Exemple #1
def menu(client) :
	while True :	
		client.send("dialog --menu \"Menu List\" 30 50 8  1 \"User Management\" 2 \"Directory Management\" 3 \"File Management\" 4 \"Software Management\" 5 \"Device Partition Management\" 6 \"Logical Volume Management\" 7 \"Server Management\" 8 \"Exit\" ")
		choice = client.recv(10)

		if choice == "1" :   
			import user
		elif choice == "2" : 
			import dirs
		elif choice == "3" : 
			import files
		elif choice == "4" :
			import software
		elif choice == "5" :
			import dpm
		elif choice == "6" :
			import lvm
		elif choice == "7" :
			import sm
		elif choice == "8" :
			client.send("recieve only")
			client.send("dialog --infobox \"Thank You... \n Exiting....\" 5 18")
	def resize(self, size_change):
		Resizes this logical volume according to size_change
		so to eg. add 5 GB you just pass +5G
		return lvm(['lvresize', '--size', size_change, self.lvname])

# vim:set sw=4 ts=4 et:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lvm
import sys
import itertools

def getgroupname(n):
    return n.split('_')[0]

for f in sys.argv[1:]:
    d = lvm.lvm(f)
    names = d.data.dtype.names[1:]
    Ngroups = len(set(map(getgroupname, names)))
    namegroups = itertools.groupby(names, getgroupname)
    for i, (groupname, items) in enumerate(namegroups):
        plt.subplot(Ngroups, 1, i)
        for name in items:
            normy = d.data[name]
            normy -= min(normy)
            normy /= max(normy)
            t = d.data.X_Value
            tindex = t<400
            plt.plot(t[tindex], normy[tindex], label=name)

    plt.savefig(f[:-4] + '.png')
	def extend(self, pvs):
		return lvm(['vgextend', self.name] + pvs)

# vim:set sw=4 ts=4 et:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
	def reduce(self, pvs):
		return lvm(['vgreduce', self.name] + pvs)
	def remove(self):
		return lvm(['vgremove', '--force', self.name])
	def display(self):
		return lvm(['vgdisplay', '-c', self.name])
	def create(cls, name, sources=[]):
		lvm(['vgcreate', name] + sources)
		return cls(name)
Exemple #9
                (a, b) = e_3[idx]
                if d_hat[u, a] < eta and d_hat[v, b] < eta:
                    total += m[a, b]
                    count += 1
            # Put a zero entry if e'''_uv is empty in Equation (3).
            if count > 0:
                f_hat[u, v] = total / count

    return f_hat

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Unit test.
    n = 50
    r = 2
    f = lvm.lvm(n, r)

    kappa = 0.49
    p = n**(-1 + kappa)

    # e is a list of pairs of indices corresponding to the observed entries.
    e = []
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if np.random.uniform() < p:
                e.append((i, j))

    # m is a noisy signal of f
    m = np.zeros((n, n))
    for idx in range(len(e)):
        (i, j) = e[idx]
Exemple #10
        elif int(ch) == 6:
            os.system(" ls -l ")

        elif int(ch) == 7:

        elif int(ch) == 8:
            y = input("Enter the name of the program you want to install...")
            os.system("yum install {}".format(y))

        elif int(ch) == 9:

        elif int(ch) == 10:

        elif int(ch) == 11:

        elif int(ch) == 12:

elif r == "remote":
    ip = input("Enter IP address where you want to remote login :  "******"Enter Your Choice  :  ")

        if int(ch) == 1:
            os.system(' ssh {} date '.format(ip))
	def remove(self):
		return lvm(['lvremove', '--force', self.lvname])
	def display(self):
		return lvm(['lvdisplay', '-c', self.lvname])
	def create(cls, vgname, name, size):
		lvm(['lvcreate', '--name', name, '--size', size, vgname])
		return cls(vgname, name)