def testLmstLast(self):
        Test calculation of local mean and apparent sidereal time

        gmst, gast = utils.calcGmstGast(self.mjd)
        ll = [1.2, 2.2]
        for longitude in ll:
            hours = numpy.degrees(longitude)/15.0
            if hours > 24.0:
                hours -= 24.0
            controlLmst = gmst + hours
            controlLast = gast + hours
            controlLmst %= 24.0
            controlLast %= 24.0
            testLmst, testLast = utils.calcLmstLast(self.mjd, longitude)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testLmst - controlLmst).max() < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testLast - controlLast).max() < self.tolerance)

        #test non-vectorized version
        for longitude in ll:
            for mm in self.mjd:
                gmst, gast = utils.calcGmstGast(mm)
                hours = numpy.degrees(longitude)/15.0
                if hours > 24.0:
                    hours -= 24.0
                controlLmst = gmst + hours
                controlLast = gast + hours
                controlLmst %= 24.0
                controlLast %= 24.0
                testLmst, testLast = utils.calcLmstLast(mm, longitude)
                self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testLmst - controlLmst) < self.tolerance)
                self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testLast - controlLast) < self.tolerance)
Exemple #2
    def testLmstLast(self):
        Test calculation of local mean and apparent sidereal time

        gmst, gast = utils.calcGmstGast(self.mjd)
        ll = [1.2, 2.2]

        # test passing a float for longitude and a numpy array for mjd
        for longitude in ll:
            hours = np.degrees(longitude) / 15.0
            if hours > 24.0:
                hours -= 24.0
            controlLmst = gmst + hours
            controlLast = gast + hours
            controlLmst %= 24.0
            controlLast %= 24.0
            testLmst, testLast = utils.calcLmstLast(self.mjd, longitude)
            self.assertLess(np.abs(testLmst - controlLmst).max(), self.tolerance)
            self.assertLess(np.abs(testLast - controlLast).max(), self.tolerance)
            self.assertIsInstance(testLmst, np.ndarray)
            self.assertIsInstance(testLast, np.ndarray)

        # test passing two floats
        for longitude in ll:
            for mm in self.mjd:
                gmst, gast = utils.calcGmstGast(mm)
                hours = np.degrees(longitude) / 15.0
                if hours > 24.0:
                    hours -= 24.0
                controlLmst = gmst + hours
                controlLast = gast + hours
                controlLmst %= 24.0
                controlLast %= 24.0
                testLmst, testLast = utils.calcLmstLast(mm, longitude)
                self.assertLess(np.abs(testLmst - controlLmst), self.tolerance)
                self.assertLess(np.abs(testLast - controlLast), self.tolerance)
                self.assertIsInstance(testLmst, np.float)
                self.assertIsInstance(testLast, np.float)

        # test passing two numpy arrays
        ll = self.rng.random_sample(len(self.mjd)) * 2.0 * np.pi
        testLmst, testLast = utils.calcLmstLast(self.mjd, ll)
        self.assertIsInstance(testLmst, np.ndarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(testLast, np.ndarray)
        for ix, (longitude, mm) in enumerate(zip(ll, self.mjd)):
            controlLmst, controlLast = utils.calcLmstLast(mm, longitude)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(controlLmst, testLmst[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(controlLast, testLast[ix], 10)
Exemple #3
    def testPAStacker(self):
        """ Test the parallacticAngleStacker"""
        data = np.zeros(100, dtype=list(zip(
            ['observationStartMJD', 'fieldDec', 'fieldRA', 'observationStartLST'], [float] * 4)))
        data['observationStartMJD'] = np.arange(100) * .2 + 50000
        site = Site(name='LSST')
        data['observationStartLST'], last = calcLmstLast(data['observationStartMJD'], site.longitude_rad)
        data['observationStartLST'] = data['observationStartLST']*180./12.
        stacker = stackers.ParallacticAngleStacker(degrees=True)
        data =
        # Check values are in good range
        assert(data['PA'].max() <= 180)
        assert(data['PA'].min() >= -180)

        # Check compared to the util
        check_pa = []
        ras = np.radians(data['fieldRA'])
        decs = np.radians(data['fieldDec'])
        for ra, dec, mjd in zip(ras, decs, data['observationStartMJD']):
            alt, az, pa = _altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec,
                                            ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=site))

        check_pa = np.degrees(check_pa)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(data['PA'], check_pa, decimal=0)
    def testAltAzToRaDec(self):
        Test conversion of Alt, Az t Ra, Dec
        raIn = numpy.random.sample(len(self.mjd))*2.0*numpy.pi
        decIn = (numpy.random.sample(len(self.mjd))-0.5)*numpy.pi
        longitude = 1.467
        latitude = -0.234
        lst, last = utils.calcLmstLast(self.mjd, longitude)
        hourAngle = numpy.radians(last*15.0) - raIn
        controlAz, azd, azdd, \
        controlAlt, eld, eldd, \
        pa, pad, padd = palpy.altazVector(hourAngle, decIn, latitude)

        raOut, decOut, = utils.altAzToRaDec(controlAlt, controlAz,
                                           longitude, latitude, self.mjd)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.cos(raOut) - numpy.cos(raIn)).max() < self.tolerance)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(raOut) - numpy.sin(raIn)).max() < self.tolerance)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.cos(decOut) - numpy.cos(decIn)).max() < self.tolerance)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(decOut) - numpy.sin(decIn)).max() < self.tolerance)

        #test non-vectorized version
        for alt, az, r, d, m in zip(controlAlt, controlAz, raIn, decIn, self.mjd):
            raOut, decOut = utils.altAzToRaDec(alt, az, longitude, latitude, m)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.cos(raOut) - numpy.cos(r)) < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(raOut) - numpy.sin(r)) < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.cos(decOut) - numpy.cos(d)) < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(decOut) - numpy.sin(d)) < self.tolerance)
Exemple #5
    def return_status(self):
        Return a dict full of the current info about the observatory and sky.

        XXX-- Need to document all these with units!!!
        result = {}
        result['mjd'] = self.mjd
        result['night'] = self.night
        result['lmst'], last = calcLmstLast(self.mjd,
        result['skybrightness'] =
        result['slewtimes'] = self.slewtime_map()
        result['airmass'] =
        delta_t = (self.mjd - self.mjd_start) * 24. * 3600.
        result['clouds'] = self.cloud_model.get_cloud(delta_t)
        for filtername in ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']:
            fwhm_500, fwhm_geometric, fwhm_effective = self.seeing_model.calculate_seeing(
                delta_t, filtername, result['airmass'])
            result['FWHMeff_%s' % filtername] = fwhm_effective  # arcsec
            result['FWHM_geometric_%s' % filtername] = fwhm_geometric
        result['filter'] = self.filtername
        result['RA'] = self.ra
        result['dec'] = self.dec
        result['next_twilight_start'] = self.next_twilight_start(self.mjd)
        result['next_twilight_end'] = self.next_twilight_end(self.mjd)
        result['last_twilight_end'] = self.last_twilight_end(self.mjd)
        sunMoon_info =
        # Pretty sure these are radians
        result['sunAlt'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['sunAlt'])
        result['moonAlt'] = np.max(sunMoon_info['moonAlt'])
        self.status = result
        return result
def stupidFast_altAz2RaDec(alt, az, lat, lon, mjd):
    Convert alt, az to RA, Dec without taking into account abberation, precesion, diffraction, ect.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Must be same length as `alt`. Radians.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad

    dec = np.arcsin(np.sin(lat)*np.sin(alt) + np.cos(lat)*np.cos(alt)*np.cos(az))
    ha = np.arctan2(-np.sin(az)*np.cos(alt), -np.cos(az)*np.sin(lat)*np.cos(alt)+np.sin(alt)*np.cos(lat))
    ra = (lmst-ha)
    raneg = np.where(ra < 0)
    ra[raneg] = ra[raneg] + 2.*np.pi
    return ra, dec
def controlRaDecToAltAz(raRad, decRad, longRad, latRad, mjd):
    Converts RA and Dec to altitude and azimuth

    @param [in] raRad is the RA in radians

    @param [in] decRad is the Dec in radians

    @param [in] longRad is the longitude of the observer in radians
    (positive east of the prime meridian)

    @param [in[ latRad is the latitude of the observer in radians
    (positive north of the equator)

    @param [in] mjd is the universal time expressed as an MJD

    @param [out] altitude in radians

    @param [out[ azimuth in radians

    lst = utils.calcLmstLast(mjd, longRad)
    last = lst[1]
    haRad = numpy.radians(last*15.) - raRad
    sinDec = numpy.sin(decRad)
    cosLat = numpy.cos(latRad)
    sinLat = numpy.sin(latRad)
    sinAlt = sinDec*sinLat+numpy.cos(decRad)*cosLat*numpy.cos(haRad)
    altRad = numpy.arcsin(sinAlt)
    azRad = numpy.arccos((sinDec - sinAlt*sinLat)/(numpy.cos(altRad)*cosLat))
    azRadOut = numpy.where(numpy.sin(haRad)>=0.0, 2.0*numpy.pi-azRad, azRad)
    return altRad, azRadOut
Exemple #8
    def testPAStacker(self):
        """ Test the parallacticAngleStacker"""
        data = np.zeros(100,
                                'observationStartMJD', 'fieldDec', 'fieldRA',
                            ], [float] * 4)))
        data['observationStartMJD'] = np.arange(100) * .2 + 50000
        site = Site(name='LSST')
        data['observationStartLST'], last = calcLmstLast(
            data['observationStartMJD'], site.longitude_rad)
        data['observationStartLST'] = data['observationStartLST'] * 180. / 12.
        stacker = stackers.ParallacticAngleStacker(degrees=True)
        data =
        # Check values are in good range
        assert (data['PA'].max() <= 180)
        assert (data['PA'].min() >= -180)

        # Check compared to the util
        check_pa = []
        ras = np.radians(data['fieldRA'])
        decs = np.radians(data['fieldDec'])
        for ra, dec, mjd in zip(ras, decs, data['observationStartMJD']):
            alt, az, pa = _altAzPaFromRaDec(
                ra, dec, ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=site))

        check_pa = np.degrees(check_pa)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(data['PA'], check_pa, decimal=0)
Exemple #9
    def testAltAzFromRaDec(self):
        Test conversion from RA, Dec to Alt, Az

        nSamples = 100
        ra = self.rng.random_sample(nSamples)*2.0*np.pi
        dec = (self.rng.random_sample(nSamples)-0.5)*np.pi
        lon_rad = 1.467
        lat_rad = -0.234
        controlAlt, controlAz = controlAltAzFromRaDec(ra, dec,
                                                      lon_rad, lat_rad,

        obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=utils.ModifiedJulianDate(UTC=self.mjd),

        # verify parallactic angle against an expression from
        ra_obs, dec_obs = utils._observedFromICRS(ra, dec, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

        lmst, last = utils.calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1, lon_rad)
        hourAngle = np.radians(last * 15.0) - ra_obs
        controlSinPa = np.sin(hourAngle) * np.cos(lat_rad) / np.cos(controlAlt)

        testAlt, testAz, testPa = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, obs)

        distance = utils.arcsecFromRadians(utils.haversine(controlAz, controlAlt, testAz, testAlt))
        self.assertLess(distance.max(), 0.0001)
        self.assertLess(np.abs(np.sin(testPa) - controlSinPa).max(), self.tolerance)

        # test non-vectorized version
        for r, d in zip(ra, dec):
            controlAlt, controlAz = controlAltAzFromRaDec(r, d, lon_rad, lat_rad, self.mjd)
            testAlt, testAz, testPa = utils._altAzPaFromRaDec(r, d, obs)
            lmst, last = utils.calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1, lon_rad)
            r_obs, dec_obs = utils._observedFromICRS(r, d, obs_metadata=obs,
                                                     epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=True)
            hourAngle = np.radians(last * 15.0) - r_obs
            controlSinPa = np.sin(hourAngle) * np.cos(lat_rad) / np.cos(controlAlt)
            distance = utils.arcsecFromRadians(utils.haversine(controlAz, controlAlt, testAz, testAlt))
            self.assertLess(distance, 0.0001)
            self.assertLess(np.abs(np.sin(testPa) - controlSinPa), self.tolerance)
Exemple #10
    def observation_add_data(self, observation):
        Fill in the metadata for a completed observation
        current_time = Time(self.mjd, format='mjd')

        observation['clouds'] = self.cloud_data(current_time)
        observation['airmass'] = 1. / np.cos(np.pi / 2. - observation['alt'])
        # Seeing
        fwhm_500 = self.seeing_data(current_time)
        seeing_dict = self.seeing_model(fwhm_500, observation['airmass'])
        observation['FWHMeff'] = seeing_dict['fwhmEff'][self.seeing_indx_dict[
        observation['FWHM_geometric'] = seeing_dict['fwhmGeom'][
        observation['FWHM_500'] = fwhm_500

        observation['night'] = self.night
        observation['mjd'] = self.mjd

        hpid = _raDec2Hpid(self.sky_model.nside, observation['RA'],
        observation['skybrightness'] = self.sky_model.returnMags(
            self.mjd, indx=[hpid], extrapolate=True)[observation['filter'][0]]

        observation['fivesigmadepth'] = m5_flat_sed(
            observation['exptime'] / observation['nexp'],

        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(self.mjd,
        observation['lmst'] = lmst

        sun_moon_info = self.almanac.get_sun_moon_positions(self.mjd)
        observation['sunAlt'] = sun_moon_info['sun_alt']
        observation['sunAz'] = sun_moon_info['sun_az']
        observation['sunRA'] = sun_moon_info['sun_RA']
        observation['sunDec'] = sun_moon_info['sun_dec']
        observation['moonAlt'] = sun_moon_info['moon_alt']
        observation['moonAz'] = sun_moon_info['moon_az']
        observation['moonRA'] = sun_moon_info['moon_RA']
        observation['moonDec'] = sun_moon_info['moon_dec']
        observation['moonDist'] = _angularSeparation(observation['RA'],
        observation['solarElong'] = _angularSeparation(observation['RA'],
        observation['moonPhase'] = sun_moon_info['moon_phase']

        observation['ID'] = self.obsID_counter
        self.obsID_counter += 1

        return observation
Exemple #11
def _raDecFromAltAz(altRad, azRad, obs, includeRefraction=True):
    Convert altitude and azimuth to RA and Dec

    @param [in] altRad is the altitude in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] azRad is the azimuth in radians.  Cant be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [in] includeRefraction is a boolean that turns refraction on and off
    (default True)

    @param [out] RA in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    @param [out] Dec in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    Note: This method is only accurate to within 0.01 arcsec near azimuth = 0 or pi

    are_arrays = _validate_inputs([altRad, azRad], ['altRad', 'azRad'],

    lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
    last = lst[1]
    sinAlt = np.sin(altRad)
    cosLat = np.cos(
    sinLat = np.sin(
    decObs = np.arcsin(sinLat * sinAlt +
                       cosLat * np.cos(altRad) * np.cos(azRad))
    costheta = (sinAlt - np.sin(decObs) * sinLat) / (np.cos(decObs) * cosLat)
    if are_arrays:
        haRad0 = np.arccos(costheta)
        # Make sure there were no NaNs
        nanSpots = np.where(np.isnan(haRad0))[0]
        if np.size(nanSpots) > 0:
            haRad0[nanSpots] = 0.5 * np.pi * \
                (1.0 - np.sign(costheta[nanSpots]))
        haRad0 = np.arccos(costheta)
        if np.isnan(haRad0):
            if np.sign(costheta) > 0.0:
                haRad0 = 0.0
                haRad0 = np.pi

    haRad = np.where(np.sin(azRad) >= 0.0, -1.0 * haRad0, haRad0)
    raObs = np.radians(last * 15.) - haRad

    raRad, decRad = _icrsFromObserved(raObs,

    return raRad, decRad
def _raDecFromAltAz(altRad, azRad, obs, includeRefraction=True):
    Convert altitude and azimuth to RA and Dec

    @param [in] altRad is the altitude in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] azRad is the azimuth in radians.  Cant be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [in] includeRefraction is a boolean that turns refraction on and off
    (default True)

    @param [out] RA in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    @param [out] Dec in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    Note: This method is only accurate to within 0.01 arcsec near azimuth = 0 or pi

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
        are_arrays = _validate_inputs(
            [altRad, azRad], ['altRad', 'azRad'], "raDecFromAltAz")

        lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
        last = lst[1]
        sinAlt = np.sin(altRad)
        cosLat = np.cos(
        sinLat = np.sin(
        decObs = np.arcsin(sinLat * sinAlt + cosLat *
                           np.cos(altRad) * np.cos(azRad))
        costheta = (sinAlt - np.sin(decObs) * sinLat) / (np.cos(decObs) * cosLat)
        if are_arrays:
            haRad0 = np.arccos(costheta)
            # Make sure there were no NaNs
            nanSpots = np.where(np.isnan(haRad0))[0]
            if np.size(nanSpots) > 0:
                haRad0[nanSpots] = 0.5 * np.pi * \
                    (1.0 - np.sign(costheta[nanSpots]))
            haRad0 = np.arccos(costheta)
            if np.isnan(haRad0):
                if np.sign(costheta) > 0.0:
                    haRad0 = 0.0
                    haRad0 = np.pi

        haRad = np.where(np.sin(azRad) >= 0.0, -1.0 * haRad0, haRad0)
        raObs = np.radians(last * 15.) - haRad

        raRad, decRad = _icrsFromObserved(raObs, decObs,
                                          obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

    return raRad, decRad
    def testExceptions(self):
        Test to make sure that methods complain when incorrect data types are passed.
        mjdFloat = 52000.0
        mjd2 = numpy.array([52000.0, 53000.0])
        mjd3 = numpy.array([53000.0, 53000.0, 54000.0])

        longFloat = 1.2
        longList = numpy.array([1.2, 1.4])
        latFloat = 0.5
        latList = numpy.array([0.5, 0.6])

        raFloat = 1.1
        raList = numpy.array([0.2, 0.3])

        decFloat = 1.1
        decList = numpy.array([0.2, 0.3])

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjdFloat, longList)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjd3, longList)
        ans = utils.calcLmstLast(mjdFloat, longFloat)
        ans = utils.calcLmstLast(mjd2, longList)

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raList, decList, longList, latFloat, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raList, decList, longFloat, latList, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raList, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raFloat, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raFloat, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.raDecToAltAzPa, raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjd3)
        ans = utils.raDecToAltAzPa(raFloat, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        ans = utils.raDecToAltAzPa(raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        ans = utils.raDecToAltAzPa(raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjd2)

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raList, decList, longList, latFloat, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raList, decList, longFloat, latList, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raList, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raFloat, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raFloat, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjd2)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.altAzToRaDec, raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjd3)
        ans = utils.altAzToRaDec(raFloat, decFloat, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        ans = utils.altAzToRaDec(raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjdFloat)
        ans = utils.altAzToRaDec(raList, decList, longFloat, latFloat, mjd2)
Exemple #14
def _approx_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd, lmst=None, return_pa=False):
    Convert Ra,Dec to Altitude and Azimuth.

    Coordinate transformation is killing performance. Just use simple equations to speed it up
    and ignore aberration, precession, nutation, nutrition, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    lmst : float (None)
        The local mean sidereal time (computed if not given). (hours)

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst - ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec * sinlat + np.cos(dec) * coslat * np.cos(ha)
    sinalt = np.clip(sinalt, -1, 1)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    cosaz = (sindec - np.sin(alt) * sinlat) / (np.cos(alt) * coslat)
    cosaz = np.clip(cosaz, -1, 1)
    az = np.arccos(cosaz)
    if np.size(ha) < 2:
        if np.sin(ha) > 0:
            az = 2. * np.pi - az
        signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
        az[signflip] = 2. * np.pi - az[signflip]
    if return_pa:
        pa = _approx_altaz2pa(alt, az, lat)
        return alt, az, pa
    return alt, az
    def testRaDecToAltAz(self):
        Test conversion from RA, Dec to Alt, Az

        ra = numpy.random.sample(len(self.mjd))*2.0*numpy.pi
        dec = (numpy.random.sample(len(self.mjd))-0.5)*numpy.pi
        longitude = 1.467
        latitude = -0.234
        controlAlt, controlAz = controlRaDecToAltAz(ra, dec, \
                                                    longitude, latitude, \
                                                    self. mjd)

        #verify parallactic angle against an expression from
        lmst, last = utils.calcLmstLast(self.mjd, longitude)
        hourAngle = numpy.radians(last*15.0) - ra
        controlSinPa = numpy.sin(hourAngle)*numpy.cos(latitude)/numpy.cos(controlAlt)

        testAlt, testAz, testPa = utils.raDecToAltAzPa(ra, dec, \
                                                       longitude, latitude, \

        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testAz - controlAz).max() < self.tolerance)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testAlt - controlAlt).max() < self.tolerance)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(testPa) - controlSinPa).max() < self.tolerance)

        #test non-vectorized version
        for r,d,m in zip(ra, dec, self.mjd):
            controlAlt, controlAz = controlRaDecToAltAz(r, d, longitude, latitude, m)
            testAlt, testAz, testPa = utils.raDecToAltAzPa(r, d, longitude, latitude, m)
            lmst, last = utils.calcLmstLast(m, longitude)
            hourAngle = numpy.radians(last*15.0) - r
            controlSinPa = numpy.sin(hourAngle)*numpy.cos(latitude)/numpy.cos(controlAlt)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testAz - controlAz) < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(testAlt - controlAlt) < self.tolerance)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(numpy.sin(testPa) - controlSinPa) < self.tolerance)
Exemple #16
def _altAzPaFromRaDec(raRad, decRad, obs, includeRefraction=True):
    Convert RA, Dec, longitude, latitude and MJD into altitude, azimuth
    and parallactic angle using PALPY

    @param [in] raRad is RA in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] decRad is Dec in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [in] includeRefraction is a boolean that turns refraction on and off
    (default True)

    @param [out] altitude in radians

    @param [out] azimuth in radians

    @param [out] parallactic angle in radians

    WARNING: This method does not account for apparent motion due to parallax.
    This method is only useful for mapping positions on a theoretical focal plan
    to positions on the celestial sphere.

    are_arrays = _validate_inputs([raRad, decRad], ['ra', 'dec'],

    raObs, decObs = \
    _observedFromICRS(raRad, decRad, obs_metadata=obs,
                      epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=includeRefraction)

    lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
    last = lst[1]
    haRad = np.radians(last * 15.0) - raObs

    if are_arrays:
        az, azd, azdd, \
            alt, altd, altdd, \
            pa, pad, padd = palpy.altazVector(
                haRad, decObs,
        az, azd, azdd, \
            alt, altd, altdd, \
            pa, pad, padd = palpy.altaz(haRad, decObs,

    return alt, az, pa
def _altAzPaFromRaDec(raRad, decRad, obs, includeRefraction=True):
    Convert RA, Dec, longitude, latitude and MJD into altitude, azimuth
    and parallactic angle using PALPY

    @param [in] raRad is RA in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] decRad is Dec in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [in] includeRefraction is a boolean that turns refraction on and off
    (default True)

    @param [out] altitude in radians

    @param [out] azimuth in radians

    @param [out] parallactic angle in radians

    WARNING: This method does not account for apparent motion due to parallax.
    This method is only useful for mapping positions on a theoretical focal plan
    to positions on the celestial sphere.

    are_arrays = _validate_inputs([raRad, decRad], ['ra', 'dec'],

    raObs, decObs = \
    _observedFromICRS(raRad, decRad, obs_metadata=obs,
                      epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=includeRefraction)

    lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
    last = lst[1]
    haRad = np.radians(last * 15.0) - raObs

    if are_arrays:
        az, azd, azdd, \
            alt, altd, altdd, \
            pa, pad, padd = palpy.altazVector(
                haRad, decObs,
        az, azd, azdd, \
            alt, altd, altdd, \
            pa, pad, padd = palpy.altaz(haRad, decObs,

    return alt, az, pa
Exemple #18
def controlAltAzFromRaDec(raRad_in, decRad_in, longRad, latRad, mjd):
    Converts RA and Dec to altitude and azimuth

    @param [in] raRad is the RA in radians
    (observed geocentric)

    @param [in] decRad is the Dec in radians
    (observed geocentric)

    @param [in] longRad is the longitude of the observer in radians
    (positive east of the prime meridian)

    @param [in[ latRad is the latitude of the observer in radians
    (positive north of the equator)

    @param [in] mjd is the universal time expressed as an MJD

    @param [out] altitude in radians

    @param [out[ azimuth in radians

    obs = utils.ObservationMetaData(mjd=utils.ModifiedJulianDate(UTC=mjd),

    if hasattr(raRad_in, '__len__'):
        raRad, decRad = utils._observedFromICRS(raRad_in, decRad_in, obs_metadata=obs,
                                                epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=True)
        raRad, decRad = utils._observedFromICRS(raRad_in, decRad_in,
                                                obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=True)

    lst = utils.calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1, longRad)
    last = lst[1]
    haRad = np.radians(last * 15.) - raRad

    sinDec = np.sin(decRad)
    cosLat = np.cos(latRad)
    sinLat = np.sin(latRad)
    sinAlt = sinDec*sinLat + np.cos(decRad)*cosLat*np.cos(haRad)
    altRad = np.arcsin(sinAlt)
    azRad = np.arccos((sinDec - sinAlt*sinLat) / (np.cos(altRad)*cosLat))
    azRadOut = np.where(np.sin(haRad) >= 0.0, 2.0 * np.pi - azRad, azRad)
    if isinstance(altRad, float):
        return altRad, float(azRadOut)
    return altRad, azRadOut
Exemple #19
def raDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd, altonly=False):
    """Convert RA/Dec (and telescope site lat/lon) to alt/az.

    This uses simple equations and ignores aberation, precession, nutation, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    altonly : bool, opt
        Calculate altitude only.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst - ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec * sinlat + np.cos(dec) * coslat * np.cos(ha)
    # make sure sinalt is in the expected range.
    sinalt = np.where(sinalt < -1, -1, sinalt)
    sinalt = np.where(sinalt > 1, 1, sinalt)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    if altonly:
        az = None
        cosaz = (sindec-np.sin(alt)*sinlat)/(np.cos(alt)*coslat)
        cosaz = np.where(cosaz < -1, -1, cosaz)
        cosaz = np.where(cosaz > 1, 1, cosaz)
        az = np.arccos(cosaz)
        signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
        az[signflip] = 2.*np.pi-az[signflip]
    return alt, az
Exemple #20
def raDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd, altonly=False):
    """Convert RA/Dec (and telescope site lat/lon) to alt/az.

    This uses simple equations and ignores aberation, precession, nutation, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    altonly : bool, opt
        Calculate altitude only.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst - ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec * sinlat + np.cos(dec) * coslat * np.cos(ha)
    # make sure sinalt is in the expected range.
    sinalt = np.where(sinalt < -1, -1, sinalt)
    sinalt = np.where(sinalt > 1, 1, sinalt)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    if altonly:
        az = None
        cosaz = (sindec - np.sin(alt) * sinlat) / (np.cos(alt) * coslat)
        cosaz = np.where(cosaz < -1, -1, cosaz)
        cosaz = np.where(cosaz > 1, 1, cosaz)
        az = np.arccos(cosaz)
        signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
        az[signflip] = 2. * np.pi - az[signflip]
    return alt, az
def stupidFast_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, mjd, lmst=None):
    Convert Ra,Dec to Altitude and Azimuth.

    Coordinate transformation is killing performance. Just use simple equations to speed it up
    and ignore abberation, precesion, nutation, nutrition, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    lat = -0.517781017
    lon = -1.2320792

    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
        lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst - ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec * sinlat + np.cos(dec) * coslat * np.cos(ha)
    sinalt = inrange(sinalt)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    cosaz = (sindec - np.sin(alt) * sinlat) / (np.cos(alt) * coslat)
    cosaz = inrange(cosaz)
    az = np.arccos(cosaz)
    signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
    az[signflip] = 2. * np.pi - az[signflip]
    return alt, az
def _approx_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd, lmst=None):
    Convert Ra,Dec to Altitude and Azimuth.

    Coordinate transformation is killing performance. Just use simple equations to speed it up
    and ignore aberration, precession, nutation, nutrition, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    lmst : float (None)
        The local mean sidereal time (computed if not given). (hours)

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst-ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec*sinlat+np.cos(dec)*coslat*np.cos(ha)
    sinalt = np.clip(sinalt, -1, 1)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    cosaz = (sindec-np.sin(alt)*sinlat)/(np.cos(alt)*coslat)
    cosaz = np.clip(cosaz, -1, 1)
    az = np.arccos(cosaz)
    signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
    az[signflip] = 2.*np.pi-az[signflip]
    return alt, az
Exemple #23
def _approx_altAz2RaDec(alt, az, lat, lon, mjd, lmst=None):
    Convert alt, az to RA, Dec without taking into account aberration, precession, diffraction, etc.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Must be same length as `alt`. Radians.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    lmst : float (None)
        The local mean sidereal time (computed if not given). (hours)

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    sindec = np.sin(lat) * np.sin(alt) + np.cos(lat) * np.cos(alt) * np.cos(az)
    sindec = np.clip(sindec, -1, 1)
    dec = np.arcsin(sindec)
    ha = np.arctan2(
        -np.sin(az) * np.cos(alt),
        -np.cos(az) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(alt) + np.sin(alt) * np.cos(lat))
    ra = (lmst - ha)
    raneg = np.where(ra < 0)
    ra[raneg] = ra[raneg] + 2. * np.pi
    raover = np.where(ra > 2. * np.pi)
    ra[raover] -= 2. * np.pi
    return ra, dec
Exemple #24
def hour_angle(ra, lsst_lon, mjd, lmst=None):
    evaluates the hour angle of fields.

    ra : numpy.array
        RA, in radians.
    lsst_lon  : float
        Longitude of the LSST site

    ha : numpy.array
        Hour angle ranging from -12 to 12. Hours.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lsst_lon)
    ha = lmst-ra * 12./np.pi
    ha = np.where(ha < -12, ha +24, ha)
    ha = np.where(ha > 12, ha - 24, ha)
    return ha
def _approx_altAz2RaDec(alt, az, lat, lon, mjd, lmst=None):
    Convert alt, az to RA, Dec without taking into account aberration, precession, diffraction, etc.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Must be same length as `alt`. Radians.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.
    lmst : float (None)
        The local mean sidereal time (computed if not given). (hours)

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad
    sindec = np.sin(lat)*np.sin(alt) + np.cos(lat)*np.cos(alt)*np.cos(az)
    sindec = np.clip(sindec, -1, 1)
    dec = np.arcsin(sindec)
    ha = np.arctan2(-np.sin(az)*np.cos(alt), -np.cos(az)*np.sin(lat)*np.cos(alt)+np.sin(alt)*np.cos(lat))
    ra = (lmst-ha)
    raneg = np.where(ra < 0)
    ra[raneg] = ra[raneg] + 2.*np.pi
    raover = np.where(ra > 2.*np.pi)
    ra[raover] -= 2.*np.pi
    return ra, dec
def stupidFast_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd):
    Convert Ra,Dec to Altitude and Azimuth.

    Coordinate transformation is killing performance. Just use simple equations to speed it up
    and ignore abberation, precesion, nutation, nutrition, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst-ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    alt = np.arcsin(sindec*sinlat+np.cos(dec)*coslat*np.cos(ha))
    az = np.arccos((sindec-np.sin(alt)*sinlat)/(np.cos(alt)*coslat))
    signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
    az[signflip] = 2.*np.pi-az[signflip]
    return alt, az
Exemple #27
def stupidFast_altAz2RaDec(alt, az, lat, lon, mjd):
    Convert alt, az to RA, Dec without taking into account abberation, precesion, diffraction, ect.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Must be same length as `alt`. Radians.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst / 12. * np.pi  # convert to rad
    sindec = np.sin(lat) * np.sin(alt) + np.cos(lat) * np.cos(alt) * np.cos(az)
    sindec = inrange(sindec)
    dec = np.arcsin(sindec)
    ha = np.arctan2(
        -np.sin(az) * np.cos(alt),
        -np.cos(az) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(alt) + np.sin(alt) * np.cos(lat))
    ra = (lmst - ha)
    raneg = np.where(ra < 0)
    ra[raneg] = ra[raneg] + 2. * np.pi
    return ra, dec
Exemple #28
telescope = Site('LSST')
nside = 32
lat, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
dec = np.pi / 2 - lat

kwargs = dict(twilight=False,

sm = sb.SkyModel(observatory='LSST', mags=True)  # , **kwargs)
mjd = 49353.177645
sm.setRaDecMjd(ra, dec, mjd)
mag = sm.returnMags()
lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, telescope.longitude_rad)

moonRA, moonDec = _raDecFromAltAz(sm.moonAlt, sm.moonAz,
                                  ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=telescope))

alt, az, pa = _altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec,
                                ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=telescope))
angDist2Moon = np.degrees(haversine(az, alt, sm.moonAz, sm.moonAlt))
ang2 = np.degrees(haversine(ra, dec, moonRA, moonDec))
alt = np.degrees(alt)

mags = -0.5 * (np.nanmin(mag['u']) - mag['u'])

#extent = (0,130, 0,90)
extent = (20, 120, 20, 90)
Exemple #29
    def testExceptions(self):
        Test to make sure that methods complain when incorrect data types are passed.
        mjdFloat = 52000.0
        mjd2 = np.array([52000.0, 53000.0])
        mjd3 = np.array([53000.0, 53000.0, 54000.0])

        longFloat = 1.2
        longArr = np.array([1.2, 1.4])

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjdFloat, longArr)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjd3, longArr)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, list(mjd2), longArr)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjd2, list(longArr))
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, utils.calcLmstLast, mjdFloat, longArr)
        utils.calcLmstLast(mjd2, longFloat)
        utils.calcLmstLast(mjdFloat, longFloat)
        utils.calcLmstLast(int(mjdFloat), longFloat)
        utils.calcLmstLast(mjdFloat, int(longFloat))
        utils.calcLmstLast(int(mjdFloat), int(longFloat))
        utils.calcLmstLast(mjd2, longArr)
def _altAzPaFromRaDec(raRad, decRad, obs):
    Convert RA, Dec, longitude, latitude and MJD into altitude, azimuth
    and parallactic angle using PALPY

    @param [in] raRad is RA in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] decRad is Dec in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.
    Assumed to be in the International Celestial Reference System.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [out] altitude in radians

    @param [out] azimuth in radians

    @param [out] parallactic angle in radians

    raIsArray = False
    decIsArray = False
    if isinstance(raRad, np.ndarray):
        raIsArray = True

    if isinstance(decRad, np.ndarray):
        decIsArray = True

    if raIsArray and not decIsArray:
        raise RuntimeError('passed numpy array of RA to altAzPaFromRaDec; but only one Dec')

    if decIsArray and not raIsArray:
        raise RuntimeError('passed numpy array of Dec to altAzPaFromRaDec; but only one RA')

    if raIsArray and decIsArray and len(raRad) != len(decRad):
        raise RuntimeError('in altAzPaFromRaDec length of RA numpy array does not match length of Dec numpy array')

    if not hasattr(raRad, '__len__'):
        raObs_temp, decObs_temp = _observedFromICRS(np.array([raRad]), np.array([decRad]), obs_metadata=obs,
                                                      includeRefraction=True, epoch=2000.0)

        raObs = raObs_temp[0]
        decObs = decObs_temp[0]

        raObs, decObs = _observedFromICRS(raRad, decRad, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=True)

    lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
    last = lst[1]
    haRad = np.radians(last*15.0) - raObs

    if isinstance(haRad, np.ndarray):
        az, azd, azdd, \
        alt, altd, altdd, \
        pa, pad, padd = palpy.altazVector(haRad, decObs,
        az, azd, azdd, \
        alt, altd, altdd, \
        pa, pad, padd = palpy.altaz(haRad, decObs,

    return alt, az, pa
def _raDecFromAltAz(altRad, azRad, obs):
    Convert altitude and azimuth to RA and Dec

    @param [in] altRad is the altitude in radians.  Can be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] azRad is the azimuth in radians.  Cant be a numpy array or a single value.

    @param [in] obs is an ObservationMetaData characterizing
    the site of the telescope and the MJD of the observation

    @param [out] RA in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    @param [out] Dec in radians (in the International Celestial Reference System)

    Note: This method is only accurate to within 0.01 arcsec near azimuth = 0 or pi

    altIsArray = False
    azIsArray = False

    if isinstance(altRad, np.ndarray):
        altIsArray = True

    if isinstance(azRad, np.ndarray):
        azIsArray = True

    if altIsArray and not azIsArray:
        raise RuntimeError('passed a numpy array of alt to raDecFromAltAz, but only one az')

    if azIsArray and not altIsArray:
        raise RuntimeError('passed a numpy array of az to raDecFromAltAz, but only one alt')

    if azIsArray and altIsArray and len(altRad)!=len(azRad):
        raise RuntimeError('in raDecFromAltAz, length of alt numpy array does not match length of az numpy array')

    lst = calcLmstLast(obs.mjd.UT1,
    last = lst[1]
    sinAlt = np.sin(altRad)
    cosLat = np.cos(
    sinLat = np.sin(
    decObs = np.arcsin(sinLat*sinAlt+ cosLat*np.cos(altRad)*np.cos(azRad))
    costheta = (sinAlt - np.sin(decObs)*sinLat)/(np.cos(decObs)*cosLat)
    if altIsArray:
        haRad0 =  np.arccos(costheta)
        # Make sure there were no NaNs
        nanSpots = np.where(np.isnan(haRad0))[0]
        if np.size(nanSpots) > 0:
            haRad0[nanSpots] = 0.5*np.pi*(1.0-np.sign(costheta[nanSpots]))
        haRad0 = np.arccos(costheta)
        if np.isnan(haRad0):
            if np.sign(costheta)>0.0:
                haRad0 = 0.0
                haRad0 = np.pi

    haRad = np.where(np.sin(azRad)>=0.0, -1.0*haRad0, haRad0)
    raObs = np.radians(last*15.) - haRad

    if not hasattr(raObs, '__len__'):
        raRad, decRad = _icrsFromObserved(np.array([raObs]), np.array([decObs]),
                                          obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

        return raRad[0], decRad[0]

    raRad, decRad = _icrsFromObserved(raObs, decObs,
                                      obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0,

    return raRad, decRad
Exemple #32
# umjd = medDB(full_select='select DISTINCT(mjd) from medskybrightness;', dtypes=float)
skyMaps = np.load('sky_maps.npz')
umjd = skyMaps['umjd'].copy()

nstart = 5506 + 67  # partly cloudy frame
#nstart = 6447  # very cloudy frame
# nstart = 982  # clear, with moon
previous = single_frame(umjd[nstart - 1])
nside = hp.npix2nside(previous.size)
mjd = umjd[nstart]

site = Site('LSST')
dec, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(previous.size))
dec = np.pi / 2. - dec

lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, site.longitude_rad)
lmst = lmst / 12. * 180.
alt, az = stupidFast_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, site.latitude_rad,
                                 site.longitude_rad, mjd)

frame = single_frame(mjd, filter_name='R')
seen = np.where((frame != hp.UNSEEN) & (previous != hp.UNSEEN))
unseen = np.where((frame == hp.UNSEEN) | (previous == hp.UNSEEN))

frame = fixBias(frame)
previous = fixBias(previous)

diff = frame - previous
diff[unseen] = hp.UNSEEN

diff_frac = diff / previous
umjd = skyMaps['umjd'].copy()

nstart = 5506+67  # partly cloudy frame
#nstart = 6447  # very cloudy frame
# nstart = 982  # clear, with moon
previous = single_frame(umjd[nstart-1])
nside = hp.npix2nside(previous.size)
mjd = umjd[nstart]

site = Site('LSST')
dec, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(previous.size))
dec = np.pi/2. - dec

lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, site.longitude_rad)
lmst = lmst/12.*180.
alt, az = stupidFast_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, site.latitude_rad, site.longitude_rad, mjd)

frame = single_frame(mjd, filter_name='R')
seen = np.where((frame != hp.UNSEEN) & (previous != hp.UNSEEN))
unseen = np.where((frame == hp.UNSEEN) | (previous == hp.UNSEEN))

frame = fixBias(frame)
previous = fixBias(previous)

diff = frame - previous
diff[unseen] = hp.UNSEEN

diff_frac = diff/previous
Exemple #34
plt.rcParams.update({'xtick.labelsize': 'large', 'ytick.labelsize': 'large'})

# Let's recreate the delta m_5 plot from figure 3 in:
telescope = Site('LSST')
nside = 32
lat, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
dec = np.pi/2-lat

kwargs = dict(twilight=False, zodiacal=False, moon=True, scatteredStar=False, mergedSpec=False)

sm = sb.SkyModel(observatory='LSST', mags=True)  # , **kwargs)
mjd = 49353.177645
sm.setRaDecMjd(ra, dec, mjd)
mag = sm.returnMags()
lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, telescope.longitude_rad)

moonRA, moonDec = _raDecFromAltAz(sm.moonAlt, sm.moonAz, ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=telescope))

alt, az, pa = _altAzPaFromRaDec(ra, dec, ObservationMetaData(mjd=mjd, site=telescope))
angDist2Moon = np.degrees(haversine(az, alt, sm.moonAz, sm.moonAlt))
ang2 = np.degrees(haversine(ra, dec, moonRA, moonDec))
alt = np.degrees(alt)

mags = -0.5*(np.nanmin(mag['u'])-mag['u'])

#extent = (0,130, 0,90)
extent = (20, 120, 20, 90)

xs, ys = np.mgrid[extent[0]:extent[1], extent[2]:extent[3]]
Exemple #35
    def return_conditions(self):

        lsst.sims.featureScheduler.features.conditions object

        self.conditions.mjd = self.mjd

        self.conditions.night = self.night
        # Current time as astropy time
        current_time = Time(self.mjd, format='mjd')

        # Clouds. XXX--just the raw value
        self.conditions.bulk_cloud = self.cloud_data(current_time)

        # use conditions object itself to get aprox altitude of each healpx
        alts = self.conditions.alt
        azs =

        good = np.where(alts > self.alt_min)

        # Compute the airmass at each heapix
        airmass = np.zeros(alts.size, dtype=float)
        airmass[good] = 1. / np.cos(np.pi / 2. - alts[good])
        self.conditions.airmass = airmass

        # reset the seeing
        for key in self.seeing_FWHMeff:
        # Use the model to get the seeing at this time and airmasses.
        FWHM_500 = self.seeing_data(current_time)
        seeing_dict = self.seeing_model(FWHM_500, airmass[good])
        fwhm_eff = seeing_dict['fwhmEff']
        for i, key in enumerate(self.seeing_model.filter_list):
            self.seeing_FWHMeff[key][good] = fwhm_eff[i, :]
        self.conditions.FWHMeff = self.seeing_FWHMeff

        # sky brightness
        self.conditions.skybrightness = self.sky_model.returnMags(

        self.conditions.mounted_filters = self.observatory.current_state.mountedfilters
        self.conditions.current_filter = self.observatory.current_state.filter[

        # Compute the slewtimes
        slewtimes = np.empty(alts.size, dtype=float)
        slewtimes[good] = self.observatory.get_approximate_slew_delay(
        # Mask out anything the slewtime says is out of bounds
        slewtimes[np.where(slewtimes < 0)] = np.nan
        self.conditions.slewtime = slewtimes

        # Let's get the sun and moon
        sun_moon_info = self.almanac.get_sun_moon_positions(self.mjd)
        # convert these to scalars
        for key in sun_moon_info:
            sun_moon_info[key] = sun_moon_info[key].max()
        self.conditions.moonPhase = sun_moon_info['moon_phase']

        self.conditions.moonAlt = sun_moon_info['moon_alt']
        self.conditions.moonAz = sun_moon_info['moon_az']
        self.conditions.moonRA = sun_moon_info['moon_RA']
        self.conditions.moonDec = sun_moon_info['moon_dec']
        self.conditions.sunAlt = sun_moon_info['sun_alt']
        self.conditions.sunRA = sun_moon_info['sun_RA']
        self.conditions.sunDec = sun_moon_info['sun_dec']

        self.conditions.lmst, last = calcLmstLast(self.mjd,

        self.conditions.telRA = self.observatory.current_state.ra_rad
        self.conditions.telDec = self.observatory.current_state.dec_rad
        self.conditions.telAlt = self.observatory.current_state.alt_rad
        self.conditions.telAz = self.observatory.current_state.az_rad

        self.conditions.rotTelPos = self.observatory.current_state.rot_rad

        # Add in the almanac information
        self.conditions.night = self.night
        self.conditions.sunset = self.almanac.sunsets['sunset'][
        self.conditions.sun_n12_setting = self.almanac.sunsets[
        self.conditions.sun_n18_setting = self.almanac.sunsets[
        self.conditions.sun_n18_rising = self.almanac.sunsets[
        self.conditions.sun_n12_rising = self.almanac.sunsets[
        self.conditions.sunrise = self.almanac.sunsets['sunrise'][
        self.conditions.moonrise = self.almanac.sunsets['moonrise'][
        self.conditions.moonset = self.almanac.sunsets['moonset'][

        # Planet positions from almanac
        self.conditions.planet_positions = self.almanac.get_planet_positions(

        # See if there are any ToOs to include
        if self.sim_ToO is not None:
            toos = self.sim_ToO(self.mjd)
            if toos is not None:
                self.conditions.targets_of_opportunity = toos

        return self.conditions