def reload_everything(): import pkgutil files = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([''])] print(files) for file in files: reload(file)
def start(num_browsers): global browser, translator print('Opening Firefox...') browser.start(num_browsers) colorama.init() translator = Translator() print('Done!')
def reload(module_name='gbot'): module_name = profiles.get_name(module_name) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) importlib.reload(module) if module_name in profiles.PROFILES.values(): profiles.reload() print(f'Module \'{module_name}\' reloaded!')
def search(get_q, answers, driver=-1): q = get_q() q = q.replace(QUOTE, ' ') print('Google:', Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + q + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET + NEWLINE) url = get_search_url(q) browser.open_url(url, driver) return extract_results(answers, driver)
def run_normal(search_answers_for_image=False): sw.start() print('Capturing...') ip = '192.168.1.' + str(oct4) image = screenstream.capture(ip) image = screen.process(image) history.add(image) run_image(image, search_answers_for_image) sw.stop_and_print('run() took: ')
def splitted(text, answers): if lang: answers = lang.trim_answers(answers) print('Trimmed:', NEWLINE, NEWLINE.join(answers), NEWLINE, sep='') counts = [] splitted_text = text.split() for a in answers: count = max([splitted_text.count(word) for word in a.split()]) counts.append(count) return counts
def run_history(folder, image, search_answers_for_image=False): sw.start() profile = profiles.current_profile dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__).replace('\\', '/') try: image ='{dirname}/{profile}/history/{folder}/{image}.png') except FileNotFoundError as e: print(e, NEWLINE) return image = screen.post_process(image) run_image(image, search_answers_for_image) sw.stop_and_print('run_history() took: ')
def run_image(image, search_answers_for_image=False): print('OCR...') text = ocr.read_image(image, *config.ocr) while True: print(text, NEWLINE) text = quiz.process(text) q = NEWLINE.join(text) if quiz.is_valid(q): break else: text = ocr.read_image(image, *config.ocr2) print(q, NEWLINE) answer(q, search_answers_for_image)
def print_no_results(s): print(Back.RED, 'No results found! ', s, Back.RESET, sep='')
def print_roundrobin_reversed(to_be_printed): to_be_printed = [text.split(NEWLINE * 2)[::-1] for text in to_be_printed] combined_results = zip(*to_be_printed) for result in combined_results: for text in result: print(text, NEWLINE)
def get_eng_q(q): print('Translating...', end='\r') q = gg.translate(q) print('Translated:', NEWLINE, q) return q
def get_no_ans_q(q, answers): q = q.replace(' '.join(answers), '') print('Removed Answers:', NEWLINE, q) return q
def answer(q, search_answers_for_image=False): def get_q(q): return q def get_no_ans_q(q, answers): q = q.replace(' '.join(answers), '') print('Removed Answers:', NEWLINE, q) return q def get_eng_q(q): print('Translating...', end='\r') q = gg.translate(q) print('Translated:', NEWLINE, q) return q translated = False print('') question = extract_question(q) answers = extract_answers(q) q = q.replace(NEWLINE, ' ') searches = [] if search_answers_for_image: searches.append(('Image', True, answers)) for i in range(len(answers)): gg.search_image(answers[i], i) else: get_q = partial(get_q, q) get_no_ans_q = partial(get_no_ans_q, q, answers) searches.append(('', get_q, answers, 0)) searches.append((NO_ANS, get_no_ans_q, answers, 1)) answers_in_eng = any([gg.is_eng(a) for a in answers]) if config.enable_translate and (config.force_translate or answers_in_eng): if not answers_in_eng: answers = [gg.translate(a) for a in answers] get_eng_q = partial(get_eng_q, q) searches.append((ENG, get_eng_q, answers, 2)) to_be_printed = [] name_to_points = {} with ThreadPool(3) as pool: results =, searches) for search_res in results: name, formatted, exact_count, split_count = search_res to_be_printed.append(formatted) name_to_points[name + EXACT] = exact_count name_to_points[name + SPLIT] = split_count print_roundrobin_reversed(to_be_printed) name_to_points = points.negate_if_negative(q, name_to_points) points.add_total(name_to_points) name_to_points = points.color_best(name_to_points) # add answers as headers table = {ANSWERS: answers} table.update(name_to_points) print(question, NEWLINE) print(tabulate(table, headers='keys')) print(NEWLINE)
from stopwatch import Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch() sw.start() print('Loading...') import screenstream import gg import ocr import history import count import points import os import profiles import importlib from tabulate import tabulate from colorama import Back, Fore from PIL import Image from functools import partial from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from lprint import print print('Done!', end=' ') sw.stop_and_print() TAB = '\t' SPACE = ' ' NEWLINE = '\n' QUOTE = '"'