Exemple #1
    def loads(cls, config_content, **kwargs):
        :param config_content:  Config file content
        :param kwargs: optional keyword parameters to be sanitized :: dict

        :return: cls.container() object holding config parameters
        root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(config_content)).getroot()
        return etree_to_container(root, cls.container())
Exemple #2
    def load_from_string(self, content, **kwargs):
        Load config from XML snippet (a string `content`).

        :param content: XML snippet (a string)
        :param kwargs: optional keyword parameters passed to

        :return: self.container object holding config parameters
        root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()
        return etree_to_container(root, self.container)
Exemple #3
    def load_from_string(self, content, to_container, **kwargs):
        Load config from XML snippet (a string `content`).

        :param content: XML snippet (a string)
        :param to_container: callble to make a container object
        :param kwargs: optional keyword parameters passed to

        :return: Dict-like object holding config parameters
        root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()
        return etree_to_container(root, to_container)
Exemple #4
def pkgdata_from_primary_xml_itr(filepath):
    :param filepath: Path to primary.xml[.gz]
    content = gzip.GzipFile(filename=filepath).read()
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()

    for pkg in root.findall(_ns("package")):
            yield dict(name=pkg.find(_ns("name")).text,
            LOG.warn("Skipped: ", pkg.find(_ns("name")).text)
Exemple #5
def pkgdata_from_primary_xml_itr(filepath):
    :param filepath: Path to primary.xml[.gz]
    content = gzip.GzipFile(filename=filepath).read()
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()

    for pkg in root.findall(_ns("package")):
            yield dict(name=pkg.find(_ns("name")).text,
            LOG.warn("Skipped: ", pkg.find(_ns("name")).text)
def updateinfo_xml_itr(updateinfo):
    :param updateinfo: the content of updateinfo.xml :: str
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(updateinfo)).getroot()
    for upd in root.findall("update"):
        uinfo = upd.attrib
        for k in "id title severity rights summary description".split():
            elem = upd.find(k)
            if elem is not None:
                uinfo[k] = elem.text

        for k in "issued updated".split():
            uinfo[k] = upd.find(k).attrib["date"]
        uinfo["refs"] = [r.attrib for r in upd.findall(".//reference")]
        uinfo["packages"] = [dict(filename=p.find("filename").text, **p.attrib)
                             for p in upd.findall(".//package")]
        yield uinfo
Exemple #7
def updateinfo_xml_itr(updateinfo):
    :param updateinfo: the content of updateinfo.xml :: str
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(updateinfo)).getroot()
    for upd in root.findall("update"):
        uinfo = upd.attrib
        for k in "id title severity rights summary description".split():
            elem = upd.find(k)
            if elem is not None:
                uinfo[k] = elem.text

        for k in "issued updated".split():
            uinfo[k] = upd.find(k).attrib["date"]
        uinfo["refs"] = [r.attrib for r in upd.findall(".//reference")]
        uinfo["packages"] = [
            dict(filename=p.find("filename").text, **p.attrib)
            for p in upd.findall(".//package")
        yield uinfo
Exemple #8
def other_xml_itr(content):
    :param content: the content of other.xml :: str
    ns = "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/other"
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()
    for pkg in root.getchildren():
        pinfo = pkg.attrib
        LOG.debug("Found package: %s", str(pinfo))

        vinfo = pkg.find("{%s}version" % ns).attrib
        pinfo["version"] = vinfo["ver"]
        pinfo["release"] = vinfo["rel"]
        pinfo["epoch"] = vinfo["epoch"]

        pinfo["evr"] = operator.itemgetter("epoch", "version", "release")(pinfo)
        pinfo["changelogs"] = \
            list(_changelog_itr(pkg.findall("{%s}changelog" % ns)))

        yield pinfo
Exemple #9
def other_xml_itr(content):
    :param content: the content of other.xml :: str
    ns = "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/other"
    root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(content)).getroot()
    for pkg in root.getchildren():
        pinfo = pkg.attrib
        LOG.debug("Found package: %s", str(pinfo))

        vinfo = pkg.find("{%s}version" % ns).attrib
        pinfo["version"] = vinfo["ver"]
        pinfo["release"] = vinfo["rel"]
        pinfo["epoch"] = vinfo["epoch"]

        pinfo["evr"] = operator.itemgetter("epoch", "version",
        pinfo["changelogs"] = \
            list(_changelog_itr(pkg.findall("{%s}changelog" % ns)))

        yield pinfo
Exemple #10
 def etree_getroot_fromstring(s):
     return etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(s)).getroot()
 def etree_getroot_fromstring(s):
     :param s: A XML string
     :return: etree object gotten by parsing ``s``
     return etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(s)).getroot()
def get_errata_list_from_updateinfo_by_repofile(rid, basearch="x86_64"):
    Try to fetch the content of given repo metadata xml from remote.

    :param rid: ID of the repo from RH CDN, ex. rhel-7-server-rpms
    timeout = 60 * 5
        repos = anyconfig.load("/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo", ac_parser="ini")
        repo = repos.get(rid, None)
        if repo is None:
            LOG.error("Failed to get repo info: %r", rid)
            return None

        rparams = dict(timeout=timeout)
        if "sslclientcert" in repo and "sslclientkey" in repo:
            rparams["cert"] = (repo["sslclientcert"], repo["sslclientkey"])

        if "sslcacert" in repo:
            rparams["verify"] = repo["sslcacert"]

            m = re.match(r"Red Hat Enterprise Linux (\d+) .*", repo["name"])
            relver = "%dServer" % int(m.groups()[0]) if m else "7Server"
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            relver = None

        baseurl = expand_baseurl_in_repofile(repo["baseurl"], relver)
        repomd_xml_url = os.path.join(baseurl, "repodata/repomd.xml")

        LOG.info("Try to fetch repomd.xml: %s", repomd_xml_url)
        resp = requests.get(repomd_xml_url, **rparams)
        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Failed to get repomd.xml from %s", baseurl)
            return None

        LOG.debug("Try to parse repomd.xml...")
        root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(resp.text)).getroot()

        ns = "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo"
        es = root.findall(".//{%s}location" % ns)
        us = [e.attrib["href"] for e in es if "updateinfo.xml"
              in e.attrib["href"]]
        if not us:
            LOG.error("Failed to find the url %s", repomd_xml_url)
            return None

        upd_url = os.path.join(baseurl, us[0])

        LOG.debug("Try to fetch updateinfo.xml: %s", upd_url)
        resp = requests.get(upd_url, **rparams)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Failed to get updateinfo.xml from %s", upd_url)
            return None

        updgz = resp.content
        uinfo = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(updgz)).read()
        return sorted(updateinfo_xml_itr(uinfo),
    except Exception as exc:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed: exc=%r" % exc)
Exemple #13
def get_errata_list_from_updateinfo_by_repofile(rid, basearch="x86_64"):
    Try to fetch the content of given repo metadata xml from remote.

    :param rid: ID of the repo from RH CDN, ex. rhel-7-server-rpms
    timeout = 60 * 5
        repos = anyconfig.load("/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo", ac_parser="ini")
        repo = repos.get(rid, None)
        if repo is None:
            LOG.error("Failed to get repo info: %r", rid)
            return None

        rparams = dict(timeout=timeout)
        if "sslclientcert" in repo and "sslclientkey" in repo:
            rparams["cert"] = (repo["sslclientcert"], repo["sslclientkey"])

        if "sslcacert" in repo:
            rparams["verify"] = repo["sslcacert"]

            m = re.match(r"Red Hat Enterprise Linux (\d+) .*", repo["name"])
            relver = "%dServer" % int(m.groups()[0]) if m else "7Server"
        except (AttributeError, IndexError):
            relver = None

        baseurl = expand_baseurl_in_repofile(repo["baseurl"], relver)
        repomd_xml_url = os.path.join(baseurl, "repodata/repomd.xml")

        LOG.info("Try to fetch repomd.xml: %s", repomd_xml_url)
        resp = requests.get(repomd_xml_url, **rparams)
        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Failed to get repomd.xml from %s", baseurl)
            return None

        LOG.debug("Try to parse repomd.xml...")
        root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(resp.text)).getroot()

        ns = "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo"
        es = root.findall(".//{%s}location" % ns)
        us = [
            e.attrib["href"] for e in es
            if "updateinfo.xml" in e.attrib["href"]
        if not us:
            LOG.error("Failed to find the url %s", repomd_xml_url)
            return None

        upd_url = os.path.join(baseurl, us[0])

        LOG.debug("Try to fetch updateinfo.xml: %s", upd_url)
        resp = requests.get(upd_url, **rparams)

        if not resp.ok:
            LOG.error("Failed to get updateinfo.xml from %s", upd_url)
            return None

        updgz = resp.content
        uinfo = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(updgz)).read()
        return sorted(updateinfo_xml_itr(uinfo),
    except Exception as exc:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed: exc=%r" % exc)
Exemple #14
 def etree_getroot_fromstring(s):
     :param s: A XML string
     :return: etree object gotten by parsing ``s``
     return etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(s)).getroot()