Exemple #1
def initialize_1(config_path=None):
    """First initialization step.

    * Zope component architecture
    * The configuration system
    * Run-time directories

    :param config_path: The path to the configuration file.
    :type config_path: string
    zcml = resource_string('mailman.config', 'configure.zcml')
    # By default, set the umask so that only owner and group can read and
    # write our files.  Specifically we must have g+rw and we probably want
    # o-rwx although I think in most cases it doesn't hurt if other can read
    # or write the files.
    # Initialize configuration event subscribers.  This must be done before
    # setting up the configuration system.
    from mailman.app.events import initialize as initialize_events
    # config_path will be set if the command line argument -C is given.  That
    # case overrides all others.  When not given on the command line, the
    # configuration file is searched for in the file system.
    if config_path is None:
        config_path = search_for_configuration_file()
    elif config_path is INHIBIT_CONFIG_FILE:
        # For the test suite, force this back to not using a config file.
        config_path = None
Exemple #2
def initialize_2(debug=False, propagate_logs=None):
    """Second initialization step.

    * Logging
    * Pre-hook
    * Rules
    * Chains
    * Pipelines
    * Commands

    :param debug: Should the database layer be put in debug mode?
    :type debug: boolean
    :param propagate_logs: Should the log output propagate to stderr?
    :type propagate_logs: boolean or None
    # Create the queue and log directories if they don't already exist.
    # Run the pre-hook if there is one.
    config = mailman.config.config
    if config.mailman.pre_hook:
    # Instantiate the database class, ensure that it's of the right type, and
    # initialize it.  Then stash the object on our configuration object.
    database_class = config.database['class']
    database = call_name(database_class)
    verifyObject(IDatabase, database)
    config.db = database
    # Initialize the rules and chains.  Do the imports here so as to avoid
    # circular imports.
    from mailman.app.commands import initialize as initialize_commands
    from mailman.app.events import initialize as initialize_events
    from mailman.core.chains import initialize as initialize_chains
    from mailman.core.pipelines import initialize as initialize_pipelines
    from mailman.core.rules import initialize as initialize_rules
    # Order here is somewhat important.
Exemple #3
def initialize_1(config_path=None):
    """First initialization step.

    * Zope component architecture
    * The configuration system
    * Run-time directories

    :param config_path: The path to the configuration file.
    :type config_path: string
    zcml = resource_bytes('mailman.config', 'configure.zcml')
    # By default, set the umask so that only owner and group can read and
    # write our files.  Specifically we must have g+rw and we probably want
    # o-rwx although I think in most cases it doesn't hurt if other can read
    # or write the files.
    # Initialize configuration event subscribers.  This must be done before
    # setting up the configuration system.
    from mailman.app.events import initialize as initialize_events
    # config_path will be set if the command line argument -C is given.  That
    # case overrides all others.  When not given on the command line, the
    # configuration file is searched for in the file system.
    if config_path is None:
        config_path = search_for_configuration_file()
    elif config_path is INHIBIT_CONFIG_FILE:
        # For the test suite, force this back to not using a config file.
        config_path = None
    # Use this environment variable to define an extra configuration file for
    # testing.  This is used by the tox.ini to run the full test suite under
    # PostgreSQL.
    extra_cfg_path = os.environ.get('MAILMAN_EXTRA_TESTING_CFG')
    if extra_cfg_path is not None:
        with open(extra_cfg_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            extra_cfg = fp.read()
        mailman.config.config.push('extra testing config', extra_cfg)
Exemple #4
def initialize_1(config_path=None):
    """First initialization step.

    * Zope component architecture
    * The configuration system
    * Run-time directories

    :param config_path: The path to the configuration file.
    :type config_path: string
    zcml = resource_string('mailman.config', 'configure.zcml')
    # By default, set the umask so that only owner and group can read and
    # write our files.  Specifically we must have g+rw and we probably want
    # o-rwx although I think in most cases it doesn't hurt if other can read
    # or write the files.
    # Initialize configuration event subscribers.  This must be done before
    # setting up the configuration system.
    from mailman.app.events import initialize as initialize_events
    # config_path will be set if the command line argument -C is given.  That
    # case overrides all others.  When not given on the command line, the
    # configuration file is searched for in the file system.
    if config_path is None:
        config_path = search_for_configuration_file()
    elif config_path is INHIBIT_CONFIG_FILE:
        # For the test suite, force this back to not using a config file.
        config_path = None
    # Use this environment variable to define an extra configuration file for
    # testing.  This is used by the tox.ini to run the full test suite under
    # PostgreSQL.
    extra_cfg_path = os.environ.get('MAILMAN_EXTRA_TESTING_CFG')
    if extra_cfg_path is not None:
        with open(extra_cfg_path) as fp:
            extra_cfg = fp.read().decode('utf-8')
        mailman.config.config.push('extra testing config', extra_cfg)