Exemple #1
    def testComovingDistance(self):
        Test comoving distance calculation

        Note: this is comoving distance defined as X in the FRW metric

        ds^2 = -c^2 dt^2 + a^2 dX^2 + sin^2(X) dOmega^2

        where spatial curvature is accounted for in the sin function

        H0 = 73.0
        for Om0 in np.arange(start=0.15, stop=0.56, step=0.2):
            for Ok0 in np.arange(start=-0.1, stop=0.11, step=0.2):
                for w0 in np.arange(start=-1.1, stop=-0.85, step=0.2):
                    for wa in np.arange(start=-0.1, stop=0.115, step=0.02):

                        universe = CosmologyObject(H0=H0, Om0=Om0, Ok0=Ok0, w0=w0, wa=wa)
                        Og0 = universe.OmegaPhotons()
                        Onu0 = universe.OmegaNeutrinos()
                        Ode0 = universe.OmegaDarkEnergy()

                        for zz in np.arange(start=0.1, stop=4.2, step=2.0):
                            comovingControl = universe.comovingDistance(redshift=zz)

                            comovingTest = \
                                self.speedOfLight*scipy.integrate.quad(comovingDistanceIntegrand, 0.0, zz,
                                                                       args=(H0, Om0, Ode0,
                                                                             Og0, Onu0, w0, wa))[0]

                            self.assertAlmostEqual(comovingControl/comovingTest, 1.0, 4)
    def testComovingDistance(self):
        Test comoving distance calculation

        Note: this is comoving distance defined as X in the FRW metric

        ds^2 = -c^2 dt^2 + a^2 dX^2 + sin^2(X) dOmega^2

        where spatial curvature is accounted for in the sin function

        H0 = 73.0
        for Om0 in numpy.arange(start=0.15, stop=0.56, step=0.2):
            for Ok0 in numpy.arange(start=-0.1, stop=0.11, step=0.2):
                for w0 in numpy.arange(start=-1.1, stop=-0.85, step=0.2):
                    for wa in numpy.arange(start=-0.1, stop=0.115, step=0.02):

                        universe = CosmologyObject(H0=H0,
                        Og0 = universe.OmegaPhotons()
                        Onu0 = universe.OmegaNeutrinos()
                        Ode0 = universe.OmegaDarkEnergy()

                        for zz in numpy.arange(start=0.1, stop=4.2, step=2.0):
                            comovingControl = universe.comovingDistance(
                            comovingTest = \
                                self.speedOfLight*scipy.integrate.quad(comovingDistanceIntegrand, 0.0, zz,
                                                                   args=(H0, Om0, Ode0, Og0, Onu0, w0, wa))[0]
                                comovingControl / comovingTest, 1.0, 4)