def _ingestImages(cls): # Generate the camera mapper camDataCollector = CamDataCollector( camDataCollector.genPhoSimMapper() # Ingest the E image imgFilesEimg = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "repackagedFiles", "lsst_e_9006001_f1_R22_S00_E000.fits.gz", ) camDataCollector.ingestEimages(imgFilesEimg) # Ingest the amplifier image imgFilesRaw = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "repackagedFiles", "lsst_a_20_f5_R00_S22_E000.fits", ) camDataCollector.ingestImages(imgFilesRaw)
def step1_ingestEimg(self): # Generate the PhoSim mapper self.wepCntlr.getDataCollector().genPhoSimMapper() intraImgFiles = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "phosimOutput", "realComCam", "repackagedFiles", "intra", "lsst_e*.fits*", ) extraImgFiles = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "phosimOutput", "realComCam", "repackagedFiles", "extra", "lsst_e*.fits*", ) self.wepCntlr.getDataCollector().ingestEimages(intraImgFiles) self.wepCntlr.getDataCollector().ingestEimages(extraImgFiles)
def step2_ingestExp(self): intraImgFiles = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "phosimOutput", "realComCam", "repackagedFiles", "intra", "lsst_a*.fits", ) extraImgFiles = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "phosimOutput", "realComCam", "repackagedFiles", "extra", "lsst_a*.fits", ) self.wepCntlr.getDataCollector().ingestImages(intraImgFiles) self.wepCntlr.getDataCollector().ingestImages(extraImgFiles)
def testDoIsr(self): # Generate the camera mapper camDataCollector = CamDataCollector(self.isrDir) camDataCollector.genPhoSimMapper() # Generate the fake flat images fakeFlatDir = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "fake_flats") self._makeDir(fakeFlatDir) detector = "R00_S22" self._genFakeFlat(fakeFlatDir, detector) # Ingest the calibration images calibFiles = os.path.join(fakeFlatDir, "*") camDataCollector.ingestCalibs(calibFiles) # Ingest the raw images imgFiles = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "repackagedFiles", "lsst_a_20_f5_R00_S22_E000.fits") camDataCollector.ingestImages(imgFiles) # Do the ISR configuration self._doIsrConfig() # Do the ISR rerunName = "run1" self.camIsrWrapper.doISR(self.isrDir, rerunName=rerunName) # Check the condition postIsrCcdDir = os.path.join(self.isrDir, "rerun", rerunName, "postISRCCD") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(postIsrCcdDir))
def setUp(self): self.dataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "tmpIsr") self.isrDir = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "input") self._makeDir(self.isrDir) self.camIsrWrapper = CamIsrWrapper(self.isrDir)
def setUp(self): self.dataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "tmp") self.isrDir = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "input") self._makeDir(self.isrDir) self.camDataCollector = CamDataCollector(self.isrDir)
def _configSourceSelector(self, camType, bscDbType, settingFileName): """Configue the source selector. Parameters ---------- camType : enum 'CamType' Camera type. bscDbType : enum 'BscDbType' Bright star catalog (BSC) database type. settingFileName : str Setting file name. Returns ------- SourceSelector Configured source selector. Raises ------ ValueError WEPCalculation does not support this bscDbType yet. """ sourSelc = SourceSelector(camType, bscDbType, settingFileName=settingFileName) sourSelc.setFilter(FilterType.REF) if (bscDbType == BscDbType.LocalDbForStarFile): dbAdress = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") sourSelc.connect(dbAdress) else: raise ValueError("WEPCalculation does not support %s yet." % bscDbType) return sourSelc
def setUp(self): modulePath = getModulePath() testDataPath = os.path.join( modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testDonutTemplates" ) # Specify location of test Phosim donut templates in testData extraTemplateName = "extra_template-R22_S11.txt" self.templateExtra = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(testDataPath, extraTemplateName) ) intraTemplateName = "intra_template-R22_S11.txt" self.templateIntra = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(testDataPath, intraTemplateName) ) self.templateMaker = DonutTemplatePhosim() # Specify template location for test self.defaultTemplatePath = os.path.join( modulePath, "policy", "cwfs", "donutTemplateData", "phosimTemplates" ) # Copy test templates to phosim template folder. R99 is a fake # raft so it will not overwrite existing templates in the folder. shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(testDataPath, extraTemplateName), os.path.join(self.defaultTemplatePath, "extra_template-R99_S99.txt"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(testDataPath, intraTemplateName), os.path.join(self.defaultTemplatePath, "intra_template-R99_S99.txt"), )
def testGetAbsPath(self): filePath = "" self.assertFalse(os.path.isabs(filePath)) filePathAbs = ParamReader.getAbsPath(filePath, getModulePath()) self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(filePathAbs))
def testGetAmpImagesFromDir(self): # path to repackaged phosim files # with amplifier images and e-images defocalImgDir = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "phosimOutput", "realComCam", "repackagedFiles", "extra", ) # test that there are e-images in that dir filesInDir = os.listdir(defocalImgDir) self.assertTrue("MC_H_20211231_006001_R22_S11_e.fits.gz" in filesInDir) self.assertTrue("MC_H_20211231_006001_R22_S10_e.fits.gz" in filesInDir) # get names of amp files ampFiles = getAmpImagesFromDir(defocalImgDir) # assert the returned content self.assertIsInstance(ampFiles, list) # assert that amp images are on the returned list self.assertTrue("MC_H_20211231_006001_R22_S10.fits" in ampFiles) self.assertTrue("MC_H_20211231_006001_R22_S11.fits" in ampFiles) # assert that no other files are there # by checking that the length of list corresponds to # two files tested above self.assertEqual(len(ampFiles), 2)
def setUp(self): # Set the database address modulePath = getModulePath() dbAdress = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") # Set up local database self.localDatabase = LocalDatabase() self.localDatabase.connect(dbAdress) # Set the filter self.filterType = FilterType.G # Set up neighboring star map stars = StarData( [123, 456, 789], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], ) stars.setRaInPixel(stars.getRA() * 10) stars.setDeclInPixel(stars.getDecl() * 10) self.neighboringStar = stars.getNeighboringStar([0], 3, self.filterType, 99)
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() testDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests") self.dataDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=testDir) self.butlerInput = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( self.opdDir = os.path.join( self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "opdOutput", "9005000" ) # Configurate the WEP components dataCollector = CamDataCollector( sourSelc = self._configSourceSelector() sourProc = SourceProcessor() wfEsti = self._configWfEstimator() # Instantiate the WEP controller self.wepCntlr = WepController(dataCollector, None, sourSelc, sourProc, wfEsti) # Intemediate data used in the test self.filter = FilterType.REF self.neighborStarMap = dict() self.starMap = dict() self.wavefrontSensors = dict() self.wfsImgMap = dict() self.donutMap = dict() self.masterDonutMap = dict()
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() # Query the database to get the star maps self.sourSelc = SourceSelector(CamType.ComCam, BscDbType.LocalDb) self.sourSelc.setObsMetaData(0.0, 63, 0.0) self.sourSelc.configNbrCriteria(63.0, 2.5, maxNeighboringStar=99) self.sourSelc.setFilter(FilterType.U) dbAdress = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") self.sourSelc.connect(dbAdress) neighborStarMap, starMap, wavefrontSensors = self.sourSelc.getTargetStar( offset=0) self.sourSelc.disconnect() # Collect the data for the test of plot functions self.wavefrontSensors = wavefrontSensors self.starMap = starMap self.neighborStarMap = neighborStarMap # Save image files directory self.dataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "tmp") self._makeDir(self.dataDir)
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() self.dataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "tmp") self.isrDir = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "input") self.opdDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "opdOutput", "9005000") self._makeDir(self.isrDir) # Configurate the WEP components dataCollector = CamDataCollector(self.isrDir) isrWrapper = CamIsrWrapper(self.isrDir) sourSelc = self._configSourceSelector() sourProc = self._configSourceProcessor() wfsEsti = self._configWfEstimator() # Instantiate the WEP controller self.wepCntlr = WepController(dataCollector, isrWrapper, sourSelc, sourProc, wfsEsti) # Intemediate data used in the test self.filter = FilterType.REF self.neighborStarMap = dict() self.starMap = dict() self.wavefrontSensors = dict() self.wfsImgMap = dict() self.donutMap = dict() self.masterDonutMap = dict()
def setUpClass(cls): dataDirPath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") cls.dataDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=dataDirPath) cls._ingestImages() cls.butlerWrapper = ButlerWrapper(
def setUp(self): testImageDataDir = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "testImages" ) self.testImgDir = os.path.join(testImageDataDir, "lsstfam") self.validationDir = os.path.join(testImageDataDir, "validation", "lsstfam")
def setUp(self): boresightRa = 0.0 boresightDec = 0.0 boresightRotAng = 0.0 self.refCatInterface = RefCatalogInterface(boresightRa, boresightDec, boresightRotAng) moduleDir = getModulePath() self.testDataDir = os.path.join(moduleDir, "tests", "testData") self.repoDir = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, "gen3TestRepo") self.butler = dafButler.Butler(self.repoDir) self.registry = self.butler.registry shardIds = self.refCatInterface.getHtmIds() self.catalogName = "cal_ref_cat" self.collections = ["refcats/gen2"] dataRefs, dataIds = self.refCatInterface.getDataRefs( shardIds, self.butler, self.catalogName, self.collections) self.dataRefs = dataRefs self.dataIds = dataIds self.config = GenerateDonutCatalogOnlineTaskConfig() = self.butler.get("camera", instrument="LSSTCam", collections=["LSSTCam/calib/unbounded"])
def setUpClass(cls): """ Generate donutCatalog needed for task. """ moduleDir = getModulePath() cls.testDataDir = os.path.join(moduleDir, "tests", "testData") testPipelineConfigDir = os.path.join(cls.testDataDir, "pipelineConfigs") cls.repoDir = os.path.join(cls.testDataDir, "gen3TestRepo") cls.runName = "run1" # Check that run doesn't already exist due to previous improper cleanup butler = dafButler.Butler(cls.repoDir) registry = butler.registry collectionsList = list(registry.queryCollections()) if cls.runName in collectionsList: cleanUpCmd = writeCleanUpRepoCmd(cls.repoDir, cls.runName) runProgram(cleanUpCmd) collections = "refcats/gen2,LSSTCam/calib,LSSTCam/raw/all" instrument = "lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam" cls.cameraName = "LSSTCam" pipelineYaml = os.path.join(testPipelineConfigDir, "testBasePipeline.yaml") pipeCmd = writePipetaskCmd(cls.repoDir, cls.runName, instrument, collections, pipelineYaml=pipelineYaml) runProgram(pipeCmd)
def setUp(self): self.testDataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData") self.imgFile = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25", "z11_0.25_intra.txt") self.img = Image() self.img.setImg(imageFile=self.imgFile)
def setUp(self): testDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") self.dataDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=testDir) self.isrDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( self.camDataCollector = CamDataCollector(
def setUp(self): testDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") self.dataDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=testDir) self.isrDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( self.repackagedTestData = os.path.join(testDir, "testData", "repackagedFiles") self.camIsrWrapper = CamIsrWrapper(
def setUp(self): self.filterType = FilterType.G self.db = LocalDatabaseForStarFile() self.modulePath = getModulePath() dbAdress = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") self.db.connect(dbAdress)
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() self.testDataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData") self.dataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "tmp") self.isrDir = os.path.join(self.dataDir, "input") self._makeDir(self.isrDir) self.wepCalculation = WEPCalculation(AstWcsSol(), CamType.ComCam, self.isrDir)
def setUp(self): # Get the path of module self.modulePath = getModulePath() # Set the source processor self.sourProc = SourceProcessor() # Set the configuration self.sourProc.config(sensorName="R00_S22_C0")
def setUp(self): testDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") self.configDir = os.path.join(testDir, "testData") self.fileName = "testConfigFile.yaml" filePath = os.path.join(self.configDir, self.fileName) self.paramReader = ParamReader(filePath=filePath) self.testTempDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=testDir)
def setUp(self): self.config = DonutSourceSelectorTaskConfig() self.task = DonutSourceSelectorTask() moduleDir = getModulePath() self.testDataDir = os.path.join(moduleDir, "tests", "testData") self.repoDir = os.path.join(self.testDataDir, "gen3TestRepo") self.butler = dafButler.Butler(self.repoDir) self.registry = self.butler.registry
def _getTemplate(self): imageFilePath = os.path.join( getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25", "z11_0.25_intra.txt", ) return np.loadtxt(imageFilePath)
def setUp(self): testImageDataDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "testImages") self.testImgDir = os.path.join(testImageDataDir, "auxTel") self.validationDir = os.path.join(testImageDataDir, "validation", "auxTel") self.offset = 80 self.tolMax = 6 self.tolRms = 2
def setUp(self): # Get the path of module modulePath = getModulePath() # Define the instrument folder self.instruFolder = os.path.join(modulePath, "configData", "cwfs", "instruData") # Define the instrument name self.instruName = "lsst"
def setUp(self): testDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") self.configDir = os.path.join(testDir, "testData") self.fileName = "testConfigFile.yaml" filePath = os.path.join(self.configDir, self.fileName) self.paramReader = ParamReader(filePath=filePath) self.testTempDir = os.path.join(testDir, "tmp") self._makeDir(self.testTempDir)
def testInsertDataByFile(self): self._createTable() idAll = self.db.getAllId(self.filterType) self.assertEqual(len(idAll), 0) skyFilePath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "skyComCamInfo.txt") idAll = self._insertDataToDbAndGetAllId(skyFilePath) self.assertEqual(len(idAll), 4)
def _getConfigDataPath(self): """Get the configuration data path. Returns ------- str Configuration data path """ configDataPath = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "configData") return configDataPath
def createBscTest(self): """Create the bright star catalog (BSC) used in the test.""" # Create a temporary test directory testDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests") self._tempDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=testDir) # Copy the db3 database dbAdressSrc = os.path.join(testDir, "testData", "bsc.db3") self._dbAdress = os.path.join(, "bsc.db3") shutil.copy(dbAdressSrc, self._dbAdress)
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() self.dataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "tmp") self._makeDir(self.dataDir) self.filterType = FilterType.G self.db = LocalDatabaseForStarFile() dbAdress = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") self.db.connect(dbAdress)
def setUp(self): # Get the path of module self.modulePath = getModulePath() # Define the image folder and image names # Image data -- Don't know the final image format. # It is noted that image.readFile inuts is based on the txt file imageFolderPath = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25") intra_image_name = "z11_0.25_intra.txt" extra_image_name = "z11_0.25_extra.txt" # Define fieldXY: [1.185, 1.185] or [0, 0] # This is the position of donut on the focal plane in degree fieldXY = [1.185, 1.185] # Define the optical model: "paraxial", "onAxis", "offAxis" self.opticalModel = "offAxis" # Image files Path intra_image_file = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, intra_image_name) extra_image_file = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, extra_image_name) # Theree is the difference between intra and extra images # I1: intra_focal images, I2: extra_focal Images self.I1 = CompensableImage() self.I2 = CompensableImage() self.I1.setImg(fieldXY, DefocalType.Intra, imageFile=intra_image_file) self.I2.setImg(fieldXY, DefocalType.Extra, imageFile=extra_image_file) # Set up the instrument cwfsConfigDir = os.path.join(getConfigDir(), "cwfs") instDir = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "instData") self.inst = Instrument(instDir) self.inst.config(CamType.LsstCam, self.I1.getImgSizeInPix(), announcedDefocalDisInMm=1.0) # Set up the algorithm algoDir = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "algo") self.algoExp = Algorithm(algoDir) self.algoExp.config("exp", self.inst) self.algoFft = Algorithm(algoDir) self.algoFft.config("fft", self.inst)
def testIngestImages(self): self._genMapper() imgFiles = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "tests", "testData", "repackagedFiles", "lsst_a_20_f5_R00_S22_E000.fits") self.camDataCollector.ingestImages(imgFiles) # Check the ingested calibration products registryFilePath = os.path.join(self.isrDir, "registry.sqlite3") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(registryFilePath)) rawDir = os.path.join(self.isrDir, "raw") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(rawDir))
def setUp(self): # Set the path of module and the setting directories modulePath = getModulePath() cwfsConfigDir = os.path.join(getConfigDir(), "cwfs") self.instFolder = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "instData") self.algoFolderPath = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "algo") self.imageFolderPath = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages") # Set the tolerance self.tor = 3 # Restart time self.startTime = time.time() self.difference = 0 self.validationDir = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages", "validation")
def setUp(self): # Get the path of module modulePath = getModulePath() # Image file imageFolderPath = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25") imageName = 'z11_0.25_intra.txt' imageFile = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, imageName) # Set the image file self.adapImage = AdapThresImage() self.adapImage.setImg(imageFile=imageFile) self.zeroImage = BlendedImageDecorator() self.zeroImage.setImg(image=np.zeros([120, 120])) self.randImage = BlendedImageDecorator() self.randImage.setImg(image=np.random.rand(120, 120))
def setUp(self): # Get the path of module self.modulePath = getModulePath() self.sourSelc = SourceSelector(CamType.ComCam, BscDbType.LocalDb) # Set the survey parameters ra = 0.0 dec = 63.0 rotSkyPos = 0.0 self.sourSelc.setObsMetaData(ra, dec, rotSkyPos) self.sourSelc.setFilter(FilterType.U) # Address of local database self.dbAdress = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") # Connect to database self.sourSelc.connect(self.dbAdress)
def setUp(self): cwfsConfigDir = os.path.join(getConfigDir(), "cwfs") instDir = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "instData") algoDir = os.path.join(cwfsConfigDir, "algo") self.wfsEst = WfEstimator(instDir, algoDir) # Define the image folder and image names # It is noted that image.readFile inuts is based on the txt file. self.modulePath = getModulePath() imageFolderPath = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25") intra_image_name = "z11_0.25_intra.txt" extra_image_name = "z11_0.25_extra.txt" # Path to image files self.intraImgFile = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, intra_image_name) self.extraImgFile = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, extra_image_name) # Field XY position self.fieldXY = (1.185, 1.185)
def setUp(self): # Set the database address modulePath = getModulePath() dbAdress = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") # Set up local database self.localDatabase = LocalDatabase() self.localDatabase.connect(dbAdress) # Set the filter self.filterType = FilterType.G # Set up neighboring star map stars = StarData([123, 456, 789], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) stars.setRaInPixel(stars.getRA() * 10) stars.setDeclInPixel(stars.getDecl() * 10) self.neighboringStar = stars.getNeighboringStar( [0], 3, self.filterType, 99)
def setUp(self): self.modulePath = getModulePath() # Query the database to get the star maps self.sourSelc = SourceSelector(CamType.ComCam, BscDbType.LocalDb) self.sourSelc.setObsMetaData(0.0, 63, 0.0) self.sourSelc.configNbrCriteria(63.0, 2.5, maxNeighboringStar=99) self.sourSelc.setFilter(FilterType.U) dbAdress = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "testData", "bsc.db3") self.sourSelc.connect(dbAdress) neighborStarMap, starMap, wavefrontSensors = \ self.sourSelc.getTargetStar(offset=0) self.sourSelc.disconnect() # Collect the data for the test of plot functions self.wavefrontSensors = wavefrontSensors self.starMap = starMap self.neighborStarMap = neighborStarMap # Save image files directory self.dataDir = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "tests", "tmp") self._makeDir(self.dataDir)
import os import numpy as np from lsst.ts.wep.deblend.AdapThresImage import AdapThresImage from lsst.ts.wep.deblend.BlendedImageDecorator import BlendedImageDecorator from lsst.ts.wep.cwfs.Tool import plotImage from lsst.ts.wep.Utility import getModulePath if __name__ == "__main__": # Get the path of module modulePath = getModulePath() # Define the image folder and image names # Image data -- Don't know the final image format. # It is noted that image.readFile inuts is based on the txt file imageFolderPath = os.path.join(modulePath, "tests", "testData", "testImages", "LSST_NE_SN25") imageName = 'z11_0.25_intra.txt' imageFile = os.path.join(imageFolderPath, imageName) imageIntra = AdapThresImage() imageIntra.setImg(imageFile=imageFile) # Coefficient of distance between donuts # (Space coefficient should be >= 1.2) spaceCoef = np.random.rand()*1.5 + 1.2 print("Random space coeffcient is %f." % spaceCoef) # Ratio of magnitude between donuts (If the magnitudes of stars differ by
def testGetConfigDir(self): ansConfigDir = os.path.join(getModulePath(), "policy") self.assertEqual(getConfigDir(), ansConfigDir)