Exemple #1
    def getCorrectedMagnitudes(self, refCat, filterName):
        """Return the colorterm corrected magnitudes for a given filter.

        refCat : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog`
            The reference catalog to apply color corrections to.
        filterName : `str`
            The camera filter to correct the reference catalog into.

        RefMag : `np.ndarray`
            The corrected AB magnitudes.
        RefMagErr : `np.ndarray`
            The corrected AB magnitude errors.

            Raised if the reference catalog does not have a flux uncertainty
            for that filter.

        WARNING: I do not know that we can trust the propagation of magnitude
        errors returned by this method. They need more thorough tests.
        def getFluxes(fluxField):
            """Get the flux and fluxErr of this field from refCat."""
            fluxKey = refCat.schema.find(fluxField).key
            refFlux = refCat[fluxKey]
                fluxErrKey = refCat.schema.find(fluxField + "Err").key
                refFluxErr = refCat[fluxErrKey]
            except KeyError as e:
                raise KeyError(
                    "Reference catalog does not have flux uncertainties for %s"
                    % fluxField) from e

            return refFlux, refFluxErr

        primaryFlux, primaryErr = getFluxes(self.primary + "_flux")
        secondaryFlux, secondaryErr = getFluxes(self.secondary + "_flux")

        primaryMag = u.Quantity(primaryFlux, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
        secondaryMag = u.Quantity(secondaryFlux, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)

        refMag = self.transformMags(primaryMag, secondaryMag)
        refFluxErrArr = self.propagateFluxErrors(primaryErr, secondaryErr)

        # HACK convert to Jy until we have a replacement for this (DM-16903)
        refMagErr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(refFluxErrArr * 1e-9,
                                        primaryFlux * 1e-9)

        return refMag, refMagErr
Exemple #2
    def testBasics(self):
        for flux in (1, 210, 3210, 43210, 543210):
            abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
            fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip)

            for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
                fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
                abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(abMagErr, refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
                fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fluxErr, fluxErrRoundTrip)
    def testVector(self):
        flux = np.array([1.0, 210.0, 3210.0, 43210.0, 543210.0])
        flux.flags.writeable = False  # Put the 'const' into ndarray::Array<double const, 1, 0>
        abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
        fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)

        for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
            fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
            abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
            self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMagErr, refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
            fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
            self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(fluxErr, fluxErrRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)
Exemple #4
    def testVector(self):
        flux = np.array([1.0, 210.0, 3210.0, 43210.0, 543210.0])
        flux.flags.writeable = False  # Put the 'const' into ndarray::Array<double const, 1, 0>
        abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
        fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)

        for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
            fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
            abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
                                         refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
            fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
Exemple #5
    def extractMagArrays(self, matches, filterName, sourceKeys):
        """!Extract magnitude and magnitude error arrays from the given matches.

        \param[in] matches Reference/source matches, a \link lsst::afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector\endlink
        \param[in] filterName  Name of filter being calibrated
        \param[in] sourceKeys  Struct of source catalog keys, as returned by getSourceKeys()

        \return Struct containing srcMag, refMag, srcMagErr, refMagErr, and magErr numpy arrays
        where magErr is an error in the magnitude; the error in srcMag - refMag
        If nonzero, config.magErrFloor will be added to magErr *only* (not srcMagErr or refMagErr), as
        magErr is what is later used to determine the zero point.
        Struct also contains refFluxFieldList: a list of field names of the reference catalog used for fluxes
        (1 or 2 strings)
        \note These magnitude arrays are the \em inputs to the photometric calibration, some may have been
        discarded by clipping while estimating the calibration (https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-813)
        srcFluxArr = np.array([m.second.get(sourceKeys.flux) for m in matches])
        srcFluxErrArr = np.array([m.second.get(sourceKeys.fluxErr) for m in matches])
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(srcFluxErrArr)):
            # this is an unpleasant hack; see DM-2308 requesting a better solution
            self.log.warn("Source catalog does not have flux uncertainties; using sqrt(flux).")
            srcFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(srcFluxArr)

        # convert source flux from DN to an estimate of Jy
        JanskysPerABFlux = 3631.0
        srcFluxArr = srcFluxArr * JanskysPerABFlux
        srcFluxErrArr = srcFluxErrArr * JanskysPerABFlux

        if not matches:
            raise RuntimeError("No reference stars are available")
        refSchema = matches[0].first.schema

        applyColorTerms = self.config.applyColorTerms
        applyCTReason = "config.applyColorTerms is %s" % (self.config.applyColorTerms,)
        if self.config.applyColorTerms is None:
            # apply color terms if color term data is available and photoCatName specified
            ctDataAvail = len(self.config.colorterms.data) > 0
            photoCatSpecified = self.config.photoCatName is not None
            applyCTReason += " and data %s available" % ("is" if ctDataAvail else "is not")
            applyCTReason += " and photoRefCat %s None" % ("is not" if photoCatSpecified else "is")
            applyColorTerms = ctDataAvail and photoCatSpecified

        if applyColorTerms:
            self.log.info("Applying color terms for filterName=%r, config.photoCatName=%s because %s" %
                (filterName, self.config.photoCatName, applyCTReason))
            ct = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(
                filterName=filterName, photoCatName=self.config.photoCatName, doRaise=True)
            self.log.info("Not applying color terms because %s" % (applyCTReason,))
            ct = None

        if ct:                          # we have a color term to worry about
            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filt) for filt in (ct.primary, ct.secondary)]
            missingFluxFieldList = []
            for fluxField in fluxFieldList:
                except KeyError:

            if missingFluxFieldList:
                self.log.warn("Source catalog does not have fluxes for %s; ignoring color terms" %
                              " ".join(missingFluxFieldList))
                ct = None

        if not ct:
            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterName)]

        refFluxArrList = [] # list of ref arrays, one per flux field
        refFluxErrArrList = [] # list of ref flux arrays, one per flux field
        for fluxField in fluxFieldList:
            fluxKey = refSchema.find(fluxField).key
            refFluxArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxKey) for m in matches])
                fluxErrKey = refSchema.find(fluxField + "Sigma").key
                refFluxErrArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxErrKey) for m in matches])
            except KeyError:
                # Reference catalogue may not have flux uncertainties; HACK
                self.log.warn("Reference catalog does not have flux uncertainties for %s; using sqrt(flux)."
                              % fluxField)
                refFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(refFluxArr)


        if ct:                          # we have a color term to worry about
            refMagArr1 = np.array([abMagFromFlux(rf1) for rf1 in refFluxArrList[0]]) # primary
            refMagArr2 = np.array([abMagFromFlux(rf2) for rf2 in refFluxArrList[1]]) # secondary

            refMagArr = ct.transformMags(refMagArr1, refMagArr2)
            refFluxErrArr = ct.propagateFluxErrors(refFluxErrArrList[0], refFluxErrArrList[1])
            refMagArr = np.array([abMagFromFlux(rf) for rf in refFluxArrList[0]])

        srcMagArr = np.array([abMagFromFlux(sf) for sf in srcFluxArr])

        # Fitting with error bars in both axes is hard
        # for now ignore reference flux error, but ticket DM-2308 is a request for a better solution
        magErrArr = np.array([abMagErrFromFluxErr(fe, sf) for fe, sf in izip(srcFluxErrArr, srcFluxArr)])
        if self.config.magErrFloor != 0.0:
            magErrArr = (magErrArr**2 + self.config.magErrFloor**2)**0.5

        srcMagErrArr = np.array([abMagErrFromFluxErr(sfe, sf) for sfe, sf in izip(srcFluxErrArr, srcFluxArr)])
        refMagErrArr = np.array([abMagErrFromFluxErr(rfe, rf) for rfe, rf in izip(refFluxErrArr, refFluxArr)])

        return pipeBase.Struct(
            srcMag = srcMagArr,
            refMag = refMagArr,
            magErr = magErrArr,
            srcMagErr = srcMagErrArr,
            refMagErr = refMagErrArr,
            refFluxFieldList = fluxFieldList,
    def getFgcmReferenceStarsSkyCircle(self, ra, dec, radius, filterList):
        Get a reference catalog that overlaps a circular sky region, using
        multiple filters.  In addition, apply colorterms if available.

        Return format is a numpy recarray for use with fgcm.

        ra: `float`
           ICRS right ascension, degrees.
        dec: `float`
           ICRS declination, degrees.
        radius: `float`
           Radius to search, degrees.
        filterList: `list`
           list of `str` of camera filter names.

        fgcmRefCat: `np.recarray`
           Numpy recarray with the following fields:
           ra: `np.float64`
              Right ascension, degrees
           dec: `np.float64`
              Declination, degrees
           refMag: (`np.float32`, len(filterList))
              Reference magnitude for filterList bands
              Will be 99 for non-detections.
           refMagErr: (`np.float32`, len(filterList))
              Reference magnitude error for filterList bands
              Will be 99 for non-detections.

        center = lsst.geom.SpherePoint(ra * lsst.geom.degrees,
                                       dec * lsst.geom.degrees)

        # Check if we haev previously cached values for the fluxFields
        if self._fluxFilters is None or self._fluxFilters != filterList:
            self._determine_flux_fields(center, filterList)

        skyCircle = self.refObjLoader.loadSkyCircle(center,
                                                    radius * lsst.geom.degrees,

        if not skyCircle.refCat.isContiguous():
            refCat = skyCircle.refCat.copy(deep=True)
            refCat = skyCircle.refCat

        # Select on raw (uncorrected) catalog, where the errors should make more sense
        goodSources = self.referenceSelector.selectSources(refCat)
        selected = goodSources.selected

        fgcmRefCat = np.zeros(np.sum(selected),
                              dtype=[('ra', 'f8'), ('dec', 'f8'),
                                     ('refMag', 'f4', len(filterList)),
                                     ('refMagErr', 'f4', len(filterList))])
        if fgcmRefCat.size == 0:
            # Return an empty catalog if we don't have any selected sources
            return fgcmRefCat

        # The ra/dec native Angle format is radians
        # We determine the conversion from the native units (typically
        # radians) to degrees for the first observation.  This allows us
        # to treate ra/dec as numpy arrays rather than Angles, which would
        # be approximately 600x slower.

        conv = refCat[0]['coord_ra'].asDegrees() / float(refCat[0]['coord_ra'])
        fgcmRefCat['ra'] = refCat['coord_ra'][selected] * conv
        fgcmRefCat['dec'] = refCat['coord_dec'][selected] * conv

        # Default (unset) values are 99.0
        fgcmRefCat['refMag'][:, :] = 99.0
        fgcmRefCat['refMagErr'][:, :] = 99.0

        if self.config.applyColorTerms:
                refCatName = self.refObjLoader.ref_dataset_name
            except AttributeError:
                # NOTE: we need this try:except: block in place until we've
                # completely removed a.net support
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Cannot perform colorterm corrections with a.net refcats.")

            for i, (filterName, fluxField) in enumerate(
                    zip(self._fluxFilters, self._fluxFields)):
                if fluxField is None:

                self.log.debug("Applying color terms for filtername=%r" %

                colorterm = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(

                refMag, refMagErr = colorterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(
                    refCat, filterName)

                # nan_to_num replaces nans with zeros, and this ensures that we select
                # magnitudes that both filter out nans and are not very large (corresponding
                # to very small fluxes), as "99" is a common sentinel for illegal magnitudes.

                good, = np.where((np.nan_to_num(refMag[selected]) < 90.0)
                                 & (np.nan_to_num(refMagErr[selected]) < 90.0)
                                 & (np.nan_to_num(refMagErr[selected]) > 0.0))

                fgcmRefCat['refMag'][good, i] = refMag[selected][good]
                fgcmRefCat['refMagErr'][good, i] = refMagErr[selected][good]

            # No colorterms

            # TODO: need to use Jy here until RFC-549 is completed and refcats return nanojansky

            for i, (filterName, fluxField) in enumerate(
                    zip(self._fluxFilters, self._fluxFields)):
                # nan_to_num replaces nans with zeros, and this ensures that we select
                # fluxes that both filter out nans and are positive.
                good, = np.where(
                    (np.nan_to_num(refCat[fluxField][selected]) > 0.0) &
                    (np.nan_to_num(refCat[fluxField + 'Err'][selected]) > 0.0))
                refMag = (refCat[fluxField][selected][good] *
                refMagErr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(
                    refCat[fluxField + 'Err'][selected][good],
                fgcmRefCat['refMag'][good, i] = refMag
                fgcmRefCat['refMagErr'][good, i] = refMagErr

        return fgcmRefCat
Exemple #7
    def extractMagArrays(self, matches, filterLabel, sourceKeys):
        """!Extract magnitude and magnitude error arrays from the given matches.

        @param[in] matches Reference/source matches, a @link lsst::afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector@endlink
        @param[in] filterLabel Label of filter being calibrated
        @param[in] sourceKeys  Struct of source catalog keys, as returned by getSourceKeys()

        @return Struct containing srcMag, refMag, srcMagErr, refMagErr, and magErr numpy arrays
        where magErr is an error in the magnitude; the error in srcMag - refMag
        If nonzero, config.magErrFloor will be added to magErr *only* (not srcMagErr or refMagErr), as
        magErr is what is later used to determine the zero point.
        Struct also contains refFluxFieldList: a list of field names of the reference catalog used for fluxes
        (1 or 2 strings)
        @note These magnitude arrays are the @em inputs to the photometric calibration, some may have been
        discarded by clipping while estimating the calibration (https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-813)
        srcInstFluxArr = np.array(
            [m.second.get(sourceKeys.instFlux) for m in matches])
        srcInstFluxErrArr = np.array(
            [m.second.get(sourceKeys.instFluxErr) for m in matches])
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(srcInstFluxErrArr)):
            # this is an unpleasant hack; see DM-2308 requesting a better solution
                "Source catalog does not have flux uncertainties; using sqrt(flux)."
            srcInstFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(srcInstFluxArr)

        # convert source instFlux from DN to an estimate of nJy
        referenceFlux = (0 * u.ABmag).to_value(u.nJy)
        srcInstFluxArr = srcInstFluxArr * referenceFlux
        srcInstFluxErrArr = srcInstFluxErrArr * referenceFlux

        if not matches:
            raise RuntimeError("No reference stars are available")
        refSchema = matches[0].first.schema

        applyColorTerms = self.config.applyColorTerms
        applyCTReason = "config.applyColorTerms is %s" % (
            self.config.applyColorTerms, )
        if self.config.applyColorTerms is None:
            # apply color terms if color term data is available and photoCatName specified
            ctDataAvail = len(self.config.colorterms.data) > 0
            photoCatSpecified = self.config.photoCatName is not None
            applyCTReason += " and data %s available" % ("is" if ctDataAvail
                                                         else "is not")
            applyCTReason += " and photoRefCat %s provided" % (
                "is" if photoCatSpecified else "is not")
            applyColorTerms = ctDataAvail and photoCatSpecified

        if applyColorTerms:
                "Applying color terms for filter=%r, config.photoCatName=%s because %s",
                filterLabel.physicalLabel, self.config.photoCatName,
            colorterm = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(
            refCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(matches[0].first.schema)

            # extract the matched refCat as a Catalog for the colorterm code
            for x in matches:
                record = refCat.addNew()

            refMagArr, refMagErrArr = colorterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(refCat)
            fluxFieldList = [
                getRefFluxField(refSchema, filt)
                for filt in (colorterm.primary, colorterm.secondary)
            # no colorterms to apply
            self.log.info("Not applying color terms because %s", applyCTReason)
            colorterm = None

            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterLabel.bandLabel)]
            fluxField = getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterLabel.bandLabel)
            fluxKey = refSchema.find(fluxField).key
            refFluxArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxKey) for m in matches])

                fluxErrKey = refSchema.find(fluxField + "Err").key
                refFluxErrArr = np.array(
                    [m.first.get(fluxErrKey) for m in matches])
            except KeyError:
                # Reference catalogue may not have flux uncertainties; HACK DM-2308
                    "Reference catalog does not have flux uncertainties for %s; using sqrt(flux).",
                refFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(refFluxArr)

            refMagArr = u.Quantity(refFluxArr, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
            # HACK convert to Jy until we have a replacement for this (DM-16903)
            refMagErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(refFluxErrArr * 1e-9,
                                               refFluxArr * 1e-9)

        # compute the source catalog magnitudes and errors
        srcMagArr = u.Quantity(srcInstFluxArr, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
        # Fitting with error bars in both axes is hard
        # for now ignore reference flux error, but ticket DM-2308 is a request for a better solution
        # HACK convert to Jy until we have a replacement for this (DM-16903)
        magErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(srcInstFluxErrArr * 1e-9,
                                        srcInstFluxArr * 1e-9)
        if self.config.magErrFloor != 0.0:
            magErrArr = (magErrArr**2 + self.config.magErrFloor**2)**0.5

        srcMagErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(srcInstFluxErrArr * 1e-9,
                                           srcInstFluxArr * 1e-9)

        good = np.isfinite(srcMagArr) & np.isfinite(refMagArr)

        return pipeBase.Struct(
Exemple #8
    areNans = np.logical_or.reduce(areNans)
    hdu[1].data = hdu[1].data[~areNans]
    #Limit to brighter than 19th mag in g-band
    bright = hdu[1].data['g'] > 9.12e-5
    hdu[1].data = hdu[1].data[bright]
    hdu[1].data['g_err'] = abMagErrFromFluxErr(hdu[1].data['g_err'].astype(np.float),
    hdu[1].data['r_err'] = abMagErrFromFluxErr(hdu[1].data['r_err'].astype(np.float),
    hdu[1].data['i_err'] = abMagErrFromFluxErr(hdu[1].data['i_err'].astype(np.float),
    hdu[1].data['z_err'] = abMagErrFromFluxErr(hdu[1].data['z_err'].astype(np.float),
    hdu[1].data['y_err'] = abMagErrFromFluxErr(hdu[1].data['y_err'].astype(np.float),
    hdu[1].data['g'] = abMagFromFlux(hdu[1].data['g'].astype(np.float))
    hdu[1].data['r'] = abMagFromFlux(hdu[1].data['r'].astype(np.float))
    hdu[1].data['i'] = abMagFromFlux(hdu[1].data['i'].astype(np.float))
    hdu[1].data['z'] = abMagFromFlux(hdu[1].data['z'].astype(np.float))
    hdu[1].data['y'] = abMagFromFlux(hdu[1].data['y'].astype(np.float))
Exemple #9
    def extractMagArrays(self, matches, filterName, sourceKeys):
        """!Extract magnitude and magnitude error arrays from the given matches.

        @param[in] matches Reference/source matches, a @link lsst::afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector@endlink
        @param[in] filterName  Name of filter being calibrated
        @param[in] sourceKeys  Struct of source catalog keys, as returned by getSourceKeys()

        @return Struct containing srcMag, refMag, srcMagErr, refMagErr, and magErr numpy arrays
        where magErr is an error in the magnitude; the error in srcMag - refMag
        If nonzero, config.magErrFloor will be added to magErr *only* (not srcMagErr or refMagErr), as
        magErr is what is later used to determine the zero point.
        Struct also contains refFluxFieldList: a list of field names of the reference catalog used for fluxes
        (1 or 2 strings)
        @note These magnitude arrays are the @em inputs to the photometric calibration, some may have been
        discarded by clipping while estimating the calibration (https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-813)
        srcFluxArr = np.array([m.second.get(sourceKeys.flux) for m in matches])
        srcFluxErrArr = np.array(
            [m.second.get(sourceKeys.fluxErr) for m in matches])
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(srcFluxErrArr)):
            # this is an unpleasant hack; see DM-2308 requesting a better solution
                "Source catalog does not have flux uncertainties; using sqrt(flux)."
            srcFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(srcFluxArr)

        # convert source flux from DN to an estimate of Jy
        JanskysPerABFlux = 3631.0
        srcFluxArr = srcFluxArr * JanskysPerABFlux
        srcFluxErrArr = srcFluxErrArr * JanskysPerABFlux

        if not matches:
            raise RuntimeError("No reference stars are available")
        refSchema = matches[0].first.schema

        applyColorTerms = self.config.applyColorTerms
        applyCTReason = "config.applyColorTerms is %s" % (
            self.config.applyColorTerms, )
        if self.config.applyColorTerms is None:
            # apply color terms if color term data is available and photoCatName specified
            ctDataAvail = len(self.config.colorterms.data) > 0
            photoCatSpecified = self.config.photoCatName is not None
            applyCTReason += " and data %s available" % ("is" if ctDataAvail
                                                         else "is not")
            applyCTReason += " and photoRefCat %s provided" % (
                "is" if photoCatSpecified else "is not")
            applyColorTerms = ctDataAvail and photoCatSpecified

        if applyColorTerms:
                "Applying color terms for filterName=%r, config.photoCatName=%s because %s",
                filterName, self.config.photoCatName, applyCTReason)
            ct = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(
            self.log.info("Not applying color terms because %s", applyCTReason)
            ct = None

        if ct:  # we have a color term to worry about
            fluxFieldList = [
                getRefFluxField(refSchema, filt)
                for filt in (ct.primary, ct.secondary)
            missingFluxFieldList = []
            for fluxField in fluxFieldList:
                except KeyError:

            if missingFluxFieldList:
                    "Source catalog does not have fluxes for %s; ignoring color terms",
                    " ".join(missingFluxFieldList))
                ct = None

        if not ct:
            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterName)]

        refFluxArrList = []  # list of ref arrays, one per flux field
        refFluxErrArrList = []  # list of ref flux arrays, one per flux field
        for fluxField in fluxFieldList:
            fluxKey = refSchema.find(fluxField).key
            refFluxArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxKey) for m in matches])
                fluxErrKey = refSchema.find(fluxField + "Sigma").key
                refFluxErrArr = np.array(
                    [m.first.get(fluxErrKey) for m in matches])
            except KeyError:
                # Reference catalogue may not have flux uncertainties; HACK
                    "Reference catalog does not have flux uncertainties for %s; using sqrt(flux).",
                refFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(refFluxArr)


        if ct:  # we have a color term to worry about
            refMagArr1 = np.array(
                [abMagFromFlux(rf1) for rf1 in refFluxArrList[0]])  # primary
            refMagArr2 = np.array(
                [abMagFromFlux(rf2) for rf2 in refFluxArrList[1]])  # secondary

            refMagArr = ct.transformMags(refMagArr1, refMagArr2)
            refFluxErrArr = ct.propagateFluxErrors(refFluxErrArrList[0],
            refMagArr = np.array(
                [abMagFromFlux(rf) for rf in refFluxArrList[0]])

        srcMagArr = np.array([abMagFromFlux(sf) for sf in srcFluxArr])

        # Fitting with error bars in both axes is hard
        # for now ignore reference flux error, but ticket DM-2308 is a request for a better solution
        magErrArr = np.array([
            abMagErrFromFluxErr(fe, sf)
            for fe, sf in zip(srcFluxErrArr, srcFluxArr)
        if self.config.magErrFloor != 0.0:
            magErrArr = (magErrArr**2 + self.config.magErrFloor**2)**0.5

        srcMagErrArr = np.array([
            abMagErrFromFluxErr(sfe, sf)
            for sfe, sf in zip(srcFluxErrArr, srcFluxArr)
        refMagErrArr = np.array([
            abMagErrFromFluxErr(rfe, rf)
            for rfe, rf in zip(refFluxErrArr, refFluxArr)

        good = np.isfinite(srcMagArr) & np.isfinite(refMagArr)

        return pipeBase.Struct(
    def extractMagArrays(self, matches, filterName, sourceKeys):
        """!Extract magnitude and magnitude error arrays from the given matches.

        @param[in] matches Reference/source matches, a @link lsst::afw::table::ReferenceMatchVector@endlink
        @param[in] filterName  Name of filter being calibrated
        @param[in] sourceKeys  Struct of source catalog keys, as returned by getSourceKeys()

        @return Struct containing srcMag, refMag, srcMagErr, refMagErr, and magErr numpy arrays
        where magErr is an error in the magnitude; the error in srcMag - refMag
        If nonzero, config.magErrFloor will be added to magErr *only* (not srcMagErr or refMagErr), as
        magErr is what is later used to determine the zero point.
        Struct also contains refFluxFieldList: a list of field names of the reference catalog used for fluxes
        (1 or 2 strings)
        @note These magnitude arrays are the @em inputs to the photometric calibration, some may have been
        discarded by clipping while estimating the calibration (https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-813)
        srcInstFluxArr = np.array([m.second.get(sourceKeys.instFlux) for m in matches])
        srcInstFluxErrArr = np.array([m.second.get(sourceKeys.instFluxErr) for m in matches])
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(srcInstFluxErrArr)):
            # this is an unpleasant hack; see DM-2308 requesting a better solution
            self.log.warn("Source catalog does not have flux uncertainties; using sqrt(flux).")
            srcInstFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(srcInstFluxArr)

        # convert source instFlux from DN to an estimate of nJy
        referenceFlux = (0*u.ABmag).to_value(u.nJy)
        srcInstFluxArr = srcInstFluxArr * referenceFlux
        srcInstFluxErrArr = srcInstFluxErrArr * referenceFlux

        if not matches:
            raise RuntimeError("No reference stars are available")
        refSchema = matches[0].first.schema

        applyColorTerms = self.config.applyColorTerms
        applyCTReason = "config.applyColorTerms is %s" % (self.config.applyColorTerms,)
        if self.config.applyColorTerms is None:
            # apply color terms if color term data is available and photoCatName specified
            ctDataAvail = len(self.config.colorterms.data) > 0
            photoCatSpecified = self.config.photoCatName is not None
            applyCTReason += " and data %s available" % ("is" if ctDataAvail else "is not")
            applyCTReason += " and photoRefCat %s provided" % ("is" if photoCatSpecified else "is not")
            applyColorTerms = ctDataAvail and photoCatSpecified

        if applyColorTerms:
            self.log.info("Applying color terms for filterName=%r, config.photoCatName=%s because %s",
                          filterName, self.config.photoCatName, applyCTReason)
            colorterm = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(
                filterName=filterName, photoCatName=self.config.photoCatName, doRaise=True)
            refCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(matches[0].first.schema)

            # extract the matched refCat as a Catalog for the colorterm code
            for x in matches:
                record = refCat.addNew()

            refMagArr, refMagErrArr = colorterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(refCat, filterName)
            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filt) for filt in (colorterm.primary,
            # no colorterms to apply
            self.log.info("Not applying color terms because %s", applyCTReason)
            colorterm = None

            fluxFieldList = [getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterName)]
            fluxField = getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterName)
            fluxKey = refSchema.find(fluxField).key
            refFluxArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxKey) for m in matches])

                fluxErrKey = refSchema.find(fluxField + "Err").key
                refFluxErrArr = np.array([m.first.get(fluxErrKey) for m in matches])
            except KeyError:
                # Reference catalogue may not have flux uncertainties; HACK DM-2308
                self.log.warn("Reference catalog does not have flux uncertainties for %s; using sqrt(flux).",
                refFluxErrArr = np.sqrt(refFluxArr)

            refMagArr = u.Quantity(refFluxArr, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
            # HACK convert to Jy until we have a replacement for this (DM-16903)
            refMagErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(refFluxErrArr*1e-9, refFluxArr*1e-9)

        # compute the source catalog magnitudes and errors
        srcMagArr = u.Quantity(srcInstFluxArr, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
        # Fitting with error bars in both axes is hard
        # for now ignore reference flux error, but ticket DM-2308 is a request for a better solution
        # HACK convert to Jy until we have a replacement for this (DM-16903)
        magErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(srcInstFluxErrArr*1e-9, srcInstFluxArr*1e-9)
        if self.config.magErrFloor != 0.0:
            magErrArr = (magErrArr**2 + self.config.magErrFloor**2)**0.5

        srcMagErrArr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(srcInstFluxErrArr*1e-9, srcInstFluxArr*1e-9)

        good = np.isfinite(srcMagArr) & np.isfinite(refMagArr)

        return pipeBase.Struct(
Exemple #11
    def _formatCatalog(self, refCat, filterList):
        """Format a reference afw table into the final format.

        This method applies reference selections and color terms as specified
        by the config.

        refCat : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog`
            Reference catalog in afw format.
        filterList : `list` [`str`]
            List of camera physicalFilter names to apply color terms.

        refCat : `numpy.ndarray`
            Reference catalog.
        if self.config.doReferenceSelection:
            goodSources = self.referenceSelector.selectSources(refCat)
            selected = goodSources.selected
            selected = np.ones(len(refCat), dtype=bool)

        npRefCat = np.zeros(np.sum(selected), dtype=[('ra', 'f8'),
                                                     ('dec', 'f8'),
                                                     ('refMag', 'f4', (len(filterList), )),
                                                     ('refMagErr', 'f4', (len(filterList), ))])

        if npRefCat.size == 0:
            # Return an empty catalog if we don't have any selected sources.
            return npRefCat

        # Natively "coord_ra" and "coord_dec" are stored in radians.
        # Doing this as an array rather than by row with the coord access is
        # approximately 600x faster.
        npRefCat['ra'] = np.rad2deg(refCat['coord_ra'][selected])
        npRefCat['dec'] = np.rad2deg(refCat['coord_dec'][selected])

        # Default (unset) values are 99.0
        npRefCat['refMag'][:, :] = 99.0
        npRefCat['refMagErr'][:, :] = 99.0

        if self.config.doApplyColorTerms:
            if isinstance(self.refObjLoader, ReferenceObjectLoader):
                # Gen3
                refCatName = self.refObjLoader.config.value.ref_dataset_name
                # Gen2
                refCatName = self.refObjLoader.ref_dataset_name

            for i, (filterName, fluxField) in enumerate(zip(self._fluxFilters, self._fluxFields)):
                if fluxField is None:
                    # There is no matching reference band.
                    # This will leave the column filled with 99s
                self.log.debug("Applying color terms for filterName='%s'", filterName)

                colorterm = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(filterName, refCatName, doRaise=True)

                refMag, refMagErr = colorterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(refCat)

                # nan_to_num replaces nans with zeros, and this ensures
                # that we select magnitudes that both filter out nans and are
                # not very large (corresponding to very small fluxes), as "99"
                # is a commen sentinel for illegal magnitudes.
                good, = np.where((np.nan_to_num(refMag[selected], nan=99.0) < 90.0)
                                 & (np.nan_to_num(refMagErr[selected], nan=99.0) < 90.0)
                                 & (np.nan_to_num(refMagErr[selected]) > 0.0))

                npRefCat['refMag'][good, i] = refMag[selected][good]
                npRefCat['refMagErr'][good, i] = refMagErr[selected][good]
            # No color terms to apply
            for i, (filterName, fluxField) in enumerate(zip(self._fluxFilters, self._fluxFields)):
                # nan_to_num replaces nans with zeros, and this ensures that
                # we select fluxes that both filter out nans and are positive.
                good, = np.where((np.nan_to_num(refCat[fluxField][selected]) > 0.0)
                                 & (np.nan_to_num(refCat[fluxField+'Err'][selected]) > 0.0))
                refMag = (refCat[fluxField][selected][good]*units.nJy).to_value(units.ABmag)
                refMagErr = abMagErrFromFluxErr(refCat[fluxField+'Err'][selected][good],
                npRefCat['refMag'][good, i] = refMag
                npRefCat['refMagErr'][good, i] = refMagErr

        return npRefCat