def test_05(self): """ Test Case 05: Open a file using :py:func:`magrathea.utils.compat.comp_open`. Test is passed if file content can be read and equals the given input. """ test_string = "String with Ünicøde characters" fp, name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fp, to_bytes(test_string)) os.close(fp) fd = comp_open(name, mode='r', encoding=get_conf('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) result_string = fd.close() os.unlink(name) self.assertEqual(test_string, result_string)
def test_06(self): """ Test Case 06: Use :py:func:`magrathea.utils.compat.comp_open` as :py:keyword:`with` statement context manager. Test is passed if file content can be read, equals the given input and the file pointer is closed. """ test_string = "String with Ünicøde characters" fp, name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fp, to_bytes(test_string)) os.close(fp) with comp_open(name, mode='r', encoding=get_conf('DEFAULT_CHARSET')) as fd: result_string = os.unlink(name) self.assertTrue(fd.closed) self.assertEqual(test_string, result_string)
def test_07(self): """ Test Case 07: Deploy a template into a temporary directory. Test is passed if deployment doesn't raise exception and all expected files exist. """ def _filter(item): _file_map = { 'makefile': 'Makefile', 'cmakelists.txt': 'CMakeLists.txt', 'readme': 'README' } if item in _file_map: return _file_map[item] return item td = tempfile.mkdtemp() obj = Template(template='planet', path=td) obj.deploy() cp = CompConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) cf = ApplicationConf.get_instance() with comp_open(os.path.join(get_conf('DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH'), 'planet', '__init__.ini'), mode='r') as fp: content = content = content.format(**cf) cp.read_string(content) flag = True if cp.has_section('dirs'): for directory in cp.options('dirs'): flag = flag and os.path.exists(os.path.join(obj.path, directory)) if cp.has_section('files'): for file in cp.options('files'): flag = flag and os.path.exists(os.path.join(obj.path, _filter(file))) if cp.has_section('binaries'): for binary in cp.options('binaries'): flag = flag and os.path.exists(os.path.join(obj.path, _filter(binary))) shutil.rmtree(td) self.assertTrue(flag)