Exemple #1
    def load(self, session, filename=None):
        self.index = None
        self.reset(rules=False, data=True)

        filename = filename or self.conffile
        lines = []
            fd = open(filename, 'rb')
                decrypt_and_parse_lines(fd, lambda l: lines.append(l), None)
            except ValueError:
        except IOError:

        # Discover plugins and update the config rule to match
        from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager
        self.plugins = PluginManager(config=self, builtin=True).discover([
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..',
            os.path.join(self.workdir, 'plugins')
        self.sys.plugins.rules['_any'][1] = self.plugins.available()

        # Parse once (silently), to figure out which plugins to load...
        self.parse_config(None, '\n'.join(lines), source=filename)

        if len(self.sys.plugins) == 0:

        # Now all the plugins are loaded, reset and parse again!
        self.parse_config(session, '\n'.join(lines), source=filename)

        # Open event log
        self.event_log = EventLog(
            self.data_directory('event_log', mode='rw', mkdir=True),
            # FIXME: Disbled encryption for now
            lambda: False and self.prefs.obfuscate_index).load()

        # Enable translations
        translation = self.get_i18n_translation(session)

        # Configure jinja2
        self.jinja_env = Environment(
                'jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.with_', 'jinja2.ext.do',
        self.jinja_env.install_gettext_translations(translation, newstyle=True)

        # Load VCards
        self.vcards = VCardStore(
            self, self.data_directory('vcards', mode='rw', mkdir=True))
Exemple #2
    def data_file_and_mimetype(self, ftype, fpath, *args, **kwargs):
        # The theme gets precedence
        core_path = self.data_directory(ftype, *args, **kwargs)
        path, mimetype = os.path.join(core_path, fpath), None

        # If there's nothing there, check our plugins
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager
            path, mimetype = PluginManager().get_web_asset(fpath, path)

        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path, mimetype
            return None, None
Exemple #3
import os

import mailpile.security as security
from mailpile.commands import Command
from mailpile.i18n import gettext as _
from mailpile.i18n import ngettext as _n
from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager
from mailpile.crypto.gpgi import GnuPG
from mailpile.vcard import *

_plugins = PluginManager(builtin=__file__)

# User default GnuPG key file
DEF_GNUPG_HOME = os.path.expanduser('~/.gnupg')

class GnuPGImporter(VCardImporter):
    FORMAT_DESCRIPTION = _('Import contacts from GnuPG keyring')
    SHORT_NAME = 'gpg'
        'active': [_('Enable this importer'), bool, True],
        'gpg_home': [_('Location of keyring'), 'path', DEF_GNUPG_HOME],
    VCL_KEY_FMT = 'data:application/x-pgp-fingerprint,%s'

    # Merge by own identifier, email or key (in that order)
    MERGE_BY = ['x-gpg-mrgid', 'email']
Exemple #4
        if self.data.get('_method', None) == 'POST':
            password = self.data.get('password', [None])[0]
            password = self.session.ui.get_password(
                _('Enter your password:'******' ')

        if policy == 'store':
            if fingerprint in config.passphrases:
                del config.passphrases[fingerprint]
            config.secrets[fingerprint] = {
                'password': password,
                'policy': policy
            return happy(_('Password stored permanently'))

        elif policy == 'cache-only' and password:
            sps = SecurePassphraseStorage(password)
            if ttl > 0:
                sps.expiration = time.time() + ttl
            config.passphrases[fingerprint] = sps
            if fingerprint.lower() in config.secrets:
                del config.secrets[fingerprint.lower()]
            return happy(_('Password stored temporarily'))

            return self._error(_('Invalid password policy!'), result)

plugin_manager = PluginManager(builtin=True)
plugin_manager.register_commands(Authenticate, DeAuthenticate, SetPassphrase)
Exemple #5
            PGPKeysImportAsVCards(self.session, arg=fingerprints).run()
            # Previous crypto evaluations may now be out of date, so we
            # clear the cache so users can see results right away.

        # i18n note: Not translating things here, since messages are not
        #            generally use-facing and we want to reduce load on our
        #            translators.
        return self._success('Evaluated key TOFU', result={
            'missing_keys': missing,
            'imported_keys': imported,
            'status': status,
            'on_keychain': old})

    KeyLookup, KeyImport, KeyTofu)

##[ Basic lookup handlers ]###################################################

class LookupHandler:
    NAME = "NONE"
    TIMEOUT = 2
    PRIORITY = 10000
    LOCAL = False

    def __init__(self, session, known_keys_list):
        self.session = session
        self.known_keys = known_keys_list

    def _gnupg(self):
Exemple #6
 def _get_ui_elements(self, ui_type, state, context=None):
     self._debug('get_ui_element(%s, %s, ...)' % (ui_type, state))
     ctx = context or state.get('context_url', '')
     return copy.deepcopy(PluginManager().get_ui_elements(ui_type, ctx))
Exemple #7
import mailbox
import os
import time
from gettext import gettext as _

import mailpile.config
from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager
from mailpile.util import *
from mailpile.commands import Command
from mailpile.mailutils import Email

_plugins = PluginManager(builtin=os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3])

##[ Configuration ]###########################################################

MAILBOX_FORMATS = ('mbox', 'maildir')

    'prefs', {
        ['Default format for exporting mail', MAILBOX_FORMATS, 'mbox'],

##[ Commands ]################################################################

class ExportMail(Command):
    """Export messages to an external mailbox"""
    SYNOPSIS = (None, 'export', None, '<msgs> [flat] [<fmt>:<path>]')
    ORDER = ('Searching', 99)
 def _get_ui_elements(self, ui_type, state, context=None):
     ctx = context or state.get('context_url', '')
     return copy.deepcopy(PluginManager().get_ui_elements(ui_type, ctx))
Exemple #9
import time
import datetime
from gettext import gettext as _

from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager

_plugins = PluginManager(builtin=__name__)

##[ Keywords ]################################################################

def meta_kw_extractor(index, msg_mid, msg, msg_size, msg_ts):
    mdate = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(msg_ts)
    keywords = [
        '%s:year' % mdate.year,
        '%s:month' % mdate.month,
        '%s:day' % mdate.day,
        '%s-%s:yearmonth' % (mdate.year, mdate.month),
        '%s-%s-%s:date' % (mdate.year, mdate.month, mdate.day)
    return keywords

_plugins.register_meta_kw_extractor('dates', meta_kw_extractor)

##[ Search terms ]############################################################

def _adjust(d):
    if d[2] > 31:
        d[1] += 1
Exemple #10
from mailpile.plugins import PluginManager
from mailpile.commands import Command
from mailpile.crypto.state import *
from mailpile.eventlog import Event
from mailpile.plugins.tags import Tag
from mailpile.mailutils import ExtractEmails, ExtractEmailAndName, Email
from mailpile.mailutils import NotEditableError
from mailpile.mailutils import NoFromAddressError, PrepareMessage
from mailpile.smtp_client import SendMail
from mailpile.search import MailIndex
from mailpile.urlmap import UrlMap
from mailpile.util import *

from mailpile.plugins.search import Search, SearchResults, View

_plugins = PluginManager(builtin=True)

class EditableSearchResults(SearchResults):
    def __init__(self, session, idx, new, sent, **kwargs):
        SearchResults.__init__(self, session, idx, **kwargs)
        self.new_messages = new
        self.sent_messages = sent
        if new:
            self['created'] = [m.msg_mid() for m in new]
        if sent:
            self['sent'] = [m.msg_mid() for m in new]
            self['summary'] = _('Sent: %s') % self['summary']

def AddComposeMethods(cls):