def play(self): while True: gf.check_events(stats=self.stats, play_button=self.play_button, hs_button=self.hs_button, ship=self.ship, sound=self.sound) if self.stats.game_active: self.ship.update() self.barriers.update() self.aliens.update() self.screen.fill(self.settings.bg_color) self.ship.draw() self.aliens.draw() self.barriers.draw() if not self.stats.game_active: menu = Main_Menu(screen=self.screen) menu.draw() self.play_button.draw() self.hs_button.draw() self.sound.pause_bg() if self.stats.show_high_score: else: if not self.sound.playing_bg: self.sound.unpause_bg() pg.display.flip()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.width = 1024 self.height = 768 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) self.screen.blit(sprites("Sprites").load("Loading"), (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.running = True self.AllSprites = sprites("Sprites") self.AllSprites.loadAll() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.state = "Menu" self.sounds = soundManager("Sound") self.mainMenu = Main_Menu(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites, self.sounds) = game(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites, self.sounds) self.lobby = None self.multiGame = None self.fontsize = 10 self.font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join('Fonts', 'nasalization-rg.ttf'), self.fontsize) pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.NOEVENT)
def __authenticate(self, email, password): '''To Authenticate using IMAP Server''' # Show the authenticating message utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Authenticating....", isLoading=True) try: email = email.strip() password = password.strip() self.__is_valid(email, password) # Authenticate using email and password, it throws exception if something went wrong IMAP(email, password) # Store in .bashbird directory cred = Credentials() cred.store_credentials(email, password) utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, "Authentication Successful", time_to_show=1) # Show main menu after authentication is completed main_menu = Main_Menu(self.__stdscr) except Exception as e: utils.show_status_message(self.__stdscr, str(e), time_to_show=3)
def level_01(): pygame.init() res = (1290, 712) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(res) my_font = pygame.freetype.Font("NotoSans-Regular.ttf", 23) Button_Set = [] Button_Set.append(Button((255,255,0),5,670, 140, 30, 'EXIT')) pos_x = [360,490,620,750] random.shuffle(pos_x) pos_y = [50, 255, 460] random.shuffle(pos_y) Card_Set = [] card_x = 0 card_y = 0 for i in range(12): Card_Set.append(Card((0, 255, 0), pos_x[card_x], pos_y[card_y], 125, 200,i//2+1)) card_x += 1 if (card_x > 3): card_x = 0 card_y += 1 pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mb = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() for card in Card_Set: card.draw(screen) num_cards_selected = 0 card_shape = 0 score = 0 p_attempt = 0 pair_set = 6 while (True): screen.fill((0,0,20)) my_font.render_to(screen, (20, 20), ('Score:' + str(score)), (255,255,0)) pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mb = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() for button in Button_Set: button.draw(screen) if button.isOver(pos): button.color = (255, 255 ,255) else: button.color = (255,255,0) for card in Card_Set: if card.selected == False: if card.isOver(pos): card.color = (255, 255 ,255) card.draw(screen) if (mb[0]): if num_cards_selected == 3: num_cards_selected = 0 pass card.selected = True num_cards_selected += 1 if num_cards_selected == 2: p_attempt += 1 if card_shape == card.pair: if card.selected == True: c1 = None c2 = None for c in Card_Set: if card.pair == c.pair: if c1 != None: c2 = c else: c1 = c Card_Set.remove(c1) Card_Set.remove(c2) # Adds value to score, resets attempt values and removes one pair from the level score += 100 num_cards_selected = 0 p_attempt = 0 pair_set -= 1 for i in range (1, p_attempt+1): if i == 1: continue else: score -= 20*(p_attempt-1) if score < 0: score = 0 break else: card.color = (0, 255, 0) card.draw(screen) else: if num_cards_selected == 3: card.selected = False continue card_shape = card.pair card.shape_draw(screen, card.pair) if card.isOver(pos): card.color = (255, 255 ,255) card.draw(screen, 2) else: card.color = card.RGB[card.pair-1] card.draw(screen, 2) for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): exit() if pair_set == 0: my_font.render_to(screen, (1290//2-button.width, 720//2-button.height//2), 'CONGRATULATIONS!', random.choice(card.RGB)))) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for button in Button_Set: if button.isOver(pos): if button.text == 'EXIT': return Main_Menu(True) pygame.display.flip()
def main(): playing = False splash_img_x = 800 splash_img_y = 329 # Initialize pygame, with the default parameters pygame.init() # Define the size/resolution of our window res = (1280, 720) # Create a window and a display surface # Caption and icon pygame.display.set_caption("Shuffle") pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load("resources/shuffle_icon.png")) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(res) # Main Menu main_menu = Main_Menu(res) # Start Music Player music_player = Music_Player(res) # Load Splash Image splash_img = pygame.image.load("resources/shuffle.png") font = pygame.font.Font("resources/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", 20) # Start High Scores Manager hs_manager = High_Scores_Manager() game = None action = None # Game loop, runs forever while (True): for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): exit() if (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() music_player.handle_clicks(pos) if (not playing): action = main_menu.handle_clicks(pos) if action == "exit": exit() elif action == "high_scores": hs_manager.toggle_display() elif (action != None): size = action.split('x') game = Game((int(size[0]), int(size[1])), hs_manager, res) playing = True else: playing = game.handle_click(pos) screen.fill((0, 0, 20)) # Music if not music_player.is_busy(): music_player.load_next_song() music_player.display(screen) if (not playing): screen.blit(splash_img, (int(res[0] / 2) - int(splash_img_x / 2), int(res[1] / 4) - int(splash_img_y / 2))) # Display Splash Image main_menu.display(screen, font) hs_manager.display_high_scores(screen, font) else: game.display(screen, font, res) pygame.display.flip()
class ScumInvaders: def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.width = 1024 self.height = 768 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) self.screen.blit(sprites("Sprites").load("Loading"), (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.running = True self.AllSprites = sprites("Sprites") self.AllSprites.loadAll() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.state = "Menu" self.sounds = soundManager("Sound") self.mainMenu = Main_Menu(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites, self.sounds) = game(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites, self.sounds) self.lobby = None self.multiGame = None self.fontsize = 10 self.font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join('Fonts', 'nasalization-rg.ttf'), self.fontsize) pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.NOEVENT) def game_loop(self): while self.running: pygame.event.pump() if pygame.event.peek(pygame.QUIT): self.running = False if (self.state == "Menu"): self.mainMenu.draw() self.state = self.mainMenu.update() if self.state == "Exit": self.running = False elif self.state == "Lobby": self.mainMenu.state = "Login" self.lobby = Lobby(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites, self.sounds, self.mainMenu.username, self.mainMenu.socket) self.sounds.playNewMusic('newlobby.ogg') elif self.state == "Game": elif (self.state == "Lobby"): self.lobby.draw() output = self.lobby.update() if "multiGame" in output: self.screen.blit(self.AllSprites.getSprite("Loading"), (0, 0)) self.state = "multiGame" self.multiGame = multiGame(self.screen, self.width, self.height, self.AllSprites,\ self.sounds, int(output[-2]), int(output[-1]), self.mainMenu.ip.input, self.lobby.currentRoom, self.lobby.socket) else: if output == "Menu": self.sounds.playNewMusic('mainMenu.ogg') self.mainMenu.socket.send("STOP") self.mainMenu.state = "Login" self.mainMenu.connected = False self.mainMenu.loginPressed = False self.mainMenu.loginStatus = "" self.state = output elif (self.state == "Game"): self.state = if self.state == "Exit": self.running = False elif self.state == "Menu": self.mainMenu.state = "Main" self.sounds.playNewMusic('mainMenu.ogg') elif (self.state == "multiGame"): self.multiGame.draw() self.state = self.multiGame.update() if self.state == "Exit": self.running = False elif self.state == "Score": self.state = "Lobby" self.lobby.state = "Score" self.lobby.score = self.multiGame.playerList[self.multiGame.clientPlayerNum].score self.sounds.playNewMusic('mainMenu.ogg') elif self.state == "Lobby": self.lobby.state = "Room" self.sounds.playNewMusic('newlobby.ogg') self.screen.blit(self.font.render(str(int(self.clock.get_fps())), True, pygame.Color(255,255,255)), (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(60) try: self.mainMenu.socket.send("STOP") except: pass pygame.quit()
from main_menu import Main_Menu Main_Menu().main()