Exemple #1
    def checkTract(self, cache, tractId, selectIdList):
        """!Check whether a tract has any overlapping inputs

        This method only runs on slave nodes.

        @param cache: Pool cache
        @param tractId: Data identifier for tract
        @param selectDataList: List of selection data
        @return whether tract has any overlapping inputs
        skymap = cache.skymap
        tract = skymap[tractId]
        tractWcs = tract.getWcs()
        tractPoly = convexHull([tractWcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(coord)).getVector() for
                                coord in tract.getBBox().getCorners()])

        for selectData in selectIdList:
            if not hasattr(selectData, "poly"):
                wcs = selectData.wcs
                dims = selectData.dims
                box = afwGeom.Box2D(afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0), afwGeom.Point2D(*dims))
                selectData.poly = convexHull([wcs.pixelToSky(coord).getVector()
                                              for coord in box.getCorners()])
            if tractPoly.intersects(selectData.poly):
                return True
        return False
Exemple #2
    def runDataRef(self, dataRef, coordList, makeDataRefList=True, selectDataList=[]):
        """Select images in the selectDataList that overlap the patch

        We use the "convexHull" function in the geom package to define
        polygons on the celestial sphere, and test the polygon of the
        patch for overlap with the polygon of the image.

        We use "convexHull" instead of generating a SphericalConvexPolygon
        directly because the standard for the inputs to SphericalConvexPolygon
        are pretty high and we don't want to be responsible for reaching them.
        If "convexHull" is found to be too slow, we can revise this.

        @param dataRef: Data reference for coadd/tempExp (with tract, patch)
        @param coordList: List of Coord specifying boundary of patch
        @param makeDataRefList: Construct a list of data references?
        @param selectDataList: List of SelectStruct, to consider for selection
        from lsst.geom import convexHull

        dataRefList = []
        exposureInfoList = []

        patchVertices = [coord.getVector() for coord in coordList]
        patchPoly = convexHull(patchVertices)

        for data in selectDataList:
            dataRef = data.dataRef
            imageWcs = data.wcs
            nx,ny = data.dims

            imageBox = afwGeom.Box2D(afwGeom.Point2D(0,0), afwGeom.Extent2D(nx, ny))
                imageCorners = [imageWcs.pixelToSky(pix) for pix in imageBox.getCorners()]
            except (pexExceptions.DomainError, pexExceptions.RuntimeError) as e:
                # Protecting ourselves from awful Wcs solutions in input images
                self.log.logdebug("WCS error in testing calexp %s (%s): deselecting" % (dataRef.dataId, e))

            imagePoly = convexHull([coord.getVector() for coord in imageCorners])
            if imagePoly is None:
                self.log.logdebug("Unable to create polygon from image %s: deselecting" % dataRef.dataId)
            if patchPoly.intersects(imagePoly): # "intersects" also covers "contains" or "is contained by"
                self.log.info("Selecting calexp %s" % dataRef.dataId)
                exposureInfoList.append(BaseExposureInfo(dataRef.dataId, imageCorners))

        return pipeBase.Struct(
            dataRefList = dataRefList if makeDataRefList else None,
            exposureInfoList = exposureInfoList,
def overlapsTract(tract, imageWcs, imageBox):
    """Return whether the image (specified by Wcs and bounding box) overlaps the tract
    @param tract: TractInfo specifying a tract
    @param imageWcs: Wcs for image
    @param imageBox: Bounding box for image
    @return bool
    tractWcs = tract.getWcs()
    tractCorners = [tractWcs.pixelToSky(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(coord)).getVector() for
                    coord in tract.getBBox().getCorners()]
    tractPoly = convexHull(tractCorners)

        imageCorners = [imageWcs.pixelToSky(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(pix)) for pix in imageBox.getCorners()]
    except lsst.pex.exceptions.LsstCppException, e:
        # Protecting ourselves from awful Wcs solutions in input images
        if (not isinstance(e.message, lsst.pex.exceptions.DomainErrorException) and
            not isinstance(e.message, lsst.pex.exceptions.RuntimeErrorException)):
        return False
            for tractSet in visitTract.itervalues():
            log.info("Number of visits for each tract: %s" % (dict(tractCounter),))

def overlapsTract(tract, imageWcs, imageBox):
    """Return whether the image (specified by Wcs and bounding box) overlaps the tract
    @param tract: TractInfo specifying a tract
    @param imageWcs: Wcs for image
    @param imageBox: Bounding box for image
    @return bool
    tractWcs = tract.getWcs()
    tractCorners = [tractWcs.pixelToSky(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(coord)).getVector() for
                    coord in tract.getBBox().getCorners()]
    tractPoly = convexHull(tractCorners)

        imageCorners = [imageWcs.pixelToSky(lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(pix)) for pix in imageBox.getCorners()]
    except lsst.pex.exceptions.LsstCppException, e:
        # Protecting ourselves from awful Wcs solutions in input images
        if (not isinstance(e.message, lsst.pex.exceptions.DomainErrorException) and
            not isinstance(e.message, lsst.pex.exceptions.RuntimeErrorException)):
        return False

    imagePoly = convexHull([coord.getVector() for coord in imageCorners])
    if imagePoly is None:
        return False
    return tractPoly.intersects(imagePoly) # "intersects" also covers "contains" or "is contained by"
    def runDataRef(self,
        """Select images in the selectDataList that overlap the patch

        We use the "convexHull" function in the geom package to define
        polygons on the celestial sphere, and test the polygon of the
        patch for overlap with the polygon of the image.

        We use "convexHull" instead of generating a SphericalConvexPolygon
        directly because the standard for the inputs to SphericalConvexPolygon
        are pretty high and we don't want to be responsible for reaching them.
        If "convexHull" is found to be too slow, we can revise this.

        @param dataRef: Data reference for coadd/tempExp (with tract, patch)
        @param coordList: List of Coord specifying boundary of patch
        @param makeDataRefList: Construct a list of data references?
        @param selectDataList: List of SelectStruct, to consider for selection
        from lsst.geom import convexHull

        dataRefList = []
        exposureInfoList = []

        patchVertices = [coord.getVector() for coord in coordList]
        patchPoly = convexHull(patchVertices)

        for data in selectDataList:
            dataRef = data.dataRef
            imageWcs = data.wcs
            nx, ny = data.dims

            imageBox = afwGeom.Box2D(afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0),
                                     afwGeom.Extent2D(nx, ny))
                imageCorners = [
                    imageWcs.pixelToSky(pix) for pix in imageBox.getCorners()
            except (pexExceptions.DomainError,
                    pexExceptions.RuntimeError) as e:
                # Protecting ourselves from awful Wcs solutions in input images
                    "WCS error in testing calexp %s (%s): deselecting",
                    dataRef.dataId, e)

            imagePoly = convexHull(
                [coord.getVector() for coord in imageCorners])
            if imagePoly is None:
                    "Unable to create polygon from image %s: deselecting",
            if patchPoly.intersects(
            ):  # "intersects" also covers "contains" or "is contained by"
                self.log.info("Selecting calexp %s" % dataRef.dataId)
                    BaseExposureInfo(dataRef.dataId, imageCorners))

        return pipeBase.Struct(
            dataRefList=dataRefList if makeDataRefList else None,