Exemple #1
 def getTrees(self):
     """Opens the ntuple files and loads the tree from each"""
     if self.isData:
         filenames = {"Data":self.analysis.filenames["Data"]}
         filenames = {proc:self.analysis.filenames[proc] for proc in 
                 self.analysis.filenames if proc != "Data" and proc != "QCD"}
     files = { proc:rt.TFile.Open(filenames[proc]) for proc in filenames }
     trees = macro.makeTreeDict(files, "RazorInclusive")
     return trees
 def getTrees(self):
     """Opens the ntuple files and loads the tree from each"""
     if self.isData:
         filenames = {"Data": self.analysis.filenames["Data"]}
         filenames = {
             proc: self.analysis.filenames[proc]
             for proc in self.analysis.filenames
             if proc != "Data" and proc != "QCD"
     files = {proc: rt.TFile.Open(filenames[proc]) for proc in filenames}
     trees = macro.makeTreeDict(files, "RazorInclusive")
     return trees
Exemple #3
def makeControlSampleHists(regionName="TTJetsSingleLepton", filenames={}, samples=[], cutsMC="", cutsData="", bins={}, logX=True, lumiMC=1, lumiData=3000, weightHists={}, sfHists={}, treeName="ControlSampleEvent",dataName="Data", weightOpts=["doPileupWeights", "doLep1Weights", "do1LepTrigWeights"], shapeErrors=[], debugLevel=0):
    #setup files and trees
    inputs = filenames
    files = {name:rt.TFile.Open(inputs[name]) for name in inputs} #get input files
    for name in inputs: 
        assert files[name] #check input files
        if debugLevel > 0: print "Opened file",inputs[name]
    trees = macro.makeTreeDict(files, treeName, debugLevel)

    #define histograms to fill
    hists = {name:{} for name in inputs}
    shapeHists = {name:{} for name in inputs}
    for name in inputs:
        #1D histograms
        for var in bins:
            if var in titles: title=titles[var]
            else: title = var
            hists[name][var] = rt.TH1F(regionName+var+name, title, len(bins[var])-1, array('d',bins[var]))
            #add up/down histograms for each systematic uncertainty
            if name in samples:
                for shape in shapeErrors:
                    if shape+"Down" not in shapeHists[name]: shapeHists[name][shape+"Down"] = {}
                    if shape+"Up" not in shapeHists[name]: shapeHists[name][shape+"Up"] = {}
                    shapeHists[name][shape+"Down"][var] = hists[name][var].Clone(hists[name][var].GetName()+shape+"Down")
                    shapeHists[name][shape+"Up"][var] = hists[name][var].Clone(hists[name][var].GetName()+shape+"Up")
        #2D MR-Rsq histogram
        if "MR" in bins and "Rsq" in bins:
            hists[name][("MR","Rsq")] = rt.TH2F(regionName+"MRRsq"+name, "R^{2} vs M_{R}", len(bins["MR"])-1, array('d',bins["MR"]), len(bins["Rsq"])-1, array('d',bins["Rsq"]))
            if name in samples: 
                for shape in shapeErrors:
                    shapeHists[name][shape+"Down"][("MR","Rsq")] = hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].Clone(hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetName()+shape+"Down")
                    shapeHists[name][shape+"Up"][("MR","Rsq")] = hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].Clone(hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetName()+shape+"Up")
        for var in hists[name]: 
            if name in samples:
                for shape in shapeErrors:
    listOfVars = hists.itervalues().next().keys() #list of the variable names
    #fill histograms
    macro.loopTree(trees[dataName], weightF=weight_data, cuts=cutsData, hists=hists[dataName], weightHists=weightHists, weightOpts=[], debugLevel=debugLevel) 

    macro.loopTrees(trees, weightF=weight_mc, cuts=cutsMC, hists={name:hists[name] for name in samples}, weightHists=weightHists, sfHists=sfHists, scale=lumiData*1.0/lumiMC, weightOpts=weightOpts, debugLevel=debugLevel) 

    #get up/down histogram variations
    for shape in shapeErrors:
        print "\n"+shape,"Up:"
        macro.loopTrees(trees, weightF=weight_mc, cuts=cutsMC, hists={name:shapeHists[name][shape+"Up"] for name in samples}, weightHists=weightHists, sfHists=sfHists, scale=lumiData*1.0/lumiMC, weightOpts=weightOpts, errorOpt=shape+"Up", debugLevel=debugLevel)
        print "\n"+shape,"Down:"
        macro.loopTrees(trees, weightF=weight_mc, cuts=cutsMC, hists={name:shapeHists[name][shape+"Down"] for name in samples}, weightHists=weightHists, sfHists=sfHists, scale=lumiData*1.0/lumiMC, weightOpts=weightOpts, errorOpt=shape+"Down", debugLevel=debugLevel)

    #propagate up/down systematics to central histograms
    for name in samples:
        for var in bins:
            for shape in shapeErrors:
                if debugLevel > 0: print "Adding",shape,"uncertainty in quadrature with",name,"errors for",var
                #loop over histogram bins
                for bx in range(1, hists[name][var].GetNbinsX()+1):
                    #use difference between Up and Down histograms as uncertainty
                    sysErr = abs(shapeHists[name][shape+'Up'][var].GetBinContent(bx) - shapeHists[name][shape+'Down'][var].GetBinContent(bx))
                    #add in quadrature with existing error
                    oldErr = hists[name][var].GetBinError(bx)
                    hists[name][var].SetBinError(bx, (oldErr**2 + sysErr**2)**(0.5))
                    if debugLevel > 1: print "Error on bin ",bx,"increases from",oldErr,"to",hists[name][var].GetBinError(bx)
        #2D case
        if "MR" in bins and "Rsq" in bins:
            for shape in shapeErrors:
                if debugLevel > 0: print "Adding",shape,"uncertainty in quadrature with",name,"errors for razor histogram"
                #loop over histogram bins
                for bx in range(1, hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetNbinsX()+1):
                    for by in range(1, hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetNbinsY()+1):
                    #use difference between Up and Down histograms as uncertainty
                        sysErr = abs(shapeHists[name][shape+'Up'][("MR","Rsq")].GetBinContent(bx,by) - shapeHists[name][shape+'Down'][("MR","Rsq")].GetBinContent(bx,by))
                        #add in quadrature with existing error
                        oldErr = hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetBinError(bx,by)
                        hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].SetBinError(bx,by, (oldErr**2 + sysErr**2)**(0.5))
                        if debugLevel > 1: print "Error on bin (",bx,by,") increases from",oldErr,"to",hists[name][("MR","Rsq")].GetBinError(bx,by)

    #print histograms
    c = rt.TCanvas(regionName+"c", regionName+"c", 800, 600)
    rt.SetOwnership(c, False)
    macro.basicPrint(hists, mcNames=samples, varList=listOfVars, c=c, printName=regionName, logx=logX, dataName=dataName, ymin=0.1, lumistr=str(lumiData)+" pb^{-1}")

    #close files and return
    for f in files: files[f].Close()
    return hists
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: debug = bool(sys.argv[1])
    else: debug = False
    if len(sys.argv) > 2: maxEvents = int(sys.argv[2])
    else: maxEvents = -1

    inputs = Filenames()
    files = {name:rt.TFile.Open(inputs[name]) for name in inputs} #get input files
    for name in inputs: assert files[name] #check input files
    hists = {name:{} for name in inputs}
    for name in inputs: 
        files[name] = rt.TFile.Open(inputs[name])
    #load trees
    trees = macro.makeTreeDict(files, "ControlSampleEvent", debug)
    #load weight histograms
    weightHists = macro.loadWeightHists(debug)

    #define histograms to fill
    for name in hists:
        hists[name]["MR"] = rt.TH1F("MR"+name, "M_{R} (GeV)", 20, 300, 4000)
        hists[name]["Rsq"] = rt.TH1F("Rsq"+name, "R^{2}", 20, 0.15, 1.5)
        for var in hists[name]: 
    #fill histograms
    macro.loopTrees(trees, cuts_TTJetsSingleLepton, weight_mc, weightHists, Fill, {name:hists[name] for name in hists if name != "Data"}, maxEvents=maxEvents, scale=LUMI*1.0/MCLUMI, debug=debug) #MC
    macro.loopTree(trees["Data"], cuts_TTJetsSingleLepton, weight_data, {}, Fill, hists["Data"], debug=debug) #Data