def episode(request, episode_id, episode_slug=None, edit_key=None): episode=get_object_or_404(Episode,id=episode_id) location=episode.location client=show.client try: # why Start/End can't be null: # # prev_episode = episode.get_previous_by_start(show=show) prev_episode = episode.get_previous_by_start(show=show) except Episode.DoesNotExist: # at edge of the set of nulls or values. prev_episode = None try: next_episode = episode.get_next_by_start(show=show) except Episode.DoesNotExist: next_episode = None cuts = Cut_List.objects.filter(episode=episode).order_by('sequence','raw_file__start','start') # If this episode doesn't have a cut list yet, try to create one. if not cuts: cuts = mk_cuts(episode) if cuts: offset = abs( cuts[0].raw_file.start - episode.start ) else: offset = None # start times of chapters (included cuts) start_chap = (0,"00:00") # frame, timestamp chaps,frame_total = [],0 for cut in cuts: if cut.apply: frame_total+=int(cut.duration()) end_chap = (int(frame_total*29.27), "%s:%02i:%02i" % (frame_total//3600, (frame_total%3600)//60, frame_total%60) ) chaps.append((start_chap,end_chap,cut)) # setup for next chapter start_chap=end_chap else: chaps.append(('','')) clrfFormSet = formset_factory(clrfForm, extra=0) if request.method == 'POST' and \ (request.user.is_authenticated() or episode.edit_key == edit_key): episode_form = Episode_Form_small(request.POST, instance=episode) clrfformset = clrfFormSet(request.POST) add_cutlist_to_ep = Add_CutList_to_Ep(request.POST) if episode_form.is_valid() \ and clrfformset.is_valid() \ and add_cutlist_to_ep.is_valid(): # if the state got bumpped, move to the next episode if episode.state: bump_ep = episode.state+1 == episode_form.cleaned_data['state'] else: bump_ep = None for form in clrfformset.forms: cl=get_object_or_404(Cut_List,id=form.cleaned_data['clid']) cl.raw_file.trash=form.cleaned_data['trash'] cl.raw_file.comment=form.cleaned_data['rf_comment'] cl.sequence=form.cleaned_data['sequence'] cl.start=form.cleaned_data['start'] cl.end=form.cleaned_data['end'] cl.apply=form.cleaned_data['apply'] cl.comment=form.cleaned_data['cl_comment'] if form.cleaned_data['split']: cl.sequence+=1 rf_pathnames = add_cutlist_to_ep.cleaned_data['rf_pathname'] # print "#1", rf_pathnames if rf_pathnames: sequence = add_cutlist_to_ep.cleaned_data['sequence'] for rf_pathname in rf_pathnames.split(): # rf_pathname = "pycon13-t4-%s.dv" % (rf_pathname,) # print "#2", rf_pathname rfs = Raw_File.objects.filter(filename=rf_pathname) for rf in rfs: cl = Cut_List.objects.create( episode=episode, raw_file=rf, apply = True, sequence = sequence, ) sequence +=1 print rf, cl # if trash got touched, # need to requery to get things in the right order. I think. if bump_ep: episode = nextepisode episode_form = Episode_Form_small(instance=episode) cuts = Cut_List.objects.filter( episode=episode).order_by( 'sequence', 'raw_file__trash','raw_file__start') init = [{'clid', 'trash':cut.raw_file.trash, 'sequence':cut.sequence, 'start':cut.start, 'end':cut.end, 'apply':cut.apply, 'cl_comment':cut.comment, 'rf_comment':cut.raw_file.comment, } for cut in cuts] clrfformset = clrfFormSet(initial=init) else: # pass print "ep errors:", episode_form.errors print "clrf errors:", clrfformset.errors print add_cutlist_to_ep.errors else: # hide emails if user is not logged n if not request.user.is_authenticated(): episode.emails = None episode_form = Episode_Form_small(instance=episode) # init data with things in the queryset that need editing # this part seems to work. init = [{'clid', 'trash':cut.raw_file.trash, 'sequence':cut.sequence, 'start':cut.start, 'end':cut.end, 'apply':cut.apply, 'cl_comment':cut.comment, 'rf_comment':cut.raw_file.comment, } for cut in cuts] clrfformset = clrfFormSet(initial=init) # blank out previous valuse so we don't keep adding the same thing add_cutlist_to_ep=Add_CutList_to_Ep(initial = {'sequence':1}) # If all the dates are the same, don't bother displaying them if episode.start is None or episode.end is None: same_dates = False else: talkdate = same_dates = if same_dates: for cut in cuts: same_dates = same_dates and \ return render_to_response('episode.html', {'episode':episode, 'offset':offset, 'chaps':chaps, 'client':client, 'show':show, 'location':location, 'prev_episode':prev_episode, 'next_episode':next_episode, 'same_dates':same_dates, 'episode_form':episode_form, 'clrffs':zip(cuts,chaps,clrfformset.forms), 'clrfformset':clrfformset, 'add_cutlist_to_ep':add_cutlist_to_ep, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
def episode(request, episode_no): episode=get_object_or_404(Episode,id=episode_no) location=episode.location client=show.client try: # why Start/End can't be null: # prev_episode = episode.get_previous_by_start(show=show) except Episode.DoesNotExist: # at edge of the set of nulls or values. prev_episode = None try: next_episode = episode.get_next_by_start(show=show) except Episode.DoesNotExist: next_episode = None cuts = Cut_List.objects.filter(episode=episode).order_by('sequence','raw_file__start','start') if not cuts: cuts = mk_cuts(episode) clrfFormSet = formset_factory(clrfForm, extra=0) if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.method == 'POST': episode_form = Episode_Form_small(request.POST, instance=episode) clrfformset = clrfFormSet(request.POST) if episode_form.is_valid() and clrfformset.is_valid(): # if the state got bumpped, move to the next episode if episode.state: bump_ep = episode.state+1 == episode_form.cleaned_data['state'] else: bump_ep = None for form in clrfformset.forms: cl=get_object_or_404(Cut_List,id=form.cleaned_data['clid']) cl.raw_file.trash=form.cleaned_data['trash'] cl.raw_file.comment=form.cleaned_data['rf_comment'] cl.sequence=form.cleaned_data['sequence'] cl.start=form.cleaned_data['start'] cl.end=form.cleaned_data['end'] cl.apply=form.cleaned_data['apply'] cl.comment=form.cleaned_data['cl_comment'] if form.cleaned_data['split']: cl.sequence+=1 # if trash got touched, # need to requery to get things in the right order. I think. if bump_ep: episode = nextepisode episode_form = Episode_Form_small(instance=episode) cuts = Cut_List.objects.filter( episode=episode).order_by('raw_file__trash','raw_file__start') init = [{'clid', 'trash':cut.raw_file.trash, 'sequence':cut.sequence, 'start':cut.start, 'end':cut.end, 'apply':cut.apply, 'cl_comment':cut.comment, 'rf_comment':cut.raw_file.comment, } for cut in cuts] clrfformset = clrfFormSet(initial=init) else: pass # print "ep errors:", episode_form.errors # print clrfformset.errors else: episode_form = Episode_Form_small(instance=episode) # init data with things in the queryset that need editing # this part seems to work. init = [{'clid', 'trash':cut.raw_file.trash, 'sequence':cut.sequence, 'start':cut.start, 'end':cut.end, 'apply':cut.apply, 'cl_comment':cut.comment, 'rf_comment':cut.raw_file.comment, } for cut in cuts] clrfformset = clrfFormSet(initial=init) # If all the dates are the same, don't bother displaying them if episode.start is None or episode.end is None: same_dates = False else: talkdate = same_dates = if same_dates: for cut in cuts: same_dates = same_dates and \ return render_to_response('episode.html', {'episode':episode, 'client':client, 'show':show, 'location':location, 'prev_episode':prev_episode, 'next_episode':next_episode, 'same_dates':same_dates, 'episode_form':episode_form, 'clrffs':zip(cuts,clrfformset.forms), 'clrfformset':clrfformset, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )