Exemple #1
    def mergeTranslationMessages(self):
        """Share `TranslationMessage`s between templates where possible."""
        order_check = OrderingCheck(key=methodcaller('sharingKey'),
        for template_number, template in enumerate(self.potemplates):
            log.info("Merging template %d/%d." %
                     (template_number + 1, len(self.potemplates)))
            deletions = 0
            potmsgset_ids = self._getPOTMsgSetIds(template)
            for potmsgset_id in potmsgset_ids:
                potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(potmsgset_id)

                tm_ids = self._partitionTranslationMessageIds(potmsgset)
                before = sum([len(sublist) for sublist in tm_ids], 0)

                for ids in tm_ids:
                    for id in ids:
                        message = TranslationMessage.get(id)


                after = potmsgset.getAllTranslationMessages().count()
                deletions += max(0, before - after)

            report = "Deleted TranslationMessages: %d." % deletions
            if deletions > 0:
                log.log(DEBUG2, report)
    def mergeTranslationMessages(self):
        """Share `TranslationMessage`s between templates where possible."""
        order_check = OrderingCheck(
            key=methodcaller('sharingKey'), reverse=True)
        for template_number, template in enumerate(self.potemplates):
            log.info("Merging template %d/%d." % (
                template_number + 1, len(self.potemplates)))
            deletions = 0
            potmsgset_ids = self._getPOTMsgSetIds(template)
            for potmsgset_id in potmsgset_ids:
                potmsgset = POTMsgSet.get(potmsgset_id)

                tm_ids = self._partitionTranslationMessageIds(potmsgset)
                before = sum([len(sublist) for sublist in tm_ids], 0)

                for ids in tm_ids:
                    for id in ids:
                        message = TranslationMessage.get(id)


                after = potmsgset.getAllTranslationMessages().count()
                deletions += max(0, before - after)

            report = "Deleted TranslationMessages: %d." % deletions
            if deletions > 0:
                log.log(DEBUG2, report)
    def _scrubPOTMsgSetTranslations(self, potmsgset):
        """Map out translations for `potmsgset`, and eliminate duplicates.

        In the transition period for message sharing, there may be
        duplicate TranslationMessages that may upset assumptions in the
        code.  Clean those up.
        # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2009-06-15
        # spec=message-sharing-prevent-duplicates: We're going to have a
        # unique index again at some point that will prevent this.  When
        # it becomes impossible to test this function, this whole
        # migration phase can be scrapped.
        ids_per_language = self._partitionTranslationMessageIds(potmsgset)


        deletions = 0

        for ids in ids_per_language:
            translations = {}

            for tm_id in ids:
                tm = TranslationMessage.get(tm_id)
                key = self._getPOTMsgSetTranslationMessageKey(tm)

                if key in translations:
                    language_code = tm.language.code
                        "Cleaning up identical '%s' message for: \"%s\"" % (
                            language_code, potmsgset.singular_text))

                    existing_tm = translations[key]
                    assert tm != existing_tm, (
                        "Message is duplicate of itself.")
                    assert tm.potmsgset == existing_tm.potmsgset, (
                        "Different potmsgsets considered identical.")
                    assert tm.potemplate == existing_tm.potemplate, (
                        "Different potemplates considered identical.")

                    # Transfer any current/imported flags to the existing
                    # message, and delete the duplicate.
                    bequeathe_flags(tm, existing_tm)
                    deletions += 1
                    translations[key] = tm


        report = "Deleted TranslationMessages: %d" % deletions
        if deletions > 0:
            log.log(DEBUG2, report)
Exemple #4
    def _scrubPOTMsgSetTranslations(self, potmsgset):
        """Map out translations for `potmsgset`, and eliminate duplicates.

        In the transition period for message sharing, there may be
        duplicate TranslationMessages that may upset assumptions in the
        code.  Clean those up.
        # XXX JeroenVermeulen 2009-06-15
        # spec=message-sharing-prevent-duplicates: We're going to have a
        # unique index again at some point that will prevent this.  When
        # it becomes impossible to test this function, this whole
        # migration phase can be scrapped.
        ids_per_language = self._partitionTranslationMessageIds(potmsgset)


        deletions = 0

        for ids in ids_per_language:
            translations = {}

            for tm_id in ids:
                tm = TranslationMessage.get(tm_id)
                key = self._getPOTMsgSetTranslationMessageKey(tm)

                if key in translations:
                    language_code = tm.language.code
                    log.info("Cleaning up identical '%s' message for: \"%s\"" %
                             (language_code, potmsgset.singular_text))

                    existing_tm = translations[key]
                    assert tm != existing_tm, (
                        "Message is duplicate of itself.")
                    assert tm.potmsgset == existing_tm.potmsgset, (
                        "Different potmsgsets considered identical.")
                    assert tm.potemplate == existing_tm.potemplate, (
                        "Different potemplates considered identical.")

                    # Transfer any current/imported flags to the existing
                    # message, and delete the duplicate.
                    bequeathe_flags(tm, existing_tm)
                    deletions += 1
                    translations[key] = tm


        report = "Deleted TranslationMessages: %d" % deletions
        if deletions > 0:
            log.log(DEBUG2, report)
def execute_slonik(script, sync=None, exit_on_fail=True, auto_preamble=True):
    """Use the slonik command line tool to run a slonik script.

    :param script: The script as a string. Preamble should not be included.

    :param sync: Number of seconds to wait for sync before failing. 0 to
                 block indefinitely.

    :param exit_on_fail: If True, on failure of the slonik script
                         SystemExit is raised using the slonik return code.

    :param auto_preamble: If True, the generated preamble will be
                          automatically included.

    :returns: True if the script completed successfully. False if
              exit_on_fail is False and the script failed for any reason.

    # Add the preamble and optional sync to the script.
    if auto_preamble:
        script = preamble() + script

    if sync is not None:
        sync_script = dedent("""\
            sync (id = @master_node);
            wait for event (
                origin = @master_node, confirmed = ALL,
                wait on = @master_node, timeout = %d);
            """ % sync)
        script = script + sync_script

    # Copy the script to a NamedTemporaryFile rather than just pumping it
    # to slonik via stdin. This way it can be examined if slonik appears
    # to hang.
    script_on_disk = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="slonik", suffix=".sk")
    print >> script_on_disk, script

    # Run slonik
    log.debug("Executing slonik script %s" % script_on_disk.name)
    log.log(DEBUG2, 'Running script:\n%s' % script)
    returncode = subprocess.call(['slonik', script_on_disk.name])

    if returncode != 0:
        log.error("slonik script failed")
        if exit_on_fail:
            raise SystemExit(1)

    return returncode == 0
def execute_slonik(script, sync=None, exit_on_fail=True, auto_preamble=True):
    """Use the slonik command line tool to run a slonik script.

    :param script: The script as a string. Preamble should not be included.

    :param sync: Number of seconds to wait for sync before failing. 0 to
                 block indefinitely.

    :param exit_on_fail: If True, on failure of the slonik script
                         SystemExit is raised using the slonik return code.

    :param auto_preamble: If True, the generated preamble will be
                          automatically included.

    :returns: True if the script completed successfully. False if
              exit_on_fail is False and the script failed for any reason.

    # Add the preamble and optional sync to the script.
    if auto_preamble:
        script = preamble() + script

    if sync is not None:
        sync_script = dedent("""\
            sync (id = @master_node);
            wait for event (
                origin = @master_node, confirmed = ALL,
                wait on = @master_node, timeout = %d);
            """ % sync)
        script = script + sync_script

    # Copy the script to a NamedTemporaryFile rather than just pumping it
    # to slonik via stdin. This way it can be examined if slonik appears
    # to hang.
    script_on_disk = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="slonik", suffix=".sk")
    print >> script_on_disk, script

    # Run slonik
    log.debug("Executing slonik script %s" % script_on_disk.name)
    log.log(DEBUG2, 'Running script:\n%s' % script)
    returncode = subprocess.call(['slonik', script_on_disk.name])

    if returncode != 0:
        log.error("slonik script failed")
        if exit_on_fail:
            raise SystemExit(1)

    return returncode == 0
    def mergePOTMsgSets(self):
        """Merge POTMsgSets for given sequence of sharing templates."""
        subordinates, representative_templates = self._mapRepresentatives()

        num_representatives = len(subordinates)
        representative_num = 0

        for representative, potmsgsets in subordinates.iteritems():
            representative_num += 1
            log.debug("Message %d/%d: %d subordinate(s)." % (
                representative_num, num_representatives, len(potmsgsets)))

            seen_potmsgsets = set([representative.id])

            potmsgset_deletions = 0
            tm_deletions = 0

            # Merge each subordinate POTMsgSet into its representative.
            for subordinate in potmsgsets:
                if subordinate.id in seen_potmsgsets:


                for message in subordinate.getAllTranslationMessages():
                    message = removeSecurityProxy(message)

                    clashing_current, clashing_imported, twin = (
                            message, representative, message.potemplate))

                    if clashing_current or clashing_imported:
                        saved = self._saveByDiverging(
                            message, representative, subordinate)
                        saved = False

                    if not saved:
                        if twin is None:
                            # This message will have to lose some flags, but
                            # then it can still move to the new potmsgset.
                                (clashing_current, clashing_imported))
                            message.potmsgset = representative
                            # This message is identical in contents to one
                            # that was more representative.  It'll have to
                            # die, but maybe it can bequeathe some of its
                            # status to the existing message.
                            # Since there are no clashes, there's no need to
                            # check for clashes with other current/imported
                            # messages in the target context.
                                message, twin,
                                (clashing_current, clashing_imported))
                            tm_deletions += 1

                    subordinate, representative,
                potmsgset_deletions += 1


            report = "Deleted POTMsgSets: %d.  TranslationMessages: %d." % (
                potmsgset_deletions, tm_deletions)
            if potmsgset_deletions > 0 or tm_deletions > 0:
                log.log(DEBUG2, report)
Exemple #8
    def mergePOTMsgSets(self):
        """Merge POTMsgSets for given sequence of sharing templates."""
        subordinates, representative_templates = self._mapRepresentatives()

        num_representatives = len(subordinates)
        representative_num = 0

        for representative, potmsgsets in subordinates.iteritems():
            representative_num += 1
                "Message %d/%d: %d subordinate(s)." %
                (representative_num, num_representatives, len(potmsgsets)))

            seen_potmsgsets = set([representative.id])

            potmsgset_deletions = 0
            tm_deletions = 0

            # Merge each subordinate POTMsgSet into its representative.
            for subordinate in potmsgsets:
                if subordinate.id in seen_potmsgsets:


                for message in subordinate.getAllTranslationMessages():
                    message = removeSecurityProxy(message)

                    clashing_current, clashing_imported, twin = (
                        self._findClashes(message, representative,

                    if clashing_current or clashing_imported:
                        saved = self._saveByDiverging(message, representative,
                        saved = False

                    if not saved:
                        if twin is None:
                            # This message will have to lose some flags, but
                            # then it can still move to the new potmsgset.
                                message, (clashing_current, clashing_imported))
                            message.potmsgset = representative
                            # This message is identical in contents to one
                            # that was more representative.  It'll have to
                            # die, but maybe it can bequeathe some of its
                            # status to the existing message.
                            # Since there are no clashes, there's no need to
                            # check for clashes with other current/imported
                            # messages in the target context.
                                message, twin,
                                (clashing_current, clashing_imported))
                            tm_deletions += 1

                    subordinate, representative,
                potmsgset_deletions += 1


            report = "Deleted POTMsgSets: %d.  TranslationMessages: %d." % (
                potmsgset_deletions, tm_deletions)
            if potmsgset_deletions > 0 or tm_deletions > 0:
                log.log(DEBUG2, report)