Exemple #1
def test_empty_db():
    tests that you can initilize an empty DB
    db = model.DonorDB()

    donor_list = db.list_donors()
    # no donors
    assert donor_list.strip() == "Donor list:"
def test_database_save():
    db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())

    json_dict = db.to_json_compat()

    db2 = model.DonorDB.from_json_dict(json_dict)


    assert db2 == db
    assert db2.donor_data == db.donor_data
The only code in here should deal with the command line interface.

Nothing to do with the logic code, etc that does the real work.

import sys
import math

# handy utility to make pretty printing easier
from textwrap import dedent

from mailroom import model

# create a DB with the sample data
db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())

def main_menu_selection():
    Print out the main application menu and then read the user input.
    action = input(dedent('''
      Choose an action:

      1 - Send a Thank You
      2 - Create a Report
      3 - Send letters to everyone
      4 - Quit

      > '''))
def sample_db():
    creates a clean sample database for the tests to use
    return model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())
def test_save_load_file():
    db = model.DonorDB(model.get_sample_data())
    db2 = model.DonorDB.load_from_file("test.json")

    assert db == db2