Exemple #1
def test_merge_func():
    inputs = ['mais', '23', 'python']
    words_lis = ['name', 'age', 'language']
    text = 'my name is %s and my age is %s I love %s'
    received = merge(text, inputs,words_lis)
    expected = 'my name is mais and my age is 23 I love python'
    assert expected == received
Exemple #2
def test_merge():
    actual = merge(
        "Make Me A Video Game! I the {} and {} {} have {}{}'s {} sister and plan to steal her {} {}! What are a {} and backpacking {} to do? Before you can help {}, you'll have to collect the {} {} and {} {} that open up the {} worlds connected to A {} Lair. There are {} {} and {} {} in the game, along with hundreds of other goodies for you to find.",
            "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12",
            "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21"
    expected = "Make Me A Video Game! I the 1 and 2 3 have 45's 6 sister and plan to steal her 7 8! What are a 9 and backpacking 10 to do? Before you can help 11, you'll have to collect the 12 13 and 14 15 that open up the 16 worlds connected to A 17 Lair. There are 18 19 and 20 21 in the game, along with hundreds of other goodies for you to find."
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #3
def test_merge():
    actual = merge("It was a {} and {} {}.", ("dark", "stormy", "night"))
    expected = "It was a dark and stormy night."
    assert actual == expected

# def test_read_template_raises_exception_with_bad_path():

#     with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
#         path = "missing.txt"
#         read_template(path)
def test_merge():
    to merge contents of list and fill it in template.
        inserts = ["Mohamad", "Bechlor's degree", " 5 dogs"]
        template = "i am %s, I have %s, I have %s"
        parse = ["Name", "Your's Degree", "1-100 animal"]
        expected = "i am Mohamad, I have Bechlor's degree, I have 5 dogs"
        actual = merge(template, inserts, parse)
        assert actual == expected
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in  test_parse : {e}")
Exemple #5
def test_merge():
    x = """
    Madlib Game
    %s on the %s and he %s from LTUC students
    so he will %s on his face.
    y = ["ali", "tree", "afraid", "hit"]
    expected = """
    Madlib Game
    ali on the tree and he afraid from LTUC students
    so he will hit on his face.
    actual = merge(x, y)
    assert expected == actual
Exemple #6
def test_merge():
	actual = merge('this is a {test}', ['string'])
	expect = 'this is a string'
	assert actual == expect
Exemple #7


Welcome. We are going to play Madlibs! 
You will be prompted with a series of prompts. 
Provde appropriate responses to complete the Madlib



user_responses = []

def get_responses():
    adj1 = input("Provide an Adjective ")
    adj2 = input("Provide another Adjective ")
    noun1 = input("Provide a Noun ")

madlib = read_template("assets/dark_and_stormy_night.txt")
parsed_text, words = parse_template(madlib)
parts = get_responses()
print(merge(parsed_text, user_responses))
Exemple #8
def testMerge():
    words = ['smart', 'boxes', 'hungry', 'eat']
    text = 'A {} {} had a {} dog so they {} them'
    received = merge(text, words)
    expected = 'A smart boxes had a hungry dog so they eat them'
    assert expected == received
Exemple #9
def test_merge_with_placeholders():
    actual = merge("Hello there, this is $, I am $ years old",
                   ["Batool", "24"])
    expected = "Hello there, this is Batool, I am 24 years old"
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #10
def test_merge_no_placeholders():
    actual = merge("Hello there, this is Batool", [])
    expected = "Hello there, this is Batool"
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #11
def test_merge():
    print(remove_template_words('some {words} to {test}'))
    actual = merge('some {words} to {test}', ['one', 'two'])
    expect = 'some one to two'
    assert actual == expect
def test_merge():
    actual = merge(
        "Hello every one .. My name is {} {} and I'm {} years old . I'm {} and {}.",
        ["f", "f", "f", "f", "f"])
    expected = "Hello every one .. My name is f f and I'm f years old . I'm f and f."
    assert actual == expected
def test_merge():
    actual = merge(['Rose', 'Beautifull'], 'A {} and  {}')
    expected = "A Rose and  Beautifull"
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #14
def test_merge():
    string = 'The {} is very {}.'
    arr = ['car', 'fast']
    actual = merge(string, arr)
    expected = 'The car is very fast.'
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #15
def test_merge():
    words = ['hungry', 'eat', 'find']
    text = 'i was {} and i had to {} a fruit becuase i couldnt {} anything'
    received = merge(text, words)
    expected = 'i was hungry and i had to eat a fruit becuase i couldnt find anything'
    assert expected == received
def test_merge():
    actual = merge("A {} and {} {}.", ["dark", "stormy", "night"])
    expected = "A dark and stormy night."
    assert actual == expected
def test_merge():
    actual = merge("It was a {} and {} {}.", ("dark", "stormy", "night"))
    expected = "It was a dark and stormy night."
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #18
def testmerge():
    actual = merge('I the {} and {} {}', ['smart', 'cute', 'joudi'])
    expected = "I the smart and cute joudi"
    assert expected == actual