def merge_longforms(self): for key in self.merge_dict: make_dir(self.graph_path + 'final_longform_csv/' + key) try: for tag in self.tag_list: df_list = [] for name in self.merge_dict[key]: try: path = self.graph_path + 'basic_longform_csv/' + name + '/' + name + '_' + tag + '.csv' print('Merge', name, 'to', key, 'from', path) df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=',', index_col=self.index_name) df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[-3]: key}) df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('_', ' ') df_list.append(df) print(df) except Exception as e: print(e) concat_df = pd.concat(df_list) concat_df.to_csv(self.graph_path + 'final_longform_csv/' + key + '/' + key + '_' + tag + '.csv') except Exception as e: print(e)
def __init__(self, D_PATH='_BIG_D/', period_string_min='5min', full_dataset=True): self.sum_total_power_df = mainDataset(D_PATH, period_string_min, full_dataset).load_total_power() self.sum_total_power_array = self.sum_total_power_df.to_numpy() self.D_PATH = D_PATH + 'statistics/dataset-statistics/' make_dir(self.D_PATH)
def __init__(self, main_dataset, df, num_past_periods=12): self.D_PATH = main_dataset.__dict__['D_PATH'] self.period_string_min = main_dataset.__dict__['period_string_min'] = main_dataset.__dict__['lstm_name'] self.alle_inputs_df = df self.num_past_periods = num_past_periods self.timer = Timer() make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/training-data/')
def logs_to_csv(self): working_dir = os.getcwd() for name in self.all_names: make_dir(self.graph_path + 'seperate_log_csv/' + name) try: if self.mode == 'compare': path = self.log_path + '*' + name + '_t-stamp*' else: path = self.log_path + '*' + name + '*' for folder_path in iglob(path): print('path:', folder_path) csv_name = folder_path.split('\\')[-1] #name = folder_path.split('/')[-1] ea = event_accumulator.EventAccumulator(folder_path) ea.Reload() #self.csv_path_list = [] if self.custom_tags == False: self.tag_list = [] #for tag in self.tag_list: for tag in ea.Tags()['scalars']: try: tag_str = tag.replace(':', '').split(' ')[-1] print(tag_str) #os.chdir(self.graph_path+'seperate_log_csv/'+name+'/') csv_path = self.graph_path + 'seperate_log_csv/' + name + '/' + csv_name + '-tag-' + tag_str + '.csv' #print(pd.DataFrame(ea.Scalars(tag))) pd.DataFrame(ea.Scalars(tag)).to_csv(csv_path) #print(csv_path) #test.to_csv(csv_name+'-tag-'+tag_str+'.csv') #os.chdir(working_dir) if self.custom_tags == False: self.tag_list.append(tag_str) #self.csv_path_list.append(csv_path) except Exception as e: print('Exception:', e) except Exception as e: print('Exception:', e) print('Could not open any log with path:', self.log_path, 'that includes', name)
def plot_lstm_output(self): path = self.graph_path + 'output_graphs/all_runs' make_dir(path) index_list = [] max_list = [] mean_list = [] for csv in iglob('lstm-outputs/*.csv'): print(csv) csv_name = csv.split('\\')[-1] df = pd.read_csv(csv, delimiter=',', index_col=[0]) df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[0]: 'prediction'}) df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[1]: 'real value'}) df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[2]: 'absoulte error'}) df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[3]: 'squared error'}) print(df) index_list.append(csv_name) max_list.append(np.max(df['absoulte error'].to_numpy())) mean_list.append(np.mean(df['absoulte error'].to_numpy())) df.plot() plt.ylabel('energy demand in kw') plt.xlabel('step') plt.savefig(path + '/' + csv_name + '.svg') plt.close() error_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'run': index_list, 'max_error': max_list, 'mean_error': mean_list, }) print(error_df) error_df.to_csv(self.graph_path + 'output_graphs/lstm_error.csv')
def coulmn_to_smoothed_period_df( self, dataset_name, coulmn_name, c_num=None, c_total=None ): # returns Datafram: Strombedarf (nur noch eine Spalte, Index = SensorDateTime, neuerstellt) ''' Tries to open the dataset for a specific machine that is already smoothed to the time-period. Creates a new dataset if a dataset for the given time-period can not be opened. Used by :meth:`schaffer.mainDataset.smoothed_df`. Args: dataset_name (string): The name of the downloaded HIPE-dataset for a specific machine. coulmn_name (string): The name of the new dataset for a specif machine, that will be later used as a column name when all the machine-datasets are merged. c_num (int): Can be used to show the progress and has to be the count of current the machine-dataset c_total (int): Can be used to show the progress and has to be the sum of all machine-dataset Returns: dataframe: The smoothed dataset for a given machine ''' # Falls möglich Daten öffnen try: dataframe = pd.read_csv( self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/single-column-tables/' + coulmn_name + '.csv', index_col='SensorDateTime', parse_dates=True) # Sonst erstellen except: self.timer.start() print( 'Could not open:', self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/single-column-tables/' + coulmn_name + '.csv') print('Creating new /single-column-tables/' + coulmn_name + '.csv...') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/single-column-tables/') dataframe = pd.read_csv('dataset/' + dataset_name + '.csv', index_col='SensorDateTime', parse_dates=True) dataframe = dataframe["P_kW"].to_frame() # Converting the index as date dataframe.index = pd.to_datetime(dataframe.index, utc=True) dataframe = dataframe.resample( self.period_string_min).mean().rename( columns={"P_kW": coulmn_name}) dataframe.to_csv(self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/single-column-tables/' + coulmn_name + '.csv') self.timer.stop() if c_num == None and c_total == None: print('Created dataset for', coulmn_name, 'from', dataset_name) print('Elapsed time:', self.timer.elapsed_time_string()) else: print('Created dataset for', coulmn_name, 'from', dataset_name, '({}/{})'.format(c_num, c_total)) print('Elapsed time:', self.timer.elapsed_time_string()) print( 'Estimated time to create the rest of /single-column-tables/:', self.timer.rest_time_string(c_num, c_total)) print('Table ' + self.D_PATH + 'tables/' + self.period_string_min + '/single-column-tables/' + coulmn_name + '.csv loaded successfully') return dataframe
def __init__(self, D_PATH='_BIG_D/', period_min=5, full_dataset=False): self.D_PATH = D_PATH self.period_min = period_min self.period_string_min = '{}min'.format(period_min) self.full_dataset = full_dataset self.timer = Timer() make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'lstm-models/') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'lstm-logs/') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'lstm-outputs/') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'agent-models/') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'agent-logs/') make_dir(self.D_PATH + 'agent-outputs/')
def simple_plot(self, name, df=None, path=None, save_path=None): if save_path == None: make_dir(self.graph_path + 'graphs/' + name) for tag in self.tag_list: try: if path == None: if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): path = self.graph_path + 'final_longform_csv/' + name + '/' + name + '_' + tag if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = pd.read_csv(path + '.csv') #df = df.drop(columns=[df.columns[0]]) print(df) ''' if self.graph_name == True: plt.title(name.replace('_',' ')) sns.lineplot(data=df, dashes=False, x=df.columns[0], y=df.columns[1], hue="type", palette=self.sns_palette)#, label=df.columns[-1]) #plt.xlabel(df.index.names[0]) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel(tag) #plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1),borderaxespad=0) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1),loc='right') #plt.savefig(self.graph_path+'graphs/'+name+'/'+name+'_'+tag+'.png') plt.close() ''' fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) g = sns.lineplot(data=df, dashes=False, x=df.columns[0], y=df.columns[1], hue="type", palette=self.sns_palette, ax=ax1, legend=self.legend) #, label=df.columns[-1]) ''' box = g.get_position() g.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height]) # resize position # Put a legend to the right side g.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.33, 0.5), ncol=1) ''' if self.graph_name == True or self.title != None: if self.title == None: plt.title(name.replace('_', ' ')) else: plt.title(self.title) if self.y_label == None: plt.ylabel(tag.replace('_', ' ')) else: plt.ylabel(self.y_label) plt.xlabel(self.index_name.replace('_', ' ')) if save_path == None: save_path = self.graph_path + 'graphs/' + name + '/' + name + '_' + tag + '_' + str( self.rolling_mean) + '.svg' plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close() print('Saved graph to:', save_path) except Exception as e: print(e)
def create_basic_longforms(self): for name in self.all_names: make_dir(self.graph_path + 'basic_longform_csv/' + name) make_dir(self.graph_path + 'learn_time/' + name) learn_time_dict_list = [] for tag in self.tag_list: try: print('Creating longform for', name, 'with', tag, '...') df_list = [] name_list = [] for filename in iglob(self.graph_path + 'seperate_log_csv/' + name + '/*-tag-' + tag + '.csv'): print(filename) # Name: df = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter=',') df = df.set_index('step') df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[-1]: name}) df = df.rename( columns={df.columns[0]: self.index_name}) if self.rolling_mean != 1: df[name] = df[name].rolling( self.rolling_mean).mean() # Index: df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('_', ' ') df.index.names = [self.index_name] # drop unnamed: df = df.drop(columns=[df.columns[0]]) # Add column for type: if any(type_string in name for type_string in self.name_type_list): type_string = name.split('_')[-1] df['type'] = type_string else: type_string = filename.split( self.type_first_split)[-1] type_string = type_string.split( self.type_second_split)[0] type_string = type_string.split('_')[-1] df['type'] = type_string # Add column for run number: run = name_list.count(type_string) df['run'] = run # Calculate learning time: learn_time_dict_list.append( self.calc_learn_time(df[df.columns[-4]], tag, name, run, type_string)) df = df.drop(columns=[df.columns[-4]]) = filename df_list.append(df) name_list.append(type_string) # Save longform table: concat_df = pd.concat(df_list) concat_df.to_csv(self.graph_path + 'basic_longform_csv/' + name + '/' + name + '_' + tag + '.csv') except Exception as e: print(e) # Save learning time table: learn_time_df = pd.DataFrame(learn_time_dict_list) learn_time_df.to_csv(self.graph_path + 'learn_time/' + name + '/' + name + '_time_comparison.csv') '''