Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        :param default_operator: to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)
        :param default_field: to search
        :param not_analyzed_fields: field that are not analyzed in ES
        :param nested_fields: dict contains fields that are nested in ES
            each nested fields contains
            either a dict of nested fields
            (if some of them are also nested)
            or a list of nesdted fields (this is for commodity)

            exemple, a where record contains multiple authors,
            each with one name and multiple books.
            Each book has on title but multiple formats with on type each::

                'author': {
                    'name': None,
                    'book': {
                        'format': ['type'],
                        'title': None
        :param object_fields: list containing full qualified names of object fields.
          You may also use a spec similar to the one used for nested_fields.
          None, will accept all non nested fields as object fields.

        if not_analyzed_fields:
            self._not_analyzed_fields = not_analyzed_fields
            self._not_analyzed_fields = []

        self.nested_fields = self._normalize_nested_fields(nested_fields)
        self._nested_prefixes = set(
            k.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            for k in flatten_nested_fields_specs(self.nested_fields))
        self.object_fields = self._normalize_object_fields(object_fields)

        self.default_operator = default_operator
        self.default_field = default_field
        self.es_item_factory = ElasticSearchItemFactory(
        self.nesting_checker = CheckNestedFields(
            nested_fields=self.nested_fields, object_fields=self.object_fields)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, default_operator=SHOULD, default_field="text", not_analyzed_fields=None):
        :param default_operator: to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)
        :param default_field: to search
        :param not_analyzed_fields: field that are not analyzed in ES

        if not_analyzed_fields:
            self._not_analyzed_fields = not_analyzed_fields
            self._not_analyzed_fields = []

        self.default_operator = default_operator
        self.default_field = default_field
        self.es_item_factory = ElasticSearchItemFactory(no_analyze=self._not_analyzed_fields)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, default_operator=SHOULD, default_field='text',
                 not_analyzed_fields=None, nested_fields=None, object_fields=None,
                 field_options=None, match_word_as_phrase=False):
        :param default_operator: to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)
        :param default_field: to search
        :param not_analyzed_fields: field that are not analyzed in ES
        :param nested_fields: dict contains fields that are nested in ES
            each nested fields contains
            either a dict of nested fields
            (if some of them are also nested)
            or a list of nesdted fields (this is for commodity)

            exemple, a where record contains multiple authors,
            each with one name and multiple books.
            Each book has on title but multiple formats with on type each::

                'author': {
                    'name': None,
                    'book': {
                        'format': ['type'],
                        'title': None
        :param object_fields: list containing full qualified names of object fields.
          You may also use a spec similar to the one used for nested_fields.
          None, will accept all non nested fields as object fields.
        :param dict field_options: allows you to give defaults options for each fields.
          They will be applied unless, overwritten by generated parameters.
          For match query, the `type` parameter modifies the query type.
        :param bool match_word_as_phrase: if True,
          word expressions are matched using `match_phrase` instead of `match`.
          This options mainly keeps stability with 0.6 version.
          It may be removed in the future.

        .. note::
            some of the parameters above
            can be deduced from elasticsearch index configuration.
            see :py:meth:`luqum.elasticsearch.schema.SchemaAnalyzer.query_builder_options`


        if not_analyzed_fields:
            self._not_analyzed_fields = not_analyzed_fields
            self._not_analyzed_fields = []

        self.nested_fields = self._normalize_nested_fields(nested_fields)
        self._nested_prefixes = set(
            k.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            for k in flatten_nested_fields_specs(self.nested_fields))
        self.object_fields = self._normalize_object_fields(object_fields)
        self.field_options = field_options or {}
        self.default_operator = default_operator
        self.default_field = default_field
        self.es_item_factory = ElasticSearchItemFactory(
        self.nesting_checker = CheckNestedFields(
            nested_fields=self.nested_fields, object_fields=self.object_fields)
        if match_word_as_phrase:
                "match_word_as_phrase is a transient option " +
                "to keep compatibility with previous versions.\n" +
                "Consider wrapping your expressions in quotes (maybe using a transformer) " +
                "or forcing type in field_options.",
        self.match_word_as_phrase = match_word_as_phrase
Exemple #4
class ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(LuceneTreeVisitorV2):
    Query builder to convert a Tree in an Elasticsearch query dsl (json)

    .. warning:: there are some limitations

        - mix of AND and OR on same level in expressions is not supported
          has this leads to unpredictable results (see `this article`_)

        - for full text fields,
          `zero_terms_query` parameter of `match queries`_
          is managed at best according to where the terms appears.
          Lucene would just remove fields with only stop words
          while this query builder have to retain all expressions,
          even if is only made of stop words.
          So in the case of an expression appearing in `AND` expression,
          it will be set to "all"
          while it will be set to "none" if it's part of a `OR` on `AND NOT`
          to avoid influencing the rest of the query.
          Some edge case like having all terms resolving to stop words
          may however lead to different results than string_query..

    .. _`this article`: https://lucidworks.com/blog/2011/12/28/why-not-and-or-and-not/
    .. _`match queries`:

    SHOULD = 'should'
    MUST = 'must'

    CONTEXT_FIELD_PREFIX = "field_prefix"

    def __init__(self, default_operator=SHOULD, default_field='text',
                 not_analyzed_fields=None, nested_fields=None, object_fields=None,
                 field_options=None, match_word_as_phrase=False):
        :param default_operator: to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)
        :param default_field: to search
        :param not_analyzed_fields: field that are not analyzed in ES
        :param nested_fields: dict contains fields that are nested in ES
            each nested fields contains
            either a dict of nested fields
            (if some of them are also nested)
            or a list of nesdted fields (this is for commodity)

            exemple, a where record contains multiple authors,
            each with one name and multiple books.
            Each book has on title but multiple formats with on type each::

                'author': {
                    'name': None,
                    'book': {
                        'format': ['type'],
                        'title': None
        :param object_fields: list containing full qualified names of object fields.
          You may also use a spec similar to the one used for nested_fields.
          None, will accept all non nested fields as object fields.
        :param dict field_options: allows you to give defaults options for each fields.
          They will be applied unless, overwritten by generated parameters.
          For match query, the `type` parameter modifies the query type.
        :param bool match_word_as_phrase: if True,
          word expressions are matched using `match_phrase` instead of `match`.
          This options mainly keeps stability with 0.6 version.
          It may be removed in the future.

        .. note::
            some of the parameters above
            can be deduced from elasticsearch index configuration.
            see :py:meth:`luqum.elasticsearch.schema.SchemaAnalyzer.query_builder_options`


        if not_analyzed_fields:
            self._not_analyzed_fields = not_analyzed_fields
            self._not_analyzed_fields = []

        self.nested_fields = self._normalize_nested_fields(nested_fields)
        self._nested_prefixes = set(
            k.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            for k in flatten_nested_fields_specs(self.nested_fields))
        self.object_fields = self._normalize_object_fields(object_fields)
        self.field_options = field_options or {}
        self.default_operator = default_operator
        self.default_field = default_field
        self.es_item_factory = ElasticSearchItemFactory(
        self.nesting_checker = CheckNestedFields(
            nested_fields=self.nested_fields, object_fields=self.object_fields)
        if match_word_as_phrase:
                "match_word_as_phrase is a transient option " +
                "to keep compatibility with previous versions.\n" +
                "Consider wrapping your expressions in quotes (maybe using a transformer) " +
                "or forcing type in field_options.",
        self.match_word_as_phrase = match_word_as_phrase

    def _field_prefix(self, context):
        return context.get(self.CONTEXT_FIELD_PREFIX, []) if context is not None else []

    def _fields(self, context):
        default = [self.default_field]
        return context.get(self.CONTEXT_FIELD_PREFIX, default) if context is not None else default

    def _split_nested(self, node, context):
        """split the node name to its nesting
        # we take prefix and first part of node name
        # for if eg. author is nested,
        # a direct invocation of author.firstname should be considered nested
        names = node.name.split(".")
        prefix = self._field_prefix(context)
        # we try to reduce the name until we get to a nested field
        for i in range(len(names)):
            nested_prefix = ".".join(prefix + names[:-i or None])
            if nested_prefix in self._nested_prefixes:
            # no nesting at this level
            nested_prefix = None
        return nested_prefix

    def _is_analyzed(self, context):
        """return if current search field is analyzed
        marker = context.get(self.CONTEXT_ANALYZE_MARKER) if context is not None else None
        if marker is None:
            # default
            return self.default_field not in self._not_analyzed_fields
            return marker

    def _normalize_nested_fields(self, nested_fields):
        return normalize_nested_fields_specs(nested_fields)

    def _normalize_object_fields(self, object_fields):
        return normalize_object_fields_specs(object_fields)

    def simplify_if_same(self, children, current_node):
        If two same operation are nested, then simplify
        Should be use only with should and must operations because Not(Not(x))
        can't be simplified as Not(x)
        :param children:
        :param current_node:
        for child in children:
            if type(child) is type(current_node):
                yield from self.simplify_if_same(child.children, current_node)
                yield child

    def _get_operator_extract(self, binary_operation, delta=8):
        Return an extract around the operator
        :param binary_operation: operator to extract
        :param delta: nb of characters to extract before and after the operator
        :return: str

            >>> operation = OrOperation(Word('Python'), Word('Monty'))
            >>> builder = ElasticsearchQueryBuilder()
            >>> builder._get_operator_extract(operation, 3)
            'hon OR Mon'
        node_str = str(binary_operation)
        child_str_1 = str(binary_operation.children[0])
        child_str_2 = str(binary_operation.children[1])
        middle_length = len(node_str) - len(child_str_1) - len(child_str_2)
        position = node_str.find(child_str_2)
        if position - middle_length - delta >= 0:
            start = position - middle_length - delta
            start = 0
        end = position + delta
        return node_str[start:end]

    def _is_must(self, operation):
        Returns True if the node is a AndOperation or an UnknownOperation when
        the default operator is MUST
        :param node: to check
        :return: Boolean

            >>> ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(
            ...     default_operator=ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST
            ... )._is_must(AndOperation(Word('Monty'), Word('Python')))
        return (
            isinstance(operation, AndOperation) or
            isinstance(operation, UnknownOperation) and
            self.default_operator == ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST

    def _is_should(self, operation):
        Returns True if the node is a OrOperation or an UnknownOperation when
        the default operator is SHOULD

            >>> ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(
            ...     default_operator=ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST
            ... )._is_should(OrOperation(Word('Monty'), Word('Python')))
        return (
            isinstance(operation, OrOperation) or
            isinstance(operation, UnknownOperation) and
            self.default_operator == ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.SHOULD

    def _yield_nested_children(self, parent, children):
        Raise if a OR (should) is in a AND (must) without being in parenthesis::

            >>> builder = ElasticsearchQueryBuilder()
            >>> op = OrOperation(Word('yo'), OrOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py')))
            >>> list(builder._yield_nested_children(op, op.children))
            [Word('yo'), OrOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py'))]

            >>> op = OrOperation(Word('yo'), AndOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py')))
            >>> list(builder._yield_nested_children(op, op.children))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            luqum.exceptions.OrAndAndOnSameLevel: lo AND py

        for child in children:
            if (self._is_should(parent) and self._is_must(child) or
               self._is_must(parent) and self._is_should(child)):
                raise OrAndAndOnSameLevel(
                yield child

    def _binary_operation(self, cls, node, parents, context):
        children = self.simplify_if_same(node.children, node)
        children = self._yield_nested_children(node, children)
        items = [self.visit(child, parents + [node], context) for child in children]
        return self.es_item_factory.build(cls, items)

    def _must_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._binary_operation(EMust, *args, **kwargs)

    def _should_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._binary_operation(EShould, *args, **kwargs)

    def visit_and_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_or_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._should_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_search_field(self, node, parents, context):
        child_context = dict(context) if context is not None else {}
        prefix = self._field_prefix(context) + node.name.split(".")
        name = ".".join(prefix)
        child_context[self.CONTEXT_ANALYZE_MARKER] = name not in self._not_analyzed_fields
        child_context[self.CONTEXT_FIELD_PREFIX] = prefix
        enode = self.visit(node.children[0], parents + [node], child_context)
        nested_path = self._split_nested(node, context)
        skip_nesting = isinstance(enode, ENested)  # no need to nest a nested
        if nested_path is not None and not skip_nesting:
            enode = self.es_item_factory.build(ENested, nested_path=nested_path, items=enode)
        return enode

    def visit_not(self, node, parents, context):
        items = [self.visit(n, parents + [node], context)
                 for n in self.simplify_if_same(node.children, node)]
        return self.es_item_factory.build(EMustNot, items)

    def visit_prohibit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.visit_not(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_plus(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_unknown_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.default_operator == self.SHOULD:
            return self._should_operation(*args, **kwargs)
            return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_boost(self, node, parents, context):
        eword = self.visit(node.children[0], parents + [node], context)
        eword.boost = float(node.force)
        return eword

    def visit_fuzzy(self, node, parents, context):
        eword = self.visit(node.term, parents + [node], context)
        eword.fuzziness = float(node.degree)
        return eword

    def visit_proximity(self, node, parents, context):
        ephrase = self.visit(node.term, parents + [node], context)
        if self._is_analyzed(context):
            ephrase.slop = float(node.degree)
            # on a term query the ~ is always fuziness
            ephrase.fuzziness = float(node.degree)
        return ephrase

    def visit_word(self, node, parents, context):
        if self._is_analyzed(context):
            if self.match_word_as_phrase:
                method = "match_phrase"
                method = "match"
            method = "term"
        return self.es_item_factory.build(

    def visit_phrase(self, node, parents, context):
        if self._is_analyzed(context):
            return self.es_item_factory.build(
            # in the case of a term, parenthesis are just there to escape spaces or colons
            return self.es_item_factory.build(
                q=node.value[1:-1],  # remove quotes

    def visit_range(self, node, parents, context):
        kwargs = {
            'gte' if node.include_low else 'gt': node.low.value,
            'lte' if node.include_high else 'lt': node.high.value,
        return self.es_item_factory.build(

    def visit_group(self, node, parents, context):
        return self.visit(node.expr, parents + [node], context)

    def visit_field_group(self, node, parents, context):
        fields = self.visit(node.expr, parents + [node], context)
        return fields

    def __call__(self, tree):
        """Calling the query builder returns
        you the json compatible structure corresponding to the request tree passed in parameter

        :param luqum.tree.Item tree: a luqum parse tree
        :return dict:
        return self.visit(tree).json
Exemple #5
class ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(LuceneTreeVisitorV2):
    Query builder to convert a Tree in an Elasticsearch query dsl (json)

    SHOULD = "should"
    MUST = "must"

    def __init__(self, default_operator=SHOULD, default_field="text", not_analyzed_fields=None):
        :param default_operator: to replace blank operator (MUST or SHOULD)
        :param default_field: to search
        :param not_analyzed_fields: field that are not analyzed in ES

        if not_analyzed_fields:
            self._not_analyzed_fields = not_analyzed_fields
            self._not_analyzed_fields = []

        self.default_operator = default_operator
        self.default_field = default_field
        self.es_item_factory = ElasticSearchItemFactory(no_analyze=self._not_analyzed_fields)

    def simplify_if_same(self, children, current_node):
        If two same operation are nested, then simplify
        Should be use only with should and must operations because Not(Not(x))
        can't be simplified as Not(x)
        :param children:
        :param current_node:
        for child in children:
            if type(child) is type(current_node):
                yield from self.simplify_if_same(child.children, current_node)
                yield child

    def _get_operator_extract(self, binary_operation, delta=8):
        Return an extract around the operator
        :param binary_operation: operator to extract
        :param delta: nb of characters to extract before and after the operator
        :return: str

        >>> operation = OrOperation(Word('Python'), Word('Monty'))
        >>> builder = ElasticsearchQueryBuilder()
        >>> builder._get_operator_extract(operation, 3)
        'hon OR Mon'
        node_str = str(binary_operation)
        child_str_1 = str(binary_operation.children[0])
        child_str_2 = str(binary_operation.children[1])
        middle_length = len(node_str) - len(child_str_1) - len(child_str_2)
        position = node_str.find(child_str_2)
        if position - middle_length - delta >= 0:
            start = position - middle_length - delta
            start = 0
        end = position + delta
        return node_str[start:end]

    def _is_must(self, operation):
        Returns True if the node is a AndOperation or an UnknownOperation when
        the default operator is MUST
        :param node: to check
        :return: Boolean

        >>> ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(
        ...     default_operator=ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST
        ... )._is_must(AndOperation(Word('Monty'), Word('Python')))
        return (
            isinstance(operation, AndOperation)
            or isinstance(operation, UnknownOperation)
            and self.default_operator == ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST

    def _is_should(self, operation):
        Returns True if the node is a OrOperation or an UnknownOperation when
        the default operator is SHOULD
        >>> ElasticsearchQueryBuilder(
        ...     default_operator=ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.MUST
        ... )._is_should(OrOperation(Word('Monty'), Word('Python')))
        return (
            isinstance(operation, OrOperation)
            or isinstance(operation, UnknownOperation)
            and self.default_operator == ElasticsearchQueryBuilder.SHOULD

    def _yield_nested_children(self, parent, children):
        Raise if a OR (should) is in a AND (must) without being in parenthesis

        >>> builder = ElasticsearchQueryBuilder()
        >>> op = OrOperation(Word('yo'), OrOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py')))
        >>> list(builder._yield_nested_children(op, op.children))
        [Word('yo'), OrOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py'))]

        >>> op = OrOperation(Word('yo'), AndOperation(Word('lo'), Word('py')))
        >>> list(builder._yield_nested_children(op, op.children))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        luqum.elasticsearch.visitor.OrAndAndOnSameLevel: lo AND py

        for child in children:
            if self._is_should(parent) and self._is_must(child) or self._is_must(parent) and self._is_should(child):
                raise OrAndAndOnSameLevel(self._get_operator_extract(child))
                yield child

    def _raise_if_nested_search_field(self, node):
        Fi two SearchField are nested, then raise NestedSearchFieldException
        :param node:

        >>> builder = ElasticsearchQueryBuilder()
        >>> node = SearchField(
        ...     'spam',
        ...     OrOperation(
        ...         Word('spam'),
        ...         SearchField('monthy', Word('python'))
        ...     ),
        ... )
        >>> builder._raise_if_nested_search_field(node)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        luqum.elasticsearch.visitor.NestedSearchFieldException: monthy:python

        >>> node = SearchField('spam', OrOperation(Word('spam'), Word('pyth')))
        >>> builder._raise_if_nested_search_field(node)
        for child in node.children:
            if isinstance(child, SearchField):
                raise NestedSearchFieldException(str(child))

    def _binary_operation(self, cls, node, parents):
        children = self.simplify_if_same(node.children, node)
        children = self._yield_nested_children(node, children)
        items = [self.visit(child, parents + [node]) for child in children]
        return self.es_item_factory.build(cls, items)

    def _must_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._binary_operation(EMust, *args, **kwargs)

    def _should_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._binary_operation(EShould, *args, **kwargs)

    def visit_and_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_or_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._should_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_word(self, node, parents):
        return self.es_item_factory.build(EWord, q=node.value, field=self.default_field)

    def _set_search_field_in_all_children(self, enode, field_name):
        Recursive method to set the field name even in nested enode.
        For instance in this case: field:(spam OR eggs OR (monthy AND python)
        if isinstance(enode, AbstractEItem):
            enode.field = field_name
            for item in enode.items:
                self._set_search_field_in_all_children(item, field_name)

    def visit_search_field(self, node, parents):
        enode = self.visit(node.children[0], parents + [node])
        self._set_search_field_in_all_children(enode, node.name)
        return enode

    def visit_not(self, node, parents):
        items = [self.visit(n, parents + [node]) for n in self.simplify_if_same(node.children, node)]
        return self.es_item_factory.build(EMustNot, items)

    def visit_prohibit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.visit_not(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_plus(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_unknown_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.default_operator == self.SHOULD:
            return self._should_operation(*args, **kwargs)
        elif self.default_operator == self.MUST:
            return self._must_operation(*args, **kwargs)

    def visit_boost(self, node, parents):
        eword = self.visit(node.children[0], parents + [node])
        eword.boost = float(node.force)
        return eword

    def visit_fuzzy(self, node, parents):
        eword = self.visit(node.term, parents + [node])
        eword.fuzziness = float(node.degree)
        return eword

    def visit_proximity(self, node, parents):
        ephrase = self.visit(node.term, parents + [node])
        ephrase.slop = float(node.degree)
        return ephrase

    def visit_phrase(self, node, parents):
        return self.es_item_factory.build(EPhrase, phrase=node.value, field=self.default_field)

    def visit_range(self, node, parents):
        kwargs = {
            "gte" if node.include_low else "gt": node.low.value,
            "lte" if node.include_high else "lt": node.high.value,
        return self.es_item_factory.build(ERange, **kwargs)

    def visit_group(self, node, parents):
        return self.visit(node.expr, parents + [node])

    def visit_field_group(self, node, parents):
        fields = self.visit(node.expr, parents + [node])
        return fields