def train_step(lr, hr, generator, discriminator, content): with tf.GradientTape() as gen_tape, tf.GradientTape() as disc_tape: ## re-scale ## lr: 0 ~ 1 ## hr: -1 ~ 1 lr = tf.cast(lr, tf.float32) hr = tf.cast(hr, tf.float32) lr = lr / 255 hr = hr / 127.5 - 1 sr = generator(lr, training=True) sr_output = discriminator(sr, training=True) hr_output = discriminator(hr, training=True) disc_loss = discriminator_loss(sr_output, hr_output) mse_loss = mse_based_loss(sr, hr) gen_loss = generator_loss(sr_output) cont_loss = content_loss(content, sr, hr) perceptual_loss = mse_loss + cont_loss + 1e-3 * gen_loss gradients_of_generator = gen_tape.gradient( perceptual_loss, generator.trainable_variables) gradients_of_discriminator = disc_tape.gradient( disc_loss, discriminator.trainable_variables) generator_optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients_of_generator, generator.trainable_variables)) discriminator_optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients_of_discriminator, discriminator.trainable_variables)) return perceptual_loss, disc_loss
def train(model, img, art, photo, epoch_num, device, content_name_list, style_name_list): args = arg_parser() features = vgg19_features(model, content_name_list, style_name_list, device) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([img.requires_grad_()],, momentum=args.momentum) _, art_style = features.extract_features(art) art_style = [i_style.detach() for i_style in art_style] photo_content, _ = features.extract_features(photo) photo_content = [i_content.detach() for i_content in photo_content] for epoch in range(epoch_num): end_time = time.time() img_content, img_style = features.extract_features(img) C_loss = content_loss(img_content, photo_content) S_loss = style_loss(img_style, art_style) loss = C_loss * args.content_weight + S_loss optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if epoch % args.log == 0: print('[{0}/{1}]\ttime:{time:.2f}\tloss:{loss:.4f}'.format(epoch, epoch_num,\ time=time.time()-end_time, loss=loss.item()*1e6)) print(C_loss.item(), S_loss.item()) if epoch % args.save_fre == 0: save_img(epoch, img), 1) return img
# get style layer from constant network network =, 0) style_layer = [['conv' + str(i) + '_1']) for i in range(1, 6) ] # get content layer from constant network network =, 0) content_layer =['conv4_2']) # style transfer network network =, 1) pred_style = [network['conv' + str(i) + '_1'] for i in range(1, 6)] pred_content = network['conv4_2'] style_loss = loss.style_loss(style_layer, pred_style) content_loss = loss.content_loss(content_layer, pred_content) total_loss = args.ALPHA * content_loss + args.BETA * style_loss default_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) vgg_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='vggnet') optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(args.learning_rate).minimize( loss=total_loss, var_list=default_vars + vgg_vars) saver = tf.train.Saver() # train print('Training Start !!!')
correct_predictions = tf.equal(tf.argmax(discrim_predictions, 1), tf.argmax(discrim_target, 1)) discim_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32)) # 2) content loss ''' CONTENT_LAYER = 'relu5_4' enhanced_vgg =, vgg.preprocess(enhanced * 255)) dslr_vgg =, vgg.preprocess(dslr_image * 255)) content_size = utils._tensor_size(dslr_vgg[CONTENT_LAYER]) * batch_size loss_content = 2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(enhanced_vgg[CONTENT_LAYER] - dslr_vgg[CONTENT_LAYER]) / content_size ''' loss_content = loss.content_loss(dslr_image, enhanced, batch_size) # 3) color loss enhanced_blur = lutils.blur(enhanced) dslr_blur = lutils.blur(dslr_image) #loss_color = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(dslr_blur - enhanced_blur, 2))/(2 * batch_size) loss_color = tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs(dslr_image - enhanced)) / (2 * batch_size) #loss_color = loss.color_loss(dslr_image, enhanced, batch_size) # 4) total variation loss batch_shape = (batch_size, PATCH_WIDTH, PATCH_HEIGHT, 3) tv_y_size = lutils._tensor_size(enhanced[:, 1:, :, :])
def DST(input_im, content_im, style_im, extractor, content_path, style_path, content_pts, style_pts, style_pts_path, output_dir, output_prefix, im_size=256, max_iter=250, checkpoint_iter=50, content_weight=8., warp_weight=0.3, reg_weight=10, scales=3, pyr_levs=5, sharp_warp=False, optim='adam', lr=1e-3, warp_lr_fac=1., verbose=False, save_intermediate=False, save_extra=False, device='cuda:0'): # If warp weight is 0, run the base method STROTSS use_DST = True if warp_weight == 0.: use_DST = False # Initialize warp parameters src_Kpts, target_Kpts, border_Kpts, no_flow_Kpts = init_keypoint_params( input_im, content_path, content_pts, style_pts, device) thetas_Kpts = Variable(torch.rand_like(src_Kpts).data * 1e-4, requires_grad=True) # Clamp the target points so that they don't go outside the boundary target_Kpts[:, 0] = torch.clamp(target_Kpts[:, 0], min=5, max=content_im.size(2) - 5) target_Kpts[:, 1] = torch.clamp(target_Kpts[:, 1], min=5, max=content_im.size(3) - 5) target_Kpts_o = target_Kpts.clone().detach() # Assign colors to each set of points (used for visualization only) np.random.seed(1) colors = [] for j in range(src_Kpts.shape[0]): colors.append(np.random.random(size=3)) # Initialize pixel parameters s_pyr = dec_lap_pyr(input_im, pyr_levs) s_pyr = [Variable(, requires_grad=True) for li in s_pyr] # Define parameters to be optimized s_pyr_list = [{'params': si} for si in s_pyr] if use_DST: thetas_opt_list = [{'params': thetas_Kpts, 'lr': lr * warp_lr_fac}] else: thetas_opt_list = [] # Construct optimizer if optim == 'sgd': optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(s_pyr_list + thetas_opt_list, lr=lr, momentum=0.9) elif optim == 'rmsprop': optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(s_pyr_list + thetas_opt_list, lr=lr) else: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(s_pyr_list + thetas_opt_list, lr=lr) # Set scales scale_list = list(range(scales)) if scales == 1: scale_list = [0] # Create lists to store various loss values ell_list = [] ell_style_list = [] ell_content_list = [] ell_warp_list = [] ell_warp_TV_list = [] # Iteratively stylize over more levels of image pyramid for scale in scale_list: down_fac = 2**(scales - 1 - scale) begin_ind = (scales - 1 - scale) content_weight_scaled = content_weight * down_fac print('\nOptimizing at scale {}, image size ({}, {})'.format( scale + 1, content_im.size(2) // down_fac, content_im.size(3) // down_fac)) if down_fac > 1.: content_im_scaled = F.interpolate(content_im, (content_im.size(2) // down_fac, content_im.size(3) // down_fac), mode='bilinear') style_im_scaled = F.interpolate( style_im, (style_im.size(2) // down_fac, style_im.size(3) // down_fac), mode='bilinear') else: content_im_scaled = content_im.clone() style_im_scaled = style_im.clone() # Compute feature maps that won't change for this scale with torch.no_grad(): feat_content = extractor(content_im_scaled) feat_style = None for i in range(5): with torch.no_grad(): feat_e = extractor.forward_samples_hypercolumn( style_im_scaled, samps=1000) feat_style = feat_e if feat_style is None else (feat_style, feat_e), dim=2) feat_max = 3 + 2 * 64 + 2 * 128 + 3 * 256 + 2 * 512 # 2179 = sum of all extracted channels spatial_style = feat_style.view(1, feat_max, -1, 1) xx, xy = sample_indices(feat_content[0], feat_style) # Begin optimization for this scale for i in range(max_iter): optimizer.zero_grad() # Get current stylized image from the laplacian pyramid curr_im = syn_lap_pyr(s_pyr[begin_ind:]) new_im = curr_im.clone() content_im_warp = content_im_scaled.clone() # Generate destination points with the current thetas src_Kpts_aug, dst_Kpts_aug, flow_Kpts_aug = gen_dst_pts_keypoints( src_Kpts, thetas_Kpts, no_flow_Kpts, border_Kpts) # Calculate warp loss ell_warp = torch.norm(target_Kpts_o - dst_Kpts_aug[:target_Kpts.size(0)], dim=1).mean() # Scale points to [0-1] src_Kpts_aug = src_Kpts_aug / torch.max( src_Kpts_aug, 0, keepdim=True)[0] dst_Kpts_aug = dst_Kpts_aug / torch.max( dst_Kpts_aug, 0, keepdim=True)[0] dst_Kpts_aug = torch.clamp(dst_Kpts_aug, min=0., max=1.) # Warp new_im, content_im_warp, warp_field = apply_warp( new_im, [src_Kpts_aug], [dst_Kpts_aug], device, sharp=sharp_warp, im2=content_im_warp) new_im = # Calculate total variation ell_warp_TV = TV(warp_field) # Extract VGG features of warped and unwarped stylized images feat_result_warped = extractor(new_im) feat_result_unwarped = extractor(curr_im) # Sample features to calculate losses with n = 2048 if i % 1 == 0 and i != 0: np.random.shuffle(xx) np.random.shuffle(xy) spatial_result_warped, spatial_content = spatial_feature_extract( feat_result_warped, feat_content, xx[:n], xy[:n]) spatial_result_unwarped, _ = spatial_feature_extract( feat_result_unwarped, feat_content, xx[:n], xy[:n]) # Content loss ell_content = content_loss(spatial_result_unwarped, spatial_content) # Style loss # Lstyle(Unwarped X, S) loss_remd1 = remd_loss(spatial_result_unwarped, spatial_style, cos_d=True) loss_moment1 = moment_loss(spatial_result_unwarped, spatial_style, moments=[1, 2]) loss_color1 = remd_loss(spatial_result_unwarped[:, :3, :, :], spatial_style[:, :3, :, :], cos_d=False) loss_style1 = loss_remd1 + loss_moment1 + ( 1. / max(content_weight_scaled, 1.)) * loss_color1 # Lstyle(Warped X, S) loss_remd2 = remd_loss(spatial_result_warped, spatial_style, cos_d=True) loss_moment2 = moment_loss(spatial_result_warped, spatial_style, moments=[1, 2]) loss_color2 = remd_loss(spatial_result_warped[:, :3, :, :], spatial_style[:, :3, :, :], cos_d=False) loss_style2 = loss_remd2 + loss_moment2 + ( 1. / max(content_weight_scaled, 1.)) * loss_color2 # Total loss if use_DST: ell_style = loss_style1 + loss_style2 ell = content_weight_scaled * ell_content + ell_style + warp_weight * ell_warp + reg_weight * ell_warp_TV else: ell_style = loss_style1 ell = content_weight_scaled * ell_content + ell_style # Record loss values ell_list.append(ell.item()) ell_content_list.append(ell_content.item()) ell_style_list.append(ell_style.item()) ell_warp_list.append(ell_warp.item()) ell_warp_TV_list.append(ell_warp_TV.item()) # Output intermediate loss if i == 0 or i % checkpoint_iter == 0: print(' STEP {:03d}: Loss {:04.3f}'.format(i, ell)) if verbose: print(' = alpha*Lcontent {:04.3f}'.format( content_weight_scaled * ell_content)) print(' + Lstyle {:04.3f}'.format(ell_style)) print(' + beta*Lwarp {:04.3f}'.format( warp_weight * ell_warp)) print(' + gamma*TV {:04.3f}'.format( reg_weight * ell_warp_TV)) if save_intermediate: plot_intermediate(new_im, content_im_warp, output_dir, output_prefix, colors, down_fac, src_Kpts, thetas_Kpts, target_Kpts, scale, i) # Take a gradient step ell.backward() optimizer.step() # Optimization finished src_Kpts_aug, dst_Kpts_aug, flow_Kpts_aug = gen_dst_pts_keypoints( src_Kpts, thetas_Kpts, no_flow_Kpts, border_Kpts) sizes = torch.FloatTensor([new_im.size(2), new_im.size(3)]).to(device) src_Kpts_aug = src_Kpts_aug / sizes dst_Kpts_aug = dst_Kpts_aug / sizes dst_Kpts_aug = torch.clamp(dst_Kpts_aug, min=0., max=1.) dst_Kpts = dst_Kpts_aug[:src_Kpts.size(0)] # Apply final warp sharp_final = True new_im = curr_im.clone() content_im_warp = content_im.clone() new_im, _ = apply_warp(new_im, [src_Kpts_aug], [dst_Kpts_aug], device, sharp=sharp_final) # Optionally save loss, keypoints, and optimized warp parameter thetas if save_extra: save_plots(im_size, curr_im, new_im, content_im, style_im, output_dir, output_prefix, style_path, style_pts_path, colors, src_Kpts, src_Kpts_aug, dst_Kpts * sizes, dst_Kpts_aug, target_Kpts, target_Kpts_o, border_Kpts, device) save_loss(output_dir, output_prefix, content_weight, warp_weight, reg_weight, max_iter, scale_list, ell_list, ell_style_list, ell_content_list, ell_warp_list, ell_warp_TV_list) save_points(output_dir, output_prefix, src_Kpts, dst_Kpts * sizes, src_Kpts_aug * sizes, dst_Kpts_aug * sizes, target_Kpts, thetas_Kpts) # Return the stylized output image return new_im
def style_transfer(content_img_path, img_size, style_img_path, style_size, content_layer, content_weight, style_layers, style_weights, tv_weight, init_random=False): """Perform style transfer from style image to source content image Args: content_img_path (str): File location of the content image. img_size (int): Size of the smallest content image dimension. style_img_path (str): File location of the style image. style_size (int): Size of the smallest style image dimension. content_layer (int): Index of the layer to use for content loss. content_weight (float): Scalar weight for content loss. style_layers ([]int): Indices of layers to use for style loss. style_weights ([]float): List of scalar weights to use for each layer in style_layers. tv_weigh (float): Scalar weight of total variation regularization term. init_random (boolean): Whether to initialize the starting image to uniform random noise. """ tf.reset_default_graph() config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) try: model = SqueezeNet(ckpt_path=CKPT_PATH, sess=sess) except NotFoundError: raise ValueError('checkpoint file is not found, please check %s' % CKPT_PATH) # Extract features from content image content_img = preprocess_image(load_image(content_img_path, size=img_size)) content_feats = model.extract_features(model.image) # Create content target content_target =[content_layer], {model.image: content_img[None]}) # Extract features from style image style_img = preprocess_image(load_image(style_img_path, size=style_size)) style_feats_by_layer = [content_feats[i] for i in style_layers] # Create style targets style_targets = [] for style_feats in style_feats_by_layer: style_targets.append(gram_matrix(style_feats)) style_targets =, {model.image: style_img[None]}) if init_random: generated_img = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform(content_img[None].shape, 0, 1), name="image") else: generated_img = tf.Variable(content_img[None], name="image") # Extract features from generated image current_feats = model.extract_features(generated_img) loss = content_loss(content_weight, current_feats[content_layer], content_target) + \ style_loss(current_feats, style_layers, style_targets, style_weights) + \ total_variation_loss(generated_img, tv_weight) # Set up optimization parameters init_learning_rate = 3.0 decayed_learning_rate = 0.1 max_iter = 200 learning_rate = tf.Variable(init_learning_rate, name="lr") with tf.variable_scope("optimizer") as opt_scope: train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( loss, var_list=[generated_img]) opt_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.variables_initializer([learning_rate, generated_img] + opt_vars)) # Create an op that will clamp the image values when run clamp_image_op = tf.assign(generated_img, tf.clip_by_value(generated_img, -1.5, 1.5)) display_content_and_style(content_img, style_img) for t in range(max_iter): if t < int(0.90 * max_iter): elif t == int(0.90 * max_iter):, decayed_learning_rate)) if t % 20 == 0: current_loss = print 'Iteration %d: %f' % (t, current_loss) img = plt.imshow(deprocess_image(img[0], rescale=True)) plt.axis('off')
discrim_target = tf.concat([adv_, 1 - adv_], 1) loss_discrim = -tf.reduce_sum( discrim_target * tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(discrim_predictions, 1e-10, 1.0))) loss_texture = -loss_discrim / 1000 correct_predictions = tf.equal(tf.argmax(discrim_predictions, 1), tf.argmax(discrim_target, 1)) discim_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32)) # 2. color loss: loss_color = 1000 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(out_image - gt_image)) # 3. content loss: loss_content = loss.content_loss(crop_gt_and_out[:, :, :, 0:3], crop_gt_and_out[:, :, :, 3:6], 5) / 1200 G_loss = loss_color + loss_texture + loss_content #+ loss_tv #t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() generator_vars = [ v for v in tf.global_variables() if"generator") ] discriminator_vars = [ v for v in tf.global_variables() if"discriminator") ] lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) G_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize( G_loss, var_list=generator_vars) D_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(
def optimize(): MODEL_DIR_NAME = os.path.dirname(FLAGS.MODEL_PATH) if not os.path.exists(MODEL_DIR_NAME): os.mkdir(MODEL_DIR_NAME) style_paths = FLAGS.STYLE_IMAGES.split(',') style_layers = FLAGS.STYLE_LAYERS.split(',') content_layers = FLAGS.CONTENT_LAYERS.split(',') # style gram matrix style_features_t = loss.get_style_features(style_paths, style_layers, FLAGS.IMAGE_SIZE, FLAGS.STYLE_SCALE, FLAGS.VGG_PATH) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: # train_images images = reader.image(FLAGS.BATCH_SIZE, FLAGS.IMAGE_SIZE, FLAGS.TRAIN_IMAGES_FOLDER, FLAGS.EPOCHS) generated = - vgg.MEAN_PIXEL, training=True) net, _ =, tf.concat([generated, images], 0) - vgg.MEAN_PIXEL) # 损失函数 content_loss = loss.content_loss(net, content_layers) style_loss = loss.style_loss( net, style_features_t, style_layers) / len(style_paths) total_loss = FLAGS.STYLE_WEIGHT * style_loss + FLAGS.CONTENT_WEIGHT * content_loss + \ FLAGS.TV_WEIGHT * loss.total_variation_loss(generated) # 准备训练 global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) variable_to_train = [] for variable in tf.trainable_variables(): if not'vgg19'): variable_to_train.append(variable) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.LEARNING_RATE).minimize( total_loss, global_step=global_step, var_list=variable_to_train) variables_to_restore = [] for v in tf.global_variables(): if not'vgg19'): variables_to_restore.append(v) # 开始训练 saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore, write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V1)[tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer()]) # 加载检查点 ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(MODEL_DIR_NAME) if ckpt:'Restoring model from {}'.format(ckpt)) saver.restore(sess, ckpt) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) start_time = time.time() try: while not coord.should_stop(): _, loss_t, step =[train_op, total_loss, global_step]) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time start_time = time.time() if step % 10 == 0: 'step: %d, total loss %f, secs/step: %f' % (step, loss_t, elapsed_time)) if step % 10000 == 0:, FLAGS.MODEL_PATH, global_step=step)'Save model') except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:, FLAGS.MODEL_PATH + '-done')'Done training -- epoch limit reached') finally: coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def train(options): content_weight = options.content_weight tv_weight = options.tv_weight initial_lr = options.initial_lr max_iter = options.max_iter style_weights = options.style_weights print_iterations = options.print_iterations img_size = options.img_size content = options.content style = output = options.output beta1 = options.beta1 beta2 = options.beta2 epsilon = options.epsilon h5_file = options.h5_file content_layer = 12 style_layers = [0, 3, 6, 11, 16] style_target_vars = [] print(tf.test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True)) contentImg = pre_img.load_image(content, size=img_size) contentImg = pre_img.preprocess_image(contentImg) styleImg = pre_img.load_image(style, size=img_size) styleImg = pre_img.preprocess_image(styleImg) img_var = tf.Variable(contentImg[None], name="image", dtype=tf.float32) lr_var = tf.Variable(initial_lr, name="lr") new_img_feats = vgg.extract_features(img_var, h5_file) content_img_feats = vgg.extract_features(contentImg[None], h5_file) style_img_feats = vgg.extract_features(styleImg[None], h5_file) for idx in style_layers: style_target_vars.append(loss.gram_matrix(style_img_feats[idx])) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)) as sess: style_loss = loss.style_loss(new_img_feats, style_layers, style_target_vars, style_weights) content_loss = loss.content_loss(content_weight, new_img_feats[content_layer], content_img_feats[content_layer]) tv_loss = loss.tv_loss(img_var, tv_weight) total_loss = style_loss + content_loss + tv_loss optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr_var, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2, epsilon=epsilon) training_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss, var_list=[img_var]) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() for t in range(max_iter): if print_iterations is not None and t % print_iterations == 0: new_image = img_var.eval() imageio.imwrite(output + '\\iteration_' + str(t) + '.jpg', pre_img.deprocess_image(new_image[0])) loss_val = s_loss = c_loss = print( str(t) + ':' + str(loss_val) + '\t' + str(s_loss) + '\t' + str(c_loss)) new_image = imageio.imwrite(output + '\\final.jpg', pre_img.deprocess_image(new_image[0]))