Exemple #1
def _test_pydantic_shim_rng(cgshim):
    # TODO: test that random state is saved and restored

    class RandomModel(BaseModel):
        rng: mtbT.AnyRNG

        class Config:
            json_encoders = mtbT.json_encoders

    rm_shim = RandomModel(rng=shim.config.RandomStream())

    # Save models in their current initialized state
    rm_shim_json = rm_shim.json()

    # TODO: At present the UI is different between NumPy and Theano, because
    #       in the first case, rng.uniform() draws from a uniform, while in
    #       the second case, it returns a new RNG producing uniform values.
    #       We should have ShimmedRandomStream reproduce the latter, and then
    #       the rest of the test will work. (Have to check how this will work
    #       with models though first)
    # # Draw from models, advancing the bit generator
    # u1 = rm_shim.rng.uniform(size=(1,))
    # rm_shim_draws = shim.eval(u1)

    # Create new model copies, in their original initialized states
    rm_shim2 = RandomModel.parse_raw(rm_shim_json)
Exemple #2
def test_function_serialization():

    import mackelab_toolbox as mtb
    from mackelab_toolbox.cgshim import shim
    import mackelab_toolbox.typing

    import mackelab_toolbox.serialize
    mtb.serialize.config.trust_all_inputs = True

    class Foo(BaseModel):
        a: int
        # f: Callable[[float, int], float]
        f: Callable[[float, int], float]

        class Config:
            json_encoders = mtb.serialize.json_encoders

        @validator('f', pre=True)
        def set_f(cls, value):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                value = mtb.serialize.deserialize_function(
                    value, {}, {'do_nothing': do_nothing})
            return value

    def mypow(a, n):
        return a**n

    # We can have custom decorators, but they need to be passed to the
    # deserializer as the `locals` argument (see @validator above)
    def do_nothing(f):
        return f
    def mypow2(a, n):
        return a**n

    foo1 = Foo(a=1, f=mypow)
    foo2 = Foo(a=1, f=mypow2)
    fooλ = Foo(a=1, f=lambda a,n: a**n)
    fooλs = Foo(a=1, f="lambda a,n: a**n")
    fooλt = Foo(a=1, f="a,n -> a**n")

    boo1 = Foo.parse_raw(foo1.json())
    boo2 = Foo.parse_raw(foo2.json())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    booλs = Foo.parse_raw(fooλs.json())
    booλt = Foo.parse_raw(fooλt.json())
Exemple #3
def test_pydantic_theano_rngs():
    # TODO: We currently aren't testing every code path through .validate()

    class RandomModel_Numpy(BaseModel):
        rng: mtbT.RandomStateStream

        class Config:
            json_encoders = mtbT.json_encoders

    class RandomModel_MRG(BaseModel):
        rng: mtbT.RNGStream

        class Config:
            json_encoders = mtbT.json_encoders

    rm_np = RandomModel_Numpy(rng=1)
    rm_mrg = RandomModel_MRG(rng=1)

    # Save models in their current initialized state
    rm_np_json = rm_np.json()
    rm_mrg_json = rm_mrg.json()

    # Draw from models, advancing the bit generator
    u1_np = rm_np.rng.uniform(size=(1, ))
    draws_np = u1_np.eval()
    u1_mrg = rm_mrg.rng.uniform(size=(1, ))
    draws_mrg = u1_mrg.eval()

    # Create new model copies, in their original initialized states
    rm2_np = RandomModel_Numpy.parse_raw(rm_np_json)
    rm2_mrg = RandomModel_MRG.parse_raw(rm_mrg_json)

    # Draw again => same numbers as before
    u2_np = rm2_np.rng.uniform(size=(1, ))
    u2_mrg = rm2_mrg.rng.uniform(size=(1, ))
    assert np.all(draws_np == u2_np.eval())
    assert np.all(draws_mrg == u2_mrg.eval())

    # Drawing _again_ produces different numbers => these really are random numbers
    assert np.all(draws_np != u2_np.eval())
    assert np.all(draws_mrg != u2_mrg.eval())
Exemple #4
def test_pydantic(caplog):
    class Model(BaseModel):
        a: float
        # dt: float=0.01
        dt: float

        class Config:
            json_encoders = mtbT.json_encoders

        def integrate(self, x0, T, y0=0):
            x = x0
            y = y0
            a = self.a
            dt = self.dt
            for t in np.arange(0, T, self.dt):
                x += y * dt
                y += a * x * dt
            return x

        def params(self):
            return ParameterSet(self.dict())

    m = Model(a=-0.5, dt=0.01)
    assert repr(m) == "Model(a=-0.5, dt=0.01)"
    assert np.isclose(m.integrate(1, 5.), -0.924757713688715)
    assert type(m.a) is float

    class Model2(Model):
        b: mtbT.NPValue[np.float64]
        w: mtbT.Array[np.float32]

        def integrate(self, x0, T, y0=0):
            x = w * x0
            y = w * y0
            α = np.array([self.a, self.b])
            dt = self.dt
            for t in np.arange(0, T, self.dt):
                x += y * dt
                y += α * x * dt
            return x.sum()

    # Test subclassed List and Tuple
    # TODO: tuples with floats
    class ModelB(BaseModel):
        l1: list
        l2: List[int]
        t1: tuple
        # t2: Tuple[np.float16, np.float32]

    mb = ModelB(l1=['foo', 33], l2=[3.5, 3], t1=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
    assert mb.l1 == ['foo', 33]
    assert mb.l2 == [3, 3]
    assert mb.t1 == (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


    # TODO: Use dataclass below once kwargs in dataclasses are fixed
    # NOTE: Some of the tests below do not work presently with with
    #       dataclasses, due to the way keyword vs non-keyword parameters
    #       are ordered (see discussion https://bugs.python.org/issue36077)
    #       Pydantic dataclass however allows setting default/computed
    #       override base class attributes, without having to use a default for
    #       new every attribute in the derived class
    class Model3(Model):
        a: cgshim.typing.FloatX = 0.3  #  <<< Setting default does not work with dataclass (a comes before non-keyword b)
        β: mtbT.NPValue[float] = None

        @validator('β', pre=True, always=True)
        def set_β(cls, v, values):
            a, dt = (values.get(x, None) for x in ('a', 'dt'))
            # This test is important, because if `a` or `dt` are missing
            # (as when we assign to `m4_fail` below) or trigger a validation
            # error, they will be missing from `values` and raise KeyError here,
            # (See https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/validators)
            if all((a, dt)):
                return a * dt

        def integrate(self, x0, T, y0=0):
            x = x0
            y = y0
            β = self.β
            dt = self.dt
            for t in np.arange(0, T, self.dt):
                x += y * dt
                y += β * x
            return x

    # NOTE: Following previous note: with vanilla dataclasses Model4 would need
    #       to define defaults for every attribute.
    class Model4(Model3):
        b: mtbT.NPValue[np.float32]
        w: mtbT.Array[np.float32] = (np.float32(1), np.float32(0.2))
        γ: mtbT.Array[np.float32] = None

        @validator('γ', pre=True, always=True)
        def set_γ(cls, v, values):
            a, b, β = (values.get(x, None) for x in ('a', 'b', 'β'))
            if all((a, b, β)):
                return β * np.array([1, b / a], dtype='float32')

        def integrate(self, x0, T, y0=0):
            x = w * x0
            y = w * y0
            γ = self.γ
            dt = self.dt
            for t in np.arange(0, T, self.dt):
                x += y * dt
                y += γ * x
            return x.sum()

    # Basic type conversion
    w64 = np.array([0.25, 0.75], dtype='float64')
    w32 = w64.astype('float32')
    w16 = w64.astype('float16')
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # With vanially dataclass: TypeError
        largeb = 57389780668102097303
        # Obtained with int(''.join((str(i) for i in np.random.randint(10, size=20))))
        m2_np = Model2(a=-0.5, b=largeb, w=w16, dt=0.01)
    m2_np = Model2(a=-0.5, b=-0.1, w=w16, dt=0.01)
    assert repr(
    ) == "Model2(a=-0.5, dt=0.01, b=-0.1, w=array([0.25, 0.75], dtype=float32))"
    assert m2_np.b.dtype is np.dtype('float64')
    # Test conversion from ints and list
    m2_nplist = Model2(a=-0.5,
                       w=[np.float32(0.25), np.float32(0.75)],
    assert m2_nplist.w.dtype is np.dtype('float32')

    # Test computed fields and numpy type conversions
    m3 = Model3(a=.25, dt=0.02)
    assert type(m3.a) != type(m.a)
    assert type(m3.a) is np.dtype(shim.config.floatX).type
    assert type(m3.β) is np.dtype(shim.config.floatX).type
    assert m3.β == 0.005
    # These two constructors seem to specify the same model (default w is
    # simply reproduced), but because validators are not called on default
    # arguments in the first case the default w remains a tuple.
    # You can use the following validator to force its execution
    # @validator('w', always=True)
    #     def set_w(cls, v):
    #         return v
    m4_default = Model4(a=.25, dt=0.02, b=np.float32(0.7))
    m4 = Model4(a=.25,
                w=(np.float32(1), np.float32(0.2)))
    assert isinstance(m4_default.w, tuple)
    assert isinstance(m4.w, np.ndarray) and m4.w.dtype.type is np.float32

    m4_16 = Model4(a=.25, dt=0.02, b=np.float32(0.3), w=w16)
    m4_32 = Model4(a=.25, dt=0.02, b=np.float32(0.3), w=w32)
    assert m4_16.w.dtype == 'float32'
    assert m4_32.w.dtype == 'float32'
    # Casts which raise TypeError
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # With stdlib dataclass: TypeError
        m4_fail = Model4(a=.3, b=0.02, w=w64)
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # With stdlib dataclass: TypeError
        wint = np.array([1, 2])
        m2_npint = Model2(a=-0.5, b=-0.1, w=wint, dt=0.01)

    # Import after defining Model to test difference in mapping of `float` type


    # If we define Model2symb before loading theano, Tensor, Shared & Symbolic
    # will not include shared types
    # Types are fixed when class is defined
    class Model2symb(Model2):
        dt: cgshim.typing.Tensor[float]
        b: cgshim.typing.Shared[shim.config.floatX]
        w: cgshim.typing.Symbolic[np.float32]

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        Model2(a=-0.5, b=-0.1, w=shim.shared(w32), dt=0.01)
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        # Fails b/c w:float
        Model2symb(a=-0.5, b=shim.shared(-0.1), w=w32, dt=shim.shared(0.01))
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        # Fails b/c b:tensor

    # Does not fail b/c w: shared <= Symbolic
    # Does not fail b/c b: casted as shared
    Model2symb(a=-0.5, b=-0.11111, w=shim.tensor(w32), dt=shim.shared(0.01))

    # Clear captured logs messages from failure tests
    m2_sta32 = Model2symb(a=-0.5,
    m2_stt64 = Model2symb(a=-0.5,
    m2_sts16 = Model2symb(a=-0.5,
    m2_stt32 = Model2symb(a=-0.5,
    m2_sts32 = Model2symb(a=-0.5,

    # Check that the calls with shared(w) and tensor(w) triggered precision warnings
    assert len(caplog.records) == 2
    caprec1 = caplog.records[0]  # m2_stt64
    assert caprec1.levelname == "ERROR"
    assert caprec1.msg.startswith(
        "w expects a symbolic variable with data type <class 'numpy.float32'>. The provided symbolic value has dtype float64"
    caprec2 = caplog.records[1]  # m2_sts16
    assert caprec2.levelname == "ERROR"
    assert caprec2.msg.startswith(
        "w expects a symbolic variable with data type <class 'numpy.float32'>. The provided symbolic value has dtype float16"

    # Check method for recovering a ParameterSet
    from mackelab_toolbox.parameters import ParameterSet
    assert isinstance(m.params, ParameterSet)
    assert m.params == dict(a=-0.5, dt=0.01)

    params = ParameterSet(m4.dict())
    assert len(params) == 6
    assert (params.a is m4.a and params.b is m4.b and params.dt is m4.dt
            and params.β is m4.β and np.all(params.w is m4.w)
            and np.all(params.γ is m4.γ))
    assert set(m2_stt32.params.keys()) == set(['a', 'dt', 'b', 'w'])
    assert shim.is_pure_symbolic(m2_stt32.params.w)

    # Aggregate types, dimension testing
    class Foo(BaseModel):
        a: mtb.typing.AnyNumericalType  # arrays, symbolics ok
        b: mtb.typing.AnyScalarType  # symbolics ok, but not arrays
        c: mtb.typing.NPValue[np.number]
        d: mtb.typing.DType = 'int8'

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        Foo(a=1, b=2, c=np.arange(2))
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        Foo(a=1, b=np.arange(2), c=2)
    Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2)
        a=np.arange(4), b=2, c=np.int_(2)
    )  # Underscore important, because np.int === int, which is not a numpy type
    Foo(a=1, b=np.array(2), c=np.array(2))
    # DType tests
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2, d=8)
    Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2)
    Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2, d=np.float)
    Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2, d='float32')
    Foo(a=1, b=2, c=2, d=shim.config.floatX)
def test_transformed_var_theano():

    from mackelab_toolbox.transform import Bijection, TransformedVar, NonTransformedVar

    # Type order is important
    assert str(
    ) == "typing.Union[abc.Shared, abc.Symbolic, mackelab_toolbox.typing.typing_module.Array[number], mackelab_toolbox.typing.typing_module.NPValue[number], mackelab_toolbox.typing.typing_module.Number, float, int]"
    assert TransformedVar.__fields__[
        'orig'].type_.__args__ == mtb.typing.AnyNumericalType.__args__
    # Among postponed modules, TransformedVar needs to be imported last so
    # that AnyNumericalType has its final value.
    # This is super fragile and evidence that my current solution for
    # dynamic types is fundamentally flawed.

    xval = np.array([1, 2])
    x = shim.tensor(xval, dtype=shim.config.floatX)
    Φ = Bijection("x -> x**2 ; y -> np.sqrt(y)")
    xsq2 = TransformedVar(bijection=Φ, orig=xval)
    xsqrt2 = TransformedVar(bijection=Φ.inverse, new=xval)  # Inverse of xsq2
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        x.name = 'wrong_name'
        xsq1 = TransformedVar(bijection=Φ, orig=x)
    x.name = 'x'
    xsq1 = TransformedVar(bijection=Φ, orig=x)
    xsqrt1 = TransformedVar(bijection="y -> np.sqrt(y) ; x -> x**2", new=x)

    # Reason why we don't have shared vars even though AnyNumericalType is a
    # Union where 'Shared' comes first: 'Shared' returns TypeError when
    # validating non-shared values.
    assert not shim.isshared(xsq2.new)
    assert not shim.isshared(xsq2.orig)

    assert xsq1.orig.name == 'x'
    assert xsq1.new.name == 'y'
    assert xsqrt1.orig.name == 'y'
    assert xsqrt1.new.name == 'x'
    assert xsq1.names.orig == xsq1.orig.name
    assert xsq1.names.new == xsq1.new.name

    assert np.all(xsq2.new == xval**2)
    assert np.all(xsq2.new == xsqrt2.orig)
    assert np.all(xsq2.orig == xsqrt2.new)
    assert np.all(xsq1.orig.eval({x: xval}) == xsqrt1.new.eval({x: xval}))

    xsq1.rename(orig='a', new='b')
    assert xsq1.orig.name == 'a'
    assert xsq1.new.name == 'b'
    assert x.name == 'a'

    # Recogonizing a non-transformed var
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_nt1 = TransformedVar(x)  # Missing names
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        x_nt1 = TransformedVar(x, names="a -> y")  # Names differ
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        x_nt1 = TransformedVar(x, names="x -> x")  # Name differ from variable
    x.name = 'x'
    x_nt1 = TransformedVar(x, names="x -> x")
    x_nt2 = TransformedVar(xval,
                           names="y -> y")  # OK: xval doesn't have a name

    assert not isinstance(x_nt1, TransformedVar)
    assert not isinstance(x_nt2, TransformedVar)
    assert isinstance(x_nt1, NonTransformedVar)
    assert isinstance(x_nt2, NonTransformedVar)

    x_nt1.orig is x_nt1.new
    x_nt2.orig is x_nt2.new

    assert x_nt1.orig.name == x_nt1.new.name == 'x'
    x_nt1.orig.name == x_nt1.new.name == x.name == 'foo'

    assert x_nt1.to(88) == x_nt1.back(88) == 88

    # No-op on instances
    assert xsq1 is TransformedVar(xsq1)
    assert x_nt1 is NonTransformedVar(x_nt1)
    assert x_nt1 is TransformedVar(x_nt1)
def test_transform():
    # Names can only be imported directly after types have been frozen
    from mackelab_toolbox.transform import Transform, Bijection

    # 'np' already in Transform namespaces
    φ = Transform(" x -> np.log10(x) ")
    assert φ.xname == "x"
    assert φ.expr == "np.log10(x)"
    assert φ.desc == "x -> np.log10(x)"
    # assert repr(φ) == "Transform(x -> np.log10(x)"
    assert φ(10) == 1

    # TODO: Compare to expected values

    # 'math' also in namespaces
    φ2 = Transform("x -> math.log10(x)")
    assert φ(33) == φ2(33)

    ## Could split below into a test with 'theano' ##

    # `shim` was added by cgshim
    assert 'shim' in Transform.namespaces
    ψ = Transform("y -> shim.exp(y)")
    assert ψ(8.) == np.exp(8.)

    xval = np.array([1, 2])
    x = shim.tensor(xval, dtype=shim.config.floatX)
    assert shim.is_pure_symbolic(x)
    assert np.all(ψ(x).eval({x: xval}) == ψ(xval))

    # -------
    # Bijection
    Φ = Bijection("x -> x**2 ; y -> np.sqrt(y)", test_value=xval)
    assert Φ.desc == "x -> x**2 ; y -> np.sqrt(y)"

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        # Incorrect inverse
        Bijection("x -> x**2 ; y -> y/2")

    assert Φ.to(8) == Φ(8) == 64
    assert np.all(Φ.to(x).eval({x: xval}) == Φ.to(xval))
    assert np.all(Φ.to(xval) == xval**2)
    assert np.all(Φ.back(x).eval({x: xval}) == Φ.back(xval))
    assert np.all(Φ.back(xval) == np.sqrt(xval))

    assert Φ.inverse.inverse is Φ
    assert Φ.inverse.back(8) == Φ.to(8)
    assert Φ.inverse.to(8) == Φ.back(8)

    # TODO: Compare to expected values

    # No-op on instances
    assert φ is Transform(φ)
    assert Φ is Bijection(Φ)