def GetData(source, path, db, dbcredentials, sensorid, amount, startdate=None, debug=False): """ DESCRIPTION: read the appropriate amount of data from the data file, database or mqtt stream """ data = DataStream() msg = '' if not startdate: startdate = datetime.utcnow() endtime = None else: endtime = startdate starttime = startdate - timedelta(seconds=int(amount)) if source in ['file', 'File']: filepath = os.path.join(path, sensorid) # TODO eventually check for existance and look for similar names # expath = CheckPath(filepath) # if expath: if debug: print("Trying to access files in {}: Timerange: {} to {}".format( filepath, starttime, endtime)) try: data = read(os.path.join(filepath, '*'), starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime) except: msg = "Could not access data for sensorid {}".format(sensorid) if debug: print(msg) elif source in ['db', 'DB', 'database', 'Database']: db = mysql.connect() data = readDB(db, sensorid, starttime=starttime) if debug: print("Got {} datapoints".format(data.length()[0])) return (data, msg)
def GetTestValue(data=DataStream(), key='x', function='average', debug=False): """ DESCRIPTION Returns comparison value(e.g. mean, max etc) """ if debug: print("Obtaining test value for key {} with function {}".format( key, function)) func = 'mean' testvalue = None msg = '' n = data.length()[0] keys = data._get_key_headers() if not key in keys: print("Requested key not found") return (testvalue, 'failure') if function in ['mean', 'Mean', 'average', 'Average', 'Median', 'median']: if n < 3: print( "not enough data points --- {} insignificant".format(function)) if function in ['mean', 'Mean', 'average', 'Average']: func = 'mean' elif function in ['Median', 'median']: func = 'median' testvalue = data.mean(key, meanfunction=func) elif function in ['max', 'Max']: testvalue = data._get_max(key) elif function in ['min', 'Min']: testvalue = data._get_min(key) elif function in ['stddev', 'Stddev']: mean, testvalue = data.mean(key, std=True) else: msg = 'selected test function not available' if debug: print(" ... got {}".format(testvalue)) return (testvalue, msg)
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if pyversion.startswith('3'): msg.payload = msg.payload.decode('ascii') global qos global verifiedlocation arrayinterpreted = False if stationid in ['all', 'All', 'ALL']: stid = msg.topic.split('/')[0] else: stid = stationid try: sensorind = msg.topic.split('/')[1] sensorid = sensorind.replace('meta', '').replace('data', '').replace('dict', '') except: # Above will fail if msg.topic does not contain / # TODO (previous version was without 1, first occurrence -> the following line should work as well although the code above is more general) sensorid = msg.topic.replace(stid, "", 1).replace('/', '').replace( 'meta', '').replace('data', '').replace('dict', '') # define a new data stream for each non-existing sensor if not instrument == '': if not sensorid.find(instrument) > -1: return if sensorid in blacklist: if debug: print("Sensor {} in blacklist - not collecting".format(sensorid)) return ## ################################################################################ ## #### Eventually check for additional format libraries ######### ## ################################################################################ identdic = {} if addlib and len(addlib) > 0: # Currently only one additioal library is supported lib = addlib[0] #for lib in addlib: elemlist = [] for elem in topic_identifiers[lib]: strelem = "msg.topic.{}('{}')".format(elem, topic_identifiers[lib][elem]) elemlist.append(strelem) if len(elemlist) > 1: teststring = " and ".join(elemlist) else: teststring = "".join(elemlist) if eval(teststring): classref = class_reference.get(lib) #print ("1", msg.payload) try: msg.payload, sensorid, headerline, headerdictionary, identdic = classref.GetPayload( msg.payload, msg.topic) except: print("Interpretation error for {}".format(msg.topic)) return #print (payload, sensorid, headerline) headdict[sensorid] = headerline headstream[sensorid] = create_head_dict(headerline, sensorid) headstream[sensorid] = merge_two_dicts(headstream[sensorid], headerdictionary) msg.topic = msg.topic + '/data' for el in identdic: po.identifier[el] = identdic[el] metacheck = po.identifier.get(sensorid + ':packingcode', '') ## ################################################################################ if msg.topic.endswith('meta') and metacheck == '': log.msg("Found basic header:{}".format(str(msg.payload))) log.msg("Quality of Service (QOS):{}".format(str(msg.qos))) analyse_meta(str(msg.payload), sensorid) if not sensorid in headdict: headdict[sensorid] = msg.payload # create stream.header dictionary and it here headstream[sensorid] = create_head_dict(str(msg.payload), sensorid) if debug: log.msg("New headdict: {}".format(headdict)) elif msg.topic.endswith('dict') and sensorid in headdict: #log.msg("Found Dictionary:{}".format(str(msg.payload))) head_dict = headstream[sensorid] for elem in str(msg.payload).split(','): keyvaluespair = elem.split(':') try: if not keyvaluespair[1] in ['-', '-\n', '-\r\n']: head_dict[keyvaluespair[0]] = keyvaluespair[1].strip() except: pass if debug: log.msg("Dictionary now looks like {}".format( headstream[sensorid])) elif msg.topic.endswith('data'): # or readable json #if readable json -> create stream.ndarray and set arrayinterpreted : # log.msg("Found data:", str(msg.payload), metacheck) if not metacheck == '': if 'file' in destination: # Import module for writing data from acquistion # ------------------- #if debug: # log.msg(sensorid, metacheck, msg.payload) # payload can be split # Check whether header is already identified # ------------------- if sensorid in headdict: header = headdict.get(sensorid) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): metacheck = metacheck.decode() if metacheck.endswith('B'): packcode = metacheck.strip( '<')[:-1] # drop leading < and final B else: packcode = metacheck.strip('<') # drop leading < # temporary code - too be deleted when lemi protocol has been updated if packcode.find('4cb6B8hb30f3Bc') >= 0: header = header.replace( '<4cb6B8hb30f3BcBcc5hL 169\n', '6hLffflll {}'.format( struct.calcsize('<6hLffflll'))) packcode = '6hLffflll' arrayelem = msg.payload.split(';') for ar in arrayelem: datearray = ar.split(',') # identify string values in packcode # ------------------- # convert packcode numbers cpack = [] for c in packcode: if c.isdigit(): digit = int(c) else: cpack.extend([c] * digit) digit = 1 cpackcode = "".join(cpack) for i in range(len(cpackcode)): if cpackcode[-i] == 's': datearray[-i] = datearray[-i] elif cpackcode[-i] == 'f': datearray[-i] = float(datearray[-i]) else: datearray[-i] = int(float(datearray[-i])) # pack data using little endian byte order data_bin = struct.pack('<' + packcode, *datearray) # Check whether destination path has been verified already # ------------------- if not verifiedlocation: if not location in [None, '' ] and os.path.exists(location): verifiedlocation = True else: log.msg( "File: destination location {} is not accessible" .format(location)) log.msg( " -> please use option l (e.g. -l '/my/path') to define" ) if verifiedlocation: filename = "{}-{:02d}-{:02d}".format( datearray[0], datearray[1], datearray[2]) acs.dataToFile(location, sensorid, filename, data_bin, header) if 'websocket' in destination: if not arrayinterpreted: stream.ndarray = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) #streamdict[sensorid] = stream.ndarray # to store data from different sensors arrayinterpreted = True for idx, el in enumerate(stream.ndarray[0]): time = num2date(el).replace(tzinfo=None) msecSince1970 = int( (time - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() * 1000) datastring = ','.join([ str(val[idx]) for i, val in enumerate(stream.ndarray) if len(val) > 0 and not i == 0 ]) if debug: print("Sending {}: {},{} to webserver".format( sensorid, msecSince1970, datastring)) wsserver.send_message_to_all("{}: {},{}".format( sensorid, msecSince1970, datastring)) if 'diff' in destination: global counter counter += 1 global number amount = int(number) cover = 5 if not arrayinterpreted: ar = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) if not sensorid in senslst: senslst.append(sensorid) st.append(DataStream([], {}, ar)) idx = senslst.index(sensorid) st[idx].extend(stream.container, {'SensorID': sensorid}, ar) arrayinterpreted = True st[idx].ndarray = np.asarray( [np.asarray(el[-cover:]) for el in st[idx].ndarray]) if len(st) < 2: print("Not enough streams for subtraction yet") try: if counter > amount: counter = 0 sub = subtractStreams(st[0], st[1]) try: part1 = ( st[0].header.get('SensorID').split('_')[1]) except: part1 = 'unkown' try: part2 = ( st[1].header.get('SensorID').split('_')[1]) except: part2 = 'unkown' name = "Diff_{}-{}_0001".format(part1, part2) # get head line for pub #name = "diff_xxx_0001" keys = sub._get_key_headers(numerical=True) ilst = [KEYLIST.index(key) for key in keys] keystr = "[{}]".format(",".join(keys)) #takeunits = ### take from st[0] packcode = "6hL{}".format("".join(['l'] * len(keys))) multi = "[{}]".format(",".join(['1000'] * len(keys))) unit = "[{}]".format(",".join(['arb'] * len(keys))) head = "# MagPyBin {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( name, keystr, keystr, unit, multi, packcode, struct.calcsize('<' + packcode)) #print (head) # get data line for pub time = sub.ndarray[0][-1] timestr = (datetime.strftime( num2date(float(time)).replace(tzinfo=None), "%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S,%f")) val = [sub.ndarray[i][-1] for i in ilst] if len(val) > 1: valstr = ",".join(int(val * 1000)) else: valstr = int(val[0] * 1000) data = "{},{}".format(timestr, valstr) #print (data) topic = "wic/{}".format(name) client.publish(topic + "/data", data, qos=qos) client.publish(topic + "/meta", head, qos=qos) except: print("Found error in subtraction") if 'stdout' in destination: if not arrayinterpreted: stream.ndarray = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) #streamdict[sensorid] = stream.ndarray # to store data from different sensors arrayinterpreted = True for idx, el in enumerate(stream.ndarray[0]): time = num2date(el).replace(tzinfo=None) datastring = ','.join([ str(val[idx]) for i, val in enumerate(stream.ndarray) if len(val) > 0 and not i == 0 ]) log.msg("{}: {},{}".format(sensorid, time, datastring)) elif 'db' in destination: if not arrayinterpreted: stream.ndarray = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) #streamdict[sensorid] = stream.ndarray # to store data from different sensors arrayinterpreted = True # create a stream.header #if debug: # log.msg(stream.ndarray) stream.header = headstream[sensorid] if debug: log.msg("writing header: {}".format(headstream[sensorid])) if revision != 'free': writeDB(db, stream, tablename="{}_{}".format(sensorid, '0001')) else: writeDB(db, stream) elif 'stringio' in destination: if not arrayinterpreted: stream.ndarray = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) #streamdict[sensorid] = stream.ndarray # to store data from different sensors arrayinterpreted = True for idx, el in enumerate(stream.ndarray[0]): time = num2date(el).replace(tzinfo=None) date = datetime.strftime(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") linelist = list(map(str, [el, date])) linelist.extend([ str(val[idx]) for i, val in enumerate(stream.ndarray) if len(val) > 0 and not i == 0 ]) line = ','.join(linelist) eol = '\r\n' output.write(line + eol) elif 'serial' in destination: if not arrayinterpreted: stream.ndarray = interprete_data(msg.payload, stream, sensorid) #streamdict[sensorid] = stream.ndarray # to store data from different sensors arrayinterpreted = True """ # send json like structures collcount = 10 if sercount <= collcount: for idx,col in enumerate(stream.ndarray): if not len(col) == 0: keyname = KEYLIST[idx] if idx == 0: time = num2date(col).replace(tzinfo=None) col = int((time - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()*1000) excol = datacol.get(keyname,[]) datacol[keyname] = excol.append(col) sersount += 1 if sercount == collcount: sercount = 0 jsonstr={} jsonstr['sensorid'] = sensorid jsonstr['nr'] = i jsonstr['key'] = po.identifier[sensorid+':keylist'][i] jsonstr['elem'] = po.identifier[sensorid+':elemlist'][i] jsonstr['unit'] = po.identifier[sensorid+':unitlist'][i] payload = json.dumps(jsonstr) # write input to a another serial port (e.g. for radio transmisson) # requires serdef = e.g. [115200,8,1,N] # eventually create minimum 30 sec json blocks #sendline='{"SensorID":"{}","Units":["Sec1970","degC"],"Keys":{"time":"time","x":"Temperature"}, "time":[{}],"x":[{}]}'.format(sensorid,time,x) #{"SensorID":"ID","units":["Sec1970","degC"],"keys":{"time":"time","x":"Temperature"}, "data":{"time":[12,13,45],"x":[12,13,45]}} #ser.write("{}: {},{}".format(sensorid,msecSince1970,datastring)) """ else: pass else: log.msg("Non-interpreted format: {} {}".format( msg.topic, str(msg.payload))) elif msg.topic.find('statuslog') > 0: # json style statusinfo is coming hostname = msg.topic.split('/')[-1] #log.msg("---------------------------------------------------------------") #log.msg("Receiving updated status information from {}".format(hostname)) #log.msg("---------------------------------------------------------------") print("FOUND STATUS CHANGE", telegramconf) statusdict = json.loads(msg.payload) for elem in statusdict: logmsg = "{}: {} - {}".format(hostname, elem, statusdict[elem]) # For Nagios - add in marcos.log log.msg(logmsg) # For Telegram try: # try to import telegram and telegram.cfg ##### Add the configuration to input and marcos.cfg ## Please note: requires anaconda2/bin/python on my test PC ## !!! Requires network connection !!! if not telegramconf == '/telegram.conf': martaslog = ml(receiver='telegram') martaslog.receiveroptions('telegram', options={'conf': telegramconf}) statusdict['Hostname'] = hostname martaslog.notify(statusdict) except: pass #telegram.send(msg) if msg.topic.endswith('meta') and 'websocket' in destination: # send header info for each element (# sensorid nr key elem unit) analyse_meta(str(msg.payload), sensorid) for (i, void) in enumerate(po.identifier[sensorid + ':keylist']): jsonstr = {} jsonstr['sensorid'] = sensorid jsonstr['nr'] = i jsonstr['key'] = po.identifier[sensorid + ':keylist'][i] jsonstr['elem'] = po.identifier[sensorid + ':elemlist'][i] jsonstr['unit'] = po.identifier[sensorid + ':unitlist'][i] payload = json.dumps(jsonstr) wsserver.send_message_to_all('# ' + payload)
# available since MagPy 0.3.99 in magpy.collector # since MARTAS 0.1.9 in core from core.websocket_server import WebsocketServer except: ws_available = False # Some variable initialization ## ----------------------------------------------------------- global identifier # Thats probably wrong ... global should be used in functions identifier = {} # used to store lists from header lines global counter # use for diffcalc counter = 0 qos = 0 streamdict = {} stream = DataStream() st = [] senslst = [] headdict = { } # store headerlines for all sensors (headerline are firstline for BIN files) headstream = {} verifiedlocation = False destination = 'stdout' location = '/tmp' credentials = 'cred' stationid = 'WIC' stid = stationid webpath = './web' webport = 8080 socketport = 5000 blacklist = []
def main(argv): para = sp.parameterdict conf = sp.configdict debug = False configfile = None statusdict = {} statuskeylist = [] travistestrun = False usagestring = ' -h <help> -m <configpath>' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hm:DT",["configpath="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ('Check your options:') print (usagestring) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ('------------------------------------------------------') print ('Usage:') print (usagestring) print ('------------------------------------------------------') print ('Options:') print ('-h help') print ('-m Define the path for the configuration file.') print (' Please note: a configuration file is obligatory') print (' ----------------------------') print (' configurationfile') print (' ----------------------------') print (' threhold.cfg: (looks like)') print (' # MARTAS directory') print (' martasdir : /home/cobs/MARTAS/') print (' # Define data source (file, db)') print (' source : file') print (' # If source = db then define data base credentials created by addcred (MARTAS)') print (' dbcredentials : None') print (' # If source = file define the base path') print (' sensorpath : /srv/mqtt/') print (' # Notifaction (uses martaslog class, one of email, telegram, mqtt, log) ') print (' notification : email') print (' notificationconfig : /etc/martas/notification.cfg') print (' # serial communication for switch commands (based on (MARTAS/app)') print (' serialcfg : None') print (' #parameter (all given parameters are checked in the given order, use semicolons for parameter list):') print (' # sensorid; timerange to check; key to check, value, lower or upper bound,statusmessage,resetby,switchcommand(optional)') print (' 1 : DS18B20XX,1800,t1,5,low,average,on,swP:4:1') print (' 2 : DS18B20XY,1800,t1,10,high,median,off,swP:4:0') print (' 3 : DS18B20XZ,600,t2,20,high,max,alarm at date,None') print (' #to be continued...') print ('------------------------------------------------------') print ('Example:') print (' python -m /etc/martas/threshold.cfg') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-m", "--configfile"): configfile = arg print ("Getting all parameters from configration file: {}".format(configfile)) conf = GetConf2(configfile, confdict=conf) para = AssignParameterlist(sp.valuenamelist,conf) elif opt in ("-D", "--debug"): debug = True elif opt in ("-T", "--Test"): travistestrun = True conf = GetConf2(os.path.join('..','conf','threshold.cfg')) para = AssignParameterlist(sp.valuenamelist,conf) # TODO activate in order prevent default values #if not configfile or conf == {}: # print (' !! Could not read configuration information - aborting') # sys.exit() if debug: print ("Configuration dictionary: \n{}".format(conf)) print ("Parameter dictionary: \n{}".format(para)) if not (len(para)) > 0: print ("No parameters given too be checked - aborting") sys.exit() try: martaslogpath = os.path.join(conf.get('martasdir'), 'core') sys.path.insert(1, martaslogpath) from martas import martaslog as ml logpath = conf.get('bufferpath') except: print ("Could not import martas logging routines - check MARTAS directory path") # For each parameter for i in range(0,1000): valuedict = para.get(str(i),{}) content = '' if not valuedict == {}: if debug: print ("Checking parameterset {}".format(i)) data = DataStream() testvalue = None evaluate = {} # Obtain a magpy data stream of the respective data set if debug: print ("Accessing data from {} at {}: Sensor {} - Amount: {} sec".format(conf.get('source'),conf.get('bufferpath'),valuedict.get('sensorid'),valuedict.get('timerange') )) (data,msg1) = GetData(conf.get('source'), conf.get('bufferpath'), conf.get('database'), conf.get('dbcredentials'), valuedict.get('sensorid'),valuedict.get('timerange'), debug=debug , startdate=conf.get('startdate') ) (testvalue,msg2) = GetTestValue( data, valuedict.get('key'), valuedict.get('function'), debug=debug) # Returns comparison value(e.g. mean, max etc) if not testvalue and travistestrun: print ("Testrun for parameterset {} OK".format(i)) elif not testvalue: print ("Please check your test data set... are bufferfiles existing? Is the sensorid correct?") elif is_number(testvalue): (evaluate, msg) = CheckThreshold(testvalue, valuedict.get('value'), valuedict.get('state'), debug=debug) # Returns statusmessage if evaluate and msg == '': content = InterpreteStatus(valuedict,debug=debug) # Perform switch and added "switch on/off" to content if not valuedict.get('switchcommand') in ['None','none',None]: if debug: print ("Found switching command ... eventually will send serial command (if not done already) after checking all other commands") content = '{} - switch: {}'.format(content, valuedict.get('switchcommand')) # remember the switchuing command and only issue it if statusdict is changing elif not msg == '': content = msg else: content = '' else: content = msg1+' - '+msg2 if content: statuskeylist.append('Sensor {} and key {}'.format(valuedict.get('sensorid'),valuedict.get('key'))) statusdict['Sensor {} and key {}'.format(valuedict.get('sensorid'),valuedict.get('key'))] = content if debug: print ("Finished parameterset {}".format(i)) if conf.get('reportlevel') == 'full': # Get a unique status key list: statuskeylist = list(dict.fromkeys(statuskeylist)) for elem in statuskeylist: cont = statusdict.get(elem,'') if cont == '': statusdict[elem] = "Everything fine" if debug: print ("Statusdict: {}".format(statusdict)) receiver = conf.get('notification') cfg = conf.get('notificationconfig') logfile = conf.get('logfile') if travistestrun: print ("Skipping send routines in test run - finished successfully") sys.exit() if debug: print ("New notifications will be send to: {} (Config: {})".format(receiver,cfg)) martaslog = ml(logfile=logfile,receiver=receiver) if receiver == 'telegram': martaslog.telegram['config'] = cfg elif receiver == 'email':['config'] = cfg changes = martaslog.msg(statusdict) if not len(changes) > 0: print ("Nothing to report - threshold check successfully finished") for element in changes: line = changes.get(element) if debug: print ("Changes affecting:", element) l = line.split('switch:') if len(l) == 2: print (" ... now dealing with switching serial command:") comm = l[1].strip() script = os.path.join(conf.get('martasdir'),'app','') pythonpath = sys.executable arg1 = "-c {}".format(comm) arg2 = "-p {}".format(conf.get('port')) arg3 = "-b {}".format(conf.get('baudrate')) arg4 = "-a {}".format(conf.get('parity')) arg5 = "-y {}".format(conf.get('bytesize')) arg6 = "-s {}".format(conf.get('stopbits')) arg7 = "-t {}".format(conf.get('timeout')) #arg8 = "-e {}".format(conf.get('eol')) # not used so far command = "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(pythonpath,script,arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) ## Too be checked command = "{} {} {}".format(pythonpath,script,arg1) if debug: print (" ... sending {}".format(command)) try: import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = p.communicate() mesg = "{}".format(output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: mesg = "threshold: sending command didnt work" except: mesg = "threshold: sending command problem" print (mesg) print (" ... success")
def readJSON(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs): """ Reading JSON format data. """ stream = DataStream() header = {} array = [[] for key in KEYLIST] with open(filename, 'r') as jsonfile: dataset = json.load(jsonfile)'Read: %s, Format: %s ' % (filename, "JSON")) fillkeys = ['var1', 'var2', 'var3', 'var4', 'var5', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'f'] datakeys = dataset[0] keydict = {} for i, key in enumerate(datakeys): if 'time' in key: keydict[i] = 'time' elif key == 'density': keydict[i] = 'var1' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('var1')) elif key == 'speed': keydict[i] = 'var2' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('var2')) elif key == 'temperature': keydict[i] = 'var3' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('var3')) elif 'bx' in key.lower(): keydict[i] = 'x' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('x')) elif 'by' in key.lower(): keydict[i] = 'y' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('y')) elif 'bz' in key.lower(): keydict[i] = 'z' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('z')) elif 'bt' in key.lower(): keydict[i] = 'f' fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index('f')) else: try: keydict[i] = fillkeys.pop(0) except IndexError: loggerlib.warning( "CAUTION! Out of available keys for data. {} will not be contained in stream." .format(key)) print( "CAUTION! Out of available keys for data. {} will not be contained in stream." .format(key)) if 'time' in key: data = [ date2num(testTimeString(str(x[i]))) for x in dataset[1:] ] else: data = [ np.nan if x[i] is None else float(x[i]) for x in dataset[1:] ] array[KEYLIST.index(keydict[i])] = data header['col-' + keydict[i]] = key header['unit-col-' + keydict[i]] = '' for idx, elem in enumerate(array): array[idx] = np.asarray(array[idx]) stream = DataStream([], header, np.asarray(array)) return stream
def readNETCDF(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs): """ Reading NetCDF format data. To see all attributes of file: print(ncdata.ncattrs()) """ stream = DataStream([], {}) headers = {} array = [[] for key in stream.KEYLIST] timef = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" starttime = kwargs.get('starttime') endtime = kwargs.get('endtime') ncdata = Dataset(filename, 'r') filestart = datetime.strptime(ncdata.time_coverage_start, timef) fileend = datetime.strptime(ncdata.time_coverage_end, timef) # Check if file is within defined time ranges: getfile = True try: if starttime: if not filestart >= getfile = False if endtime: if not fileend <= getfile = False except: getfile = True # Read data into assigned columns: if getfile:"readNETCDF: Reading {}".format(filename)) if ncdata.program == 'DSCOVR': "readNETCDF: File contains DSCOVR data. Using appropriate keys" ) KEYDICT = DSCOVR_KEYDICT if ncdata.variables[ 'time'].units == 'milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z': array[0] = np.array([ date2num(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x / 1000.)) for x in ncdata.variables['time'][...] ]) else: logger.warning( "readNETCDF: Could not identify time format. Time array probably incorrect" ) array[0] = ncdata.variables['time'][...] for var in ncdata.variables: if var in KEYDICT: column = ncdata.variables[var] coldata = column[...] key = KEYDICT[var] idx = stream.KEYLIST.index(key) # Convert from MaskedArray coldata = np.array(coldata, dtype=np.float) # Replace masked values with NaNs: coldata[np.where( coldata == float(column.missing_value))] = np.NaN array[idx] = coldata headers['col-' + key] = var headers['unit-col-' + key] = ncdata.variables[var].units # Fill in additional header data: for attr in ncdata.ncattrs(): headers[attr] = getattr(ncdata, attr) ncdata.close() return DataStream([], headers, np.asarray(array))
def main(argv): path = '' startdate = '' enddate = '' conf = '' dummy = DataStream() destination = '' global energylist global isotopelst global colorlst global intervallist name = "{}-Projects-gamma".format(sn) #global roi try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hp:b:e:m:d:", [ "path=", "begin=", "end=", "config=", "destination=", ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print( ' -p <path> -b <begin> -e <end> -m <config> -d <destination>' ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('-------------------------------------') print('Description:') print('-- analyses gamma data --') print('-------------------------------------') print('Usage:') print( ' -p <path> -b <begin> -e <end> -m <config> -d <destination>' ) print('-------------------------------------') print('Options:') print( '-p : path to gamma spectral data like "/home/max/myarchive"' ) print('-b : begin: default yesterday') print('-e : end: default = datetime.utcnow()') print('-d : path to store data') print('-m : config file') print('-------------------------------------') print('Example:') print( 'python /media/Samsung/Observatory/data/ -b "2012-06-01" -m myconf.cfg' ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--path"): path = arg elif opt in ("-b", "--begin"): startdate = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--end"): enddate = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--config"): conf = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--destination"): destination = arg if path == '': path = r"/home/leon/CronScripts/MagPyAnalysis/RadonAnalysis/ScriptsThemisto" #print ('Specify a path to gamma data:') #print ('-- check -h for more options and requirements') #sys.exit() if conf == '': print('Specify a configuration file:') print('-- check -h for more options and requirements') sys.exit() # Test time if not startdate == '': starttime = dummy._testtime(startdate) print(starttime) else: starttime = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=2) if not enddate == '': endtime = dummy._testtime(enddate) else: endtime = datetime.utcnow() # Read Config data confdict = acs.GetConf(conf) #print (confdict) debug = False if confdict.get('debug') in ['True', 'true']: debug = True if not confdict.get('plots') in ['Random', 'random']: pl = confdict.get('plots').split(',') try: plotselection = [int(el) for el in pl] except: plotselection = [] else: plotselection = 'random' print("SELECTED for plotting:", plotselection) graphdir = confdict.get('graphdir') if not os.path.exists(graphdir): os.makedirs(graphdir) # Get analysis data ok = True if ok: energylist = [int(el) for el in confdict.get('energies').split(',')] if debug: print("E:", energylist) isotopelst = confdict.get('isotops').split(',') if debug: print("Isotops:", isotopelst) colorlst = confdict.get('colors').split(',') if debug: print("Colors:", colorlst) intervallist = [int(el) for el in confdict.get('intervals').split(',')] if debug: print("Intervals:", intervallist) roi = [] roistrtmp = confdict.get('roi') roistr = re.sub("\[[^]]*\]", lambda x:',', ';'), roistrtmp) for el in roistr.split(','): el = el.strip() if not el.startswith('['): roi.append(int(el)) else: lelt = el.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') lel = [int(ele) for ele in lelt.split(';')] roi.append(lel) if debug: print("Rois:", roi) confdict['roi'] = roi stream = analyse_mca(path, startdate=starttime, enddate=endtime, config=confdict) sys.exit() try: stream = analyse_mca(path, startdate=starttime, enddate=endtime, config=confdict) stream.header['SensorSerialNum'] = confdict.get('sensorserial', '') stream.header['SensorDataLogger'] = confdict.get( 'sensordatalogger', '') stream.header['SensorDataLoggerSerialNum'] = confdict.get( 'sensordataloggerserialnum', '') stream.header['SensorName'] = confdict.get('sensorname', '') stream.header['SensorID'] = "{}_{}_0001".format( confdict.get('sensorname', 'None'), confdict.get('sensorserial', '12345')) stream.header['DataID'] = "{}_{}_0001_0001".format( confdict.get('sensorname', 'None'), confdict.get('sensorserial', '12345')) stream.header['StationID'] = confdict.get('StationID', 'WIC') print(stream.length()) print("writing data") if destination: stream.write(destination, coverage='year', mode="replace", format_type='PYSTR', filenamebegins='{}_'.format( stream.header['SensorID']), dateformat='%Y') #stream.write(destination, format_type='PYASCII', filenamebegins='{}_'.format(stream.header['SensorID'])) statusmsg[name] = 'gamma analysis successfully finished' except: statusmsg[name] = 'gamma analysis failed' martaslog = ml(logfile=logpath, receiver='telegram') martaslog.telegram['config'] = '/etc/martas/telegram.cfg' martaslog.msg(statusmsg)
def analyse_mca(path, startdate=None, enddate=None, config={}): """ DESCRIPTION: Anlyze MCA reads spectral data files with time stamp in filename (e.g. hour) RETURN: Datastream config contains: filename="Spectral_", filedate="", roi sensorname : xx sensorid : xx voltage : 720 # -> datatype for eventually new datarevision graphdir : /path plots : random # selects 2 random time steps plots : 427760 # list of filenumbers notes : 20181118T000000,20181122T235900,Testlauf notes : 20181123T000000,current,Active notes : 20181118T000000,20181122T235900,background roi : energies : isotops : element : """ if not startdate: startdate = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) if not enddate: enddate = datetime.utcnow() #analyzemca = False #if analyzemca: # Filter environment data # ####################### filterenv = False backgrdend = 0 accumulationend = 0 # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # IMPORTANT: check times !!!! # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #path = r"/home/leon/CronScripts/MagPyAnalysis/RadonAnalysis/ScriptsThemisto" path = path #namedummy = "Spectral_" namedummy = config.get('filename') resolution = config.get('filedate') numlist, dirs = NumList(path, namedummy) #print (dirs) print("limit filerange by starttime and endtime") # min and max number within given timerange if resolution in ['Day', 'day']: div = 86400. elif resolution in ['Minute', 'minute', 'minutes']: div = 60. else: # hour as default div = 3600. mintime = float(startdate.strftime("%s")) / div maxtime = float(enddate.strftime("%s")) / div validrange = [int(mintime), int(maxtime)] filerange = [[el, i] for i, el in enumerate(numlist) if el in range(min(validrange), max(validrange))] if not len(filerange) > 0: print("Did not find any spectrum files within the given time range") return DataStream() # get config data if config.get('plots') in ['Random', 'random']: # select one diagram randomly import random plotselection = [random.choice(filerange)] if not config.get('plots') in ['Random', 'random']: pl = config.get('plots').split(',') try: plotselection = [int(el) for el in pl] except: plotselection = [] roi = config.get('roi') dataarray = [[] for i in range(len(roi) + 1)] # Cycle through channels validfilerange = [] print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("# A. Main prog") print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("# Cycling through all spectrograms") print(filerange) for eleme in filerange: # Define file name i = eleme[0] idx = eleme[1] name = (namedummy + "%06i.Chn") % (i) print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(" - Analyzing {}".format(name)) print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) filename = os.path.join(dirs[idx], name) #test=True #if test: try: temp = open(filename, 'rb') line1 = data1 = struct.unpack("<bb3H2L8c4c2H", line1) nchn = data1[-1] line2 = * 4) data2 = struct.unpack("<%sL" % nchn, line2) # put zero values in front so that channel number correspond to indicies data = [0] * 7 data = data + list(data2[6:]) data2 = np.asarray(data) #roi = [63, 114, 231, 291, [197,398]] testplot = False if testplot: print(" - Raw data plot") # Determine the following channel energy relation from each analysis fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([0, 1050]) ax.plot(range(0, len(data2)), data2, '-') plt.xlabel("channel []") plt.ylabel("counts per hour [1/h]") plt.grid() print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(" - Analysis of spectrum") #try: if i in plotselection: print(" --> Plotting") #result[str(i)] = singlespecanalysis(data2,roi=roi,plot=True,name=str(i)) singlespecanalysis(data2, roi=roi, plot=True, name=str(i)) else: #result[str(i)] = singlespecanalysis(data2,roi=roi,plot=False,name=str(i)) singlespecanalysis(data2, roi=roi, plot=False, name=str(i)) #except: # singlespecanalysis(data2,roi=roi,plot=False,name=str(i)) print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print(" - Extracting energy levels") dataarray[0].append( date2num(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(i) * 3600.))) for idx, elem in enumerate(roi): exec("roiname = str(roi[{}])".format(idx)) if isinstance(elem, (list, )): roiname = roiname.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( ", ", "-") #print (idx,roiname) dataarray[idx + 1].append(result[roiname][3]) #exec("liste{}.append(result[roiname][3])".format(idx+1)) listemca.append(result[str(roi[3])][2]) listesca.append(result[str(roi[3])][5]) listeshift.append(result[str(roi[3])][6]) # Add flags to the datastream # Notes should be converted to flags except: print("----------------------------") print("Failed analysis for {}!".format(filename)) print( "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("# Creating summary and MagPy file for storage") starray = [np.asarray([]) for el in KEYLIST] for idx, elem in enumerate(dataarray): starray[idx] = np.asarray(elem) #dataarray = np.asarray([np.asarray(elem) for elem in dataarray]) #print (dataarray) print(KEYLIST[1:len(roi) + 1]) stream = DataStream() stream.ndarray = np.asarray(starray) #stream.header = header stream = stream.sorting() stream.header['SensorElements'] = ",".join( ["Counts{}".format(elem) for elem in energylist]) stream.header['SensorKeys'] = KEYLIST[1:len(roi) + 1] return stream """
def CheckMARCOS(db,threshold=600, statusdict={},jobname='JOB',excludelist=[],acceptedoffsets={},debug=False): testst = DataStream() offset = {} testname = '{}-DBactuality'.format(jobname) cursor = db.cursor() ok = True if debug: print ("1. Get all tables") print ("-----------------------------------") tablessql = 'SHOW TABLES' try: cursor.execute(tablessql) except mpdb.mysql.IntegrityError as message: print (message) ok = False except mpdb.mysql.Error as message: print (message) ok = False except: print ('check table: unkown error') ok = False if ok: tables = cursor.fetchall() tables = [el[0] for el in tables] if not len(tables) > 0: print ('check table: no tables found - stopping') ok = False else: print ('check table: aborting') #cursor.close() ok = False if ok: if debug: print ("2. Extract tables to be examined") print ("-----------------------------------") # get BLV tables blv = [el for el in tables if el.startswith('BLV')] excludelist.extend(blv) if debug: print ("Data to be excluded: {}".format(excludelist)) tables = [el for el in tables if not el in excludelist] if ok: if debug: print ("3. Delete any existing timestamps which are in the future") # classic problem of IWT print ("-----------------------------------") delsql = "DELETE FROM IWT_TILT01_0001_0001 WHERE time > NOW()" if ok: try: cursor.execute(delsql) except mpdb.mysql.IntegrityError as message: print (' -- check: {}'.format(message)) except mpdb.mysql.Error as message: print (' -- check: {}'.format(message)) except: print (' -- check: unkown error') # eventually an execute is necessary here if ok: if debug: print ("4. Getting last input in each table") print ("-----------------------------------") for table in tables: if debug: print (' -> running for {}'.format(table)) lastsql = 'SELECT time FROM {} ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1'.format(table) try: cursor.execute(lastsql) except mpdb.mysql.IntegrityError as message: print (' -- check table: {}'.format(message)) except mpdb.mysql.Error as message: print (' -- check table: {}'.format(message)) except: print (' -- check table: unkown error') value = cursor.fetchall() try: lasttime = value[0][0] timetest = True except: timetest = False pass if timetest: lastt = testst._testtime(lasttime) # Get difference to current time current = datetime.utcnow() tdiff = np.abs((current-lastt).total_seconds()) offset[table] = tdiff if debug: print ("Difference: {}".format(tdiff)) if ok: if debug: print ("5. Check threshold information") print ("-----------------------------------") statusdict[testname] = 'possible' for el in offset: # determine threshold usedthreshold = threshold name = "{}-{}".format(testname,el.replace('_','')) for elem in acceptedoffsets: if el.find(elem) > -1: usedthreshold = acceptedoffsets[elem] if offset[el] > usedthreshold: if debug: print ("{} : data too old by {} seconds".format(el,offset[el])) statusdict[name] = 'latest input older than {} sec'.format(usedthreshold) else: statusdict[name] = 'actual' else: statusdict[testname] = 'failure' cursor.close() return statusdict
def readJSON(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs): """ Reading JSON format data. """ stream = DataStream() array = [[] for key in KEYLIST] with open(filename, "r") as jsonfile: dataset = json.load(jsonfile)"Read: %s, Format: %s " % (filename, "JSON")) fillkeys = ["var1", "var2", "var3", "var4", "var5", "x", "y", "z", "f"] datakeys = dataset[0] keydict = {} for i, key in enumerate(datakeys): if "time" in key: keydict[i] = "time" elif key == "density": keydict[i] = "var1" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("var1")) elif key == "speed": keydict[i] = "var2" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("var2")) elif key == "temperature": keydict[i] = "var3" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("var3")) elif "bx" in key.lower(): keydict[i] = "x" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("x")) elif "by" in key.lower(): keydict[i] = "y" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("y")) elif "bz" in key.lower(): keydict[i] = "z" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("z")) elif "bt" in key.lower(): keydict[i] = "f" fillkeys.pop(fillkeys.index("f")) else: try: keydict[i] = fillkeys.pop(0) except IndexError: loggerlib.warning( "CAUTION! Out of available keys for data. {} will not be contained in stream.".format(key) ) print("CAUTION! Out of available keys for data. {} will not be contained in stream.".format(key)) if "time" in key: data = [date2num(testTimeString(str(x[i]))) for x in dataset[1:]] else: data = [np.nan if x[i] is None else float(x[i]) for x in dataset[1:]] array[KEYLIST.index(keydict[i])] = data stream.header["col-" + keydict[i]] = key stream.header["unit-col-" + keydict[i]] = "" for idx, elem in enumerate(array): array[idx] = np.asarray(array[idx]) stream = DataStream([], stream.header, np.asarray(array)) return stream
def main(argv): #para = sp.parameterdict #conf = sp.configdict para = {} conf = {} # necessary configs (may be overwritten): conf['statusfile'] = '/var/log/magpy/statusfile.log' debug = False configfile = None statusdict = {} statuskeylist = [] MachineToReset = None ListMachine = False usagestring = ' -h <help> -m <configpath> [-l][-r state machine number]' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hm:Ur:l", ["configpath=", "reset="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print('Check your options:') print(usagestring) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('------------------------------------------------------') print('Usage:') print(usagestring) print('------------------------------------------------------') print('Options:') print('-h help') print('-l List states of all state machines') print( '-r nr Reset state machine number nr into initial state' ) print('-m Define the path for the configuration file.') print( ' Please note: a configuration file is obligatory' ) print(' ----------------------------') print(' configurationfile') print(' ----------------------------') print(' statemachine.cfg: (looks like)') print(' # MARTAS directory') print(' martasdir : /home/cobs/MARTAS/') print(' # Define data source (file, db, ...)') print(' source : file') print( ' # If source = db then define data base credentials created by addcred (MARTAS)' ) print(' dbcredentials : None') print( ' # If source = file define the MARTAS buffer base path' ) print(' bufferpath : /srv/mqtt/') print( ' # statusfile (a json style dictionary, which contains states)' ) print( ' statusfile : /var/log/magpy/status.log' ) print(' # Path of mail config file') print(' emailconfig : /etc/martas/mail.cfg') print( ' # serial communication for switch commands (based on (MARTAS/app))' ) print(' serialcfg : None') print( " #Nr. : 'sensorid';'timerange';'key';'value';'function';'operator';'statusmessage';'nextstatus'[;action;argument;action;argument...]" ) print( ' # comment: timerange in seconds, statusmessage is until now a dummy' ) print(' status : start') print( ' 1 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;180;t1;20;min;below;;triggered;email;t1 below 20°' ) print( ' 2 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;180;t1;20;min;below;;triggered;email;t1 below 20°' ) print(' status : triggered') print( ' 1 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;180;t1;21;min;above;;start;email;t1 above 21° - I like to send a lot of emails inspite of hystereses;-)' ) print( " 2 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;180;t1;20;min;above;;reentered;email;t1 above 20° again - but that doesn't mean everything is fine again..." ) print(' status : reentered') print( ' 2 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;120;t1;20;min;below;;stop;email;it seems like t1 is toggling around 20°C' ) print( ' 2 : SENSOR1_SERNR_0001;120;t1;20;average;below;;stop;email;no more email' ) print(' ----------------------------') print('') print('-r reset a state machine') print('-l display states') print('------------------------------------------------------') print('Example:') print(' python -m /etc/martas/statemachine.cfg') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-m", "--configfile"): configfile = arg if debug: print( "Getting all parameters of the state machine from configuration file: {}" .format(configfile)) (conf, para) = readConfig(configfile) elif opt in ("-r", "--reset"): if is_number(arg): MachineToReset = arg else: print("--reset must_be_a_number") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-l"): ListMachine = True elif opt in ("-U", "--debug"): debug = True if debug: print("Configuration dictionary: \n{}".format(conf)) print("Parameter dictionary: \n{}".format(para)) if not (len(para)) > 0: print("No parameters given to be checked - aborting") sys.exit() try: martaslogpath = os.path.join(conf.get('martasdir'), 'core') sys.path.insert(1, martaslogpath) import martas logpath = conf.get('bufferpath') except: print( "Could not import martas logging routines - check MARTAS directory path" ) statusdict = {} if os.path.isfile(conf['statusfile']): # read log if exists and exentually update changed information # return changes with open(conf['statusfile'], 'r') as file: statusdict = json.load(file) if debug: print("Statusfile {} loaded".format(conf['statusfile'])) if ListMachine: if statusdict == {}: print('no states but start') else: for state in statusdict: print(state + ": " + statusdict[state]['status']) exit() if MachineToReset and not statusdict == {}: if MachineToReset in statusdict: del statusdict[MachineToReset] print(MachineToReset + " set to 'start'") else: print(MachineToReset + " not found") with open(conf['statusfile'], 'w') as file: if debug: print('writing to ' + conf['statusfile'] + ' :') print(statusdict) file.write( json.dumps(statusdict)) # use `json.loads` to do the reverse exit() # For each machine for i in range(0, 1000): valuedict = {} values = [] if not str(i) in statusdict and str(i) in para['start']: # machine is not yet in the statusfile, let's add it to the dict statusdict[str(i)] = {} statusdict[str(i)]['status'] = 'start' #laststatusdict[str(i)]['sensorid'] = para['start'][str(i)]['sensorid'] #laststatusdict[str(i)]['key'] = para['start'][str(i)]['key'] if str(i) in statusdict: status = statusdict[str(i)]['status'] # TODO handle states deleted from the config file! values = para[status].get(str(i), []) if not values == []: if debug: print("Checking state machine {}".format(i)) data = DataStream() # Obtain a magpy data stream of the respective data set for valuedict in values: if debug: print( "Accessing data from {} at {}: Sensor {} - Amount: {} sec" .format(conf.get('source'), conf.get('bufferpath'), valuedict.get('sensorid'), valuedict.get('timerange'))) (data, msg1) = GetData(conf.get('source'), conf.get('bufferpath'), conf.get('database'), conf.get('dbcredentials'), valuedict.get('sensorid'), valuedict.get('timerange'), debug=debug, startdate=conf.get('startdate')) testvalue = None if data._get_key_headers() == []: # there are no keys in the data if debug: print('no data for testvalue') else: (testvalue, msg2) = GetTestValue( data, valuedict.get('key'), valuedict.get('function'), debug=debug ) # Returns comparison value(e.g. mean, max etc) if debug: print("testvalue is {}".format(testvalue)) if is_number(testvalue): (evaluate, msg) = CheckThreshold( testvalue, valuedict.get('value'), valuedict.get('operator'), debug=debug) # Returns statusmessage if evaluate and msg == '': # criteria are met - do something # change status if debug: print("changing status of machine " + str(i) + " from") print(statusdict[str(i)]['status']) print("to") print(valuedict['nextstatus']) statusdict[str(i)]['status'] = valuedict['nextstatus'] if 'action' in valuedict: for action in valuedict['action']: if action['action'] == 'email': dic = readConfigFromFile( conf.get('emailconfig')) dic['Text'] = action['argument'] martas.sendmail(dic) # TODO not implemented / not tested if action['action'] == 'telegram': dic = sm_support.readConfigFromFile( conf.get('telegramconfig')) dic['text'] = action['argument'] martas.sendtelegram(dic) if action['action'] == 'switch:': dic = conf dic['comm'] = action['argument'] martas.sendswitchcommand(dic) # TODO handle content resp. errors content = InterpreteStatus(valuedict, debug=debug) # Perform switch and added "switch on/off" to content if not valuedict.get('switchcommand') in [ 'None', 'none', None ]: if debug: print( "Found switching command ... eventually will send serial command (if not done already) after checking all other commands" ) content = '{} - switch: {}'.format( content, valuedict.get('switchcommand')) # remember the switchuing command and only issue it if statusdict is changing elif not msg == '': content = msg else: content = '' else: #content = msg1+' - '+msg2 pass #if content: if 0: statuskeylist.append('Sensor {} and key {}'.format( valuedict.get('sensorid'), valuedict.get('key'))) statusdict['Sensor {} and key {}'.format( valuedict.get('sensorid'), valuedict.get('key'))] = content if debug: print("Finished state machine {}".format(i)) with open(conf['statusfile'], 'w') as file: if debug: print('writing to ' + conf['statusfile'] + ' :') print(statusdict) file.write( json.dumps(statusdict)) # use `json.loads` to do the reverse exit() if conf.get('reportlevel') == 'full': # Get a unique status key list: statuskeylist = list(dict.fromkeys(statuskeylist)) for elem in statuskeylist: cont = statusdict.get(elem, '') if cont == '': statusdict[elem] = "Everything fine" if debug: print("Statusdict: {}".format(statusdict)) receiver = conf.get('notification') cfg = conf.get('notificationconfig') logfile = conf.get('logfile') if debug: print("New notifications will be send to: {} (Config: {})".format( receiver, cfg)) martaslog = ml(logfile=logfile, receiver=receiver) if receiver == 'telegram': martaslog.telegram['config'] = cfg elif receiver == 'email':['config'] = cfg changes = martaslog.msg(statusdict) if not len(changes) > 0: print("Nothing to report - threshold check successfully finished") for element in changes: line = changes.get(element) if debug: print("Changes affecting:", element) l = line.split('switch:') if len(l) == 2: print(" ... now dealing with switching serial command:") comm = l[1].strip() script = os.path.join(conf.get('martasdir'), 'app', '') pythonpath = sys.executable arg1 = "-c {}".format(comm) arg2 = "-p {}".format(conf.get('port')) arg3 = "-b {}".format(conf.get('baudrate')) arg4 = "-a {}".format(conf.get('parity')) arg5 = "-y {}".format(conf.get('bytesize')) arg6 = "-s {}".format(conf.get('stopbits')) arg7 = "-t {}".format(conf.get('timeout')) #arg8 = "-e {}".format(conf.get('eol')) # not used so far command = "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( pythonpath, script, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) ## Too be checked command = "{} {} {}".format(pythonpath, script, arg1) if debug: print(" ... sending {}".format(command)) try: import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = p.communicate() mesg = "{}".format(output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: mesg = "threshold: sending command didnt work" except: mesg = "threshold: sending command problem" print(mesg) print(" ... success")
def readCOVJSON(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs): """ Reading CoverageJSON format data. """ header = {} array = [[] for key in KEYLIST] print("Reading coverage json") with open(filename, 'r') as jsonfile: dataset = json.load(jsonfile)'Read: {}, Format: {} '.format(filename, "CoverageJSON")) # Extract header and data axes = dataset.get("domain").get("axes") ranges = dataset.get("ranges") parameters = dataset.get("parameters") times = dataset.get("domain").get("axes").get("t").get("values") times = [testTimeString(el) for el in times] array[0] = date2num(times) stream = DataStream([], header, array) try: stream.header['DataAcquisitionLatitude'] = dataset.get("domain").get( "axes").get("x").get("values") stream.header['DataAcquisitionLongitude'] = dataset.get("domain").get( "axes").get("y").get("values") stream.header['DataElevation'] = dataset.get("domain").get("axes").get( "z").get("values") except: pass print(dataset.get('context')) def addelement(datastream, key, element, elementdict, parameterdict): array = np.asarray(elementdict.get('values')) datastream = datastream._put_column(array, key) datastream.header['col-{}'.format(key)] = element datastream.header['unit-col-{}'.format(key)] = parameterdict.get( "unit").get("label") numcnt = 0 strcnt = 1 AVAILKEYS = NUMKEYLIST ELEMENTSTODO = [] fixedgroups = { 'x': ['x', 'X', 'H', 'I'], 'y': ['y', 'Y', 'D', 'E'], 'z': ['z', 'Z'], 'f': ['f', 'F', 'S'], 'df': ['g', 'G'] } # Firstly assign data from fixed groups, then fill rest for element in ranges: print("Dealing with {}".format(element)) foundgroups = False for group in fixedgroups: if element in fixedgroups[group]: print(" -> adding to {}".format(group)) addelement(stream, group, element, ranges[element], parameters[element]) AVAILKEYS = ['USED' if x == group else x for x in AVAILKEYS] foundgroups = True break if not foundgroups: ELEMENTSTODO.append(element) # Now assign all other elements to appropriate keys for element in ELEMENTSTODO: print("Now dealing with {}".format(element)) # assign element to key if ranges.get(element).get('dataType') in ['float', 'double', 'int']: # get the first key which is not yet used index = min( [idx for idx, el in enumerate(AVAILKEYS) if not el == 'USED']) key = AVAILKEYS[index] print(" -> adding to {}".format(key)) addelement(stream, key, element, ranges[element], parameters[element]) AVAILKEYS[index] = 'USED' else: if strcnt <= 4: key = "str{}".format(strcnt) print(" -> adding to {}".format(key)) addelement(stream, key, element, ranges[element], parameters[element]) strcnt += 1 return stream