Exemple #1
def getdata(data, kind = 'np', columns = None, header = None, sep = ',', datatype = 'S', verbosity = True):
    Get data from csv-file 
    or convert between pandas dataframe and numpy 2d-array.
            | - str with path to file containing data
            | - ndarray with data
            | - pandas.dataframe with data
            | str ['np','df'], optional 
            | Determines type(:returns:), np: ndarray, df: pandas.dataframe
            | None or list[str] of column names for dataframe, optional
            | None, optional
            |   - None: no header in file
            |   - 'infer': infer headers from file
            | ',' or '\t' or other char, optional
            | Column separator in data file
            | 'S',optional 
            | Specifies a type of data. 
            | Is used when creating column headers (:column: is None).
            |   -'S': light source spectrum
            |   -'R': reflectance spectrum
            |   or other.      
            | True, False, optional
            | Print warning when inferring headers from file.
            | data as ndarray or pandas.dataframe
    if isinstance(data,str):
        datafile = data
        data = pd.read_csv(data,names=None,index_col = None,header = header,sep = sep)

        # Set column headers:
        if header == 'infer':
            if verbosity == True:
                warnings.warn('getdata(): Infering HEADERS from data file: {}!'.format(datafile))
                columns = data.columns
        elif (columns is None):
            data.columns = ['{}{}'.format(datatype,x) for x in range(len(data.columns))] 
        if columns is not None:
            data.columns = columns

    if isinstance(data,np.ndarray) & (kind == 'df'):
        if columns is None:
            columns = ['{}{}'.format(datatype,x)  for x in range(data.shape[1])] 
        data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = columns)

    elif isinstance(data,pd.DataFrame) & (kind == 'np'):
        data = data.values
    return data
Exemple #2
 def read_csv_(self, file, header=None, sep=','):
     Reads spectral data from file.
             | filename 
             | None or 'infer', optional
             | If 'infer': headers will be inferred from file itself.
             | If None: no headers are expected from file.
             | ',', optional
             | Column separator.
             | ndarray with spectral data (first row are wavelengths)
         Spectral data in file should be organized in columns with the first
         column containing  the wavelengths.
     return pd.read_csv(file,
Exemple #3
def subsample_RFL_set(rfl, rflpath = '', samplefcn = 'rand', S = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['E'], \
                      jab_ranges = None, jab_deltas = None, cieobs = _VF_CIEOBS, cspace = _VF_CSPACE, \
                      ax = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR), \
                      bx = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR), \
                      jx = None, limit_grid_radius = 0):
    Sub-samples a spectral reflectance set by pixelization of color space.
            | ndarray or str
            | Array with of str referring to a set of spectral reflectance 
              functions to be subsampled.
            | If str to file: file must contain data as columns, with first 
              column the wavelengths.
            | '' or str, optional
            | Path to folder with rfl-set specified in a str :rfl: filename.
            | 'rand' or 'mean', optional
            |   -'rand': selects a random sample from the samples within each pixel
            |   -'mean': returns the mean spectral reflectance in each pixel.
            | _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['E'], optional
            | Illuminant used to calculate the color coordinates of the spectral 
              reflectance samples.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the pixelization of color space.
              (ndarray.shape = (3,3), with  first axis: J,a,b, and second 
               axis: min, max, delta)
            | float or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the sampling range. 
            | A float uses jab_deltas as the maximum Euclidean distance to select
             samples around each pixel center. A ndarray of 3 deltas, uses
             a city block sampling around each pixel center.
            | _VF_CSPACE or dict, optional
            | Specifies color space. See _VF_CSPACE_EXAMPLE for example structure.
            | _VF_CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Specifies CMF set used to calculate color coordinates.
            | default ndarray or user defined ndarray, optional
            | default = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR) 
            | default ndarray or user defined ndarray, optional
            | default = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR) 
            | None, optional
            | Note that not-None :jab_ranges: override :ax:, :bx: and :jx input.
            | 0, optional
            | A value of zeros keeps grid as specified  by axr,bxr.
            | A value > 0 only keeps (a,b) coordinates within :limit_grid_radius:
            | rflsampled, jabp
            | ndarrays with resp. the subsampled set of spectral reflectance 
              functions and the pixel coordinate centers.
    # Testing effects of sample set, pixel size and gamut size:
    if type(rfl) == str:
        rfl = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(rflpath,rfl),header = None).get_values().T
    # Calculate Jab coordinates of samples:
    xyz,xyzw = spd_to_xyz(S, cieobs = cieobs, rfl = rfl.copy(), out = 2)
    cspace_pars = cspace.copy()
    cspace_pars['xyzw'] = xyzw
    jab = colortf(xyz,tf = cspace['type'],fwtf = cspace_pars)

    # Generate grid and get samples in each grid:
    gridp,idxp, jabp, pixelsamplenrs, pixelIDs = get_pixel_coordinates(jab, jab_ranges = jab_ranges, jab_deltas = jab_deltas, limit_grid_radius = limit_grid_radius)

    # Get rfls from set using sampling function (mean or rand):
    W = rfl[:1]
    R = rfl[1:]
    rflsampled = np.nan*np.ones((len(idxp),R.shape[1]))
    for i in range(len(idxp)):
        if samplefcn == 'mean':
            rfl_i = np.nanmean(rfl[pixelsamplenrs[i],:],axis = 0)
            samplenr_i = np.random.randint(len(pixelsamplenrs[i]))
            rfl_i = rfl[pixelsamplenrs[i][samplenr_i],:]
        rflsampled[i,:] = rfl_i        
    rflsampled = np.vstack((W,rflsampled))
    return rflsampled, jabp