Exemple #1
    def test_plotting(self):
        """Test drawing an image."""

        # Setup
        antennas = lwa1.antennas[0:20]
        freqs = numpy.arange(30e6, 50e6, 1e6)
        aa = vis.build_sim_array(lwa1, antennas, freqs)

        # Build the data dictionary
        out = vis.build_sim_data(aa, vis.SOURCES, jd=2458962.16965)

        # Build an image
        img = utils.build_gridded_image(out)

        # Plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca()
        utils.plot_gridded_image(ax, img)
Exemple #2
    def test_plotting_graticules(self):
        """Test adding a graticule to an image."""

        # Setup
        antennas = lwa1.antennas[0:20]
        freqs = numpy.arange(30e6, 50e6, 1e6)
        aa = vis.build_sim_array(lwa1, antennas, freqs)

        # Build the data dictionary
        out = vis.build_sim_data(aa, vis.SOURCES, jd=2458962.16965)

        # Build an image
        img = utils.build_gridded_image(out)

        # Plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca()
        utils.plot_gridded_image(ax, img)
        with self.subTest(type='RA/Dec.'):
            overlay.graticule_radec(ax, aa)
        with self.subTest(type='az/alt'):
            overlay.graticule_azalt(ax, aa)
        del fig
Exemple #3
def main(args):
    filename = args.filename
    idi = utils.CorrelatedData(filename)
    aa = idi.get_antennaarray()
    lo = idi.get_observer()
    nStand = len(idi.stands)
    nchan = len(idi.freq)
    freq = idi.freq
    print("Raw Stand Count: %i" % nStand)
    print("Final Baseline Count: %i" % (nStand*(nStand-1)/2,))
    print("Spectra Coverage: %.3f to %.3f MHz in %i channels (%.2f kHz/channel)" % (freq[0]/1e6, freq[-1]/1e6, nchan, (freq[1] - freq[0])/1e3))
        print("Polarization Products: %s" % ' '.join([NUMERIC_STOKES[p] for p in idi.pols]))
    except KeyError:
        # Catch for CASA MS that use a different numbering scheme
        NUMERIC_STOKESMS = {1:'I', 2:'Q', 3:'U', 4:'V', 
                        9:'XX', 10:'XY', 11:'YX', 12:'YY'}
        print("Polarization Products: %s" % ' '.join([NUMERIC_STOKESMS[p] for p in idi.pols]))
    print("Reading in FITS IDI data")
    nSets = idi.integration_count
    for set in range(1, nSets+1):
        if args.dataset != -1 and args.dataset != set:
        print("Set #%i of %i" % (set, nSets))
        dataDict = idi.get_data_set(set, min_uv=args.uv_min)
        # Build a list of unique JDs for the data
        pols = dataDict.pols
        jdList = [dataDict.mjd + astro.MJD_OFFSET,]
        # Find the LST
        lo.date = jdList[0] - astro.DJD_OFFSET
        utc = str(lo.date)
        lst = str(lo.sidereal_time())   # pylint:disable=no-member
        # Pull out the right channels
        toWork = numpy.where( (freq >= args.freq_start) & (freq <= args.freq_stop) )[0]
        if len(toWork) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot find data between %.2f and %.2f MHz" % (args.freq_start/1e6, args.freq_stop/1e6))
        # Integration report
        print("    Date Observed: %s" % utc)
        print("    LST: %s" % lst)
        print("    Selected Frequencies: %.3f to %.3f MHz" % (freq[toWork[0]]/1e6, freq[toWork[-1]]/1e6))
        # Prune out what needs to go
        if args.include != 'all' or args.exclude != 'none':
            print("    Processing include/exclude lists")
            dataDict = dataDict.get_antenna_subset(include=args.include, 
            ## Report
            for pol in dataDict.pols:
                print("        %s now has %i baselines" % (pol, len(dataDict.baselines)))
        # Build up the images for each polarization
        print("    Gridding")
        img1 = None
        lbl1 = 'XX'
        for p in ('XX', 'RR', 'I'):
                img1 = utils.build_gridded_image(dataDict, size=NPIX_SIDE//2, res=0.5, pol=p, chan=toWork)
                lbl1 = p.upper()
        img2 = None
        lbl2 = 'YY'
        for p in ('YY', 'LL', 'Q'):
                img2 = utils.build_gridded_image(dataDict, size=NPIX_SIDE//2, res=0.5, pol=p, chan=toWork)
                lbl2 = p.upper()
        img3 = None
        lbl3 = 'XY'
        for p in ('XY', 'RL', 'U'):
                img3 = utils.build_gridded_image(dataDict, size=NPIX_SIDE//2, res=0.5, pol=p, chan=toWork)
                lbl3 = p.upper()
        img4 = None
        lbl4 = 'YX'
        for p in ('YX', 'LR', 'V'):
                img4 = utils.build_gridded_image(dataDict, size=NPIX_SIDE//2, res=0.5, pol=p, chan=toWork)
                lbl4 = p.upper()
        # Plots
        print("    Plotting")
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
        for ax, img, pol in zip([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], [img1, img2, img3, img4], [lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, lbl4]):
            # Skip missing images
            if img is None:
                ax.text(0.5, 0.5, 'Not found in file', color='black', size=12, horizontalalignment='center')
                ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
                ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
                if not args.utc:
                    ax.set_title("%s @ %s LST" % (pol, lst))
                    ax.set_title("%s @ %s UTC" % (pol, utc))
            # Display the image and label with the polarization/LST
            cb = utils.plot_gridded_image(ax, img)
            fig.colorbar(cb, ax=ax)
            if not args.utc:
                ax.set_title("%s @ %s LST" % (pol, lst))
                ax.set_title("%s @ %s UTC" % (pol, utc))
            junk = img.image(center=(NPIX_SIDE//2,NPIX_SIDE//2))
            print("%s: image is %.4f to %.4f with mean %.4f" % (pol, junk.min(), junk.max(), junk.mean()))
            # Turn off tick marks
            ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
            ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
            # Compute the positions of major sources and label the images
            overlay.sources(ax, aa, simVis.SOURCES, label=not args.no_labels)
            # Add in the horizon
            overlay.horizon(ax, aa)
            # Add lines of constant RA and dec.
            if not args.no_grid:
                if not args.topo:
                    overlay.graticule_radec(ax, aa)
                    overlay.graticule_azalt(ax, aa)
        if args.fits is not None:
            ## Loop over the images to build up the FITS file
            hdulist = [astrofits.PrimaryHDU(),]
            for img,pol in zip((img1,img2,img3,img4), (lbl1,lbl2,lbl3,lbl4)):
                if img is None:
                ### Create the HDU
                    hdu = astrofits.ImageHDU(data=img.image(center=(NPIX_SIDE//2,NPIX_SIDE//2)), name=pol)
                except AttributeError:
                    hdu = astrofits.ImageHDU(data=img, name=pol)
                ### Add in the coordinate information
                hdu.header['EPOCH'] = 2000.0 + (jdList[0] - 2451545.0) / 365.25
                hdu.header['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---SIN'
                hdu.header['CRPIX1'] = NPIX_SIDE//2+1
                hdu.header['CDELT1'] = -360.0/NPIX_SIDE/numpy.pi
                hdu.header['CRVAL1'] = lo.sidereal_time()*180/numpy.pi	# pylint:disable=no-member
                hdu.header['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--SIN'
                hdu.header['CRPIX2'] = NPIX_SIDE//2+1
                hdu.header['CDELT2'] = 360.0/NPIX_SIDE/numpy.pi
                hdu.header['CRVAL2'] = lo.lat*180/numpy.pi
                hdu.header['LONPOLE'] = 180.0
                hdu.header['LATPOLE'] = 90.0
                ### Add the HDU to the list
            ## Save the FITS file to disk
            hdulist = astrofits.HDUList(hdulist)
            overwrite = False
            if os.path.exists(args.fits):
                yn = input("WARNING: '%s' exists, overwrite? [Y/n]" % args.fits)
                if yn not in ('n', 'N'):
                    overwrite = True
                hdulist.writeto(args.fits, overwrite=overwrite)
            except IOError as e:
                print("WARNING: FITS image file not saved")