self._disconnect() except: pass def _connect(self): """ Connect to our sensor @param enable_sata: Will send the appropriate command to enable SATA extraction """ if not self.connected: logger.debug("Connecting to disk sensor") try: # Open socket self.SOCK = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Ensure that the socket is reusable self.SOCK.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Bind to our port and listening for incoming packets self.SOCK.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_port)) # Make our buffer much larger to help prevent packet loss self.SOCK.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, G.UDP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE) if self.use_threading: logger.debug("Starting listener thread.") # Start a process that will handle all of our reads self.read_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.packet_reader = PacketReaderUDP( self.SOCK, self.read_queue) self.packet_reader.start() self.connected = True return True except: logger.error("Could not connect to disk sensor") return False return True # # Set a timeout # self.SOCK.settimeout(READ_TIMEOUT) # Send our "Wake Up" Packets # if self.sata_enable_mode: # self.sata_enable_all() def _disconnect(self): """ Close up shop """ logger.debug("Disconnecting from disk sensor.") self.connected = False # Close our socket if self.SOCK is not None: logger.debug("Closing socket.") self.SOCK.close() self.SOCK = None # Are we using a threaded reader? if self.packet_reader is not None: logger.debug("Killing packet reader thread.") try: logger.debug("Trying to kill reader thread.") self.packet_reader.stop() self.packet_reader = None logger.debug("Reader thread killed.") except: G.print_traceback() pass # Close our threaded process for reading? if self.read_queue is not None: logger.debug("Closing queue.") self.read_queue.close() def _send_command(self, operation, memory_address, data=None): """ This is used to interface with the card """ if not self._connect(): return False # Get our network packet packet = LOPHIPacket() # Set our agruments packet.MAGIC = G.SENSOR_DISK.MAGIC_LOPHI packet.op_code = operation packet.memory_addr = memory_address packet.memory_len = math.ceil(len(data) / 4) packet.frame_length = 3 + packet.memory_len # 3 word header + data = data raw_data = repr(packet) logger.debug("Sending: %s" % repr(packet)) # Send it across the wire self.SOCK.sendto(raw_data, (self.sensor_ip, self.sensor_port)) # Get our response lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() logger.debug("Response: %s" % str(lophi_packet)) return lophi_packet def _read_raw_packet(self, size=G.MAX_PACKET_SIZE): """ Read and return raw data from our socket @return: (data, address) """ if not self._connect(): return False # Read UDP data from thread or off the wire if self.read_queue is not None: recv_data, recv_addr = self.read_queue.get() else: recv_data, recv_addr = self.SOCK.recvfrom(size) logger.debug("Read %d bytes." % len(recv_data)) return recv_data, recv_addr def _get_sata_packet(self): """ This segment of code makes sure that we read our SATA packets in order in case they are re-ordered by the network. @return: LOPHI SATA packet guaranteed to be in the order sent by sensor. @todo: Handle packet loss """ # Make sure SATA extraction is enabled if not self.sata_enabled: self.sata_enable_all() lophi_packet = None while 1: # Are we dealing with the heap? if len(self.sata_heap) > 0: logger.debug("pulling from heap") heap_next_seqn = self.sata_heap[0][0] if heap_next_seqn == (self.last_lophi_seqn + 1) % 65536 or len( self.sata_heap) > MAX_HEAP_SIZE: if len(self.sata_heap) > MAX_HEAP_SIZE: self.DROPPED_PACKETS += 1 logger.warning( "Sensor dropped packets. (Data may be unreliable)") lophi_seqn, lophi_packet = heapq.heappop(self.sata_heap) # hack to make sure we don't put it back on the heap self.last_lophi_seqn = lophi_seqn self.last_lophi_packet = lophi_packet # Return our packet return lophi_packet else: lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() else: # Get the next packet from the wire lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() # Check the packet from the wire and see if it has the seqn we expected if lophi_packet.op_code == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.SATA_FRAME: # Extract our SATA data sata_frame = SATAFrame( # Get our sequence number lophi_seqn = sata_frame.seqn_num # Take care of our ordering if self.last_lophi_seqn is not None: # If this is an out of order packet, push to heap if lophi_seqn != (self.last_lophi_seqn + 1) % 65536: heapq.heappush(self.sata_heap, (lophi_seqn, lophi_packet)) logger.debug( "Got out of order packet. (Expected: %d, Got: %d)" % ((self.last_lophi_seqn + 1) % 65536, lophi_seqn)) continue # Save our last seqn self.last_lophi_seqn = lophi_seqn self.last_lophi_packet = lophi_packet # Return our packet return sata_frame else: continue def is_up(self): """ Check to see if the card is up @return: True/False """ try: # Open socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # connect to our port+1 which is a UDP loopback addr = (self.sensor_ip, self.bind_port + 1) sock.connect(addr) # Set a timeout sock.settimeout(READ_TIMEOUT) # Try to send a packet to the UDP loopback sock.send("PING") # Ensure we got the same data back rtn = sock.recv(1024) if rtn == "PING": return True sock.close() except: pass # If anything goes wrong, the card isn't there. return False def get_disk_packet(self): """ For now just return the SATA frame, we'll deal with this later. """ logger.debug("Reading disk packet (SATA Frame in this case)...") return self._get_sata_packet() def get_lophi_packet(self): """ Get the next packet header/data @return: LO-PHI packet as a dictionary - lophi_header: LO-PHI defined header - lophi_data: """ # Read data off the wire logger.debug("Reading LO-PHI packet...") recv_data, recv_addr = self._read_raw_packet() network_packet = LOPHIPacket(recv_data) #"Received: %s"%network_packet) return network_packet """ Physical Specific Functions """ def get_version(self): """ Returns the current version of the sensor @return: Version of sensor retrieved from card """ self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_READ, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.VERSION) packet = self.get_lophi_packet() version = return version def sata_enable_host(self): """ Enable host only SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x01") def sata_enable_device(self): """ Enable device only SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x02") def sata_enable_all(self): """ Enable bi-directional SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x03") self.sata_enabled = True def sata_disable(self): """ Disable SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to disable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x00") self.sata_enabled = False return True def print_all_registers(self): registers = self.get_all_registers() for (reg, addr, data) in registers: data_list = struct.unpack("%dB" % len(data), data) data_list2 = " ".join([hex(i) for i in data_list]) print "%s (%s): %s / %s" % (reg, hex(addr), data_list2, data_list) def get_all_registers(self): """ Returns all of the registers on the sensor @return: list of tuples (name, address, value) """ logger.debug("Requesting all registers") registers = [] for reg in G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.__dict__: # @UndefinedVariable if reg.startswith("_"): continue addr = G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.__dict__[reg] # @UndefinedVariable lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_READ, addr, "", 1) data = registers.append((reg, addr, data)) return [x for x in registers if x is not None] def set_dest_ip(self, dest_ip): """ Set the destination IP for our SATA frames @param dest_ip: Destination IP that SATA packets will be sent to """ logger.debug("Setting destination IP to %s." % dest_ip) ip = struct.pack('>I', NET.ip2int(dest_ip)) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_DEST, ip) if lophi_packet.header[ 'op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header[ 'memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_DEST: return True else: return False def set_sensor_ip(self, ip): """ Set the card IP address @param ip: IP address of this sensor """ logger.debug("Setting sensor IP to %s." % ip) ip = struct.pack('>I', NET.ip2int(ip)) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_SENS, ip) if lophi_packet.header[ 'op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header[ 'memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_SENS: return True else: return False def set_udp_delay(self, delay): """ Set the intrapacket delay for UDP packets @param delay: Delay in clock cycles (~10ns/cycle) between packets """ logger.debug("Setting UDP intrapacket delay to: %s" % delay) delay = struct.pack('>I', delay) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.UDP_DELAY, delay) if lophi_packet.header[ 'op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header[ 'memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.UDP_DELAY: return True else: return False def set_mtu_size(self, mtu_size): """ Set the MTU size for UDP packets @param mtu_size: Maximum transfer unit size for UDP packets in bytes """ logger.debug("Setting MTU for packets to: %s" % mtu_size) mtu_size = struct.pack('>I', mtu_size) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.MTU_SIZE, mtu_size) if lophi_packet.header[ 'op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header[ 'memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.MTU_SIZE: return True else: return False
class MemorySensorPhysical(MemorySensor): """ This is our interface to both our NetFPGA and ML507 boards using Josh's code. """ def __init__(self, sensor_ip=G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_IP, sensor_port=G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_PORT, cache_timeout=0, name=None, use_threading=False, timeout=1, retries=5): """ Initialize our memory sensor. Just saving values at this point. @param cache_timeout: How long to keep data in the cache (seconds) @param name: Human name of the sensor @param use_threading: This will spawn a new process to read replys from the sensor. Enables much faster reads, but will eventually blow the UDP stack in the FPGA. """ # Sensor info self.sensor_ip = sensor_ip self.sensor_port = sensor_port # Socket variables self._sock = None self.TIMEOUT = timeout self.RETRIES = retries self.TIMED_OUT = False self.connect_count = 0 # Are we reading a separate process? self.use_threading = use_threading self.read_queue = None self.packet_reader = None # Cache self.cache = {} self.cache_timeouts = {} self.CACHE_TIMEOUT = cache_timeout # seconds # Keep track of our transaction self.transaction_no = 1 if name is not None: = name # Bad read regions (On XPSP3x86) # Ref: self.BAD_MEM_REGIONS = [ (0xA0000, 0x100000), # VGA and PCI (0x7fe00000, 0x80000000), # No Clue (0xdbf00000, 0x100000000), # High Mem PCI devices (0x3ff00000, 0x40000000) # No clue (End of memory? ] # Initialize our superclass as well MemorySensor.__init__(self) def __del__(self): """ Clean up any connections when the object is destroyed """ self._disconnect() def _connect(self): """ Connect our socket. """ # Is the socket already open? if self._sock is None: # Open our socket try: logger.debug("Connecting to memory sensor. ") s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 100000) s.connect((self.sensor_ip, self.sensor_port)) # if self.timeout is not None: # s.settimeout(self.timeout) if self.use_threading: logger.debug("Starting listener thread.") # Start a process that will handle all of our reads self.read_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.packet_reader = PacketReaderUDP(s, self.read_queue) self.packet_reader.start() elif self.TIMEOUT is not None and self.TIMEOUT > 0: s.settimeout(self.TIMEOUT) except: logger.error("Could not connect to memory sensor. (%s,%d)" % (self.sensor_ip, self.sensor_port)) self.connect_count += 1 if self.connect_count > self.RETRIES: raise socket.error("Could not connect to memory sensor.") return False # Save our socket self._sock = s return True self.connect_count = 0 def _disconnect(self): """ Disconnect our socket. """ if self._sock is not None: self._sock.close() self._sock = None if self.read_queue is not None: self.read_queue.close() self.read_queue = None if self.packet_reader is not None: self.packet_reader.terminate() self.packet_reader = None def _send_command(self, command, address, length, data=None): """ Send a command to to the card @param command: LO-PHI command to send @param address: Address on the SUT (Not address on the FPGA) @param length: Length for the command (Not the length of the packet) @param data: Any data to append to the packet """ logger.debug("Sending command (0x%x, 0x%x, %d)" % (command, address, length)) # Build our payload packet = MemoryRapidPacket() # Constants packet.MAGIC_LOPHI = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI packet.flags = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_FLAGS # Command packet.operation = command # Split our address lowaddress = (address) & 0xFFFFFFFF highaddress = address >> 32 packet.address_high = highaddress packet.address_low = lowaddress # Data packet.length = length = data # Transcation num packet.transaction_no = self.transaction_no # Increment our transcation number self.transaction_no = (self.transaction_no + 1) % 0x0000ffff # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Send payload to our sensor sent = self._sock.send( ` packet `) if sent != len(packet): logger.error("Only sent {0} out of {1}".format(sent, len(packet))) dead = True def _read_raw_packet(self, size=G.MAX_PACKET_SIZE): """ Read and return raw data from our socket @return: (data, address) """ # If we already timed out, assume the sensor is dead if self.TIMED_OUT: raise socket.timeout # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Read UDP data off the wire if self.read_queue is not None: recv_data, recv_addr = self.read_queue.get() else: recv_data, recv_addr = self._sock.recvfrom(size) logger.debug("Read %d bytes." % len(recv_data)) return recv_data, recv_addr def _get_read_response(self, length, read_multiple=False): """ """ data = "" if read_multiple: transaction_no = 0 else: transaction_no = (self.transaction_no - 1) % 0x0000ffff while (len(data) < length): # Read a LO-PHI packet rapid_packet = self.get_rapid_packet() if rapid_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI != G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI: logger.error("Magic number mismatch. (%x)" % (rapid_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI)) return None # Same transaction? if (rapid_packet.transaction_no != transaction_no): logger.error("different transaction! %x instead of %x" % (rapid_packet.transaction_no, transaction_no)) return None # Is this the correct response? if (rapid_packet.operation != G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ + 0x2): # RAPID reply is 0x2 logger.error("not a read?! {0}".format(rapid_packet.operation)) logger.error(rapid_packet) continue if ( is None or len( != rapid_packet.length): logger.error( "DATA LENGTHS DON'T MATCH! (Expected: %d, Got: %d bytes)" % (rapid_packet.length, len( # Append our data data += # look for next transaction transaction_no = (transaction_no + 1) % 0x0000ffff # Just in case we read more than we wanted, truncate off the end bytes return (data[:length]) return None def _read_from_sensor(self, address, length): """ This is the lowest level read command and the only read command that will acctually perform a memory read from the sensor. @param address: Physical memory address to read @param length: Length of memory to read starting at @address @TODO: Remove our horrible hack once the hardware is up-to-date """ with network_lock: # This is a HACK to work around a bug in the PCI sensor that has trouble # when not reading on word boundaries? adjust_addr = 0 # Is our start address word aligned? if address % 4 != 0: adjust_addr = address % 4 address -= adjust_addr length += adjust_addr # Only read in words. adjust_len = 0 if length % 4 != 0: adjust_len = 4 - length % 4 length += adjust_len self.transaction_no = 0 rtn_data = "" remaining_length = length offset = 0 if not self.use_threading: while remaining_length > 0: # Calculate how much to read? req_len = min(READ_CHUNK, remaining_length) # Send our read command # Try to read RETRIES times attempt = 0 while attempt < self.RETRIES: try: # Send read command self._send_command(G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ, address + offset, req_len) # get data off the wire tmp = self._get_read_response(req_len) # Something bad happen in the read, let's try to re-open the socket if tmp is None: logger.error( "Didn't get a response from sensor. Trying again." ) self._disconnect() self._connect() continue break except socket.timeout: logger.error("Memory sensor timeout (%d/%d)" % (attempt, self.RETRIES)) pass attempt += 1 # if we hit our retries, the card has timed out. if attempt == self.RETRIES: logger.error("Memory sensor timed out! (0x%16X, %d)" % (address + offset, req_len)) raise socket.timeout # If nothing came back, keep trying! if tmp is None: # continue rtn_data = None break rtn_data += tmp # Calculate how much more we have to read remaining_length -= req_len offset += req_len else: # Try to read RETRIES times attempt = 0 while attempt < self.RETRIES: try: # Send all of our read commands while remaining_length > 0: # Calculate how much to read? req_len = min(READ_CHUNK, remaining_length) # Send our read command self._send_command(G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ, address + offset, req_len) # Calculate how much more we have to read remaining_length -= req_len offset += req_len # Read all of the data back at once. rtn_data = self._get_read_response(length, True) # Something bad happen in the read, let's try to re-open the socket if rtn_data is None: logger.error( "Didn't get a response from sensor. (%d/%d)" % (attempt, self.RETRIES)) time.sleep(1) self._disconnect() self._connect() remaining_length = length else: break except socket.timeout: logger.error("Memory sensor timeout (%d/%d)" % (attempt, self.RETRIES)) pass attempt += 1 if attempt == self.RETRIES: logger.error("Memory sensor timed out! (0x%16X, %d)" % (address, length)) raise socket.timeout # return the read data # HACK: start from our offset and truncate extra data appended to ensure # that we were word-aligned if rtn_data is None: return rtn_data else: return rtn_data[adjust_addr:length - adjust_len] def get_rapid_packet(self): """ Read the next memory sensor packet from the wire. @return: LO-PHI packet as a dictionary - lophi_header: LO-PHI defined header - lophi_data: """ # Read data off the wire logger.debug("Reading LO-PHI packet...") recv_data, recv_addr = self._read_raw_packet() network_packet = MemoryRapidPacket(recv_data) #"Received: %s"%network_packet) return network_packet def write(self, address, data): """ Write data to physical memory """ from import DataStruct class MemoryWritePacket(DataStruct): """ This defines the header used by then RAPID protocol, which is abused by our memory sensors. """ name = "RAPIDPacket" STRUCT = [('MAGIC_LOPHI', '!I'), ('transcation_no', '!H'), ('operation', '!B'), ('address', '!7xQ'), ('length', '!I')] write_packet = MemoryWritePacket() write_packet.address = address = data write_packet.length = len(data) write_packet.operation = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.WRITE write_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Send payload to our sensor sent = self._sock.send( ` write_packet `) if sent != len(write_packet): logger.error("Only sent {0} out of {1}".format( sent, len(write_packet))) dead = True
class DiskSensorPhysical(DiskSensor): """" This is an abstract class to help manage both physical and Xen implementations. This will also allow us to expand to new implementations very easily. """ def __init__(self, sensor_ip, sensor_port=G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_PORT, bind_ip="", bind_port = G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_PORT, sector_size=G.SENSOR_DISK.DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE, name=None, use_threading=True): """ Initialize our sensor """ # Set our variables self.sensor_ip = sensor_ip self.sensor_port = sensor_port self.bind_ip = bind_ip self.bind_port = bind_port self.sector_size = sector_size # Keep our connected state self.connected = False self.sata_enabled = False # Initialize a heap to re-order SATA frames that arrive out of order self.sata_heap = [] self.last_lophi_seqn = None self.last_lophi_packet = None if name is not None: = name # Are we reading a separate process? self.use_threading = use_threading self.read_queue = None self.packet_reader = None self.SOCK = None self.DROPPED_PACKETS = 0 # Connect to the socket # self._connect() DiskSensor.__init__(self) logger.debug("Initialized Disk Sensor. (%s)" def __del__(self): logger.debug("Destroying Disk Sensor / Disconnecting. (%s)" try: self._disconnect() except: pass def _connect(self): """ Connect to our sensor @param enable_sata: Will send the appropriate command to enable SATA extraction """ if not self.connected: logger.debug("Connecting to disk sensor") try: # Open socket self.SOCK = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Ensure that the socket is reusable self.SOCK.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Bind to our port and listening for incoming packets self.SOCK.bind((self.bind_ip, self.bind_port)) # Make our buffer much larger to help prevent packet loss self.SOCK.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, G.UDP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE) if self.use_threading: logger.debug("Starting listener thread.") # Start a process that will handle all of our reads self.read_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.packet_reader = PacketReaderUDP(self.SOCK,self.read_queue) self.packet_reader.start() self.connected = True return True except: logger.error("Could not connect to disk sensor") return False return True # # Set a timeout # self.SOCK.settimeout(READ_TIMEOUT) # Send our "Wake Up" Packets # if self.sata_enable_mode: # self.sata_enable_all() def _disconnect(self): """ Close up shop """ logger.debug("Disconnecting from disk sensor.") self.connected = False # Close our socket if self.SOCK is not None: logger.debug("Closing socket.") self.SOCK.close() self.SOCK = None # Are we using a threaded reader? if self.packet_reader is not None: logger.debug("Killing packet reader thread.") try: logger.debug("Trying to kill reader thread.") self.packet_reader.stop() self.packet_reader = None logger.debug("Reader thread killed.") except: G.print_traceback() pass # Close our threaded process for reading? if self.read_queue is not None: logger.debug("Closing queue.") self.read_queue.close() def _send_command(self, operation, memory_address, data=None): """ This is used to interface with the card """ if not self._connect(): return False # Get our network packet packet = LOPHIPacket() # Set our agruments packet.MAGIC = G.SENSOR_DISK.MAGIC_LOPHI packet.op_code = operation packet.memory_addr = memory_address packet.memory_len = math.ceil(len(data) / 4) packet.frame_length = 3 + packet.memory_len # 3 word header + data = data raw_data = repr(packet) logger.debug("Sending: %s" % repr(packet)) # Send it across the wire self.SOCK.sendto(raw_data, (self.sensor_ip, self.sensor_port)) # Get our response lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() logger.debug("Response: %s"%str(lophi_packet)) return lophi_packet def _read_raw_packet(self,size=G.MAX_PACKET_SIZE): """ Read and return raw data from our socket @return: (data, address) """ if not self._connect(): return False # Read UDP data from thread or off the wire if self.read_queue is not None: recv_data, recv_addr = self.read_queue.get() else: recv_data, recv_addr = self.SOCK.recvfrom(size) logger.debug("Read %d bytes."%len(recv_data)) return recv_data, recv_addr def _get_sata_packet(self): """ This segment of code makes sure that we read our SATA packets in order in case they are re-ordered by the network. @return: LOPHI SATA packet guaranteed to be in the order sent by sensor. @todo: Handle packet loss """ # Make sure SATA extraction is enabled if not self.sata_enabled: self.sata_enable_all() lophi_packet = None while 1: # Are we dealing with the heap? if len(self.sata_heap) > 0: logger.debug("pulling from heap") heap_next_seqn = self.sata_heap[0][0] if heap_next_seqn == (self.last_lophi_seqn+1)%65536 or len(self.sata_heap) > MAX_HEAP_SIZE: if len(self.sata_heap) > MAX_HEAP_SIZE: self.DROPPED_PACKETS += 1 logger.warning("Sensor dropped packets. (Data may be unreliable)") lophi_seqn, lophi_packet = heapq.heappop(self.sata_heap) # hack to make sure we don't put it back on the heap self.last_lophi_seqn = lophi_seqn self.last_lophi_packet = lophi_packet # Return our packet return lophi_packet else: lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() else: # Get the next packet from the wire lophi_packet = self.get_lophi_packet() # Check the packet from the wire and see if it has the seqn we expected if lophi_packet.op_code == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.SATA_FRAME: # Extract our SATA data sata_frame = SATAFrame( # Get our sequence number lophi_seqn = sata_frame.seqn_num # Take care of our ordering if self.last_lophi_seqn is not None: # If this is an out of order packet, push to heap if lophi_seqn != (self.last_lophi_seqn+1)%65536: heapq.heappush(self.sata_heap,(lophi_seqn,lophi_packet)) logger.debug("Got out of order packet. (Expected: %d, Got: %d)"%( (self.last_lophi_seqn+1)%65536, lophi_seqn)) continue # Save our last seqn self.last_lophi_seqn = lophi_seqn self.last_lophi_packet = lophi_packet # Return our packet return sata_frame else: continue def is_up(self): """ Check to see if the card is up @return: True/False """ try: # Open socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # connect to our port+1 which is a UDP loopback addr = (self.sensor_ip, self.bind_port+1) sock.connect(addr) # Set a timeout sock.settimeout(READ_TIMEOUT) # Try to send a packet to the UDP loopback sock.send("PING") # Ensure we got the same data back rtn = sock.recv(1024) if rtn == "PING": return True sock.close() except: pass # If anything goes wrong, the card isn't there. return False def get_disk_packet(self): """ For now just return the SATA frame, we'll deal with this later. """ logger.debug("Reading disk packet (SATA Frame in this case)...") return self._get_sata_packet() def get_lophi_packet(self): """ Get the next packet header/data @return: LO-PHI packet as a dictionary - lophi_header: LO-PHI defined header - lophi_data: """ # Read data off the wire logger.debug("Reading LO-PHI packet...") recv_data, recv_addr = self._read_raw_packet() network_packet = LOPHIPacket(recv_data) #"Received: %s"%network_packet) return network_packet """ Physical Specific Functions """ def get_version(self): """ Returns the current version of the sensor @return: Version of sensor retrieved from card """ self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_READ, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.VERSION) packet = self.get_lophi_packet() version = return version def sata_enable_host(self): """ Enable host only SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x01") def sata_enable_device(self): """ Enable device only SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x02") def sata_enable_all(self): """ Enable bi-directional SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to enable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x03") self.sata_enabled = True def sata_disable(self): """ Disable SATA extraction """ logger.debug("Sending packet to disable sata extraction.") self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.SATA_CTRL, "\x00\x00\x00\x00") self.sata_enabled = False return True def print_all_registers(self): registers = self.get_all_registers() for (reg, addr, data) in registers: data_list = struct.unpack("%dB" % len(data), data) data_list2 = " ".join([hex(i) for i in data_list]) print "%s (%s): %s / %s"%(reg,hex(addr),data_list2,data_list) def get_all_registers(self): """ Returns all of the registers on the sensor @return: list of tuples (name, address, value) """ logger.debug("Requesting all registers") registers = [] for reg in G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.__dict__: # @UndefinedVariable if reg.startswith("_"): continue addr = G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.__dict__[reg] # @UndefinedVariable lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_READ, addr, "",1) data = registers.append((reg,addr,data)) return [x for x in registers if x is not None] def set_dest_ip(self,dest_ip): """ Set the destination IP for our SATA frames @param dest_ip: Destination IP that SATA packets will be sent to """ logger.debug("Setting destination IP to %s."%dest_ip) ip = struct.pack('>I',NET.ip2int(dest_ip)) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_DEST, ip) if lophi_packet.header['op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header['memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_DEST: return True else: return False def set_sensor_ip(self,ip): """ Set the card IP address @param ip: IP address of this sensor """ logger.debug("Setting sensor IP to %s."%ip) ip = struct.pack('>I',NET.ip2int(ip)) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_SENS, ip) if lophi_packet.header['op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header['memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.IP_SENS: return True else: return False def set_udp_delay(self,delay): """ Set the intrapacket delay for UDP packets @param delay: Delay in clock cycles (~10ns/cycle) between packets """ logger.debug("Setting UDP intrapacket delay to: %s"%delay) delay = struct.pack('>I',delay) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.UDP_DELAY, delay) if lophi_packet.header['op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header['memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.UDP_DELAY: return True else: return False def set_mtu_size(self,mtu_size): """ Set the MTU size for UDP packets @param mtu_size: Maximum transfer unit size for UDP packets in bytes """ logger.debug("Setting MTU for packets to: %s"%mtu_size) mtu_size = struct.pack('>I',mtu_size) lophi_packet = self._send_command(G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE, G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.MTU_SIZE, mtu_size) if lophi_packet.header['op_code'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.OP.REG_WRITE and lophi_packet.header['memory_addr'] == G.SENSOR_DISK.ADDR.MTU_SIZE: return True else: return False
class MemorySensorPhysical(MemorySensor): """ This is our interface to both our NetFPGA and ML507 boards using Josh's code. """ def __init__(self, sensor_ip=G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_IP, sensor_port=G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_PORT, cache_timeout=0, name=None, use_threading=False, timeout=1, retries=5): """ Initialize our memory sensor. Just saving values at this point. @param cache_timeout: How long to keep data in the cache (seconds) @param name: Human name of the sensor @param use_threading: This will spawn a new process to read replys from the sensor. Enables much faster reads, but will eventually blow the UDP stack in the FPGA. """ # Sensor info self.sensor_ip = sensor_ip self.sensor_port = sensor_port # Socket variables self._sock = None self.TIMEOUT = timeout self.RETRIES = retries self.TIMED_OUT = False self.connect_count = 0 # Are we reading a separate process? self.use_threading = use_threading self.read_queue = None self.packet_reader = None # Cache self.cache = {} self.cache_timeouts = {} self.CACHE_TIMEOUT = cache_timeout # seconds # Keep track of our transaction self.transaction_no = 1 if name is not None: = name # Bad read regions (On XPSP3x86) # Ref: self.BAD_MEM_REGIONS = [(0xA0000, 0x100000), # VGA and PCI (0x7fe00000,0x80000000), # No Clue (0xdbf00000,0x100000000), # High Mem PCI devices (0x3ff00000,0x40000000) # No clue (End of memory? ] # Initialize our superclass as well MemorySensor.__init__(self) def __del__(self): """ Clean up any connections when the object is destroyed """ self._disconnect() def _connect(self): """ Connect our socket. """ # Is the socket already open? if self._sock is None: # Open our socket try: logger.debug("Connecting to memory sensor. ") s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 100000) s.connect((self.sensor_ip, self.sensor_port)) # if self.timeout is not None: # s.settimeout(self.timeout) if self.use_threading: logger.debug("Starting listener thread.") # Start a process that will handle all of our reads self.read_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.packet_reader = PacketReaderUDP(s,self.read_queue) self.packet_reader.start() elif self.TIMEOUT is not None and self.TIMEOUT > 0 : s.settimeout(self.TIMEOUT) except: logger.error("Could not connect to memory sensor. (%s,%d)"%(self.sensor_ip,self.sensor_port)) self.connect_count += 1 if self.connect_count > self.RETRIES: raise socket.error("Could not connect to memory sensor.") return False # Save our socket self._sock = s return True self.connect_count = 0 def _disconnect(self): """ Disconnect our socket. """ if self._sock is not None: self._sock.close() self._sock = None if self.read_queue is not None: self.read_queue.close() self.read_queue = None if self.packet_reader is not None: self.packet_reader.terminate() self.packet_reader = None def _send_command(self,command,address,length, data=None): """ Send a command to to the card @param command: LO-PHI command to send @param address: Address on the SUT (Not address on the FPGA) @param length: Length for the command (Not the length of the packet) @param data: Any data to append to the packet """ logger.debug("Sending command (0x%x, 0x%x, %d)"%(command,address,length)) # Build our payload packet = MemoryRapidPacket() # Constants packet.MAGIC_LOPHI = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI packet.flags = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.DEFAULT_FLAGS # Command packet.operation = command # Split our address lowaddress = (address) & 0xFFFFFFFF highaddress = address >> 32 packet.address_high = highaddress packet.address_low = lowaddress # Data packet.length = length = data # Transcation num packet.transaction_no = self.transaction_no # Increment our transcation number self.transaction_no = (self.transaction_no+1)%0x0000ffff # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Send payload to our sensor sent = self._sock.send(`packet`) if sent != len(packet): logger.error("Only sent {0} out of {1}".format(sent, len(packet))) dead = True def _read_raw_packet(self,size=G.MAX_PACKET_SIZE): """ Read and return raw data from our socket @return: (data, address) """ # If we already timed out, assume the sensor is dead if self.TIMED_OUT: raise socket.timeout # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Read UDP data off the wire if self.read_queue is not None: recv_data, recv_addr = self.read_queue.get() else: recv_data, recv_addr = self._sock.recvfrom(size) logger.debug("Read %d bytes."%len(recv_data)) return recv_data, recv_addr def _get_read_response(self,length,read_multiple=False): """ """ data = "" if read_multiple: transaction_no = 0 else: transaction_no = (self.transaction_no -1)%0x0000ffff while(len(data) < length): # Read a LO-PHI packet rapid_packet = self.get_rapid_packet() if rapid_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI != G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI: logger.error("Magic number mismatch. (%x)"%(rapid_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI)) return None # Same transaction? if(rapid_packet.transaction_no != transaction_no): logger.error("different transaction! %x instead of %x"%(rapid_packet.transaction_no, transaction_no)) return None # Is this the correct response? if(rapid_packet.operation != G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ + 0x2): # RAPID reply is 0x2 logger.error("not a read?! {0}".format(rapid_packet.operation)) logger.error(rapid_packet) continue if( is None or len( != rapid_packet.length): logger.error("DATA LENGTHS DON'T MATCH! (Expected: %d, Got: %d bytes)"%(rapid_packet.length, len( # Append our data data += # look for next transaction transaction_no = (transaction_no+1)%0x0000ffff # Just in case we read more than we wanted, truncate off the end bytes return (data[:length]) return None def _read_from_sensor(self,address,length): """ This is the lowest level read command and the only read command that will acctually perform a memory read from the sensor. @param address: Physical memory address to read @param length: Length of memory to read starting at @address @TODO: Remove our horrible hack once the hardware is up-to-date """ with network_lock: # This is a HACK to work around a bug in the PCI sensor that has trouble # when not reading on word boundaries? adjust_addr = 0 # Is our start address word aligned? if address%4 != 0: adjust_addr = address%4 address -= adjust_addr length += adjust_addr # Only read in words. adjust_len = 0 if length%4 != 0: adjust_len = 4-length%4 length += adjust_len self.transaction_no = 0 rtn_data = "" remaining_length = length offset = 0 if not self.use_threading: while remaining_length > 0: # Calculate how much to read? req_len = min(READ_CHUNK,remaining_length) # Send our read command # Try to read RETRIES times attempt = 0 while attempt < self.RETRIES: try: # Send read command self._send_command(G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ, address+offset, req_len) # get data off the wire tmp = self._get_read_response(req_len) # Something bad happen in the read, let's try to re-open the socket if tmp is None: logger.error("Didn't get a response from sensor. Trying again.") self._disconnect() self._connect() continue break except socket.timeout: logger.error("Memory sensor timeout (%d/%d)"%(attempt, self.RETRIES)) pass attempt += 1 # if we hit our retries, the card has timed out. if attempt == self.RETRIES: logger.error("Memory sensor timed out! (0x%16X, %d)"% (address+offset, req_len)) raise socket.timeout # If nothing came back, keep trying! if tmp is None: # continue rtn_data = None break rtn_data += tmp # Calculate how much more we have to read remaining_length -= req_len offset += req_len else: # Try to read RETRIES times attempt = 0 while attempt < self.RETRIES: try: # Send all of our read commands while remaining_length > 0: # Calculate how much to read? req_len = min(READ_CHUNK,remaining_length) # Send our read command self._send_command(G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.READ, address+offset, req_len) # Calculate how much more we have to read remaining_length -= req_len offset += req_len # Read all of the data back at once. rtn_data = self._get_read_response(length, True) # Something bad happen in the read, let's try to re-open the socket if rtn_data is None: logger.error("Didn't get a response from sensor. (%d/%d)"%(attempt, self.RETRIES)) time.sleep(1) self._disconnect() self._connect() remaining_length = length else: break except socket.timeout: logger.error("Memory sensor timeout (%d/%d)"%(attempt, self.RETRIES)) pass attempt += 1 if attempt == self.RETRIES: logger.error("Memory sensor timed out! (0x%16X, %d)"% (address, length)) raise socket.timeout # return the read data # HACK: start from our offset and truncate extra data appended to ensure # that we were word-aligned if rtn_data is None: return rtn_data else: return rtn_data[adjust_addr:length-adjust_len] def get_rapid_packet(self): """ Read the next memory sensor packet from the wire. @return: LO-PHI packet as a dictionary - lophi_header: LO-PHI defined header - lophi_data: """ # Read data off the wire logger.debug("Reading LO-PHI packet...") recv_data, recv_addr = self._read_raw_packet() network_packet = MemoryRapidPacket(recv_data) #"Received: %s"%network_packet) return network_packet def write(self,address,data): """ Write data to physical memory """ from import DataStruct class MemoryWritePacket(DataStruct): """ This defines the header used by then RAPID protocol, which is abused by our memory sensors. """ name = "RAPIDPacket" STRUCT = [('MAGIC_LOPHI','!I'), ('transcation_no','!H'), ('operation','!B'), ('address','!7xQ'), ('length','!I') ] write_packet = MemoryWritePacket() write_packet.address = address = data write_packet.length = len(data) write_packet.operation = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.COMMAND.WRITE write_packet.MAGIC_LOPHI = G.SENSOR_MEMORY.MAGIC_LOPHI # Keep trying to reconnect while not self._connect(): time.sleep(1) # Send payload to our sensor sent = self._sock.send(`write_packet`) if sent != len(write_packet): logger.error("Only sent {0} out of {1}".format(sent, len(write_packet))) dead = True