def main(verbose=False):
    Main program code. Assume running on a single server
    with cache stored in memory

    # Initialize a new LRU cache with size of max_size
    address_cache = LRUCache.SimpleCache(max_size=50000)

    # Accept first simple user input
    input_address_str_1 = input("1. First address to look up? ")
    # Check the cache
    sales_tax_1 = address_cache.fast_rate_lookup(input_address_str_1)
    if sales_tax_1 == -1:
        # Call the PSL function
        if verbose:
            print("Missing from cache -- calling PSL function")
        sales_tax_1 = sales_tax_lookup(input_address_str_1)
        # Add new sales_tax value to the cache
        address_cache.set(input_address_str_1, sales_tax_1)

    if verbose:
        print("Sales tax rate for address (%s): %0.2f" % (input_address_str_1, sales_tax_1))
        print("Current cache size: %d" % address_cache.size())
    # Accept second simple user input
    input_address_str_2 = input("2. Second address to look up? ")
    # Check the cache
    sales_tax_2 = address_cache.fast_rate_lookup(input_address_str_2)
    if sales_tax_2 == -1:
        # Call the PSL function
        if verbose:
            print("Missing from cache -- calling PSL function")
        sales_tax_2 = sales_tax_lookup(input_address_str_2)
        # Add new sales_tax value to the cache
        address_cache.set(input_address_str_2, sales_tax_2)

    if verbose:
        print("Sales tax rate for address (%s): %0.2f" % (input_address_str_2, sales_tax_2))
        print("Current cache size: %d" % address_cache.size())