Exemple #1
def loris_synth(filename, freq_res=150, analysis_window=100,amp_floor=-30, max_len_s = 10, noise_ratio=1, hop_time=0.04):
    # Pure loris synth for A/B testing
    audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(filename)
    audio = audio[:int(max_len_s*1000.0)]
    y = np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples())
    if audio.channels == 2:
        y =y.reshape((-1, 2))
        y = y[:,1]
    y = np.float64(y) / 2**15
    analyzer = loris.Analyzer(freq_res, analysis_window)
    partials = analyzer.analyze(y,44100)
    bps = 0
    for i in list_from_py2_iterator(partials, len(partials)):
        bps = bps + len(list_from_py2_iterator(i, i.numBreakpoints()))
    print("%d partials %d bps" % (len(partials), bps))
    loris.scaleNoiseRatio(partials, noise_ratio)
    return loris.synthesize(partials,44100)
def resynthesize(partials,path, samplerate = 44100, nchannels = 1, bitsPerSamp = 16):
	resynthesis_vector = loris.synthesize(partials,samplerate)
	length_of_first = get_length_of_aiff(first_aiff)[0]
	length_of_second = get_length_of_aiff(second_aiff)[0]
	longest = max(length_of_first,length_of_second)
	if longest == length_of_first:
	elif longest == length_of_second:
	envelope_create = loris.BreakpointEnvelope()
	morph = loris.morph(first_analysis,second_analysis,envelope_create,envelope_create, envelope_create)
	synth = loris.synthesize(morph, 44100)
	loris.exportAiff( first_aiff+'morph.aiff',synth,44100, 1, 16 )

def thin_by_duration(partialList,minimum_duration):#stolen---
	iter = partialList.begin()
	end = partialList.end()
	tempList = loris.PartialList()
	tempIter = tempList.begin()
	while not iter.equals(end):
		part = iter.partial()
		dur = part.duration()
		if dur >= minimum_duration:
			tempIter = tempList.insert(tempIter, part)
			tempIter = tempIter.next()
			#print tempIter
		iter = iter.next()
		f = f + pos.frequency()
		n = n + 1
	p = clar.iterator().next()
	it = p.iterator()
	while not it.atEnd():
		f = f + it.next().frequency()
		n = n + 1
print "avg frequency of first distilled clarinet partial is", f/n

print 'shifting pitch of clarinet'
loris.shiftPitch( clar, loris.BreakpointEnvelope( -600 ) )

# check clarinet synthesis:
loris.exportAiff( 'clarOK.pytest.aiff', loris.synthesize( clar, samplerate ), samplerate, 16 )

#	analyze flute tone (reuse Analyzer)
print 'analyzing flute 4D (%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
a = loris.Analyzer( 270 )		# reconfigure Analyzer
a.setFreqDrift( 30 )
v = loris.AiffFile( os.path.join(path, 'flute.aiff') ).samples()
flut = a.analyze( v, samplerate )

loris.channelize( flut, loris.createFreqReference( flut, 291*.8, 291*1.2, 50 ), 1 )
loris.distill( flut )

# check flute synthesis:
loris.exportAiff( 'flutOK.pytest.aiff', loris.synthesize( flut, samplerate ), samplerate, 16 )
Exemple #5
print 'flute times:', flute_times
loris.dilate( flut, flute_times, tgt_times )
print 'clarinet times:', clar_times
loris.dilate( clar, clar_times, tgt_times )
print 'cello times:', cel_times
loris.dilate( cel, cel_times, tgt_times )

#	synthesize and save dilated sources
# Save the synthesized samples files, and SDIF files
# for each dilated source.
fname = 'flute.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( flut, samplerate ), samplerate, 16 )
fname = 'flute.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif( fname, flut )

fname = 'clar.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( clar, samplerate ), samplerate, 16 )
fname = 'clarinet.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif( fname, clar )

fname = 'cello.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( cel, samplerate ), samplerate, 16 )
fname = 'cello.dilated.sdif'
Exemple #6
        f = f + pos.frequency()
        n = n + 1
    p = clar.iterator().next()
    it = p.iterator()
    while not it.atEnd():
        f = f + it.next().frequency()
        n = n + 1

print "avg frequency of first distilled clarinet partial is", f / n

print 'shifting pitch of clarinet'
loris.shiftPitch(clar, loris.LinearEnvelope(-600))

# check clarinet synthesis:
loris.exportAiff('clarOK.pytest.aiff', loris.synthesize(clar, samplerate),
                 samplerate, 16)

#   analyze flute tone
print 'analyzing flute 4D (%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
a = loris.Analyzer(270)  # reconfigure Analyzer
v = loris.AiffFile(os.path.join(path, 'flute.aiff')).samples()
flut = a.analyze(v, samplerate)

# loris.channelize( flut, loris.createFreqReference( flut, 291*.8, 291*1.2, 50 ), 1 )
refenv = a.fundamentalEnv()
loris.channelize(flut, refenv, 1)
Exemple #7
print 'flute times:', flute_times
loris.dilate(flut, flute_times, tgt_times)
print 'clarinet times:', clar_times
loris.dilate(clar, clar_times, tgt_times)
print 'cello times:', cel_times
loris.dilate(cel, cel_times, tgt_times)

#	synthesize and save dilated sources
# Save the synthesized samples files, and SDIF files
# for each dilated source.
fname = 'flute.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff(fname, loris.synthesize(flut, samplerate), samplerate, 16)
fname = 'flute.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif(fname, flut)

fname = 'clar.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff(fname, loris.synthesize(clar, samplerate), samplerate, 16)
fname = 'clarinet.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif(fname, clar)

fname = 'cello.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff(fname, loris.synthesize(cel, samplerate), samplerate, 16)
fname = 'cello.dilated.sdif'
Exemple #8
def read(midi, crossover=0, fade_start=0):
    frequency = get_frequency(midi)
    loop_start = Durations[midi] - 0.3

    def get_partials(frames):
        analyzer = loris.Analyzer(0.8 * frequency, frequency)
        analyzer.setFreqDrift(0.48 * frequency)

        partials = analyzer.analyze(frames, SAMPLE_RATE)

        stretch = compute_stretch_factor(partials, frequency)
        if (stretch < 0): stretch = 0

        #        loris.resample(partials, 0.01)
        loris.Channelizer(frequency, stretch).channelize(partials)

        return partials

    def crop_and_extend(partials):
        loris.crop(partials, 0, loop_start)

        for p in partials:
            last = p.last()
            p.insert(loop_start + 6,
                     loris.Breakpoint(last.frequency(), last.amplitude(), 0))

    # Read file into frames
    noise_frames = read_file("./Input/noise-%s" % midi, rate=SAMPLE_RATE)
    tonal_frames = read_file("./Input/tonal-%s" % midi, rate=SAMPLE_RATE)

    tonal_frames = tonal_frames[:SAMPLE_RATE * math.ceil(loop_start + 1)]
    left_frames = tonal_frames[:, 0]
    right_frames = tonal_frames[:, 1]

    # Get partials for left and right frames
    left_all_partials = get_partials(left_frames)
    right_all_partials = get_partials(right_frames)

    # Retune all partials
    for p in left_all_partials:
        freq = p.label() * frequency
        for bp in p:

    for p in right_all_partials:
        freq = p.label() * frequency
        for bp in p:

    # Extract lower and higher partials into separate partial lists
    left_lower_partials = get_lower_partials(left_all_partials, crossover)
    right_lower_partials = get_lower_partials(right_all_partials, crossover)
    left_higher_partials = get_higher_partials(left_all_partials, crossover)
    right_higher_partials = get_higher_partials(right_all_partials, crossover)

    # Create mono signal for lower partials.
    lower_partials = merge_partials(left_lower_partials, right_lower_partials)


    # Make loop partials.  These are the lower partials, but with amplitudes frozen at the start loop point
    loop_partials = make_loop_partials(lower_partials, loop_start)
    loop_frames = np.array(loris.synthesize(loop_partials, SAMPLE_RATE))
    loop_length = LoopCounts[midi] * 2
    loop_frames = get_looped_frames(loop_frames,

    # Synthesize lower partials, combine with upper frames
    nonloop_frames = np.array(loris.synthesize(lower_partials, SAMPLE_RATE))

    loop_start_index = int(loop_start * SAMPLE_RATE)
    lower_frames = np.zeros(len(loop_frames))
    lower_frames[:loop_start_index] = nonloop_frames[:loop_start_index]
    lower_frames[loop_start_index:] = loop_frames[loop_start_index:]

    tonal_left_frames = np.array(
        loris.synthesize(left_higher_partials, SAMPLE_RATE))
    tonal_right_frames = np.array(
        loris.synthesize(right_higher_partials, SAMPLE_RATE))

    fade_start = 0

    fade_start_index = int(fade_start * SAMPLE_RATE)
    loop_start_index = int(loop_start * SAMPLE_RATE)

    combined_left = get_combined_frames(tonal_left_frames, noise_frames[:, 0])
    combined_right = get_combined_frames(tonal_right_frames, noise_frames[:,

    fade_out(combined_left[fade_start_index:loop_start_index], 2)
    fade_out(combined_right[fade_start_index:loop_start_index], 2)

    combined_left[loop_start_index:] = 0
    combined_right[loop_start_index:] = 0

    combined_left = get_combined_frames(lower_frames, combined_left)
    combined_right = get_combined_frames(lower_frames, combined_right)

    # Find highest point of combined
    max_value = 0
    max_index = 0
    for i in range(0, len(combined_left)):
        if combined_left[i] > max_value:
            max_value = combined_left[i]
            max_index = i

    fade_len = 441

    combined_left = combined_left[max_index - fade_len:]
    combined_right = combined_right[max_index - fade_len:]


    combined = make_stereo(combined_left, combined_right)

    write_file("./Intermediate/result-%s.wav" % midi, combined, SAMPLE_RATE)
Exemple #9
def get_frames_without_partials(frames, partials):
    to_remove = np.array(loris.synthesize(partials, SAMPLE_RATE))
    to_remove *= -1

    return get_combined_frames(frames, to_remove)
print 'flute times:', flute_times
loris.dilate( flut, str(flute_times), str(tgt_times) )
print 'clarinet times:', clar_times
loris.dilate( clar, str(clar_times), str(tgt_times) )
print 'cello times:', cel_times
loris.dilate( cel, str(cel_times), str(tgt_times) )

#	synthesize and save dilated sources
# Save the synthesized samples files, and SDIF files
# for each dilated source.
fname = 'flute.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( flut, samplerate ), samplerate, 1, 16 )
fname = 'flute.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif( fname, flut )

fname = 'clar.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( clar, samplerate ), samplerate, 1, 16 )
fname = 'clarinet.dilated.sdif'
print 'exporting sdif file:', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportSdif( fname, clar )

fname = 'cello.dilated.aiff'
print 'synthesizing', fname, '(%s)' % time.ctime(time.time())
loris.exportAiff( fname, loris.synthesize( cel, samplerate ), samplerate, 1, 16 )
fname = 'cello.dilated.sdif'