def copy_mc_sequence(self, source, dest): ''' Mode 0 is copy the sequence to the root directory Mode 1 is copy the sequence to a named subdirectory ''' if source != None: ext = ".mc" flist = self.matchfiles(os.path.dirname(source + "Frame"),ext) seqbase = os.path.splitext(source)[0] subbase = os.path.split(source)[0] nummc = float(len(flist)) curmc = 0.0 for f in flist: seq1 = f[len(seqbase)-1:] seqnum = seq1[:4] newdest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dest), f) self.psCopy( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source),f) , newdest) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg {%.2f}Copying sequence ..." % (curmc / nummc)) curmc += 1.0 seq1 = flist[0][len(seqbase)-1:] seqnum = seq1[:4] lwsdk.command("StatusMsg Done copying sequences.") return dest + seqbase.strip() + seqnum + ext ftest.close() else: return -1
def process_surfaces(files, vertexGroups, materials): for k in range(len(vertexGroups)): shader = materials[k]['name'] surface_funcs = lwsdk.LWSurfaceFuncs() surface = surface_funcs.first() while surface: if == shader: #print "\r" #print lwsdk.command('Surf_SetSurf ' + shader) createMaterial(files, vertexGroups, materials, shader) break surface =
def active_change(self, control, data): if not self._selected_camera: return self._camera_active[self._selected_camera_name] = ( True if control.get_int() else False) # add/remove the RingTest plug-in if self._camera_active[self._selected_camera_name]: lwsdk.command("ApplyServer CustomObjHandler ComRingTest") self._controls[3].unghost() self._controls[4].unghost() else: lwsdk.command("RemoveServer CustomObjHandler 1") self._controls[3].ghost() self._controls[4].ghost()
def process(self, generic_access): #launch interface print("export_three_layout process()") lwsdk.command("StatusMsg export_three_layout") #lwsdk.command("LoadScene " + "E:/3Dstuff/Packaged Scenes/FirstAlphaConstruct10-19-12/Scenes/fivechairs.lws") mesh = lwsdk.LWMeshInfo() #lwsdk.command("SaveObject " + "E:/3Dstuff/Packaged Scenes/FirstAlphaConstruct10-19-12/Scenes/fivechairs.lwo") #item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() #obj_info = lwsdk.LWObjectInfo() return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def radius_change(self, control, data): if not self._selected_camera: return self._camera_radii[self._selected_camera_name] = control.get_float() if self._camera_active[self._selected_camera_name]: # tell the ringtest.p plug-in to alter its radius ring_data = self._comring.encodeData( 'd', (self._camera_radii[self._selected_camera_name] / 100.0, )) if ring_data: ring_code = int(lwsdk.itemid_to_str(self._selected_camera), 16) self._comring.ringMessage("ringtest_channel", ring_code, ring_data) self._comring.releaseData(ring_data) lwsdk.command("RefreshNow")
def camera_change(self, control, data): self._selected_camera = control.get_addr() if self._selected_camera: self._selected_camera_name = self._selected_camera) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(self._selected_camera)) self._controls[2].unghost() if (not len(self._camera_active)) or (self._selected_camera_name not in self._camera_active): self._controls[2].set_int(0) self._controls[3].ghost() self._controls[4].ghost() else: if (not len(self._camera_radii)) or ( self._selected_camera_name not in self._camera_radii): self._camera_radii[self._selected_camera_name] = 100.0 if (not len(self._camera_target)) or ( self._selected_camera_name not in self._camera_target): self._camera_target[self._selected_camera_name] = False self._controls[2].set_int(1 if self._camera_active[ self._selected_camera_name] else 0) if self._camera_active[self._selected_camera_name]: self._controls[3].unghost() self._controls[4].unghost() if len(self._camera_target) and (self._selected_camera_name in self._camera_target): self._controls[3].set_int(1 if self._camera_target[ self._selected_camera_name] else 0) if len(self._camera_radii) and (self._selected_camera_name in self._camera_radii): self._controls[4].set_float( self._camera_radii[self._selected_camera_name]) else: self._controls[2].ghost() self._controls[3].ghost() self._controls[4].ghost()
def panel_close_callback(self, panel, data): """ If the panel is closed by the user, let's destroy all Panel assets so we have a clean slate to recreate all assets in the inter_ui() method if the user chooses to open this plugin instance again. """ # We better make sure the presets are stored and saved self.store_preset() # Calling destroy() here, crashes LightWave (v11.0), so I have it # commented out, and relies on only setting the variables to None. # self._ui.destroy(self._panel) self._panel = None self._ui = None self._controls = None # Perhaps it would be better to remove the plugin completely when # closing the window? I keep that line here, commented out, during dev # until I've decided. If I keep it, I need to add a method to find the # actual index in the Master Plugins list. lwsdk.command('RemoveServer MasterHandler 1')
def target_change(self, control, data): if not self._selected_camera: return self._camera_target[self._selected_camera_name] = ( True if control.get_int() else False) if self._target_object: lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(self._selected_camera)) if self._camera_target[self._selected_camera_name]: lwsdk.command("TargetItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(self._target_object)) else: lwsdk.command("TargetItem 0") # send some sample data to the ringtest.p plug-in # each time the target is changed. this is just # dummy data strings = ("Falicitations!", "Salutations!", "Greetings!") floats = (6.6666, 7.7777, 8.8888, 9.9999, 0.0000) ring_data = self._comring.encodeData(('s:100#3', 'i', 'd', 'f#5'), (strings, 67832, 34.8765, floats)) if ring_data: self._comring.ringMessage("ringtest_channel", 2, ring_data) self._comring.releaseData(ring_data)
def effector_change(self, control, data): self._target_object = control.get_addr() if self._target_object: # tell the ringtest.p plug-in it has a new target object ring_data = self._comring.encodeData('k', (self._target_object, )) if ring_data: self._comring.ringMessage("ringtest_channel", 1, ring_data) self._comring.releaseData(ring_data) if len(self._camera_target): for i in self._camera_target.keys(): if self._camera_target[i]: lwsdk.command("SelectItemByName %s" % i) lwsdk.command("TargetItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(self._target_object)) lwsdk.command("RefreshNow") else: # tell the ringtest.p plug-in it has no target object ring_data = self._comring.encodeData('k', (0, )) if ring_data: self._comring.ringMessage("ringtest_channel", 1, ring_data) self._comring.releaseData(ring_data)
def process(self, ga): self._item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() instance_null = lwsdk.find_object_by_name("InstanceNull", self._item_info) if not instance_null: return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK instance_null_id = lwsdk.itemid_to_str(instance_null) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % instance_null_id) server_name = self._item_info.server(instance_null, "InstancerHandler", 1) if not server_name: print >> sys.stderr, 'No Instancer server found for object "InstanceNull"!' return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK server_flags = self._item_info.serverFlags(instance_null, "InstancerHandler", 1) if (server_flags & lwsdk.LWSRVF_DISABLED): lwsdk.command("EnableServer InstancerHandler 0 1") else: lwsdk.command("EnableServer InstancerHandler 0 0") return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def copy_sequence(self, source, sourcename, dest, mode): ''' Mode 0 is copy the sequence to the root directory Mode 1 is copy the sequence to a named subdirectory ''' if source != None: seqbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourcename.replace('(sequence)','') ) )[0] ext = os.path.splitext(source)[1] flist = self.matchfiles(os.path.dirname(source),ext) subbase = os.path.split(source)[0] numimgs = float(len(flist)) curimg = 0.0 for f in flist: seq1 = f[len(seqbase)-1:] seqnum = seq1[:4] if mode == 1: newdest = os.path.join(dest, seqbase[:-2], seqbase.strip() + seqnum + ext) else: newdest = dest + seqbase.strip() + seqnum + ext self.psCopy( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source),f) , newdest) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg {%.2f}Copying sequence ..." % (curimg / numimgs)) curimg += 1.0 if mode == 1: seq1 = flist[0][len(seqbase)-1:] seqnum = seq1[:4] lwsdk.command("StatusMsg Done copying sequences.") return os.path.join(dest, seqbase[:-2], seqbase.strip() + seqnum + ext) else: seq1 = flist[0][len(seqbase)-1:] seqnum = seq1[:4] lwsdk.command("StatusMsg Done copying sequences.") return dest + seqbase.strip() + seqnum + ext else: return -1
def rotateAllObjects(self, sign): lwsdk.command("SelectAllObjects") # using pcore #print >>sys.stderr, "NumObjects= %d"%pcore.LWObjectFuncs().numObjects() #for oo in range(0, pcore.LWObjectFuncs().numObjects()): #print >>sys.stderr, "NumObjects= %d"%pcore.LWObjectFuncs().maxLayers(oo) #numLayer = pcore.LWObjectFuncs().maxLayers(0) lwsdk.command("FirstItem") if len(lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()) == 0: return firstItemID = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()[0] if (firstItemID == None): return for l in range(0, 50000): if (sign == 1.0): lwsdk.command("AddRotation 0 -90 0") else: lwsdk.command("AddRotation 0 90 0") lwsdk.command("NextItem") itemID = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()[0] if (itemID == firstItemID): break
def tool_up(self, event): if (self._handle >= 0) and self._moved: new_bones = deepcopy(self._bones) # Make sure ParentInPlace is OFF pip = ((lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().generalFlags & lwsdk.LWGENF_PARENTINPLACE) == lwsdk.LWGENF_PARENTINPLACE) if pip: lwsdk.command("ParentInPlace") for bone in self._bones: new_bones.append(self.split_bone(bone, self._frac)) if pip: lwsdk.command("ParentInPlace") for i in range(len(new_bones)): if i == 0: lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(new_bones[i].id)) else: lwsdk.command("AddToSelection %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(new_bones[i].id)) self._handle = -1
def process(self, ga): self._item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() instance_null = lwsdk.find_object_by_name("InstanceNull", self._item_info) if not instance_null: return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK instance_null_id = lwsdk.itemid_to_str(instance_null) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % instance_null_id) server_name = self._item_info.server(instance_null, "InstancerHandler", 1); if not server_name: print >>sys.stderr, 'No Instancer server found for object "InstanceNull"!' return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK server_flags = self._item_info.serverFlags(instance_null, "InstancerHandler", 1); if (server_flags & lwsdk.LWSRVF_DISABLED): lwsdk.command("EnableServer InstancerHandler 0 1") else: lwsdk.command("EnableServer InstancerHandler 0 0") return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def process(self, ga): lwsdk.command('AddNull ODCopy') lwsdk.command('ModCommand_OD_LWPasteFromExternal Layout') return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def split_bone(self, bone, split): cur_time = lwsdk.LWTimeInfo().time; pos = self._item_info.param(, lwsdk.LWIP_W_POSITION, cur_time) rest_pos = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(, lwsdk.LWIP_POSITION)) rest_rot = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(, lwsdk.LWIP_ROTATION)) rest_rot *= math.pi / 180.0 rest_len = bone.restlength # Clone the existing bone # Make the new bone the parent, existing bone the child lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str( lwsdk.command("Clone 1") selected_items = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items() new_bone = PyBone(selected_items[0], self._item_info.parent(selected_items[0]), self._bone_info.type(selected_items[0]), self._bone_info.restLength(selected_items[0])) # Make new bone child of original parent lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(bone.parent)) # Motion options corrections: # - Don't copy over the goal lwsdk.command("GoalItem 0") if new_bone.type == lwsdk.LWBONETYPE_ZAXIS: temp_vector = Vector(0,0,1) split_pos = temp_vector * (rest_len * split) # Make new bone shorter to the split lwsdk.command("BoneRestLength %g" % (rest_len * split)) # Make corrections to existing bone # - Parent it to the new bone # - Place at the split position # - Shorten it to the remainder of original length # - Reset scale and rotation (as those are now done by new bone) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str( lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str( # Set positions self.set_vec_chan_to_value(, 0, split_pos) lwsdk.command("PivotPosition 0 0 0") lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(split_pos)) lwsdk.command("BoneRestLength %g" % (rest_len * (1-split))) # Set rotations self.set_vec_chan_to_value(, 3, Vector(0,0,0)) lwsdk.command("PivotRotation 0 0 0") lwsdk.command("BoneRestRotation 0 0 0") # Set scales self.set_vec_chan_to_value(, 6, Vector(1,1,1)); lwsdk.command("DirtyMotion") lwsdk.command("UpdateMotion") # Move children to take into account shortened bone child_id = self._item_info.firstChild( while child_id: lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str(child_id)) self.add_value_to_vec_chan(child_id, 0, -split_pos); if self._item_info.type(child_id) == lwsdk.LWI_BONE: child_pos = Vector(self._bone_info.restParam(child_id, lwsdk.LWIP_POSITION)) child_pos -= split_pos; lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(child_pos)) lwsdk.command("DirtyMotion") lwsdk.command("UpdateMotion") child_id = self._item_info.nextChild(, child_id) else: axispos, axis = self.get_world_bone_axis(bone) # Move new bone to split position new_rest_pos = rest_pos * split lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(new_rest_pos)) # newPos = split * pos self.mul_value_to_vec_chan(, 0, split) lwsdk.command("BoneRestRotation 0 0 0") self.set_vec_chan_to_value(, 3, Vector(0,0,0)) self.set_vec_chan_to_value(, 6, Vector(1,1,1)) lwsdk.command("DirtyMotion") lwsdk.command("UpdateMotion") # Make corrections to existing bone # - Parent it to the new bone lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str( lwsdk.command("ParentItem %s" % lwsdk.itemid_to_str( # - Correct place to account for new bone parent # New bone parent has no rotation and unit scale, # so only difference is a position offset new_rest_pos = rest_pos * (1.0 - split) lwsdk.command("BoneRestPosition %s" % str(new_rest_pos)) # newPos = (1.0 - split) * pos self.mul_value_to_vec_chan(, 0, 1.0 - split) lwsdk.command("DirtyMotion") lwsdk.command("UpdateMotion") return new_bone
def FreezeAllObjects(self): # Now Freeze is asked during upload => no more warning! #ok = lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().okCancel("Sketchfab warning", "With 'Freeze' enabled, the scene can be modified. This option is only usefull for subpatch.", "Do you want to 'Freeze' the scene?") #if ok == 0: # return lwsdk.command("SelectAllObjects") lwsdk.command("FirstItem") if len(lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()) == 0: return firstItemID = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()[0] if (firstItemID == None): return nameCount = 0 for l in range(0, 50000): tmpFileName = os.path.join(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder, "tmp%d.lwo"%nameCount) nameCount = nameCount+1 if os.path.isfile(tmpFileName): os.remove(tmpFileName) lwsdk.command("SaveTransformed "+tmpFileName) lwsdk.command("Generic_Reset_All") lwsdk.command("ReplaceWithObject "+tmpFileName) lwsdk.command("NextItem") if os.path.isfile(tmpFileName): os.remove(tmpFileName) itemID = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo().selected_items()[0] if (itemID == firstItemID): break
def createMaterial(files, vertexGroups, materials, surf): textures = getMaterialTypes(files) """ textures: { 'NP0002_00_Body': {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_A', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'}, 'NP0002_00_Eye': {'NP0002_00_Eye_C'}, 'NP0002_00_Eyelash': {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'}, 'NP0002_00_Hair': {'NP0002_00_Hair_C', 'NP0002_00_Hair_A', 'NP0002_00_Hair_N'}, 'NP0002_00_Head': {'NP0002_00_Head_N', 'NP0002_00_Head_C'}, 'NP0002_00_Mouth': set(), 'NP0002_00_Skin': {'NP0002_00_Body_C', 'NP0002_00_Body_N'} } """ texture_list = textures[surf] NodeBuild = [] NodeBuild.append("{ Surface\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"Default\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" SmoothingAngle 1.5625\n") NodeBuild.append(" CompatibilityVersion 77b\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Nodes\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Root\n") NodeBuild.append(" Location 0 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Zoom 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" Disabled 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Version 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Nodes\n") NodeBuild.append(" Server \"Surface\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Tag\n") NodeBuild.append(" RealName \"Surface\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Surface\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Coordinates -1890 -561\n") NodeBuild.append(" Mode 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" Selected 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Data\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Preview \"\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Server \"Input\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Tag\n") NodeBuild.append(" RealName \"Input\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Input\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Coordinates 0 -289\n") NodeBuild.append(" Mode 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Selected 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Data\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Preview \"Item ID\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") # Add material node if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower(): NodeBuild.append(" Server \"Skin\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Tag\n") NodeBuild.append(" RealName \"Skin\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Skin (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Coordinates -1260 -480\n") ''' NodeBuild.append(" { Data\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Attributes\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Metadata\n") NodeBuild.append(" Version 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" Enumerations 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" { AttributeData\n") #color NodeBuild.append(" { Attr\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Epidermis Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Flags 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"vparam3\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" 3\n") NodeBuild.append(" 0.9881 0.9098 0.7685\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") ''' else: NodeBuild.append(" Server \"Principled BSDF\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Tag\n") NodeBuild.append(" RealName \"Principled BSDF\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Coordinates -894 -393\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Data\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Attributes\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Metadata\n") NodeBuild.append(" Version 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" Enumerations 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" { AttributeData\n") #color NodeBuild.append(" { Attr\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Flags 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"vparam3\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" 3\n") NodeBuild.append(" 0.5 0.5 0.5\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") #specular NodeBuild.append(" { Attr\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Specular\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Flags 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"vparam\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") #roughness NodeBuild.append(" { Attr\n") NodeBuild.append(" Name \"Roughness\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Flags 0\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"ENVELOPE\" \"On\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"FORMAT\" \"Percent\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" Tag \"NodeInputID\" \"\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"vparam\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Value\n") NodeBuild.append(" 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") #close NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Preview \"Material\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") for t in texture_list: loc = (0, 0) the_file = "" UVMap = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 0) if t[-2:] == '_C': the_file =['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png" loc = CoordinateList["Color"] Server = " Server \"Image\"\n" RealName = " RealName \"Image\"\n" Name = " Name \"Image (1)\"\n" elif t[-2:] == '_N': the_file =['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png" loc = CoordinateList["Normal"] Server = " Server \"NormalMap\"\n" RealName = " RealName \"NormalMap\"\n" Name = " Name \"NormalMap (1)\"\n" elif t[-2:] == '_A': the_file =['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png" loc = CoordinateList["Alpha"] Server = " Server \"Image\"\n" RealName = " RealName \"Image\"\n" Name = " Name \"Image (2)\"\n" elif t[-2:] == '_O': the_file =['tex_dir'] + "\\" + t + ".png" loc = CoordinateList["Opacity"] if UV_count > 1: UVMap = lwsdk.LWObjectFuncs().vmapName(lwsdk.LWVMAP_TXUV, 1) Server = " Server \"Image\"\n" RealName = " RealName \"Image\"\n" Name = " Name \"Image (3)\"\n" NodeBuild.append(Server) NodeBuild.append(" { Tag\n") NodeBuild.append(RealName) NodeBuild.append(Name) NodeBuild.append(" Coordinates " + loc + "\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Data\n") if t[-2:] == '_A': NodeBuild.append(" InvertColor 1\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Image\n") if os.path.exists(the_file): NodeBuild.append(" { Clip\n") NodeBuild.append(" { Still\n") NodeBuild.append(" \"" + the_file + "\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" Mapping 5\n") NodeBuild.append(" UV \"" + UVMap + "\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") #make them there connections NodeBuild.append(" { Connections\n") NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Surface\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Material\"\n") if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower(): NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n") else: NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Material\"\n") for t in texture_list: if t[-2:] == '_A': NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Surface\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Clip\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Image (2)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Color\"\n") elif t[-2:] == '_C': if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower(): NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Epidermis Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Dermis Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Color\"\n") else: NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Color\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Image (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Color\"\n") elif t[-2:] == '_N': if 'head' in surf.lower() or 'skin' in surf.lower(): NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Skin (1)\"\n") else: NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Principled BSDF (1)\"\n") # NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Normal\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"NormalMap (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Normal\"\n") elif t[-2:] == '_O': NodeBuild.append(" NodeName \"Image (1)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputName \"Opacity\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputNodeName \"Image (3)\"\n") NodeBuild.append(" InputOutputName \"Color\"\n") # End connections segment NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append(" }\n") NodeBuild.append("}\n") # Complete the node build by putting it together NodeBuild = "".join(NodeBuild) f = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False) f.write(NodeBuild) f.close() lwsdk.command("Surf_LoadText \"" + + "\"") os.unlink( # delete the file
def uploadScene(self): self.updateTempFolder() if self._isMacOSX == False: # fix zip problem: on efface tout => comme a la 1ere execution! (sauf pour APIKey : load+save) self.loadAPIKey() try: shutil.rmtree(self._SketchFabTempFolder) self._SketchFabTempFolder = "" except Exception: a = 0 if (os.path.isfile(self._SketchFabTempFolder)): print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR BAD ERASE FOLDER!" self.updateTempFolder() self.saveAPIKey() # ------- 1 - define and maybe create the temp folder + install uploader executable self.updateTempFolder() uploader_installed = self.install_uploader() if uploader_installed == False: self.displayReturnMsg("Failed to install "+self._SketchFabUploaderAppPath) return # *** define export path: ******** # fix locking and empty zip with SceneCounter scene_path=os.path.join(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder, "scene%d"%self._SceneCounter) archive_path = os.path.join(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder, ""%self._SceneCounter) self._SceneCounter = self._SceneCounter+1 #remove all previously added zip files: try: shutil.rmtree(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder) except Exception: a = 0 if not os.path.exists(scene_path): os.makedirs(scene_path) if self._isMacOSX: # avoid file rights issue os.system("chmod a+w "+scene_path) # make valid title: if self._title == "": self._title = "NoName" # ------- 2 - save OBJ/DAE/FBX file # 2.1 : prepare the scene: freeze/rotate/detectNGon subpatch if self.DetectNGons() == False: return hasSubPatch = self.DetectSubPatch() if hasSubPatch: freeze = lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().yesNo("Sketchfab warning", "Warning: The scene contains SubPatches", "Do you want to freeze them?") if (freeze): self.FreezeAllObjects() #lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().yesNo("Sketchfab info", "Mesh Freezing Successful.", "") #lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().info("Sketchfab info", "Mesh Freezing Successful.") # depends on user defined alert level self.displayMsg("Mesh Freezing Successful.") else: self.displayMsg("Base cage will then be uploaded.") if (self._rotate): self.rotateAllObjects(1) # 2.2: export useFBX = True if useFBX: # use FBX fbxFilename = os.path.join(scene_path, "scene.fbx") fbxFilename = fbxFilename.replace('\\', '/') #lwcmd = "Generic_ExportFBXCommand '" + fbxFilename + "'" lwcmd = "Generic_ExportFBXCommand '" + fbxFilename + "' FBX201100" lwcmd = lwcmd + " True True False True" # bExportCameras bExportLights bExportMorphs bExportModels lwcmd = lwcmd + " False True True" # bExportAnimations bExportMaterials bEmbedMedia lwcmd = lwcmd + " False" # False(ASCII) sAnimLayerName # options order: Filename sFBXVersion bExportCameras bExportLights bExportMorphs bExportModels bExportAnimations bExportMaterials bEmbedMedia bType sAnimLayerName # sFBXVersion: The version to be written. Valid versions: 'FBX201200', 'FBX201100', 'FBX201000', 'FBX200900', 'FBX200611' # bExportCameras: "True" or "False" # bExportLights: "True" or "False" # bExportMorphs: "True" or "False" # bExportModels: "True" or "False" # bExportAnimations: "True" or "False" # bExportMaterials: "True" or "False" # bEmbedMedia: "True" or "False" # bType: "True" for ASCII, "False" for binary FBX format # sAnimLayerName: The name to give the FBX Animation Layer # test script: #import lwsdk #lwsdk.command("Generic_ExportFBXCommand 'C:/Dev/test_lw_export.fbx' FBX201100 True True False True False True True False") #lwsdk.command("Generic_ExportFBXCommand 'C:/Dev/test_lw_export.fbx' FBX201100 True True False True False True True True") ASCII version! logForDebug("Execute Command: "+lwcmd) lwsdk.command(lwcmd) else: lwcmd = "SaveObject " + os.path.join(scene_path, "scene.lwo") logForDebug("Execute Command: "+lwcmd) lwsdk.command(lwcmd) # 2.3: restore rotation if (self._rotate): self.rotateAllObjects(-1) # ------- 3 - compress the file if os.path.isfile(archive_path): os.remove(archive_path) logForDebug("Creating "+archive_path) filelist = os.listdir(scene_path) archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) saveCWD = os.getcwd() os.chdir(scene_path) for f in filelist: archive.write(f) logForDebug(" Add in Zip: "+f) archive.close() filelist = None os.chdir(saveCWD) # 3.1 - delete exported scene: le but est d'eviter des problemes de droit sur le Mac #os.system("rm -rf "+scene_path) #try: #shutil.rmtree(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder) #except Exception: #a = 0 if self._isMacOSX: # avoid file rights issue os.system("chmod a+w "+archive_path) # ------- 4 - upload archive zipSize = os.path.getsize( archive_path ) self.startWaiting(zipSize) # 5.1 : write settings text file returnmsg_path = os.path.join(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder, "returnmsg.txt") # clean strings: no newline: self._APIKey = self._APIKey.strip('\n') self._title = self._title.strip('\n') self._description = self._description.strip('\n') self._password = self._password.strip('\n') useCURL = self._isMacOSX if useCURL: logForDebug("TEST USING CURL !!!") if self._isMacOSX: cmd = '/usr/bin/curl -k -X POST' else: thisScriptFilePath = os.path.realpath(__file__) thisScriptFolder = os.path.dirname(thisScriptFilePath) #os.chdir(thisScriptFolder) #cmd = 'curl' + ' -k -X POST' cmd = 'C:/Dev/curl -k -X POST' cmd = cmd + ' -F "fileModel=@' + archive_path + '"' cmd = cmd + ' -F ""' cmd = cmd + ' -F "title='+self._title+'"' cmd = cmd + ' -F "description='+self._description+'"' cmd = cmd + ' -F "tags='+self._tags+' lightwave"' cmd = cmd + ' -F "source=lightwave-exporter"' if self._private: cmd = cmd + ' -F "private=1"' cmd = cmd + ' -F "password='******'"' cmd = cmd + ' -F "token=' + self._APIKey + '"' #cmd = cmd + ' --progress-bar' cmd = cmd + ' -s' # silent mode #cmd = cmd + ' 2> "' + returnmsg_path + '"' cmd = cmd + ' -o "' + returnmsg_path + '"' logForDebug(cmd) else: # --------------- USE my uploader app settingsFileName = os.path.join(self._SketchFabTempDataFolder, "settings.txt") settings_file = open(settingsFileName, 'w') settings_file.write(self._APIKey+"\n") settings_file.write(self._title+"\n") settings_file.write(self._description+"\n") settings_file.write(self._tags+"\n") if self._private: settings_file.write("true\n") else: settings_file.write("false\n") settings_file.write(self._password+"\n") settings_file.write(archive_path+"\n") settings_file.write(returnmsg_path+"\n") settings_file.close() logForDebug("settings file :"+settingsFileName) if self._isMacOSX: # avoid file rights issue os.system("chmod a+w "+settingsFileName) cmd = self._SketchFabUploaderAppPath+" -s "+settingsFileName if self._isMacOSX or useCURL: logForDebug("os.system("+cmd+")") ret = os.system(cmd) logForDebug(" returns:") try: logForDebug(ret) except: print >>sys.stderr, "Exception in logForDebug(ret)!" elif True: #windows : NB is not working on MacOSX! logForDebug(""+cmd), shell=False) else: logForDebug("POPEN... ") p = subprocess.Popen((self._SketchFabUploaderAppPath, "-s", settingsFileName)) p.wait # read result: if useCURL: if ret==0: # extract errormsg: errormsg = "" if os.path.exists(returnmsg_path): logForDebug("curl out file exists ") returnmsg_file = open(returnmsg_path, "r") lines = returnmsg_file.readlines() returnmsg_file.close() if (len(lines) > 0): errormsg = lines[0] if errormsg.find('"success": true') != -1: errormsg = "" if errormsg=="": self.displayReturnMsg("Sketchfab upload success!") else: self.displayReturnMsg("Sketchfab upload error:"+errormsg) else: self.displayReturnMsg("Sketchfab upload error! (%d)"%ret) else: if os.path.isfile(returnmsg_path): returnmsg_file = open(returnmsg_path, "r") lines = returnmsg_file.readlines() returnmsg_file.close() if self._isMacOSX: # avoid file rights issue os.system("chmod a+w "+returnmsg_path) if (len(lines) > 0): #logForDebug("INFO: Sketchfab:"+lines[0]) #lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().info('Sketchfab:'+lines[0], None) self.displayReturnMsg(lines[0]) else: logForDebug("NO RETURN MSG .txt") lwsdk.LWMessageFuncs().info("Sketchfab: No Returned message!", None) self.endWaiting()
def process(self, ga): item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() object_info = lwsdk.LWObjectInfo() instancer_funcs = lwsdk.LWItemInstancerFuncs() instance_info = lwsdk.LWItemInstanceInfo() interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo() current_time = interface_info.curTime autokey_is_on = ((interface_info.generalFlags & lwsdk.LWGENF_AUTOKEY) != 0) selected_item = interface_info.selected_items()[0] selected_item_id = lwsdk.itemid_to_str(selected_item) # find the Instancer that owns the selected object found_instancer = None obj = item_info.first(lwsdk.LWI_OBJECT, None) while obj and (not found_instancer): instancer = object_info.instancer(obj) if instancer: instance = instancer_funcs.first(instancer) while instance and (not found_instancer): if instance_info.item(instance) == selected_item: # found it! found_instancer = instancer break instance =, instance) obj = if not found_instancer: print >> sys.stderr, 'Object "%s" is NOT instanced!' % selected_item) return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK instances = [] instance = instancer_funcs.first(found_instancer) while instance: if instance_info.item(instance) == selected_item: instances.append(instance) instance =, instance) # values used for progress current_index = 1.0 target_index = len(instances) * 1.0 for instance in instances: pos = instance_info.pos(instance, 0) # Note: InstanceInfo.rotation() returns radians! rot = instance_info.rotation(instance, 0) scl = instance_info.scale(instance, 0) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % selected_item_id) lwsdk.command("Clone 1") lwsdk.command("Position %s" % str(pos)) # Note: Rotation expects degrees! lwsdk.command("Rotation %s" % str(Vector.to_degrees(rot))) lwsdk.command("Scale %s" % str(scl)) if not autokey_is_on: lwsdk.command("CreateKey %f" % current_time) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg {%f}Baking instances..." % (current_index / target_index)) current_index += 1.0 lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % selected_item_id) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg Baking complete.") return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def apply(self): """ Apply selected preset. """ row = self._controls[0].get_int() name = Presets.get_name(row) # Reference part of the definitions dictionary tabs = Presets.definitions['tabs'] # Get the selected presets dict to read settings from settings = Presets.user['presets'][name] # Loop tabs for tab in tabs: # Loop sections in tab for k, v in tabs[tab].iteritems(): # If section is enabled, apply the commands in the section if settings[k] == True: # Loop commands in section for ctl in v['controls']: # Create and set command line val = settings[ctl['command']] if self.gi_tab_logic(settings, ctl['command']) == False: continue if self.fx_tab_logic(settings, ctl['command'], val) == False: continue if self.cam_tab_logic(settings, ctl['command']) == False: continue try: mode = ctl['mode'] except: mode = False if ctl['type'] == 'percent': val = val / 100 if ctl['type'] == 'minirgb': val = '%(r)s %(g)s %(b)s' % \ {'r': val[0] / 255.0, \ 'g': val[1] / 255.0, \ 'b': val[2] / 255.0} if ctl['command'] == 'ResolutionMultiplier': # Resolution Converter res = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4] val = res[val] # Handle buttons that just toggles their state which can # not by command be set to a specific state. if mode == 'toggle': scene = lwsdk.LWSceneInfo() render_flag = getattr(lwsdk, ctl['flag']) if render_flag & scene.renderOpts > 0: button_state = True else: button_state = False if val != button_state: lwsdk.command(ctl['command']) else: lwsdk.command(ctl['command'] + ' ' + str(val)) if ctl['command'] == 'EnableRadiosity' and val == False: break
def process(self, generic_access): #launch interface ui = lwsdk.LWPanels() panel = ui.create('Package Scene') panel.setw(750) # The consolidate option doesn't move anything, but grabs all assets and puts them in the content structure # you're currently using self.consolidate_check = panel.bool_ctl("Consolidate files only") self.consolidate_check.move(150, self.consolidate_check.y() ) self.consolidate_check.set_event(self.consolidate_active ) # The panel.dir_ctl() call creates a requester in which you'll choose the destination folder self.target_folder = panel.dir_ctl("Destination folder:", 98) self.target_folder.set_event(self.refresh_items) self.preserve_check = panel.bool_ctl("Preserve Existing Structure") # Subfolders are folders that go below the Objects, Scenes, and Images folders, should they be needed. self.asset_string = panel.str_ctl("Subfolder:", 72) self.asset_string.set_event(self.refresh_items) # This gives the user the option of whether to copy complete image sequences or not. # If the user opts not to copy the sequences, only the first image of the sequence will be copied self.imseq_check = panel.bool_ctl("Copy Image Sequences") self.imseq_check.set_event(self.imseq_active) # This selection box gives the user the option to either consolidate all images (including sequences) # into the target Images directory, or to have subfolders created for image sequences to keep # them neat and tidy self.imsub_list = [] self.imsub_list.append("Root Images folder") self.imsub_list.append("Sequence-named subfolder") self.imsub_choice = panel.hchoice_ctl("Image sequence destination:", self.imsub_list) self.imseq_active(self, self.imseq_active) # This displays the eventual path destinations for the individual asset types self.sc_string = panel.dir_ctl("Scenes path:", 98) self.ob_string = panel.dir_ctl("Objects path:", 98) self.im_string = panel.dir_ctl("Images path:", 98) self.dyn_string = panel.dir_ctl("Dynamics path:", 98) self.ies_string = panel.dir_ctl("Photometric lights path:",98) self.rad_string = panel.dir_ctl("Radiosity Cache path:",98) self.vert_string = panel.dir_ctl("Vertex Cache path:",98) self.radsave_check = panel.bool_ctl("Copy Radiosity cache file") self.radsave_check.set_event(self.radcache_active) self.radcache_active(self, self.radcache_active) self.radsave_check.set_int(1) self.rad_string.unghost() self.reload_check = panel.bool_ctl("Reload Original Scene") panel.align_controls_vertical([self.consolidate_check, self.target_folder, self.preserve_check, self.asset_string, self.imseq_check, self.imsub_choice, self.sc_string, self.ob_string, self.im_string, self.dyn_string, self.ies_string, self.rad_string, self.vert_string, self.radsave_check, self.reload_check]) self.target_folder.set_str(self.content_dir) self.refresh_items(None,None) if | lwsdk.PANF_CANCEL) == 0: ui.destroy(panel) return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK #end interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #getting values ------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.consolidate = self.consolidate_check.get_int() self.target_dir = self.target_folder.get_str() self.preserve = self.preserve_check.get_int() self.asset_str = self.asset_string.get_str() self.imseq = self.imseq_check.get_int() self.imsub = self.imsub_choice.get_int() self.ob_dir = self.ob_string.get_str() self.sc_dir = self.sc_string.get_str() self.im_dir = self.im_string.get_str() self.dyn_dir = self.dyn_string.get_str() self.ies_dir = self.ies_string.get_str() self.rad_dir = self.rad_string.get_str() self.vert_dir = self.vert_string.get_str() self.radsave = self.radsave_check.get_int() self.reload = self.reload_check.get_int() #end getting values ------------------------------------------------------------------------ self.comring.ringAttach(self.RINGNAME,self,self.comring_event) data = self.comring.encodeData("s:512#2",(self.content_dir, self.target_dir)); self.comring.ringMessage(self.RINGNAME,1,data); # event #1 would be "copy to new content" #self.comring.ringDetatch(self.RINGNAME) #begin image processing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if self.images.first() != None: # there are images to be worked on if self.consolidate == True: asset_str = "" self.target_dir = self.content_dir self.ob_dir = self.consol_string("Objects") self.sc_dir = self.consol_string("Scenes") self.im_dir = self.consol_string("Images") self.dyn_dir = self.consol_string("Dynamics") self.ies_dir = self.consol_string("Lights") self.rad_dir = self.consol_string("Radiosity") self.vert_dir = self.consol_string("VertCache") for currentImage in self.imageMasterList: #construct new path currentfile = self.images.filename(currentImage,0) #current filename from the big list currentname = if self.content_dir in currentfile: validContent = True else: validContent = False # sequence section ---- if '(sequence)' in currentname and self.imseq == True: #is a sequence and wants to copy it if validContent == True and self.preserve == 1: #wants to preserve, and has a chance #target is the destination content + original directory image_target = os.path.join(self.target_dir,os.path.dirname(currentfile).replace(self.content_dir,'').strip('\\/') ) else: #don't want to preserve or can't image_target = self.im_dir #not valid content directory, can't preserve first_image = self.copy_sequence(currentfile, currentname, image_target, self.imsub) # process and copy sequence self.images.replace(currentImage, first_image) # image section ---------- else: #not a sequence if validContent == True and self.preserve == 1: #wants to preserve, and has a chance #target is the destination content + original directory image_target = os.path.join(self.target_dir,os.path.dirname(currentfile).replace(self.content_dir,'').strip('\\/') ) else: image_target = self.make_content_target(currentfile,self.im_dir) #get the destination target path self.psCopy(currentfile, image_target) #copy, making directories if necessary self.images.replace(currentImage, image_target) #replace old image with new else: # no images loaded pass # "No Images to copy" # end image processing ----------------------------- lwsdk.command("ContentDirectory " + self.target_dir) # begin object processing --------------------------------------------- #get object list item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() obj_info = lwsdk.LWObjectInfo() objlist = [] myobj = item_info.first( lwsdk.LWI_OBJECT, lwsdk.LWITEM_NULL ) if myobj != lwsdk.LWITEM_NULL: objlist.append( myobj ) while myobj != lwsdk.LWITEM_NULL: myobj = myobj ) if myobj != lwsdk.LWITEM_NULL: objlist.append( myobj ) #get destination path for obj in objlist: #if obj ) != obj_info.filename( obj ): # probably isn't a null object if obj_info.numPoints( obj ) != 1 and obj_info.numPolygons( obj ) != 0: if self.preserve == True and os.path.dirname(obj_info.filename( obj )) != self.content_dir and self.content_dir in obj_info.filename( obj ): # valid and can preserve ob_path = obj_info.filename( obj ).replace(self.content_dir,'') new_path = os.path.join(self.ob_dir, ob_path) else: new_path = os.path.join(self.ob_dir, os.path.basename(obj_info.filename( obj ))) try: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_path) ) except: try: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_path) + os.sep ) except: myerr = sys.exc_value #save object to new path if os.path.lexists( os.path.dirname(new_path) ) == True: lwsdk.command("SelectByName " + obj )) lwsdk.command("SaveObject " + new_path) else: pass # "Must be null" # end object processing ------------------ # begin scene processing ----------------- if self.preserve == 1 and self.content_dir in self.scene.filename and os.path.dirname(self.scene.filename) != self.content_dir: sc_sub = self.scene.filename.replace(self.content_dir,'') new_scene = os.path.join(self.sc_dir, sc_sub, else: new_scene = os.path.join(self.sc_dir, try: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_scene) ) except: try: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(new_scene) + os.sep ) except: myerr = sys.exc_value if os.path.lexists( os.path.dirname(new_scene) ) == True: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tempscene = os.path.join(tempdir, lwsdk.command("SaveSceneCopy " + tempscene) infile = open(tempscene, "r") lines = infile.readlines() infile.close() outfile = open(new_scene, 'w') photo_on = False bdd_on = False mdd_on = False vert_on = False mddnode_on = False flock_on = False # scan scene for ancillary files for l in lines: l = l.replace('\n','') # strip newline # 1. Get path # 2. Find old item # 3. Prepare new path # 4. Copy old item to new path # 5. Write new path to Scene file #process bdd files #if ".bdd" in l: # l is the line out of the Scene file if "FX_Break" in l: # l is the line out of the Scene file bdd_on = True # Switch this on, since we've found a BDD line outfile.write(l + "\n") elif ".bdd" in l and bdd_on == True: bddunc = False # Start out assuming it is NOT a UNC path if l.startswith("\\\\"): bddunc = True # If the line starts with at double-backslash, fair bet it's a UNC path ls = l.replace('\\','/') oldbddpath = os.path.join(self.content_dir, ls ) if self.preserve == True: if content_dir in oldbddpath: preserve = True else: preserve = False if preserve == True and self.preserve == True: newbddpath = os.path.join(self.target_dir, os.path.dirname(ls), os.path.basename(ls) ) else: newbddpath = os.path.join(self.dyn_dir, os.path.basename(ls) ) self.psCopy(oldbddpath.replace('\\','/'), newbddpath.replace('\\','/') ) if bddunc == True: outfile.write( newbddpath + "\n") else: outfile.write( l + "\n") elif "EndPlugin" in l and bdd_on == True: outfile.write(l + "\n") outfile.write("\n") bdd_on = False elif "FX_MotionDrive" in l: mdd_on = True outfile.write(l + "\n") elif ".mdd" in l and mdd_on == True: mdd_on = False l = l.replace('\\','/') oldmddpath = os.path.join(self.content_dir, l) if self.preserve == True: newmddpath = os.path.join(self.target_dir, l) else: newmddpath = os.path.join( self.dyn_dir, os.path.basename(l) ) self.psCopy(oldmddpath, newmddpath) outfile.write( l + "\n" ) elif "MD_Plug" in l: vert_on = True outfile.write( l + "\n" ) elif ".mdd" in l and vert_on == True and mddnode_on == False: vertunc = False oldvertpath = os.path.join( self.content_dir, l.strip().replace('\"','') ) if oldvertpath.startswith("\\\\"): vertunc = True ls = l.strip().replace('\"','').split('\\/') newvertpath = os.path.join( self.vert_dir, os.path.basename(l.strip().replace('\"','') ) ) if vertunc == True: oldvertnorm = os.path.normpath(oldvertpath) oldvertnorm = oldvertnorm.replace(r'\\\\',r'\\') self.psCopy(oldvertnorm, newvertpath) else: self.psCopy(oldvertpath, newvertpath) outline = ' \"' + self.strip_first_slash(newvertpath[len(self.target_dir):]) + '\"\n' outfile.write(outline) vert_on = False elif ".xml" in l and vert_on == True and mddnode_on == False: xmlunc = False oldvertpath = os.path.join( self.content_dir, l.strip().replace('\"','') ) oldmc = os.path.splitext(oldvertpath)[0] + ".mc" if oldvertpath.startswith("\\\\"): xmlunc = True ls = l.strip().replace('\"','').split('\\/') newvertpath = os.path.join( self.vert_dir, os.path.basename(l.strip().replace('\"','') ) ) newmc = os.path.splitext(newvertpath)[0] + ".mc" if xmlunc == True: oldvertnorm = os.path.normpath(oldvertpath) oldvertnorm = oldvertnorm.replace(r'\\\\',r'\\') oldmcnorm = os.path.normpath(oldmc) oldmcnorm = oldmcnorm.replace(r'\\\\',r'\\') self.psCopy(oldvertnorm, newvertpath) self.psCopy(oldmcnorm, newmc) self.copy_mc_sequence(oldmcnorm, newmc) else: self.psCopy(oldvertpath, newvertpath) self.psCopy(oldmc, newmc) self.copy_mc_sequence(oldmc, newmc) outline = ' \"' + self.strip_first_slash(newvertpath[len(self.target_dir):]) + '\"\n' outfile.write(outline) vert_on = False elif "{ MDReader" in l: outfile.write( l + "\n" ) elif "MDD_Node" in l: mddnode_on = True outfile.write( l + "\n") elif ".mdd" in l and mddnode_on == True and vert_on == False: mddnode_on = False l = l.replace('\\','/') oldvertpath = os.path.join( self.content_dir, l.strip().replace('\"','') ) ls = l.strip().replace('\"','').split('\\/') newvertpath = os.path.join( self.vert_dir, os.path.basename(l.strip().replace('\"','') ) ) self.psCopy(oldvertpath, newvertpath) outline = '\"' + self.strip_first_slash(newvertpath[len(self.target_dir):]) + '\"\n' outfile.write(' Filename ' + outline ) # Process Particle FX files elif ".pfx" in l: pfxunc = False lsplit = l.split(None,5) ls = os.path.normpath(lsplit[5]) if ls.startswith("\\\\"): #UNC path pfxunc = True if '\\' in ls or '/' in ls: # this section is for the Mac, if it's having trouble lsp = ls.split('\\') # dealing with backslashes ls = lsp[-1] oldpfxpath = os.path.join( self.content_dir,lsplit[5] ) if self.content_dir in oldpfxpath: preserve = True else: preserve = False if preserve == 1 and self.preserve == 1: newpfxpath = os.path.join(self.target_dir,lsplit[5]) else: newpfxpath = os.path.join(self.dyn_dir, os.path.basename(ls) ) psCopySource = oldpfxpath.replace('\\','/') psCopyDest = newpfxpath.replace('\\','/') self.psCopy(psCopySource, psCopyDest) lsplit[5] = newpfxpath outline = ' '.join(lsplit) outfile.write(" " + outline + "\n") # Process IES Lights elif "Plugin LightHandler" in l and "PhotometricLight" in l: outfile.write("Plugin LightHandler 1 PhotometricLight\n") photo_on = True elif photo_on == True and "File \"" in l: oldiespath = l[8:-1] if oldiespath[:1] == ":": oldiespath = os.sep + oldiespath[1:] newiespath = os.path.join(self.ies_dir, os.path.basename(oldiespath)) if newiespath[:1] == ":": newiespath = os.sep + newiespath[1:] outfile.write(' File \"' + self.strip_first_slash(newiespath) + '\"\n') self.psCopy(oldiespath, newiespath) photo_on = False # Process Radiosity Cache files elif "RadiosityCacheFilePath" in l and self.radsave == True: l = l.split(None,1)[1] oldradpath_drive = os.path.splitdrive(l)[0] oldradpath_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.splitdrive(l)[1]) oldradpath_file = os.path.basename(l) if oldradpath_drive != None: oldradpath = os.path.join(oldradpath_drive, oldradpath_path, oldradpath_file).replace('\\','/') if oldradpath[:1] == ":": oldradpath = os.sep + oldradpath[1:] else: oldradpath = os.path.join(self.content_dir, l) newradpath = os.path.join(self.rad_dir, oldradpath_file).replace('\\','/') if newradpath[:1] == ":": newradpath = os.sep + newradpath[1:] self.psCopy(oldradpath, newradpath ) outfile.write('RadiosityCacheFilePath ' + self.strip_first_slash(newradpath) + "\n") #Copy flocking cache data elif "FlockMaster" in l: outfile.write(l + "\n") flock_on = True flock_count = 1 elif flock_on == True and flock_count == 1: outfile.write(l + "\n") flock_count = flock_count + 1 elif flock_on == True and flock_count == 2: flock_count = flock_count + 1 flockunc = False lsplit = l.replace("\"",'') ls = os.path.normpath(lsplit) if ls.startswith("\\\\"): flockunc = True if '\\' in ls or '/' in ls: lsp = ls.split('\\') ls = lsp[-1] oldflockpath = os.path.join( self.content_dir, lsplit) if self.preserve == True: if self.content_dir in oldflockpath: preserve = True else: preserve = False if self.preserve == True and preserve == True: newflockpath = os.path.join(self.dyn_dir, ls) else: newflockpath = os.path.join(self.dyn_dir, os.path.basename(ls)) psCopySource = os.path.normpath(oldflockpath) psCopyDest = os.path.normpath(newflockpath) self.psCopy(psCopySource, psCopyDest) newflockwrite = '\"' + newflockpath.replace('\\','\\\\') + '\"' elif flock_on == True and "EndPlugin" in l: flock_on = False outfile.write(l + "\n") else: #if nothing matched, just pass the line right through to the new scene outfile.write( l + "\n") # copy over Bullet dynamics cache file if os.path.lexists(os.path.join( self.content_dir, "Dynamics") ): dynasource = os.path.join( self.content_dir, "Dynamics",[:-4]) + ".dynacache" dynadest = os.path.join( self.dyn_dir, os.path.basename( dynasource ) ) self.psCopy(dynasource, dynadest) outfile.close() self.psCopy(tempscene, new_scene) if self.reload == True: lwsdk.command("LoadScene " + self.scene.filename) else: lwsdk.command("LoadScene " + new_scene) os.remove(tempscene) os.rmdir(tempdir) return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK
def process(self, ga): item_info = lwsdk.LWItemInfo() object_info = lwsdk.LWObjectInfo() instancer_funcs = lwsdk.LWItemInstancerFuncs() instance_info = lwsdk.LWItemInstanceInfo() interface_info = lwsdk.LWInterfaceInfo() current_time = interface_info.curTime autokey_is_on = ((interface_info.generalFlags & lwsdk.LWGENF_AUTOKEY) != 0) selected_item = interface_info.selected_items()[0] selected_item_id = lwsdk.itemid_to_str(selected_item) # find the Instancer that owns the selected object found_instancer = None obj = item_info.first(lwsdk.LWI_OBJECT, None) while obj and (not found_instancer): instancer = object_info.instancer(obj) if instancer: instance = instancer_funcs.first(instancer) while instance and (not found_instancer): if instance_info.item(instance) == selected_item: # found it! found_instancer = instancer break instance =, instance) obj = if not found_instancer: print >>sys.stderr, 'Object "%s" is NOT instanced!' % return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK instances = [] instance = instancer_funcs.first(found_instancer) while instance: if instance_info.item(instance) == selected_item: instances.append(instance) instance =, instance) # values used for progress current_index = 1.0 target_index = len(instances) * 1.0 for instance in instances: pos = instance_info.pos(instance, 0) # Note: InstanceInfo.rotation() returns radians! rot = instance_info.rotation(instance, 0) scl = instance_info.scale(instance, 0) lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % selected_item_id) lwsdk.command("Clone 1") lwsdk.command("Position %s" % str(pos)) # Note: Rotation expects degrees! lwsdk.command("Rotation %s" % str(Vector.to_degrees(rot))) lwsdk.command("Scale %s" % str(scl)) if not autokey_is_on: lwsdk.command("CreateKey %f" % current_time) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg {%f}Baking instances..." % (current_index / target_index)) current_index += 1.0 lwsdk.command("SelectItem %s" % selected_item_id) lwsdk.command("StatusMsg Baking complete.") return lwsdk.AFUNC_OK