Exemple #1
def updateAuth(account, permission, parent, controller):

    accounts = [{
        'weight': 1,
        'permission': {
            'actor': controller,
            'permission': 'active'
    if account in remcode_permission_accounts and permission == 'active':
            "permission": {
                "actor": account,
                "permission": "rem.code"
            "weight": 1

    run(remcli + 'push action rem updateauth' + jsonArg({
        'account': account,
        'permission': permission,
        'parent': parent,
        'auth': {
            'threshold': 1,
            'keys': [],
            'waits': [],
            'accounts': accounts,
    }) + '-p ' + account + '@' + permission)
def start_wallet():
    run('rm -rf ' + os.path.abspath(wallet_dir))
    run('mkdir -p ' + os.path.abspath(wallet_dir))
    background(remvault + ' --unlock-timeout %d --http-server-address --wallet-dir %s'\
               % (unlockTimeout, os.path.abspath(wallet_dir)))
    run(remcli + 'wallet create --to-console')
def init_supply_to_rem_acc():
    timestamp = datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
    block_datetime_utc = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
    epoch_datetime_utc = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
    seconds_since_epoch = str(int(block_datetime_utc - epoch_datetime_utc))

    txid = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    return_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    chain_id = get_chain_id()
    return_chainid = 'eth'
    rampayer = 'rem'
    receiver = 'rem'

    digest_to_sign = f'{receiver}*{txid}*{chain_id}*{intToRemCurrency(initial_supply)}*\

    headers = {
        'accept': "application/json",
        'content-type': "application/json"
    response = requests.post(sign_digest_url, headers=headers,
                             data=json.dumps([hashlib.sha256(digest_to_sign).hexdigest(), swap_pubkey]))

    sig = response.json()

    run(remcli + f' push action rem.swap init \'["{rampayer}",\
    "{txid}", "{swap_pubkey}",\
    "{intToRemCurrency(initial_supply)}", "{return_address}", "{return_chainid}", "{timestamp}"]\'\
    -p rem@active')

    run(remcli + f' push action rem.swap finish \'["{rampayer}", "{receiver}",\
    "{swap_pubkey}", "{intToRemCurrency(initial_supply)}", "{return_address}", "{return_chainid}",\
    "{timestamp}", "{sig}"]\'\
    -p rem@active')
def start_node(nodeIndex, accounts):
    account = accounts[0]
    dir = nodes_dir + ('%02d-' % nodeIndex) + account['name'] + '/'
    run('rm -rf ' + dir)
    run('mkdir -p ' + dir)
    otherOpts = ''.join(
            map(lambda i: '    --p2p-peer-address localhost:' + str(9000 + i),
    if not nodeIndex:
        otherOpts += ('    --plugin eosio::history_plugin'
                      '    --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin')
    swap_and_oracle_opts = ('    --plugin eosio::eth_swap_plugin'
                            '    --plugin eosio::rem_oracle_plugin')
    if cryptocompare_apikey:
        swap_and_oracle_opts += ('    --cryptocompare-apikey ' +
    if eth_https_provider:
        swap_and_oracle_opts += ('    --eth-https-provider ' +
    cmd = (remnode + '    --max-irreversible-block-age -1'
           '    --contracts-console'
           '    --genesis-json ' + os.path.abspath(genesis) +
           '    --blocks-dir ' + os.path.abspath(dir) + '/blocks'
           '    --config-dir ' + os.path.abspath(dir) + '    --data-dir ' +
           os.path.abspath(dir) + '    --chain-state-db-size-mb 1024'
           '    --max-transaction-time 200'
           '    --http-server-address' + str(8888 + nodeIndex) +
           '    --p2p-listen-endpoint' + str(9000 + nodeIndex) +
           '    --max-clients ' + str(maxClients) +
           '    --p2p-max-nodes-per-host ' + str(maxClients) +
           '    --enable-stale-production'
           '    --access-control-allow-origin=\'*\''
           '    --plugin eosio::http_plugin'
           '    --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin'
           '    --plugin eosio::producer_api_plugin'
           '    --plugin eosio::producer_plugin')
    for account in accounts:
        swap_and_oracle_opts += ('    --oracle-authority ' + account['name'] +
                                 '@active' + '    --oracle-signing-key ' +
                                 account['pvt'] + '    --swap-signing-key ' +
                                 account['pvt'] + '    --swap-authority ' +
                                 account['name'] + '@active')

        cmd += ('    --producer-name ' + account['name'] +
                '    --private-key \'["' + account['pub'] + '","' +
                account['pvt'] + '"]\'')
    cmd += (swap_and_oracle_opts + otherOpts)
    with open(dir + 'stderr', mode='w') as f:
        f.write(cmd + '\n\n')
    background(cmd + '    2>>' + dir + 'stderr')
    run(f'curl -X POST{8888+nodeIndex}/v1/producer/schedule_protocol_feature_activations -d \'{{"protocol_features_to_activate": ["0ec7e080177b2c02b278d5088611686b49d739925a92d9bfcacd7fc6b74053bd"]}}\''
Exemple #5
def resign(account, controller):
    updateAuth(account, 'owner', '', controller)
    updateAuth(account, 'active', 'owner', controller)
    run(remcli + 'get account ' + account)
def vote_producers():
    for prod in producers['producers']:
        run(remcli + f' system voteproducer prods {prod["name"]} {prod["name"]} \
        -p {prod["name"]}@active')
def reg_producers():
    for prod in producers['producers']:
        run(remcli + f' system regproducer {prod["name"]} {prod["pub"]} "" \
        -p {prod["name"]}@active')
def stake_tokens():
    run(remcli + f' system delegatebw swapbot swapbot \
    "{intToRemCurrency(swapbot_stake)}" -p swapbot@active')
def transfer_tokens_to_accounts():
    for account_name, public_key, stake, liquid in tech_accounts:
        run(remcli + f' transfer rem {account_name} "{intToRemCurrency(liquid)}" ""')

    run(remcli + f' transfer rem swapbot "{intToRemCurrency(swapbot_stake)}" ""')
def import_producer_keys():
    for prod in producers['producers']:
        run(remcli + 'wallet import --private-key ' + prod['pvt'])
def create_producer_accounts():
    for prod in producers['producers']:
        run(remcli + f' system newaccount rem {prod["name"]} {prod["pub"]} {prod["pub"]} \
        --stake "{intToRemCurrency(prod["funds"])}" --transfer -p rem@active')
def issue_supply_to_rem_acc():
    run(remcli + f' push action rem.token issue \'["rem.swap",\
    "{intToRemCurrency(initial_supply)}", "initial supply"]\' -p rem.swap -p rem ')
    run(remcli + f' push action rem.token transfer \'["rem.swap", "rem",\
    "{intToRemCurrency(initial_supply)}", "initial supply"]\' -p rem.swap -p rem ')
def create_tech_accounts():
    for account_name, public_key, stake, liquid in tech_accounts:
        run(remcli + f' system newaccount rem {account_name} {public_key} {public_key} \
        --stake "{intToRemCurrency(stake)}" --transfer -p rem@active')
def import_private_keys():
    run(remcli + 'wallet import --private-key ' + private_key)
def kill_all():
    run('killall remvault remnode || true')