ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') snames = [] if args.plotConfig: # if a plot config is specified, use the samples for that snames = plotconfig.getConfig(args.plotConfig).samples() else: snames = args.snames # handle special group names if 'all' in snames: snames.remove('all') snames = selectors.keys() elif 'dmfs' in snames: snames.remove('dmfs') snames += [key for key in selectors.keys() if key.startswith('dm') and key[3:5] == 'fs'] elif 'dm' in snames: snames.remove('dm') snames += [key for key in selectors.keys() if key.startswith('dm')] elif 'add' in snames: snames.remove('add') snames += [key for key in selectors.keys() if key.startswith('add')] if 'fs' in snames: snames.remove('fs') snames += [key for key in selectors.keys() if 'fs' in key] # filter out empty samples tmp = [name for name in snames if allsamples[name].sumw > 0.]
# print "This combination is not part of the DMWG recommendations, moving onto next one." continue; selectors[sname] = mc_cand if __name__ == '__main__': ROOT.gSystem.Load('') ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'] + '/src/MitFlat/DataFormats/interface') ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') sNames = sys.argv[1:] if len(sNames) != 0: if sNames[0] == 'all': sNames = selectors.keys() elif sNames[0] == 'list': print ' '.join(sorted(selectors.keys())) sys.exit(0) elif sNames[0] == 'dm': sNames = [key for key in selectors.keys() if 'dm' in key] print ' '.join(sorted(sNames)) """ for sName in sorted(sNames): print sName """ sys.exit(0) skimmer = ROOT.Skimmer() sampleNames = []
sys.argv = [] import ROOT ROOT.gSystem.Load(config.libsimpletree) ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + config.dataformats + '/interface') ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + config.dataformats + '/tools') ROOT.gSystem.AddIncludePath('-I' + os.path.dirname(basedir) + '/common') compiled = ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro(thisdir + '/') # doesn't seem to be returning different values if compilation fails :( if (compiled < 0 ): print "Couldn't compile Quitting." sys.exit() snames = processSampleNames(args.snames, selectors.keys(), args.plotConfig) if args.list: print ' '.join(sorted(snames)) # for sname in sorted(snames): # print sname sys.exit(0) skimmer = ROOT.Skimmer() if not os.path.exists(config.skimDir): os.makedirs(config.skimDir) if args.files: nStart = args.files[0] nEnd = args.files[1]