Exemple #1
    def forward_propagation(self, nn, x, y):
        This function implements the forward propagation algorithm following
        Deep Learning, pag. 205

        nn: nn.NeuralNetwork:
            a reference to the network

        x: numpy.ndarray
            a record, or batch, from the dataset

        y: numpy.ndarray
            the target array for the batch given in input

        The error between the predicted output and the target one.

        for i in range(nn.n_layers):
            self.a[i] = nn.b[i] + (nn.W[i].dot(x.T if i == 0 else self.h[i -
            self.h[i] = nn.activation[i](self.a[i])

        if nn.task == 'classifier':
            return lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1].T, y)
        return lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1].T, y)  # mee
Exemple #2
    def back_propagation(self, x, y):
        This function implements the back propagation algorithm following
        Deep Learning, pag. 206

        x: numpy.ndarray
            a record, or batch, from the dataset

        y: numpy.ndarray
            the target array for the batch given in input

        g = lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1], y.T, gradient=True)

        for layer in reversed(range(self.n_layers)):
            g = np.multiply(
            # update bias, sum over patterns
            self.delta_b[layer] = g.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

            # the dot product is summing over patterns
            self.delta_W[layer] = g.dot(self.h[layer - 1].T if layer != 0
                                        else x)
            # summing over previous layer units
            g = self.W[layer].T.dot(g)
Exemple #3
    def forward_propagation(self, x, y):
        This function implements the forward propagation algorithm following
        Deep Learning, pag. 205

        x: numpy.ndarray
            a record, or batch, from the dataset

        y: numpy.ndarray
            the target array for the batch given in input

        The error between the predicted output and the target one.
        for i in range(self.n_layers):
            self.a[i] = self.b[i] + (self.W[i].dot(x.T if i == 0
                                                   else self.h[i - 1]))

            self.h[i] = act.A_F[self.activation[i]]['f'](self.a[i])

        return lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1].T, y)
Exemple #4
    def back_propagation(self, nn, x, y):
        This function implements the back propagation algorithm following
        Deep Learning, pag. 206

        nn: nn.NeuralNetwork:
            a reference to the network

        x: numpy.ndarray
            a record, or batch, from the dataset

        y: numpy.ndarray
            the target array for the batch given in input


        start_time = dt.datetime.now()
        g = 0

        if nn.task == 'classifier':
            g = lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1], y.T, gradient=True)
            g = lss.mean_squared_error(self.h[-1], y.T, gradient=True)  # mee

        for layer in reversed(range(nn.n_layers)):
            g = np.multiply(g, nn.activation[layer](self.a[layer], dev=True))
            # update bias, sum over patterns
            self.delta_b[layer] = g.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

            # the dot product is summing over patterns
            self.delta_W[layer] = g.dot(self.h[layer -
                                               1].T if layer != 0 else x)
            # summing over previous layer units
            g = nn.W[layer].T.dot(g)
        self.statistics['time_bw'] += \
            (dt.datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000

        self.g = g
def train_online_iaf(model, optimizer, data_generator, iterations, batch_size, beta, p_bar=None, 
                     clip_value=None, global_step=None, transform=None, beta_max=1.0,
                     beta_step=250, beta_increment=0.01):
    Utility function to perform the # number of training loops given by the itertations argument.

    model           : tf.keras.Model -- the invertible chaoin with an optional summary net
                                        both models are jointly trained
    optimizer       : tf.train.optimizers.Optimizer -- the optimizer used for backprop
    data_generator  : callable -- a function providing batches of X, theta (data, params)
    iterations      : int -- the number of training loops to perform
    batch_size      : int -- the batch_size used for training
    p_bar           : ProgressBar -- an instance for tracking the training progress
    clip_value      : float       -- the value used for clipping the gradients
    global_step     : tf.EagerVariavle -- a scalar tensor tracking the number of 
                                          steps and used for learning rate decay  
    transform       : callable ot None -- a function to transform X and theta, if given
    n_smooth        : int -- a value indicating how many values to use for computing the running ML loss

    losses : dict -- a dictionary with the ml_loss and decay
    # Prepare a dictionary to track losses
    losses = {
        'kl_loss': [],
        'rec_loss': [],
        'decay': []
    # Run training loop
    for it in range(1, iterations+1):
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # Generate data and parameters
            X_batch, theta_batch = data_generator(batch_size)
            # Apply some transformation, if specified
            if transform:
                X_batch, theta_batch = transform(X_batch, theta_batch)

            # Sanity check for non-empty tensors
            if tf.equal(X_batch.shape[0], 0).numpy():
                print('Iteration produced empty tensor, skipping...')

            # Forward pass
            theta_hat, z, logqz_x = model(theta_batch, X_batch)
            # Compute losses
            kl = kullback_leibler_iaf(z, logqz_x, beta)
            rec = mean_squared_error(theta_batch, theta_hat)
            decay = tf.add_n(model.losses)
            total_loss = kl + rec + decay 

        # Store losses

        # One step backprop
        gradients = tape.gradient(total_loss, model.trainable_variables)
        if clip_value is not None:
            gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, clip_value)
        apply_gradients(optimizer, gradients, model.trainable_variables, global_step)  

        # Increase beta every beta_step iterations
        if (global_step.numpy() + 1) % beta_step == 0:
            tf.assign(beta, min(beta_max, beta.numpy() + beta_increment))

        # Update progress bar
        p_bar.set_postfix_str("Iteration: {0},Rec Loss: {1:.3f},KL Loss: {2:.3f},Regularization Loss: {3:.3f},Beta: {4:.2f}"
        .format(it, rec.numpy(), kl.numpy(), decay.numpy(), beta.numpy()))

    return losses
Exemple #6
 def forward(self, y, t):
     self.y = y
     self.t = t
     return mean_squared_error(self.y, self.t)
Exemple #7
        # TODO: Not check.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    img = Image.open(b"../../../LFW/match pairs/0001/Aaron_Peirsol_0001.jpg")
    # print(img.size)
    img = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)
    # print(img.shape)
    z = np.random.rand(10, 51, 51, 3).astype(np.float32)
    # print(z)
    Conv1 = Convolution(z.shape, out_channels=4, kernel_size=2, stride=1, learning_rate=0.00001)
    out1 = Conv1.forward(z)
    pooling1 = Pooling(out1.shape, pool_size=2)
    out2 = pooling1.forward(out1)
    Conv2 = Convolution(out2.shape, out_channels=5 ,kernel_size=2, stride=1, learning_rate=0.00001)
    y_pred = Conv2.forward(out2)
    y_true = np.ones((10, 24, 24, 5)).astype(np.float32)
    for i in range(10):
        error, dy = losses.mean_squared_error(y_pred, y_true)
        eta3to2 = Conv2.gradient(dy)
        eta2to1 = pooling1.gradient(eta3to2)
        _ = Conv1.gradient(eta2to1)
        out1 = Conv1.forward(z)
        out2 = pooling1.forward(out1)
        y_pred = Conv2.forward(out2)