Exemple #1
def storescript(script, path, replacing=kAsk):
	"""Store a script object into a file
		script : AEDesc -- the script object to store (an AEDesc of typeScript)
		path : str -- the file to store the script object in
		replacing : kYes | kAsk | kNo -- control display of Save As dialog; default is kAsk
	osax('sysostor', {'----':script, 'fpth':macfile.File(path), 'savo':replacing})
Exemple #2
def say(text, display=None, voice=None, waiting=None, outputfile=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Speak the given text.
		text : str -- the text to speak, which can include intonation characters
		display : str -- the text to display in the feedback window (if different). Ignored unless Speech Recognition is on.
		voice : str -- the voice to speak with.  Ignored if Speech Recognition is on.
		waiting : bool  -- wait for speech to complete before returning (default is true). Ignored unless Speech Recognition is on.
		outputfile : anything -- the alias, file reference or Mac-style path string of an AIFF file (existing or not) to contain the sound output.
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
	osax('sysottos', _params({'----':text}, ('DISP', display), ('VOIC', voice), ('wfsp', waiting), ('stof', outputfile)), target=app)
Exemple #3
def storescript(script, path, replacing=kAsk):
    """Store a script object into a file
		script : AEDesc -- the script object to store (an AEDesc of typeScript)
		path : str -- the file to store the script object in
		replacing : kYes | kAsk | kNo -- control display of Save As dialog; default is kAsk
    osax('sysostor', {
        '----': script,
        'fpth': macfile.File(path),
        'savo': replacing
Exemple #4
def systemattribute(attribute, testbits=None):
	"""Test attributes of this computer
		attribute : str -- 4-letter code; the attribute to test (either a "Gestalt" value or a shell environment variable). # TO CHECK: Which codes? Does it take long strings too? (Apple's documentation is hopeless...)
		testbits : int -- test specific bits of response
		Result: int | str -- the result of the query (or a list of all environment variables, if no attribute is provided)
	return osax('fndrgstl', _params({'----':AEType(attribute)}, ('has ', testbits)))
Exemple #5
def displaydialog(text,
    """Display a dialog box, optionally requesting user input
		text : str -- the text to display in dialog box
		buttons : list of str -- a list of up to three button names
		defaultbutton : int | str -- the name or number of the default button
		defaultanswer : str -- the default editable text
		icon : str | int | kStop | kNote | kCaution -- the name or ID of the icon to display
		timeout : int -- number of seconds to wait before automatically dismissing dialog
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : (str, str, bool) -- the button clicked (or '' if dialog gave up), text entered (or None if no defaultanswer given), dialog timed-out flag (or None if no timeout given)
        reply = osax('sysodlog',
                     _params({'----': text}, ('dtxt', defaultanswer),
                             ('btns', buttons), ('dflt', defaultbutton),
                             ('disp', icon), ('givu', timeout)),
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #6
def chooseitems(items,
    """Allows user to select an item from a list of strings
		items : list of str -- a list of strings to display (an empty list if no selection)
		prompt : str -- the prompt to appear at the top of the list selection dialog
		default : list of str -- list of strings to initially select
		okbutton : str -- the name of the OK button
		cancelbutton : str -- the name of the Cancel button
		multiselelect : bool -- Allow multiple items to be selected?
		emptyselect : bool -- Can the user make no selection and then choose OK?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : list of str -- the list of strings chosen
    reply = osax('gtqpchlt',
                 _params({'----': items}, ('prmp', prompt), ('inSL', default),
                         ('mlsl', multiselelect), ('empL', emptyselect),
                         ('okbt', okbutton), ('cnbt', cancelbutton)),
    if reply == False:
        raise UserCancelled
        return reply
Exemple #7
def systemattribute(attribute, testbits=None):
    """Test attributes of this computer
		attribute : str -- 4-letter code; the attribute to test (either a "Gestalt" value or a shell environment variable). # TO CHECK: Which codes? Does it take long strings too? (Apple's documentation is hopeless...)
		testbits : int -- test specific bits of response
		Result: int | str -- the result of the query (or a list of all environment variables, if no attribute is provided)
    return osax('fndrgstl',
                _params({'----': AEType(attribute)}, ('has ', testbits)))
Exemple #8
def pathto(location, domain=None, asstring=False):
	"""Returns full path name to the folder specified
		location : kApplicationSupport | kCurrentUser | kDesktop | kDesktopPictures | kFolderActions | kFonts | kHelp | kKeychain | kModemScripts | kPreferences | kPrinterDescriptions | kScriptingAdditions | kScripts | kSharedLibraries | kStartupDisk | kSystem | kSystemPreferences | kTemporaryItems | kTrash | kUsers | kVoices -- the folder to return
		domain : kNetworkDomain | kSystemDomain | kLocalDomain | kUserDomain -- where to look for the indicated folder
		asstring : boolean -- return unicode string (Mac path) instead of alias
		Result: macfile.Alias | str -- the path name to the folder or application specified
	return osax('earsffdr', _params({'----':location}, ('from', domain), ('rtyp', asstring and AEType('utxt') or None)))
Exemple #9
def clipboardinfo(desiredtype=None):
    """Return information about the clipboard
		desiredtype : str -- 4-letter code; restricts result to information about only this data type
		Result: list of list -- one list of [data type, size] for each type of data on the clipboard
    return osax('JonsiClp',
                _params({}, ('for ', desiredtype and AEType(desiredtype))),
Exemple #10
def getclipboard(desiredtype=None):
    """Return the contents of an application's clipboard. Activate the target application first
		desiredtype : str -- 4-letter code; the type of data desired (see also clipboardinfo)
		Result: list of anything -- the data from its clipboard
    return osax('JonsgClp',
                _params({}, ('rtyp', desiredtype and AEType(desiredtype))),
Exemple #11
def runscript(script, parameters=[], component='AppleScript'):
	"""Run a specified OSA script or script file.
		script : str | Alias | FSSpec -- the script text, an alias or file reference of a script file, or an AEDesc of typeScript to run
		[parameters : list of anything -- list of parameters
		[component : str -- the scripting component to use; default is AppleScript
		Result: anything -- the result of running the script
	return osax('sysodsct', {'----':script, 'plst':parameters, 'scsy':component})
Exemple #12
def say(text,
    """Speak the given text.
		text : str -- the text to speak, which can include intonation characters
		display : str -- the text to display in the feedback window (if different). Ignored unless Speech Recognition is on.
		voice : str -- the voice to speak with.  Ignored if Speech Recognition is on.
		waiting : bool  -- wait for speech to complete before returning (default is true). Ignored unless Speech Recognition is on.
		outputfile : anything -- the alias, file reference or Mac-style path string of an AIFF file (existing or not) to contain the sound output.
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
         _params({'----': text}, ('DISP', display), ('VOIC', voice),
                 ('wfsp', waiting), ('stof', outputfile)),
Exemple #13
def pathto(location, domain=None, asstring=False):
    """Returns full path name to the folder specified
		location : kApplicationSupport | kCurrentUser | kDesktop | kDesktopPictures | kFolderActions | kFonts | kHelp | kKeychain | kModemScripts | kPreferences | kPrinterDescriptions | kScriptingAdditions | kScripts | kSharedLibraries | kStartupDisk | kSystem | kSystemPreferences | kTemporaryItems | kTrash | kUsers | kVoices -- the folder to return
		domain : kNetworkDomain | kSystemDomain | kLocalDomain | kUserDomain -- where to look for the indicated folder
		asstring : boolean -- return unicode string (Mac path) instead of alias
		Result: macfile.Alias | str -- the path name to the folder or application specified
    return osax(
        _params({'----': location}, ('from', domain),
                ('rtyp', asstring and AEType('utxt') or None)))
Exemple #14
def runscript(script, parameters=[], component='AppleScript'):
    """Run a specified OSA script or script file.
		script : str | Alias | FSSpec -- the script text, an alias or file reference of a script file, or an AEDesc of typeScript to run
		[parameters : list of anything -- list of parameters
		[component : str -- the scripting component to use; default is AppleScript
		Result: anything -- the result of running the script
    return osax('sysodsct', {
        '----': script,
        'plst': parameters,
        'scsy': component
Exemple #15
def choosefolder(prompt=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
    """Choose a folder on a disk or server
		prompt : str -- a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: macfile.Alias -- chosen folder
        return osax('sysostfl', _params({}, ('prmp', prompt)), target=app)
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #16
def choosefolder(prompt=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Choose a folder on a disk or server
		prompt : str -- a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: macfile.Alias -- chosen folder
		return osax('sysostfl', _params({}, ('prmp', prompt)), target=app)
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #17
def choosenewfile(prompt=None, defaultname=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Get a new file reference from the user, without creating the file
		prompt : str -- the text to display in the file creation dialog box
		defaultname : str -- the default name for the new file
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: str -- the URL of the file the user specified
		return osax('sysonwfl', _params({}, ('prmt', prompt), ('dfnm', defaultname)), target=app)
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #18
def choosefile(prompt=None, onlyshowtypes=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Choose a file on a disk or server
		prompt : str -- a prompt to be displayed in the file chooser
		onlyshowtypes : list of str -- restrict the files shown to only these file types (up to 4)
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : macfile.Alias -- to the chosen file
		return osax('sysostdf', _params({}, ('prmp', prompt), ('ftyp', onlyshowtypes)), target=app)
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #19
def chooseurl(showservices=None, editable=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Choose a service on the Internet
		showservices : list of kWebServers | kFTPServers | kTelnetHosts | kFileServers | kNewsServers | kDirectoryServices | kMediaServers | kRemoteApplications -- which network services to show
		editable [pedu] <bool> (optional) -- Allow user to type in a URL?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: str -- the URL chosen
		return osax('sysochur', _params({}, ('', showing)), target=app)
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #20
def chooseurl(showservices=None, editable=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
    """Choose a service on the Internet
		showservices : list of kWebServers | kFTPServers | kTelnetHosts | kFileServers | kNewsServers | kDirectoryServices | kMediaServers | kRemoteApplications -- which network services to show
		editable [pedu] <bool> (optional) -- Allow user to type in a URL?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: str -- the URL chosen
        return osax('sysochur', _params({}, ('', showing)), target=app)
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #21
def chooseapp(title=None, prompt=None, multiselect=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Choose an application on this machine or the network
		title : str -- the dialog window title
		prompt : str -- the prompt to appear at the top of the application chooser dialog box
		multiselect : bool -- Allow multiple items to be selected?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : macfile.Alias | list of macfile.Alias -- path(s) to application(s)
		return osax('sysoppcb', _params({'rtyp':AEType('alis')}, ('appr', title), ('prmp', prompt), ('mlsl', multiselect)), target=app, timeout=3600*5) # extra-long timeout as making multiple selections can take some time
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #22
def choosefile(prompt=None, onlyshowtypes=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
    """Choose a file on a disk or server
		prompt : str -- a prompt to be displayed in the file chooser
		onlyshowtypes : list of str -- restrict the files shown to only these file types (up to 4)
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : macfile.Alias -- to the chosen file
        return osax('sysostdf',
                    _params({}, ('prmp', prompt), ('ftyp', onlyshowtypes)),
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #23
def choosenewfile(prompt=None, defaultname=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
    """Get a new file reference from the user, without creating the file
		prompt : str -- the text to display in the file creation dialog box
		defaultname : str -- the default name for the new file
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result: str -- the URL of the file the user specified
        return osax('sysonwfl',
                    _params({}, ('prmt', prompt), ('dfnm', defaultname)),
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #24
def displaydialog(text, buttons=None, defaultbutton=None, defaultanswer=None, icon=None, timeout=None , app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Display a dialog box, optionally requesting user input
		text : str -- the text to display in dialog box
		buttons : list of str -- a list of up to three button names
		defaultbutton : int | str -- the name or number of the default button
		defaultanswer : str -- the default editable text
		icon : str | int | kStop | kNote | kCaution -- the name or ID of the icon to display
		timeout : int -- number of seconds to wait before automatically dismissing dialog
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : (str, str, bool) -- the button clicked (or '' if dialog gave up), text entered (or None if no defaultanswer given), dialog timed-out flag (or None if no timeout given)
		reply = osax('sysodlog', _params({'----':text}, ('dtxt', defaultanswer), ('btns', buttons), ('dflt', defaultbutton), ('disp', icon), ('givu', timeout)), target=app)
	except MacOS.Error, err:
		if err[0] == -128: # user cancelled
			raise UserCancelled
Exemple #25
def chooseitems(items, prompt=None, default=None, multiselelect=None, emptyselect=None, okbutton=None, cancelbutton=None, app=kCurrentApplication):
	"""Allows user to select an item from a list of strings
		items : list of str -- a list of strings to display (an empty list if no selection)
		prompt : str -- the prompt to appear at the top of the list selection dialog
		default : list of str -- list of strings to initially select
		okbutton : str -- the name of the OK button
		cancelbutton : str -- the name of the Cancel button
		multiselelect : bool -- Allow multiple items to be selected?
		emptyselect : bool -- Can the user make no selection and then choose OK?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : list of str -- the list of strings chosen
	reply = osax('gtqpchlt', _params({'----':items}, ('prmp', prompt), ('inSL', default), ('mlsl', multiselelect), 
			('empL', emptyselect), ('okbt', okbutton), ('cnbt', cancelbutton)), target=app)
	if reply == False:
		raise UserCancelled
		return reply
Exemple #26
def chooseapp(title=None,
    """Choose an application on this machine or the network
		title : str -- the dialog window title
		prompt : str -- the prompt to appear at the top of the application chooser dialog box
		multiselect : bool -- Allow multiple items to be selected?
		app : aem.send.Application -- the application to use (default = kCurrentApplication)
		Result : macfile.Alias | list of macfile.Alias -- path(s) to application(s)
        return osax(
            _params({'rtyp': AEType('alis')}, ('appr', title),
                    ('prmp', prompt), ('mlsl', multiselect)),
            timeout=3600 * 5
        )  # extra-long timeout as making multiple selections can take some time
    except MacOS.Error, err:
        if err[0] == -128:  # user cancelled
            raise UserCancelled
Exemple #27
def beep(times=None):
	"""Beep 1 or more times
		times : int -- number of times to beep
	osax('sysobeep', _params({}, ('----', times)))
Exemple #28
def setclipboard(data):
    """Place data on an application's clipboard. Activate the target application first
		data : anything -- the data to place on the clipboard
    return osax('JonspClp', {'----': data}, target=_SystemEvents)
Exemple #29
def loadscript(path):
    """Return a script object loaded from a specified disk file
		path : str -- the file containing the script object to load
		Result: AEDesc -- the script object loaded (an AEDesc of typeScript)
    return osax('sysoload', {'----': macfile.File(path)})
Exemple #30
def scriptingcomponents():
    """Return a list of all scripting components (e.g. AppleScript)
		Result: <TEXT> (list) -- a list of installed scripting components
    return osax('sysocpls')
Exemple #31
def setvolume(level):
	"""Set the sound output volume
		level : int -- the volume level, from 0 (silent) to 7 (full volume)
	osax('aevtstvl', {'----':level})
Exemple #32
def scriptingcomponents():
	"""Return a list of all scripting components (e.g. AppleScript)
		Result: <TEXT> (list) -- a list of installed scripting components
	return osax('sysocpls')
Exemple #33
def setvolume(level):
    """Set the sound output volume
		level : int -- the volume level, from 0 (silent) to 7 (full volume)
    osax('aevtstvl', {'----': level})
Exemple #34
def beep(times=None):
    """Beep 1 or more times
		times : int -- number of times to beep
    osax('sysobeep', _params({}, ('----', times)))
Exemple #35
def loadscript(path):
	"""Return a script object loaded from a specified disk file
		path : str -- the file containing the script object to load
		Result: AEDesc -- the script object loaded (an AEDesc of typeScript)
	return osax('sysoload', {'----':macfile.File(path)})
Exemple #36
def clipboardinfo(desiredtype=None):
	"""Return information about the clipboard
		desiredtype : str -- 4-letter code; restricts result to information about only this data type
		Result: list of list -- one list of [data type, size] for each type of data on the clipboard
	return osax('JonsiClp', _params({}, ('for ', desiredtype and AEType(desiredtype))), target=_SystemEvents)
Exemple #37
def getclipboard(desiredtype=None):
	"""Return the contents of an application's clipboard. Activate the target application first
		desiredtype : str -- 4-letter code; the type of data desired (see also clipboardinfo)
		Result: list of anything -- the data from its clipboard
	return osax('JonsgClp', _params({}, ('rtyp', desiredtype and AEType(desiredtype))), target=_SystemEvents)
Exemple #38
def setclipboard(data):
	"""Place data on an application's clipboard. Activate the target application first
		data : anything -- the data to place on the clipboard
	return osax('JonspClp', {'----':data}, target=_SystemEvents)