def handle(self, *args, **options): # Getting system time, and parsing out specific attributes. current_datetime = month_now = current_datetime.month day_now = year_now = current_datetime.year hour_now = current_datetime.hour # Array will hold all of the message objects that we need to send out. # Query the database for the appropriate message objects. messages_to_deploy = models.Message.objects.filter(deployed=False, deploy_date__month=month_now, deploy_date__day=day_now, deploy_date__year=year_now, deploy_date__hour=hour_now,) # Okay, now we need to iterate through the messages and deploye them. for message in messages_to_deploy: # Calling lib function to send messages. lib.send_mail(message.build_messages()) # Update message to show that it was deployed. message.deployed = True # Creating a send_event to show that it was sent with the 'cron' option. models.Send_Event(method="cron", message=message).save()
def handle(self, *args, **options): for message in args: try: mess = models.Message.objects.get(pk=int(message)) except models.Message.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError('Message Does Not Exist, Try Again.') if mess.deployed: raise CommandError('ERROR: Message has already been deployed') else: lib.send_mail(mess.build_messages()) self.stdout.write('Successfully Deployed Messages.') mess.deployed = True # Add send event to database with the 'manually' option models.Send_Event(method="manual", message=mess).save()