Exemple #1
def DE2000(xyzt,
    Calculate DE2000 color difference.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of test data.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of reference data.
            | 'xyz' or 'lab', optional
            | Specifies data type in :xyzt: and :xyzr:.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |   White point tristimulus values of test data
            |   None defaults to the one set in lx.xyz_to_lab()
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |    Whitepoint tristimulus values of reference data
            |    None defaults to the one set in lx.xyz_to_lab()
            | 'jab' or str, optional
            | Options: 
            |    - 'jab' : calculates full color difference over all 3 dimensions.
            |    - 'ab'  : calculates chromaticity difference.
            |    - 'j'   : calculates lightness or brightness difference 
            |             (depending on :outin:).
            |    - 'j,ab': calculates both 'j' and 'ab' options 
            |              and returns them as a tuple.
            | None, optional
            | Weigths for L, C, H 
            | None: default to [1,1,1] 
            | None, optional
            | None: don't calculate average DE, 
            |       otherwise use function handle in :avg:.
            | axis to calculate average over, optional
            | 'DEi' or str, optional
            | Requested output.
        For the other input arguments, see specific color space used.
            | ndarray with DEi [, DEa] or other as specified by :out:
        1. `Sharma, G., Wu, W., & Dalal, E. N. (2005). 
        The CIEDE2000 color‐difference formula: Implementation notes, 
        supplementary test data, and mathematical observations. 
        Color Research & Application, 30(1), 21–30. 

    if KLCH is None:
        KLCH = [1, 1, 1]

    if dtype == 'xyz':
        labt = xyz_to_lab(xyzt, xyzw=xyzwt)
        labr = xyz_to_lab(xyzr, xyzw=xyzwr)
        labt = xyzt
        labr = xyzr

    Lt = labt[..., 0:1]
    at = labt[..., 1:2]
    bt = labt[..., 2:3]
    Ct = np.sqrt(at**2 + bt**2)
    #ht = cam.hue_angle(at,bt,htype = 'rad')

    Lr = labr[..., 0:1]
    ar = labr[..., 1:2]
    br = labr[..., 2:3]
    Cr = np.sqrt(ar**2 + br**2)
    #hr = cam.hue_angle(at,bt,htype = 'rad')

    # Step 1:
    Cavg = (Ct + Cr) / 2
    G = 0.5 * (1 - np.sqrt((Cavg**7.0) / ((Cavg**7.0) + (25.0**7))))
    apt = (1 + G) * at
    apr = (1 + G) * ar

    Cpt = np.sqrt(apt**2 + bt**2)
    Cpr = np.sqrt(apr**2 + br**2)
    Cpprod = Cpt * Cpr

    hpt = cam.hue_angle(apt, bt, htype='deg')
    hpr = cam.hue_angle(apr, br, htype='deg')
    hpt[(apt == 0) * (bt == 0)] = 0
    hpr[(apr == 0) * (br == 0)] = 0

    # Step 2:
    dL = np.abs(Lr - Lt)
    dCp = np.abs(Cpr - Cpt)
    dhp_ = hpr - hpt

    dhp = dhp_.copy()
    dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) > 180)] = dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) > 180)] - 360
        np.abs(dhp_) < -180)] = dhp[np.where(np.abs(dhp_) < -180)] + 360
    dhp[np.where(Cpprod == 0)] = 0

    #dH = 2*np.sqrt(Cpprod)*np.sin(dhp/2*np.pi/180)
    dH = deltaH(dhp, Cpprod, htype='deg')

    # Step 3:
    Lp = (Lr + Lt) / 2
    Cp = (Cpr + Cpt) / 2

    hps = hpt + hpr
    hp = (hpt + hpr) / 2
    hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180)
                & (hps < 360))] = hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180)
                                              & (hps < 360))] + 180
    hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180)
                & (hps >= 360))] = hp[np.where((np.abs(dhp_) > 180)
                                               & (hps >= 360))] - 180
    hp[np.where(Cpprod == 0)] = 0

    T = 1 - 0.17*np.cos((hp - 30)*np.pi/180) + 0.24*np.cos(2*hp*np.pi/180) +\
        0.32*np.cos((3*hp + 6)*np.pi/180) - 0.20*np.cos((4*hp - 63)*np.pi/180)
    dtheta = 30 * np.exp(-((hp - 275) / 25)**2)
    RC = 2 * np.sqrt((Cp**7) / ((Cp**7) + (25**7)))
    SL = 1 + ((0.015 * (Lp - 50)**2) / np.sqrt(20 + (Lp - 50)**2))
    SC = 1 + 0.045 * Cp
    SH = 1 + 0.015 * Cp * T
    RT = -np.sin(2 * dtheta * np.pi / 180) * RC

    kL, kC, kH = KLCH

    DEi = ((dL / (kL * SL))**2, (dCp / (kC * SC))**2 + (dH / (kH * SH))**2 +
           RT * (dCp / (kC * SC)) * (dH / (kH * SH)))

    return _process_DEi(DEi,
Exemple #2
def DE_cspace(xyzt, xyzr, dtype = 'xyz', tf = _CSPACE, DEtype = 'jab', avg = None, avg_axis = 0, out = 'DEi',
              xyzwt = None, xyzwr = None, fwtft = {}, fwtfr = {}, KLCH = None,\
              camtype = cam._CAM_DEFAULT_TYPE, ucstype = 'ucs'):
    Calculate color difference DE in specific color space.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of test data.
            | ndarray with tristimulus values of reference data.
            | 'xyz' or 'jab', optional
            | Specifies data type in :xyzt: and :xyzr:.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |   White point tristimulus values of test data
            |   None defaults to the one set in :fwtft: 
            |   or else to the default of cspace.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            |   Whitepoint tristimulus values of reference data
            |    None defaults to the one set in non-empty :fwtfr: 
            |    or else to default of cspace.
            | _CSPACE, optional
            | Color space to use for color difference calculation.
            | {}, optional
            | Dict with parameters for forward transform 
              from xyz to cspace for test data.
            | {}, optional 
            | Dict with parameters for forward transform 
            | from xyz to cspace for reference data.
            | None, optional
            | Weigths for L, C, H 
            | None: default to [1,1,1] 
            | KLCH is not used when tf == 'camucs'.
            | 'jab' or str, optional
            | Options: 
            |    - 'jab' : calculates full color difference over all 3 dimensions.
            |    - 'ab'  : calculates chromaticity difference.
            |    - 'j'   : calculates lightness or brightness difference 
            |             (depending on :outin:).
            |    - 'j,ab': calculates both 'j' and 'ab' options 
            |              and returns them as a tuple.
            | None, optional
            | None: don't calculate average DE, 
            |       otherwise use function handle in :avg:.
            | axis to calculate average over, optional
            | 'DEi' or str, optional
            | Requested output.
            | luxpy.cam._CAM_DEFAULT_TYPE, optional
            | Str specifier for CAM type to use, options: 'ciecam02' or 'ciecam16'.
            | Only when DEtype == 'camucs'.
            | 'ucs' or 'lcd' or 'scd', optional
            | Str specifier for which type of color attribute compression 
            | parameters to use:
            |     -'ucs': uniform color space,
            |     -'lcd', large color differences,
            |     -'scd': small color differences
            | Only when DEtype == 'camucs'.
        For the other input arguments, see specific color space used.
            | ndarray with DEi [, DEa] or other as specified by :out:

    # Get xyzw from dict if xyzw is None & dict is Not None
    if xyzwr is not None:
        fwtfr['xyzw'] = xyzwr
        if bool(fwtfr):
            xyzwr = fwtfr['xyzw']
    if xyzwt is not None:
        fwtft['xyzw'] = xyzwt
        if bool(fwtft):
            xyzwt = fwtft['xyzw']

    if tf == 'camucs':
        if dtype == 'xyz':
            if fwtfr['xyzw'] is None:
                fwtfr['xyzw'] = cam._CAM_DEFAULT_WHITE_POINT
            if fwtft['xyzw'] is None:
                fwtft['xyzw'] = cam._CAM_DEFAULT_WHITE_POINT
            jabt = cam.camXucs(xyzt, camtype=camtype, ucstype=ucstype, **fwtft)
            jabr = cam.camXucs(xyzr, camtype=camtype, ucstype=ucstype, **fwtfr)

            jabt = xyzt
            jabr = xyzr

        KL, c1, c2 = [
            for x in sorted(cam._CAM_UCS_PARAMETERS[camtype][ucstype].keys())

        # Calculate color difference and take account of KL:
        DEi = ((((jabt[...,0:1]-jabr[...,0:1])/KL)**2).sum(axis = jabt[...,0:1].ndim - 1, keepdims = True),\
                   ((jabt[...,1:3]-jabr[...,1:3])**2).sum(axis = jabt[...,1:3].ndim - 1, keepdims = True))

    elif (tf == 'DE2000') | (tf == 'DE00'):
        return DE2000(xyzt, xyzr, dtype = 'xyz', DEtype = DEtype, avg = avg,\
               avg_axis = avg_axis, out = out,
              xyzwt = xyzwt, xyzwr = xyzwr, KLCH = KLCH)

        if dtype == 'xyz':
            # Use colortf:
            jabt = colortf(xyzt, tf=tf, fwtf=fwtft)
            jabr = colortf(xyzr, tf=tf, fwtf=fwtfr)
            jabt = xyzt
            jabr = xyzr

        if (KLCH == None) | (KLCH == [1, 1, 1]):
            # Calculate color difference and take account of KL:
            DEi = (((jabt[...,0:1]-jabr[...,0:1])**2).sum(axis = jabt[...,0:1].ndim - 1, keepdims = True),\
                   ((jabt[...,1:3]-jabr[...,1:3])**2).sum(axis = jabt[...,1:3].ndim - 1, keepdims = True))

        else:  #using LCH specification for use with KLCH weights:
            Jt = jabt[..., 0:1]
            at = jabt[..., 1:2]
            bt = jabt[..., 2:3]
            Ct = np.sqrt(at**2 + bt**2)
            ht = cam.hue_angle(at, bt, htype='rad')

            Jr = jabr[..., 0:1]
            ar = jabr[..., 1:2]
            br = jabr[..., 2:3]
            Cr = np.sqrt(ar**2 + br**2)
            hr = cam.hue_angle(at, bt, htype='rad')

            dJ = Jt - Jr
            dC = Ct - Cr
            dH = ht - hr
            DEab2 = ((at - ar)**2 + (bt - br)**2)
            dH = np.sqrt(DEab2 - dC**2)

            DEi = ((dJ / KLCH[0])**2, (dC / KLCH[1])**2 + (dH / KLCH[2])**2)

    return _process_DEi(DEi,
Exemple #3

jabt, jabr = out2
# jabt2,jabr2=out2
# ii=0
# ht = positive_arctan(jabt[:,ii,1],jabt[:,ii,2], htype='rad')
# ht2 = positive_arctan(jabt2[...,1], jabt2[...,2], htype = 'rad')
# ht = np.arctan2(jabt[:,ii,2],jabt[:,ii,1])
# ht2 = np.arctan2(jabt2[...,2], jabt2[...,1])

dh = 360 / nhbins
hue_bin_edges = np.arange(start_hue, 360 + 1, dh) * np.pi / 180

# get hues of jabt, jabr:
ht = cam.hue_angle(jabt[..., 1], jabt[..., 2], htype='rad')
hr = cam.hue_angle(jabr[..., 1], jabr[..., 2], htype='rad')

# Get chroma of jabt, jabr:
Ct = ((jabt[..., 1]**2 + jabt[..., 2]**2))**0.5
Cr = ((jabr[..., 1]**2 + jabr[..., 2]**2))**0.5

# Calculate DEi between jabt, jabr:
DEi = ((jabt - jabr)**2).sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)**0.5

# calculate hue-bin averages for jabt, jabr:
jabt_hj = np.ones((nhbins, ht.shape[1], 3)) * np.nan
jabr_hj = np.ones((nhbins, hr.shape[1], 3)) * np.nan
DE_hj = np.ones((nhbins, hr.shape[1])) * np.nan
ht_idx = np.ones_like((ht)) * np.nan
hr_idx = np.ones_like((hr)) * np.nan