def test_os(self): """Test the observation specification utilities.""" obs1 = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFile) obs2 = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFile, obs_id=1) # Check if the right observation is returned self.assertEqual(obs1[0], obs2) # Check the mode self.assertEqual(obs2['Mode'], 1) # Check the time self.assertEqual(obs2['MJD'], 56742) self.assertEqual(obs2['MPM'], 4919000)
def test_os(self): """Test the observation specification utilities.""" obs1 = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFileOld1) obs2 = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFileOld1, obs_id=1) # Check if the right observation is returned self.assertEqual(obs1[0], obs2) # Check the mode self.assertEqual(obs2['mode'], 1) # Check the time self.assertEqual(obs2['mjd'], 56492) self.assertEqual(obs2['mpm'], 69000000)
def test_ss(self): """Test the session specification utilties.""" ses = metabundle.get_session_spec(mdbFile) obs = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFile) # Check session start time self.assertEqual(ses['MJD'], 56742) self.assertEqual(ses['MPM'], 4914000) # Check the duration self.assertEqual(ses['Dur'], obs[0]['Dur'] + 10000) # Check the number of observations self.assertEqual(ses['nObs'], len(obs))
def test_ss(self): """Test the session specification utilties.""" ses = metabundle.get_session_spec(mdbFileOld1) obs = metabundle.get_observation_spec(mdbFileOld1) # Check session start time self.assertEqual(ses['mjd'], 56492) self.assertEqual(ses['mpm'], 68995000) # Check the duration self.assertEqual(ses['dur'], obs[0]['dur'] + 10000) # Check the number of observations self.assertEqual(ses['nobs'], len(obs))
def main(args): # Get the site and observer site = stations.lwa1 observer = site.get_observer() # Filenames in an easier format inputTGZ = args.filename # Parse the input file and get the dates of the observations. Be default # this is for LWA1 but we switch over to LWA-SV if an error occurs. try: # LWA1 project = metabundle.get_sdf(inputTGZ) obsImpl = metabundle.get_observation_spec(inputTGZ) fileInfo = metabundle.get_session_metadata(inputTGZ) aspConfigB = metabundle.get_asp_configuration_summary( inputTGZ, which='Beginning') aspConfigE = metabundle.get_asp_configuration_summary(inputTGZ, which='End') except: # LWA-SV ## Site changes site = stations.lwasv observer = site.get_observer() ## Try again project = metabundleADP.get_sdf(inputTGZ) obsImpl = metabundleADP.get_observation_spec(inputTGZ) fileInfo = metabundleADP.get_session_metadata(inputTGZ) aspConfigB = metabundleADP.get_asp_configuration_summary( inputTGZ, which='Beginning') aspConfigE = metabundleADP.get_asp_configuration_summary(inputTGZ, which='End') nObs = len(project.sessions[0].observations) tStart = [ None, ] * nObs for i in range(nObs): tStart[i] = utcjd_to_unix(project.sessions[0].observations[i].mjd + MJD_OFFSET) tStart[i] += project.sessions[0].observations[i].mpm / 1000.0 tStart[i] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tStart[i]) tStart[i] = _UTC.localize(tStart[i]) # Get the LST at the start = (min(tStart)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') lst = observer.sidereal_time() # Report on the file print("Filename: %s" % inputTGZ) print(" Project ID: %s" % print(" Session ID: %i" % project.sessions[0].id) print(" Observations appear to start at %s" % (min(tStart)).strftime(_FORMAT_STRING)) print(" -> LST at %s for this date/time is %s" % (, lst)) lastDur = project.sessions[0].observations[nObs - 1].dur lastDur = timedelta(seconds=int(lastDur / 1000), microseconds=(lastDur * 1000) % 1000000) sessionDur = max(tStart) - min(tStart) + lastDur print(" ") print(" Total Session Duration: %s" % sessionDur) print(" -> First observation starts at %s" % min(tStart).strftime(_FORMAT_STRING)) print(" -> Last observation ends at %s" % (max(tStart) + lastDur).strftime(_FORMAT_STRING)) if project.sessions[0].observations[0].mode not in ('TBW', 'TBN'): drspec = 'No' if project.sessions[0].spcSetup[0] != 0 and project.sessions[ 0].spcSetup[1] != 0: drspec = 'Yes' drxBeam = project.sessions[0].drx_beam if drxBeam < 1: drxBeam = "MCS decides" else: drxBeam = "%i" % drxBeam print(" DRX Beam: %s" % drxBeam) print(" DR Spectrometer used? %s" % drspec) if drspec == 'Yes': print(" -> %i channels, %i windows/integration" % tuple(project.sessions[0].spcSetup)) else: tbnCount = 0 tbwCount = 0 for obs in project.sessions[0].observations: if obs.mode == 'TBW': tbwCount += 1 else: tbnCount += 1 if tbwCount > 0 and tbnCount == 0: print(" Transient Buffer Mode: TBW") elif tbwCount == 0 and tbnCount > 0: print(" Transient Buffer Mode: TBN") else: print(" Transient Buffer Mode: both TBW and TBN") print(" ") print("File Information:") for obsID in fileInfo.keys(): print(" Obs. #%i: %s" % (obsID, fileInfo[obsID]['tag'])) print(" ") print("ASP Configuration:") print(' Beginning') for k, v in aspConfigB.items(): print(' %s: %i' % (k, v)) print(' End') for k, v in aspConfigE.items(): print(' %s: %i' % (k, v)) print(" ") print(" Number of observations: %i" % nObs) print(" Observation Detail:") for i in range(nObs): currDur = project.sessions[0].observations[i].dur currDur = timedelta(seconds=int(currDur / 1000), microseconds=(currDur * 1000) % 1000000) print(" Observation #%i" % (i + 1, )) currObs = None for j in range(len(obsImpl)): if obsImpl[j]['obsID'] == i + 1: currObs = obsImpl[j] break ## Basic setup print(" Target: %s" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].target) print(" Mode: %s" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode) print(" Start:") print(" MJD: %i" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].mjd) print(" MPM: %i" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].mpm) print(" -> %s" % get_observation_start_stop( project.sessions[0].observations[i])[0].strftime(_FORMAT_STRING)) print(" Duration: %s" % currDur) ## DP setup if project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode not in ('TBW', ): print(" Tuning 1: %.3f MHz" % (project.sessions[0].observations[i].frequency1 / 1e6, )) if project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode not in ('TBW', 'TBN'): print(" Tuning 2: %.3f MHz" % (project.sessions[0].observations[i].frequency2 / 1e6, )) if project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode not in ('TBW', ): print(" Filter code: %i" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].filter) if currObs is not None: if project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode not in ('TBW', ): if project.sessions[0].observations[i].mode == 'TBN': print(" Gain setting: %i" % currObs['tbnGain']) else: print(" Gain setting: %i" % currObs['drxGain']) else: print( " WARNING: observation specification not found for this observation" ) ## Comments/notes print(" Observer Comments: %s" % project.sessions[0].observations[i].comments)
def main(args): # Get the file names meta = args.metadata data = args.filename # Get all observations and their start times try: ## LWA-1 sdf = metabundle.get_sdf(meta) ses = metabundle.get_session_spec(meta) obs = metabundle.get_observation_spec(meta) except: ## LWA-SV ### Try again sdf = metabundleADP.get_sdf(meta) ses = metabundleADP.get_session_spec(meta) obs = metabundleADP.get_observation_spec(meta) obs.sort(_obs_comp) tStart = [] oDetails = [] for i,o in enumerate(obs): tStart.append( mjdmpm_to_datetime(o['mjd'], o['mpm']) ) oDetails.append( {'m': o['mode'], 'd': o['dur'] / 1000.0, 'f': o['bw'], 'p': o['project_id'], 's': o['session_id'], 'o': o['obs_id'], 't': sdf.sessions[0].observations[o['obs_id']-1].target} ) print("Observation #%i" % (o['obs_id'])) print(" Start: %i, %i -> %s" % (o['mjd'], o['mpm'], tStart[-1])) print(" Mode: %s" % mode_to_string(o['mode'])) print(" BW: %i" % o['bw']) print(" Target: %s" % sdf.sessions[0].observations[o['obs_id']-1].target) print(" ") # Figure out where in the file the various bits are. fh = open(data, 'rb') lf = drx.read_frame(fh) beam, j, k = if beam != obs[0]['drx_beam']: print('ERROR: Beam mis-match, metadata is for #%i, file is for #%i' % (obs[0]['drx_beam'], beam)) sys.exit() firstFrame = lf.time.datetime if abs(firstFrame - min(tStart)) > timedelta(seconds=30): print('ERROR: Time mis-match, metadata is for %s, file is for %s' % (min(tStart), firstFrame)) sys.exit() for i in range(len(tStart)): eof = False ## Get observation properties oStart = tStart[i] oMode = mode_to_string(oDetails[i]['m']) oDur = oDetails[i]['d'] oBW = oDetails[i]['f'] print("Seeking %s observation of %.3f seconds at %s" % (oMode, oDur, oStart)) ## Get the correct reader to use if oMode == 'TBW': reader = tbw bwKey = None bwMult = 520.0 / 400 fCount = 400 elif oMode == 'TBN': reader = tbn bwKey = tbn.FILTER_CODES bwMult = 520.0 / 512 fCount = 512 else: reader = drx bwKey = drx.FILTER_CODES bwMult = 4.0 / 4096 fCount = 4096 ## Jump ahead to where the next frame should be, if needed if i != 0: pDur = oDetails[i-1]['d'] pBW = oDetails[i-1]['f'] nFramesSkip = int(pDur*bwKey[pBW]*bwMult)*reader.FRAME_SIZE, 1) if fh.tell() >= os.path.getsize(data):*reader.FRAME_SIZE, 2) ## Figure out where we are and make sure we line up on a frame ## NOTE: This should never be needed fail = True while fail: try: frame = reader.read_frame(fh) fail = False except errors.SyncError:, 1) except errors.EOFError: break, 1) ## Go in search of the start of the observation if frame.time.datetime < oStart: ### We aren't at the beginning yet, seek fowards print("-> At byte %i, time is %s < %s" % (fh.tell(), frame.time.datetime, oStart)) while frame.time.datetime < oStart: try: frame = reader.read_frame(fh) except errors.SyncError:, 1) except errors.EOFError: break #print(frame.time.datetime, oStart) elif frame.time.datetime > oStart: ### We've gone too far, seek backwards print("-> At byte %i, time is %s > %s" % (fh.tell(), frame.time.datetime, oStart)) while frame.time.datetime > oStart: if fh.tell() == 0: break*reader.FRAME_SIZE, 1) try: frame = reader.read_frame(fh) except errors.SyncError:, 1) except errors.EOFError: break #print(frame.time.datetime, oStart) else: ### We're there already print("-> At byte %i, time is %s = %s" % (fh.tell(), frame.time.datetime, oStart)) ## Jump back exactly one frame so that the filehandle is in a position ## to read the first frame that is part of the observation try: frame = reader.read_frame(fh) print("-> At byte %i, time is %s = %s" % (fh.tell(), frame.time.datetime, oStart)), 1) except errors.EOFError: pass ## Update the bytes ranges if fh.tell() < os.path.getsize(data): oDetails[i]['b'] = fh.tell() oDetails[i]['e'] = -1 else: oDetails[i]['b'] = -1 oDetails[i]['e'] = -1 if i != 0: oDetails[i-1]['e'] = fh.tell() ## Progress report if oDetails[i]['b'] >= 0: print('-> Obs.', oDetails[i]['o'], 'starts at byte', oDetails[i]['b']) else: print('-> Obs.', oDetails[i]['o'], 'starts after the end of the file') print(" ") # Report for i in range(len(tStart)): if oDetails[i]['b'] < 0: print("%s, Session %i, Observation %i: not found" % (oDetails[i]['p'], oDetails[i]['s'], oDetails[i]['o'])) else: print("%s, Session %i, Observation %i: %i to %i (%i bytes)" % (oDetails[i]['p'], oDetails[i]['s'], oDetails[i]['o'], oDetails[i]['b'], oDetails[i]['e'], (oDetails[i]['e'] - oDetails[i]['b']))) print(" ") # Split if not args.list: for i in range(len(tStart)): if oDetails[i]['b'] < 0: continue ## Report print("Working on Observation %i" % (i+1,)) ## Create the output name if args.source: outname = '%s_%i_%s.dat' % (oDetails[i]['p'], oDetails[i]['s'], oDetails[i]['t'].replace(' ', '').replace('/','').replace('&','and')) else: outname = '%s_%i_%i.dat' % (oDetails[i]['p'], oDetails[i]['s'], oDetails[i]['o']) oMode = mode_to_string(oDetails[i]['m']) ## Get the correct reader to use if oMode == 'TBW': reader = tbw elif oMode == 'TBN': reader = tbn else: reader = drx ## Get the number of frames if oDetails[i]['e'] > 0: nFramesRead = (oDetails[i]['e'] - oDetails[i]['b']) // reader.FRAME_SIZE else: nFramesRead = (os.path.getsize(data) - oDetails[i]['b']) // reader.FRAME_SIZE ## Split if os.path.exists(outname): if not args.force: yn = input("WARNING: '%s' exists, overwrite? [Y/n] " % outname) else: yn = 'y' if yn not in ('n', 'N'): os.unlink(outname) else: print("WARNING: output file '%s' already exists, skipping" % outname) continue[i]['b']) t0 = time.time() oh = open(outname, 'wb') for sl in [2**i for i in range(17)[::-1]]: while nFramesRead >= sl: temp =*reader.FRAME_SIZE) oh.write(temp) nFramesRead -= sl oh.close() t1 = time.time() print(" Copied %i bytes in %.3f s (%.3f MB/s)" % (os.path.getsize(outname), t1-t0, os.path.getsize(outname)/1024.0**2/(t1-t0))) print(" ")