Exemple #1
 def __str__(self):
     if self.message is None:
         return _('[No details are available]')
     reasons = (_('[No reasons given]') if self.reasons is None else
     substitutions = self.substitutions.copy()
     substitutions['reasons'] = reasons
     return _(self.message, substitutions)
Exemple #2
def _compose_reasons(msgdata, column=66):
    # Rules can add reasons to the metadata.
    reasons = msgdata.get('moderation_reasons', [_('N/A')])
    return NL.join([(SPACE * 4) + wrap(reason, column=column)
                    for reason in format_reasons(reasons)])
Exemple #3
    def _process(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
        """See `TerminalChainBase`."""
        # Start by decorating the message with a header that contains a list
        # of all the rules that matched.  These metadata could be None or an
        # empty list.
        rule_hits = msgdata.get('rule_hits')
        if rule_hits:
            msg['X-Mailman-Rule-Hits'] = SEMISPACE.join(rule_hits)
        rule_misses = msgdata.get('rule_misses')
        if rule_misses:
            msg['X-Mailman-Rule-Misses'] = SEMISPACE.join(rule_misses)
        reasons = format_reasons(msgdata.get('moderation_reasons', ['n/a']))
        # Hold the message by adding it to the list's request database.
        request_id = hold_message(mlist, msg, msgdata, SEMISPACE.join(reasons))
        # Calculate a confirmation token to send to the author of the
        # message.
        pendable = HeldMessagePendable(id=request_id)
        token = getUtility(IPendings).add(pendable)
        # Get the language to send the response in.  If the sender is a
        # member, then send it in the member's language, otherwise send it in
        # the mailing list's preferred language.
        member = mlist.members.get_member(msg.sender)
        language = (member.preferred_language
                    if member else mlist.preferred_language)
        # A substitution dictionary for the email templates.
        charset = mlist.preferred_language.charset
        original_subject = msg.get('subject')
        if original_subject is None:
            original_subject = _('(no subject)')
            # This must be encoded to the mailing list's perferred charset,
            # ignoring incompatible characters, otherwise when creating the
            # notification messages, we could get a Unicode error.
            oneline_subject = oneline(original_subject, in_unicode=True)
            bytes_subject = oneline_subject.encode(charset, 'replace')
            original_subject = bytes_subject.decode(charset)
        substitutions = dict(
            # For backward compatibility.
        # At this point the message is held, but now we have to craft at least
        # two responses.  The first will go to the original author of the
        # message and it will contain the token allowing them to approve or
        # discard the message.  The second one will go to the moderators of
        # the mailing list, if the list is so configured.
        # Start by possibly sending a response to the message author.  There
        # are several reasons why we might not go through with this.  If the
        # message was gated from NNTP, the author may not even know about this
        # list, so don't spam them.  If the author specifically requested that
        # acknowledgments not be sent, or if the message was bulk email, then
        # we do not send the response.  It's also possible that either the
        # mailing list, or the author (if they are a member) have been
        # configured to not send such responses.
        if (not msgdata.get('fromusenet') and can_acknowledge(msg)
                and mlist.respond_to_post_requests
                and autorespond_to_sender(mlist, msg.sender, language)):
            # We can respond to the sender with a message indicating their
            # posting was held.
            subject = _(
                'Your message to $mlist.fqdn_listname awaits moderator approval'
            send_language_code = msgdata.get('lang', language.code)
            template = getUtility(ITemplateLoader).get(
                'list:user:notice:hold', mlist, language=send_language_code)
            text = wrap(
                expand(template, mlist,
                       dict(language=send_language_code, **substitutions)))
            adminaddr = mlist.bounces_address
            nmsg = UserNotification(
                msg.sender, adminaddr, subject, text,
        # Now the message for the list moderators.  This one should appear to
        # come from <list>-owner since we really don't need to do bounce
        # processing on it.
        if mlist.admin_immed_notify:
            # Now let's temporarily set the language context to that which the
            # administrators are expecting.
            with _.using(mlist.preferred_language.code):
                language = mlist.preferred_language
                charset = language.charset
                substitutions['subject'] = original_subject
                # We need to regenerate or re-translate a few values in the
                # substitution dictionary.
                substitutions['reasons'] = _compose_reasons(msgdata, 55)
                # craft the admin notification message and deliver it
                subject = _(
                    '$mlist.fqdn_listname post from $msg.sender requires '
                nmsg = UserNotification(mlist.owner_address,
                template = getUtility(ITemplateLoader).get(
                    'list:admin:action:post', mlist)
                text = MIMEText(expand(template, mlist, substitutions),
                dmsg = MIMEText(wrap(
If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact, Mailman will
discard the held message.  Do this if the message is spam.  If you reply to
this message and include an Approved: header with the list password in it, the
message will be approved for posting to the list.  The Approved: header can
also appear in the first line of the body of the reply.""")),
                dmsg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + token
                dmsg['From'] = mlist.request_address
                dmsg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
                dmsg['Message-ID'] = make_msgid()
        # Log the held message.  Log messages are not translated, so recast
        # the reasons in the English.
        with _.using('en'):
            reasons = format_reasons(msgdata.get('moderation_reasons',
            log.info('HOLD: %s post from %s held, message-id=%s: %s',
                     mlist.fqdn_listname, msg.sender,
                     msg.get('message-id', 'n/a'), SEMISPACE.join(reasons))
        notify(HoldEvent(mlist, msg, msgdata, self))