Exemple #1
        def get_form(params):
            # Clear rbac cache before check (this is in its own thread).

            if not self.user.has_perm(self._meta.create_permission):
                raise HandlerPermissionError()

            request = HttpRequest()
            request.user = self.user
            form = PodForm(
                data=self.preprocess_form("create", params), request=request
            if not form.is_valid():
                raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
                return form
Exemple #2
    def unmount_special(self, params):
        """Unmount a special-purpose filesystem, like tmpfs.

        :param mount_point: Path on the filesystem to unmount.

        :attention: This is more or less a copy of `unmount_special` from
        machine = self.get_object(params)
        if machine.locked:
            raise HandlerPermissionError()
        self._preflight_special_filesystem_modifications("unmount", machine)
        form = UnmountNonStorageFilesystemForm(machine, data=params)
        if form.is_valid():
            raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
Exemple #3
    def mount_special(self, params):
        """Mount a special-purpose filesystem, like tmpfs.

        :param fstype: The filesystem type. This must be a filesystem that
            does not require a block special device.
        :param mount_point: Path on the filesystem to mount.
        :param mount_option: Options to pass to mount(8).

        :attention: This is more or less a copy of `mount_special` from
        machine = self.get_object(params)
        self._preflight_special_filesystem_modifications("mount", machine)
        form = MountNonStorageFilesystemForm(machine, data=params)
        if form.is_valid():
            raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
Exemple #4
        def get_form(params):
            # Clear rbac cache before check (this is in its own thread).

            obj = self.get_object(params)
            if not self.user.has_perm(self._meta.edit_permission, obj):
                raise HandlerPermissionError()

            request = HttpRequest()
            request.user = self.user
            form = PodForm(
                instance=obj, data=self.preprocess_form("update", params),
            if not form.is_valid():
                raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
                form.cleaned_data['tags'] = params['tags']
                return form
Exemple #5
    def configure_dhcp(self, parameters):
        """Helper method to look up rack controllers based on the parameters
        provided in the action input, and then reconfigure DHCP on the VLAN
        based on them.

        Requires a dictionary of parameters containing an ordered list of
        each desired rack controller system_id.

        If no controllers are specified, disables DHCP on the VLAN.
        vlan = self.get_object(parameters)
        self.user = reload_object(self.user)
        assert self.user.has_perm(NodePermission.admin,
                                  vlan), "Permission denied."
        # Make sure the dictionary both exists, and has the expected number
        # of parameters, to prevent spurious log statements.
        if 'extra' in parameters:
        if 'relay_vlan' not in parameters:
            iprange_count = IPRange.objects.filter(type=IPRANGE_TYPE.DYNAMIC,
            if iprange_count == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot configure DHCP: At least one dynamic range is "
        controllers = parameters.get('controllers', [])
        data = {
            "dhcp_on": True if len(controllers) > 0 else False,
            "primary_rack": controllers[0] if len(controllers) > 0 else None,
            "secondary_rack": controllers[1] if len(controllers) > 1 else None,
        if 'relay_vlan' in parameters:
            data['relay_vlan'] = parameters['relay_vlan']
        form = VLANForm(instance=vlan, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
Exemple #6
    async def compose(self, params):
        """Compose a machine in a Pod."""

        def get_object(params):
            # Running inside new database thread, be sure the rbac cache is
            # cleared so accessing information will not be already cached.
            obj = self.get_object(params)
            if not self.user.has_perm(PodPermission.compose, obj):
                raise HandlerPermissionError()
            return obj

        def get_form(obj, params):
            request = HttpRequest()
            request.user = self.user
            form = ComposeMachineForm(pod=obj, data=params, request=request)
            if not form.is_valid():
                raise HandlerValidationError(form.errors)
            return form

        def render_obj(obj):
            return self.full_dehydrate(reload_object(obj))

        pod = await deferToDatabase(get_object, params)
        if Capabilities.COMPOSABLE not in pod.capabilities:
            raise HandlerValidationError("Pod does not support composability.")
        form = await deferToDatabase(get_form, pod, params)
            await form.compose(
                skip_commissioning=params.get("skip_commissioning", False)
        except Exception as error:
            log.err(error, "Failed to compose machine.")
            raise PodProblem("Pod unable to compose machine: %s" % str(error))
        return await deferToDatabase(render_obj, pod)
Exemple #7
 def composable(obj):
     if Capabilities.COMPOSABLE not in obj.capabilities:
         raise HandlerValidationError(
             "Pod does not support composability.")
     return obj