class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi As far as the GUI goes, this handles only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility. All logic by the main window should be done here. Some of the logic on the dialogs is implemented in the dialogs own class. Some dialogs are shown by the appwindow to handle errors coming from other threads outside GTK's. """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): """Does not do much. Most of the initialization work is actually done by the run() method, as specified in FaradayUi.""" FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) self.icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" faraday_icon = self.icons + "faraday_icon.png" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale( faraday_icon, 16, 16, False) self.window = None self.model_controller = model_controller self.conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() def getMainWindow(self): """Returns the main window. This is none only at the the startup, the GUI will create one as soon as do_activate() is called """ return self.window def updateConflicts(self): """Reassings self.conflicts with an updated list of conflicts""" self.conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() def updateHosts(self): """Reassings the value of self.all_hosts to a current one to catch workspace changes, new hosts added via plugins or any other external interference with out host list""" self.all_hosts = self.model_controller.getAllHosts() def createWorkspace(self, name, description="", w_type=""): """Pretty much copy/pasted from the QT3 GUI. Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.getWorkspaceManager().getWorkspacesNames(): model.api.log("A workspace with name %s already exists" % name, "ERROR") status = True else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: w = manager.createWorkspace(name, description, manager.namedTypeToDbType(w_type)) CONF.setLastWorkspace( CONF.saveConfig() status = True except Exception as e: status = False model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) return status def removeWorkspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you first to the default. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) if CONF.getLastWorkspace() == ws_name: self.openDefaultWorkspace() self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) self.ws_sidebar.clearSidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refreshSidebar() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) action ="open_report") action.connect("activate", self.on_open_report_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it. Also add the log handler and the notifier to the application""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday") self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) def postEvent(self, receiver, event): """Handles the events from gui/customevents.""" if receiver is None: receiver = self.getMainWindow() elif event.type() == 3131: # new log event receiver.emit("new_log", event.text) elif event.type() == 3141: # new conflict event receiver.emit("set_conflict_label", event.nconflicts) elif event.type() == 5100: # new notification event self.notificationsModel.prepend([event.change.getMessage()]) receiver.emit("new_notif") host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() receiver.emit("update_ws_info", host_count, service_count, vuln_count) elif event.type() == 4100 or event.type( ) == 3140: # newinfo or changews host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar.update(self.all_hosts) receiver.emit("update_ws_info", host_count, service_count, vuln_count) elif event.type() == 3132: # error self.window.emit("normal_error", event.text) elif event.type() == 3134: # important error, uncaught exception self.window.prepare_important_error(event) self.window.emit("important_error") def update_counts(self): """Update the counts for host, services and vulns""" host_count = self.model_controller.getHostsCount() service_count = self.model_controller.getServicesCount() vuln_count = self.model_controller.getVulnsCount() return host_count, service_count, vuln_count def on_open_report_button(self, action, param): """What happens when the user clicks the open report button. A dialog will present itself with a combobox to select a plugin. Then a file chooser to select a report. The report will be processed with the selected plugin. """ def select_plugin(): """Creates a simple dialog with a combo box to select a plugin""" plugins_id = [_id for _id in self.plugin_manager.getPlugins()] plugins_id = sorted(plugins_id) dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Select plugin", self.window, 0) combo_box = Gtk.ComboBoxText() for plugin_id in plugins_id: combo_box.append_text(plugin_id) dialog.vbox.pack_start(combo_box, True, True, 10) dialog.add_button("Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) dialog.add_button("OK", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) response = selected = combo_box.get_active_text() dialog.destroy() return response, selected def on_file_selected(plugin_id, report): """Send the plugin_id and the report file to be processed""" self.report_manager.sendReportToPluginById(plugin_id, report) plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() while plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT and plugin_id is None: # force user to select a plugin if he did not do it errorDialog(self.window, "Please select a plugin to parse your report!") plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() else: if plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: dialog = Gtk.FileChooserNative() dialog.set_title("Import a report") dialog.set_modal(True) dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) dialog.set_action(Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN) res = if res == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: on_file_selected(plugin_id, dialog.get_filename()) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_help(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when user press 'help' on the menu""" help_dialog = helpDialog(self.window) help_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reloadWorkspaces, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def show_host_info(self, host_id): """Looks up the host selected in the HostSidebar by id and shows its information on the HostInfoDialog""" for host in self.all_hosts: if host_id == selected_host = host break info_window = HostInfoDialog(self.window, selected_host) info_window.show_all() def reloadWorkspaces(self): """Close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.workspace_manager.resource() self.ws_sidebar.clearSidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refreshSidebar() def on_pluginOptions(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action=None, params=None, title=None): "Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar" new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.window, title) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) the_new_terminal = new_terminal.getTerminal() AppWindow.new_tab(self.window, the_new_terminal) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button: just show a silly window with a treeview containing all the notifications""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def on_click_conflicts(self, button=None): """Doesn't use the button at all, there cause GTK likes it. Shows the conflict dialog. """ self.updateConflicts() if self.conflicts: dialog = ConflictsDialog(self.conflicts, self.window) dialog.show_all() self.updateConflicts() else: dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "No conflicts to fix!") dialog.destroy() def delete_notifications(self): """Clear the notifications model of all info, also send a signal to get the notification label to 0 on the main window's button """ self.notificationsModel.clear() self.window.emit("clear_notifications") def changeWorkspace(self, workspaceName): """Changes workspace in a separate thread. Emits a signal to present a 'Loading workspace' dialog while Faraday processes the change""" def background_process(): self.window.emit("loading_workspace", 'show') try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspaceName) except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() self.window.emit("loading_workspace", "destroy") return True thread = threading.Thread(target=background_process) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" workspace = args.workspace try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace) except Exception as e: getLogger(self).error(("Your last workspace %s is not accessible, " "check configuration") % workspace) getLogger(self).error(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() def on_quit(self, action, param): self.quit()
class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi As far as the GUI goes, this handles only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility. All logic by the main window should be done here. Some of the logic on the dialogs is implemented in the dialogs own class. Some dialogs are shown by the appwindow to handle errors coming from other threads outside GTK's. Please respect the following structure: TOP: __init__ UPPER-MIDDLE: all logic mostly not inherited fom Gtk.Application LOWER-MIDDLE: all do_ starting, gtk related methods BOTTOM: all on_ starting, dialog opener methods """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): """Does not do much. Most of the initialization work is actually done by the run() method, as specified in FaradayUi.""" FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = None self.workspace_dialogs_raised = None self.loading_dialog_raised = None self.icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" faraday_icon = self.icons + "faraday_icon.png" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(faraday_icon, 16, 16, False) self.window = None self.model_controller = model_controller @property def active_ws_name(self): return self.get_active_workspace().name def get_active_workspace(self): """Return the currently active workspace""" return self.workspace_manager.getActiveWorkspace() def getMainWindow(self): """Useless mostly, but guiapi uses this method to access the main window.""" return self.window def createWorkspace(self, name, description=""): """Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.workspace_manager.getWorkspacesNames(): error_str = "A workspace with name %s already exists" % name model.api.log(error_str, "ERROR") errorDialog(self.window, error_str) creation_ok = False else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: name = manager.createWorkspace(name, description) self.change_workspace(name) creation_ok = True except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) creation_ok = False return creation_ok def remove_workspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you to the one above it on the list. If there aren't more workspaces left, you will be forced to create one. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) server_response = self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) if server_response: self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() available_workspaces = self.serverIO.get_workspaces_names() if available_workspaces: self.select_last_workspace_in_list(available_workspaces) else: self.handle_no_active_workspace() def lost_db_connection(self, explanatory_message=None, handle_connection_lost=None, connect_to_a_different_couch=None): """Creates a simple dialog with an error message to inform the user some kind of problem has happened and the connection was lost. """ # NOTE: if we start faraday without CouchDB, both the signal coming # from CouchDB manager AND our test in do_activate will try # to raise the dialog. This avoids more than one dialog to be raised. if self.lost_connection_dialog_raised: return False def do_nothing_on_key_stroke(event, key): """Do nothing except return True""" return True self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = True if explanatory_message and isinstance(explanatory_message, basestring): explanation = "\n The specific error was: " + explanatory_message else: explanation = "" dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "The client can't connect to Faraday Server. " "You can try to reconnect to the last URL " "you set up, change it or exit Faraday " "until you fix the problem. \n" "For more information about Faraday Server " "please refer to the Faraday Github Wiki. \n " + explanation) dialog.set_deletable(False) dialog.set_modal(True) dialog.connect("key_press_event", do_nothing_on_key_stroke) retry_button = dialog.add_button("Retry connection?", 42) retry_button.connect("clicked", handle_connection_lost, dialog) change_couch_url = dialog.add_button("Change server IP?", 43) change_couch_url.connect("clicked", connect_to_a_different_couch, dialog) cancel_button = dialog.add_button("Exit Faraday", 0) cancel_button.connect("clicked", self.on_quit) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT: GObject.idle_add(self.exit_faraday_without_confirm) def handle_no_active_workspace(self): """If there's been a problem opening a workspace or for some reason we suddenly find our selves without one, force the user to select one if possible, or if not, to create one. """ def change_flag(widget): self.workspace_dialogs_raised = not self.workspace_dialogs_raised if self.workspace_dialogs_raised: return False if not self.serverIO.is_server_up(): # make sure it is not because we're not connected to Couch # there's another whole strategy for that. return False self.workspace_dialogs_raised = True self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() available_workspaces = self.serverIO.get_workspaces_names() workspace_model = self.ws_sidebar.workspace_model if available_workspaces: dialog = ForceChooseWorkspaceDialog(self.window, workspace_model, self.change_workspace) else: dialog = ForceNewWorkspaceDialog(self.window, self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.exit_faraday) dialog.connect("destroy", change_flag) dialog.show_all() def select_active_workspace(self): """Selects on the sidebar the currently active workspace.""" self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(self.active_ws_name) def select_last_workspace_in_list(self, ws_names_list): self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(ws_names_list[-1]) def exit_faraday(self, button=None, parent=None): """A simple exit which will ask for confirmation.""" if not self.window.do_delete_event(parent): if parent is not None: GObject.idle_add(parent.destroy) GObject.idle_add(self.window.destroy) def exit_faraday_without_confirm(self, widget=None): """Exits faraday without confirm. Used as a middle-man between connect callbacks (which will send the widget as an argument and self.window.destroy, which takes none. """ getLogger(self).error("Faraday exited because you didn't connect " "to a valid Faraday Server.") GObject.idle_add(self.window.destroy) GObject.idle_add(self.on_quit) def force_change_couch_url(self, button=None, dialog=None): """Forces the user to change the couch URL. You **will** ended up connected to CouchDB or you will exit my application, cowboy. """ # destroy the ugly dialog that got us here if dialog is not None: dialog.destroy() preference_window = ForcePreferenceWindowDialog(self.reload_workspaces, self.connect_to_couch, self.window, self.exit_faraday) def connect_to_couch(self, server_uri, parent=None): """Tries to connect to a CouchDB on a specified Couch URI. Returns the success status of the operation, False for not successful, True for successful """ if parent is None: parent = self.window if not self.serverIO.test_server_url(server_uri): errorDialog(parent, "Could not connect to Faraday Server.", ("Are you sure it is running and that you can " "connect to it? \n Make sure your username and " "password are still valid.")) success = False elif server_uri.startswith("https://"): if not checkSSL(server_uri): errorDialog(self.window, "The SSL certificate validation has failed") success = False else: CONF.setCouchUri(server_uri) CONF.saveConfig() self.reload_workspaces() self.open_last_workspace() success = True self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = False return success def handle_connection_lost(self, button=None, dialog=None): """Tries to connect to Couch using the same URI""" couch_uri = CONF.getCouchURI() if self.connect_to_couch(couch_uri, parent=dialog): reconnected = True if dialog is not None: dialog.destroy() self.open_last_workspace() self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = False else: reconnected = False return reconnected def update_counts(self): """Returns the counts of hosts, services and vulns on the current workspace.""" hosts, interfaces, services, vulns = self.serverIO.get_workspace_numbers() return hosts, services, vulns def show_host_info(self, host_id): """Looks up the host selected in the HostSidebar by id and shows its information on the HostInfoDialog. Return True if everything went OK, False if there was a problem looking for the host.""" current_ws_name = self.get_active_workspace().name #for host in self.model_controller.getAllHosts(): host = self.serverIO.get_hosts(couchid=host_id) if not host: self.show_normal_error("The host you clicked isn't accessible. " "This is most probably due to an internal " "error.") return False info_window = HostInfoDialog(self.window, current_ws_name, host[0]) info_window.show_all() return True def reload_workspaces_no_connection(self): """Very similar to reload_workspaces, but doesn't resource the workspace_manager to avoid asking for information to a database we can't access.""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() def reload_workspaces(self): """Close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() def delete_notifications(self): """Clear the notifications model of all info, also send a signal to get the notification label to 0 on the main window's button """ self.notificationsModel.clear() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_notif_label) def change_workspace(self, workspace_name): """Changes workspace in a separate thread. Emits a signal to present a 'Loading workspace' dialog while Faraday processes the change. If there are conflict present in the workspace, it will show a warning before changing the workspaces.""" def loading_workspace(action): """Function to be called via GObject.idle_add by the background process. Preconditions: show must have been called before destroy can be called. """ if action == "show" and not self.loading_dialog_raised: message_string = ("Loading workspace {0}. Please wait. \n" "To cancel, press Alt+F4 or a similar shorcut." .format(workspace_name)) self.loading_dialog_raised = True self.loading_dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, message_string) self.loading_dialog.set_modal(True) # on every key stroke just return true, wont allow user # to press scape self.loading_dialog.connect("key_press_event", lambda _, __: True) self.loading_dialog.connect("delete_event", lambda _, __: self.handle_no_active_workspace()) self.loading_dialog.show_all() if action == "destroy": self.loading_dialog.destroy() self.loading_dialog_raised = False def background_process(): """Change workspace. This function runs on a separated thread created by the parent function. DO NOT call any Gtk methods withing its scope, except by emiting signals to the window """ GObject.idle_add(loading_workspace, 'show') try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace_name) GObject.idle_add(CONF.setLastWorkspace, GObject.idle_add(CONF.saveConfig) except Exception as e: GObject.idle_add(self.handle_no_active_workspace) getLogger("GTK").error(e) GObject.idle_add(loading_workspace, 'destroy') return True self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(workspace_name) if self.statusbar.conflict_button_label_int > 0: response = self.window.show_conflicts_warning() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO: self.select_active_workspace() return False thread = threading.Thread(target=background_process) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def open_workspace_from_args(self): """Opens the workspace specified in the arguemnts, if possible. Return True if args.workspace is set, False if not.""" if self.args.workspace: workspace_name = self.args.workspace self.change_workspace(workspace_name) return True else: return False def open_last_workspace(self): """Tries to open the last workspace the user had opened. Return None.""" workspace_name = CONF.getLastWorkspace() self.change_workspace(workspace_name) def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" self.args = args ########################################################################## # NOTE: uninteresting part below. do not touch unless you have a very # # good reason, or you want to connect a new button on the toolbar, # # or, maybe most probably, you wanna register a new signal on # # postEvent(). # # Remember! -- even the best advice must sometimes not be heeded. # ########################################################################## def postEvent(self, _, event): """Handles the events from gui/customevents. The second argument is the 'receiver', but as this was made for QT3 it is now deprecated and we must manually set the receiver until the events module is updated. DO NOT, AND I REPEAT, DO NOT REDRAW *ANYTHING* FROM THE GUI FROM HERE. If you must do it, you should to it sing GObject.idle_add, a misterious function with outdated documentation. Good luck.""" def new_log_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.console_log.customEvent, event.text) def new_conflict_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_conflict_button_label, event.nconflicts) def new_notification_event(): self.notificationsModel.prepend([str(event)]) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.inc_notif_button_label) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def workspace_changed_event(): self.serverIO.active_workspace = host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() total_host_amount = self.serverIO.get_hosts_number() first_host_page = self.serverIO.get_hosts(page='0', page_size='20', sort='vulns', sort_dir='desc') GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_workspace_label, GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.redo, first_host_page, total_host_amount) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_conflict_label) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_conflict_label) GObject.idle_add(self.select_active_workspace) def normal_error_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.show_normal_error, event.text) def important_error_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.show_important_error, event) def lost_connection_to_server_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.lost_db_connection, event.problem, self.handle_connection_lost, self.force_change_couch_url) GObject.idle_add(self.reload_workspaces_no_connection) def workspace_not_accessible_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.handle_no_active_workspace) def add_object(): GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.add_object, event.new_obj) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def delete_object(): GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.remove_object, event.obj_id) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def update_object(): GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.update_object, event.obj) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) dispatch = {3131: new_log_event, 3141: new_conflict_event, 5100: new_notification_event, 3140: workspace_changed_event, 3132: normal_error_event, 3134: important_error_event, 42424: lost_connection_to_server_event, 24242: workspace_not_accessible_event, 7777: add_object, 8888: delete_object, 9999: update_object} function = dispatch.get(event.type()) if function is not None: function() def show_normal_error(self, dialog_text): """Just a simple, normal, ignorable error""" dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, dialog_text) dialog.destroy() def show_important_error(self, event): """Creates an importan error dialog with a callback to send the developers the error traceback. """ dialog_text = event.text dialog = ImportantErrorDialog(self.window, dialog_text) response = if response == 42: error = event.error_name event.callback(error, *event.exception_objects) dialog.destroy() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model([]) # dummy empty list self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it. Also add the log handler and the notifier to the application""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.ws_sidebar, self.hosts_sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday " + str(CONF.getVersion())) self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) if not self.serverIO.is_server_up(): self.lost_db_connection( handle_connection_lost=self.handle_connection_lost, connect_to_a_different_couch=self.force_change_couch_url) workspace_argument_set = self.open_workspace_from_args() if not workspace_argument_set: self.open_last_workspace() def on_quit(self, action=None, param=None): self.quit() def on_plugin_options(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action=None, params=None, title=None): """Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar """ new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.window, title) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) terminal_scrolled = new_terminal.create_scrollable_terminal() self.window.new_tab(terminal_scrolled) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button: just show a silly window with a treeview containing all the notifications""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def on_click_conflicts(self, button=None): """Doesn't use the button at all, there cause GTK likes it. Shows the conflict dialog. """ conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() if conflicts: dialog = ConflictsDialog(conflicts, self.window) dialog.show_all() else: dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "No conflicts to fix!") dialog.destroy() def on_open_report_button(self, action, param): """What happens when the user clicks the open report button. A dialog will present itself with a combobox to select a plugin. Then a file chooser to select a report. The report will be processed with the selected plugin. """ def select_plugin(): """Creates a simple dialog with a combo box to select a plugin""" plugins_id = [_id for _id in self.plugin_manager.getPlugins()] plugins_id = sorted(plugins_id) dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Select plugin", self.window, 0) combo_box = Gtk.ComboBoxText() combo_box.set_wrap_width(3) for plugin_id in plugins_id: combo_box.append_text(plugin_id) dialog.vbox.pack_start(combo_box, False, True, 10) dialog.add_button("Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) dialog.add_button("OK", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) response = selected = combo_box.get_active_text() dialog.destroy() return response, selected def on_file_selected(plugin_id, report): """Send the plugin_id and the report file to be processed""" self.report_manager.sendReportToPluginById(plugin_id, report) plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() while plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT and plugin_id is None: # force user to select a plugin if he did not do it errorDialog(self.window, "Please select a plugin to parse your report!") plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() else: if plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Import a report", parent=self.window, action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, buttons=("Open", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, "Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) ) dialog.set_modal(True) res = if res == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: on_file_selected(plugin_id, dialog.get_filename()) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action=None, param=None): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reload_workspaces, self.connect_to_couch, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def on_click_go_to_web_ui_button(self, action=None, param=None): """Opens the dashboard of the current workspace on a new tab of the user's default browser """ couch_url = CONF.getCouchURI() ws_name = self.workspace_manager.getActiveWorkspace().name ws_url = couch_url + "/_ui/#/dashboard/ws/" + ws_name, new=2) def on_help_dispatch(self, action, param=None): """Open the url contained in "action" in the user's browser.""" urls = {"go_to_documentation": "", "go_to_faq": "", "go_to_troubleshooting": "", "go_to_demos": "", "go_to_issues": "", "go_to_forum": "", "go_to_irc": "", "go_to_twitter": "", "go_to_googlegroup": "" } url = urls.get(action.get_name(), ""), new=2)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) action ="open_report") action.connect("activate", self.on_open_report_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi As far as the GUI goes, this handles only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility. All logic by the main window should be done here. Some of the logic on the dialogs is implemented in the dialogs own class. Some dialogs are shown by the appwindow to handle errors coming from other threads outside GTK's. """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): """Does not do much. Most of the initialization work is actually done by the run() method, as specified in FaradayUi.""" FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) self.icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" faraday_icon = self.icons + "faraday_icon.png" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(faraday_icon, 16, 16, False) self.window = None self.model_controller = model_controller self.conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() def getMainWindow(self): """Returns the main window. This is none only at the the startup, the GUI will create one as soon as do_activate() is called """ return self.window def updateConflicts(self): """Reassings self.conflicts with an updated list of conflicts""" self.conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() def updateHosts(self): """Reassings the value of self.all_hosts to a current one to catch workspace changes, new hosts added via plugins or any other external interference with out host list""" self.all_hosts = self.model_controller.getAllHosts() def createWorkspace(self, name, description="", w_type=""): """Pretty much copy/pasted from the QT3 GUI. Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.getWorkspaceManager().getWorkspacesNames(): model.api.log("A workspace with name %s already exists" % name, "ERROR") status = True else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: w = manager.createWorkspace(name, description, manager.namedTypeToDbType(w_type)) CONF.setLastWorkspace( CONF.saveConfig() status = True except Exception as e: status = False model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) return status def removeWorkspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you first to the default. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) if CONF.getLastWorkspace() == ws_name: self.openDefaultWorkspace() self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) self.ws_sidebar.clearSidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refreshSidebar() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.changeWorkspace, self.removeWorkspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action ="about", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_about) self.add_action(action) action ="help", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_help) self.add_action(action) action ="quit", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_quit) self.add_action(action) action ="preferences", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_preferences) self.add_action(action) action ="pluginOptions", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_pluginOptions) self.add_action(action) action ="new", None) action.connect("activate", self.on_new_button) self.add_action(action) action ="new_terminal") # new terminal = new tab action.connect("activate", self.on_new_terminal_button) self.add_action(action) action ="open_report") action.connect("activate", self.on_open_report_button) self.add_action(action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it. Also add the log handler and the notifier to the application""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday") self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) def postEvent(self, receiver, event): """Handles the events from gui/customevents.""" if receiver is None: receiver = self.getMainWindow() elif event.type() == 3131: # new log event receiver.emit("new_log", event.text) elif event.type() == 3141: # new conflict event receiver.emit("set_conflict_label", event.nconflicts) elif event.type() == 5100: # new notification event self.notificationsModel.prepend([event.change.getMessage()]) receiver.emit("new_notif") host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() receiver.emit("update_ws_info", host_count, service_count, vuln_count) elif event.type() == 4100 or event.type() == 3140: # newinfo or changews host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar.update(self.all_hosts) receiver.emit("update_ws_info", host_count, service_count, vuln_count) elif event.type() == 3132: # error self.window.emit("normal_error", event.text) elif event.type() == 3134: # important error, uncaught exception self.window.prepare_important_error(event) self.window.emit("important_error") def update_counts(self): """Update the counts for host, services and vulns""" host_count = self.model_controller.getHostsCount() service_count = self.model_controller.getServicesCount() vuln_count = self.model_controller.getVulnsCount() return host_count, service_count, vuln_count def on_open_report_button(self, action, param): """What happens when the user clicks the open report button. A dialog will present itself with a combobox to select a plugin. Then a file chooser to select a report. The report will be processed with the selected plugin. """ def select_plugin(): """Creates a simple dialog with a combo box to select a plugin""" plugins_id = [_id for _id in self.plugin_manager.getPlugins()] plugins_id = sorted(plugins_id) dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Select plugin", self.window, 0) combo_box = Gtk.ComboBoxText() for plugin_id in plugins_id: combo_box.append_text(plugin_id) dialog.vbox.pack_start(combo_box, True, True, 10) dialog.add_button("Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) dialog.add_button("OK", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) response = selected = combo_box.get_active_text() dialog.destroy() return response, selected def on_file_selected(plugin_id, report): """Send the plugin_id and the report file to be processed""" self.report_manager.sendReportToPluginById(plugin_id, report) plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() while plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT and plugin_id is None: # force user to select a plugin if he did not do it errorDialog(self.window, "Please select a plugin to parse your report!") plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() else: if plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: dialog = Gtk.FileChooserNative() dialog.set_title("Import a report") dialog.set_modal(True) dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) dialog.set_action(Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN) res = if res == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: on_file_selected(plugin_id, dialog.get_filename()) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_help(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when user press 'help' on the menu""" help_dialog = helpDialog(self.window) help_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reloadWorkspaces, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def show_host_info(self, host_id): """Looks up the host selected in the HostSidebar by id and shows its information on the HostInfoDialog""" for host in self.all_hosts: if host_id == selected_host = host break info_window = HostInfoDialog(self.window, selected_host) info_window.show_all() def reloadWorkspaces(self): """Close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.workspace_manager.resource() self.ws_sidebar.clearSidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refreshSidebar() def on_pluginOptions(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action=None, params=None, title=None): "Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar" new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.window, title) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) the_new_terminal = new_terminal.getTerminal() AppWindow.new_tab(self.window, the_new_terminal) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button: just show a silly window with a treeview containing all the notifications""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def on_click_conflicts(self, button=None): """Doesn't use the button at all, there cause GTK likes it. Shows the conflict dialog. """ self.updateConflicts() if self.conflicts: dialog = ConflictsDialog(self.conflicts, self.window) dialog.show_all() self.updateConflicts() else: dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "No conflicts to fix!") dialog.destroy() def delete_notifications(self): """Clear the notifications model of all info, also send a signal to get the notification label to 0 on the main window's button """ self.notificationsModel.clear() self.window.emit("clear_notifications") def changeWorkspace(self, workspaceName): """Changes workspace in a separate thread. Emits a signal to present a 'Loading workspace' dialog while Faraday processes the change""" def background_process(): self.window.emit("loading_workspace", 'show') try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspaceName) except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() self.window.emit("loading_workspace", "destroy") return True thread = threading.Thread(target=background_process) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" workspace = args.workspace try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace) except Exception as e: getLogger(self).error( ("Your last workspace %s is not accessible, " "check configuration") % workspace) getLogger(self).error(str(e)) ws = self.openDefaultWorkspace() workspace = CONF.setLastWorkspace(workspace) CONF.saveConfig() def on_quit(self, action, param): self.quit()
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model([]) # dummy empty list self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
class GuiApp(Gtk.Application, FaradayUi): """ Creates the application and has the necesary callbacks to FaradayUi As far as the GUI goes, this handles only the menu, everything is else is appWindow's resposibility. All logic by the main window should be done here. Some of the logic on the dialogs is implemented in the dialogs own class. Some dialogs are shown by the appwindow to handle errors coming from other threads outside GTK's. Please respect the following structure: TOP: __init__ UPPER-MIDDLE: all logic mostly not inherited fom Gtk.Application LOWER-MIDDLE: all do_ starting, gtk related methods BOTTOM: all on_ starting, dialog opener methods """ def __init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller): """Does not do much. Most of the initialization work is actually done by the run() method, as specified in FaradayUi.""" FaradayUi.__init__(self, model_controller, plugin_manager, workspace_manager, plugin_controller) Gtk.Application.__init__(self, application_id="org.infobyte.faraday", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = None self.workspace_dialogs_raised = None self.loading_dialog_raised = None self.icons = CONF.getImagePath() + "icons/" faraday_icon = self.icons + "faraday_icon.png" self.icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(faraday_icon, 16, 16, False) self.window = None self.model_controller = model_controller @property def active_ws_name(self): return self.get_active_workspace().name def get_active_workspace(self): """Return the currently active workspace""" return self.workspace_manager.getActiveWorkspace() def getMainWindow(self): """Useless mostly, but guiapi uses this method to access the main window.""" return self.window def createWorkspace(self, name, description=""): """Uses the instance of workspace manager passed into __init__ to get all the workspaces names and see if they don't clash with the one the user wrote. If everything's fine, it saves the new workspace and returns True. If something went wrong, return False""" if name in self.workspace_manager.getWorkspacesNames(): error_str = "A workspace with name %s already exists" % name model.api.log(error_str, "ERROR") errorDialog(self.window, error_str) creation_ok = False else: model.api.log("Creating workspace '%s'" % name) model.api.devlog("Looking for the delegation class") manager = self.getWorkspaceManager() try: name = manager.createWorkspace(name, description) self.change_workspace(name) creation_ok = True except Exception as e: model.guiapi.notification_center.showDialog(str(e)) creation_ok = False return creation_ok def remove_workspace(self, button, ws_name): """Removes a workspace. If the workspace to be deleted is the one selected, it moves you to the one above it on the list. If there aren't more workspaces left, you will be forced to create one. The clears and refreshes sidebar""" model.api.log("Removing Workspace: %s" % ws_name) server_response = self.getWorkspaceManager().removeWorkspace(ws_name) if server_response: self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() available_workspaces = self.serverIO.get_workspaces_names() if available_workspaces: self.select_last_workspace_in_list(available_workspaces) else: self.handle_no_active_workspace() def lost_db_connection(self, explanatory_message=None, handle_connection_lost=None, connect_to_a_different_couch=None): """Creates a simple dialog with an error message to inform the user some kind of problem has happened and the connection was lost. """ # NOTE: if we start faraday without CouchDB, both the signal coming # from CouchDB manager AND our test in do_activate will try # to raise the dialog. This avoids more than one dialog to be raised. if self.lost_connection_dialog_raised: return False def do_nothing_on_key_stroke(event, key): """Do nothing except return True""" return True self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = True if explanatory_message and isinstance(explanatory_message, basestring): explanation = "\n The specific error was: " + explanatory_message else: explanation = "" dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "The client can't connect to Faraday Server. " "You can try to reconnect to the last URL " "you set up, change it or exit Faraday " "until you fix the problem. \n" "For more information about Faraday Server " "please refer to the Faraday Github Wiki. \n " + explanation) dialog.set_deletable(False) dialog.set_modal(True) dialog.connect("key_press_event", do_nothing_on_key_stroke) retry_button = dialog.add_button("Retry connection?", 42) retry_button.connect("clicked", handle_connection_lost, dialog) change_couch_url = dialog.add_button("Change server IP?", 43) change_couch_url.connect("clicked", connect_to_a_different_couch, dialog) cancel_button = dialog.add_button("Exit Faraday", 0) cancel_button.connect("clicked", self.on_quit) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT: GObject.idle_add(self.exit_faraday_without_confirm) def handle_no_active_workspace(self): """If there's been a problem opening a workspace or for some reason we suddenly find our selves without one, force the user to select one if possible, or if not, to create one. """ def change_flag(widget): self.workspace_dialogs_raised = not self.workspace_dialogs_raised if self.workspace_dialogs_raised: return False if self.serverIO.server_info() is None: # make sure it is not because we're not connected to Couch # there's another whole strategy for that. return False self.workspace_dialogs_raised = True self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() available_workspaces = self.serverIO.get_workspaces_names() workspace_model = self.ws_sidebar.workspace_model if available_workspaces: dialog = ForceChooseWorkspaceDialog(self.window, workspace_model, self.change_workspace) else: dialog = ForceNewWorkspaceDialog(self.window, self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.exit_faraday) dialog.connect("destroy", change_flag) dialog.show_all() def select_active_workspace(self): """Selects on the sidebar the currently active workspace.""" self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(self.active_ws_name) def select_last_workspace_in_list(self, ws_names_list): self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(ws_names_list[-1]) def exit_faraday(self, button=None, parent=None): """A simple exit which will ask for confirmation.""" if not self.window.do_delete_event(parent): if parent is not None: GObject.idle_add(parent.destroy) GObject.idle_add(self.window.destroy) def exit_faraday_without_confirm(self, widget=None): """Exits faraday without confirm. Used as a middle-man between connect callbacks (which will send the widget as an argument and self.window.destroy, which takes none. """ getLogger(self).error("Faraday exited because you didn't connect " "to a valid Faraday Server.") GObject.idle_add(self.window.destroy) GObject.idle_add(self.on_quit) def force_change_couch_url(self, button=None, dialog=None): """Forces the user to change the couch URL. You **will** ended up connected to CouchDB or you will exit my application, cowboy. """ # destroy the ugly dialog that got us here if dialog is not None: dialog.destroy() preference_window = ForcePreferenceWindowDialog(self.reload_workspaces, self.connect_to_couch, self.window, self.exit_faraday) def connect_to_couch(self, server_uri, parent=None): """Tries to connect to a CouchDB on a specified Couch URI. Returns the success status of the operation, False for not successful, True for successful """ if parent is None: parent = self.window if not self.serverIO.test_server_url(server_uri): errorDialog(parent, "Could not connect to Faraday Server.", ("Are you sure it is running and that you can " "connect to it? \n Make sure your username and " "password are still valid.")) success = False elif server_uri.startswith("https://"): if not checkSSL(server_uri): errorDialog(self.window, "The SSL certificate validation has failed") success = False else: try: check_faraday_version() except RuntimeError: errorDialog(parent, "The server ir running a different Faraday version then the " "client you are runnung. Version numbers must match!") success = False return success CONF.setCouchUri(server_uri) CONF.saveConfig() self.reload_workspaces() self.open_last_workspace() success = True self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = False return success def handle_connection_lost(self, button=None, dialog=None): """Tries to connect to Couch using the same URI""" couch_uri = CONF.getCouchURI() if self.connect_to_couch(couch_uri, parent=dialog): reconnected = True if dialog is not None: dialog.destroy() self.open_last_workspace() self.lost_connection_dialog_raised = False else: reconnected = False return reconnected def update_counts(self): """Returns the counts of hosts, services and vulns on the current workspace.""" hosts, interfaces, services, vulns = self.serverIO.get_workspace_numbers() return hosts, services, vulns def show_host_info(self, host_id): """Looks up the host selected in the HostSidebar by id and shows its information on the HostInfoDialog. Return True if everything went OK, False if there was a problem looking for the host.""" current_ws_name = self.get_active_workspace().name # for host in self.model_controller.getAllHosts(): host = self.serverIO.get_hosts(couchid=host_id) if not host: self.show_normal_error("The host you clicked isn't accessible. " "This is most probably due to an internal " "error.") return False info_window = HostInfoDialog(self.window, current_ws_name, host[0]) info_window.show_all() return True def reload_workspaces_no_connection(self): """Very similar to reload_workspaces, but doesn't resource the workspace_manager to avoid asking for information to a database we can't access.""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() def reload_workspaces(self): """Close workspace, resources the workspaces available, clears the sidebar of the old workspaces and injects all the new ones in there too""" self.workspace_manager.closeWorkspace() self.ws_sidebar.clear_sidebar() self.ws_sidebar.refresh_sidebar() def delete_notifications(self): """Clear the notifications model of all info, also send a signal to get the notification label to 0 on the main window's button """ self.notificationsModel.clear() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_notif_label) def change_workspace(self, workspace_name): """Changes workspace in a separate thread. Emits a signal to present a 'Loading workspace' dialog while Faraday processes the change. If there are conflict present in the workspace, it will show a warning before changing the workspaces.""" def loading_workspace(action): """Function to be called via GObject.idle_add by the background process. Preconditions: show must have been called before destroy can be called. """ if action == "show" and not self.loading_dialog_raised: message_string = ("Loading workspace {0}. Please wait. \n" "To cancel, press Alt+F4 or a similar shorcut." .format(workspace_name)) self.loading_dialog_raised = True self.loading_dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, message_string) self.loading_dialog.set_modal(True) # on every key stroke just return true, wont allow user # to press scape self.loading_dialog.connect("key_press_event", lambda _, __: True) self.loading_dialog.connect("delete_event", lambda _, __: self.handle_no_active_workspace()) self.loading_dialog.show_all() if action == "destroy": self.loading_dialog.destroy() self.loading_dialog_raised = False def background_process(): """Change workspace. This function runs on a separated thread created by the parent function. DO NOT call any Gtk methods withing its scope, except by emiting signals to the window """ GObject.idle_add(loading_workspace, 'show') try: ws = super(GuiApp, self).openWorkspace(workspace_name) GObject.idle_add(CONF.setLastWorkspace, GObject.idle_add(CONF.saveConfig) except Exception as e: GObject.idle_add(self.handle_no_active_workspace) getLogger("GTK").error(e) GObject.idle_add(loading_workspace, 'destroy') return True self.ws_sidebar.select_ws_by_name(workspace_name) if self.statusbar.conflict_button_label_int > 0: response = self.window.show_conflicts_warning() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO: self.select_active_workspace() return False thread = threading.Thread(target=background_process) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def open_workspace_from_args(self): """Opens the workspace specified in the arguemnts, if possible. Return True if args.workspace is set, False if not.""" if self.args.workspace: workspace_name = self.args.workspace self.change_workspace(workspace_name) return True else: return False def open_last_workspace(self): """Tries to open the last workspace the user had opened. Return None.""" workspace_name = CONF.getLastWorkspace() self.change_workspace(workspace_name) def run(self, args): """First method to run, as defined by FaradayUi. This method is mandatory""" self.args = args ########################################################################## # NOTE: uninteresting part below. do not touch unless you have a very # # good reason, or you want to connect a new button on the toolbar, # # or, maybe most probably, you wanna register a new signal on # # postEvent(). # # Remember! -- even the best advice must sometimes not be heeded. # ########################################################################## def postEvent(self, _, event): """Handles the events from gui/customevents. The second argument is the 'receiver', but as this was made for QT3 it is now deprecated and we must manually set the receiver until the events module is updated. DO NOT, AND I REPEAT, DO NOT REDRAW *ANYTHING* FROM THE GUI FROM HERE. If you must do it, you should to it sing GObject.idle_add, a misterious function with outdated documentation. Good luck.""" def new_log_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.console_log.customEvent, event.text) def new_conflict_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_conflict_button_label, event.nconflicts) def new_notification_event(): self.notificationsModel.prepend([str(event)]) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.inc_notif_button_label) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def workspace_changed_event(): self.serverIO.active_workspace = host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() total_host_amount = self.serverIO.get_hosts_number() first_host_page = self.serverIO.get_hosts(page='0', page_size='20', sort='vulns', sort_dir='desc') total_host_amount = self.serverIO.get_workspace_numbers()[0] GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_workspace_label, GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.reset_model_after_workspace_changed, first_host_page, total_host_amount) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_conflict_label) GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.set_default_conflict_label) GObject.idle_add(self.select_active_workspace) def normal_error_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.show_normal_error, event.text) def important_error_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.show_important_error, event) def lost_connection_to_server_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.lost_db_connection, event.problem, self.handle_connection_lost, self.force_change_couch_url) GObject.idle_add(self.reload_workspaces_no_connection) def workspace_not_accessible_event(): GObject.idle_add(self.handle_no_active_workspace) def add_object(): if event.new_obj: GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.add_object, event.new_obj) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def delete_object(): if event.obj_id: GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.remove_object, event.obj_id) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) def update_object(): if event.obj: GObject.idle_add(self.hosts_sidebar.update_object, event.obj) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() GObject.idle_add(self.statusbar.update_ws_info, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) dispatch = {3131: new_log_event, 3141: new_conflict_event, 5100: new_notification_event, 3140: workspace_changed_event, 3132: normal_error_event, 3134: important_error_event, 42424: lost_connection_to_server_event, 24242: workspace_not_accessible_event, 7777: add_object, 8888: delete_object, 9999: update_object} function = dispatch.get(event.type()) if function is not None: function() def show_normal_error(self, dialog_text): """Just a simple, normal, ignorable error""" dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, dialog_text) dialog.destroy() def show_important_error(self, event): """Creates an importan error dialog with a callback to send the developers the error traceback. """ dialog_text = event.text dialog = ImportantErrorDialog(self.window, dialog_text) response = if response == 42: error = event.error_name event.callback(error, *event.exception_objects) dialog.destroy() def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.serverIO.get_host, self.icons) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "faradayPlugin": self.on_faraday_plugin, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) topmenu = Gio.Menu() pluginmenu = Gio.Menu() topmenu.append('Faraday Plugin...', 'app.faradayPlugin') plugins = fplugin_utils.get_available_plugins() for plugin in sorted(plugins.iterkeys()): gio_action ='fplugin_%s' % plugin, None) gio_action.connect("activate", self.type_faraday_plugin_command) self.add_action(gio_action) item =[plugin]['prettyname'], 'app.fplugin_%s' % plugin) pluginmenu.append_item(item) fmenu = Gio.Menu() fmenu.append_section(None, topmenu) fmenu.append_section(None, pluginmenu) appmenu.insert_submenu(1, "Faraday Plugin", fmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu) def do_activate(self): """If there's no window, create one and present it (show it to user). If there's a window, just present it. Also add the log handler and the notifier to the application""" # We only allow a single window and raise any existing ones if not self.window: # Windows are associated with the application # when the last one is closed the application shuts down self.window = AppWindow(self.sidebar, self.ws_sidebar, self.hosts_sidebar, self.terminal, self.console_log, self.statusbar, application=self, title="Faraday " + str(CONF.getVersion())) self.window.set_icon(self.icon) self.window.present() self.loghandler = GUIHandler() model.guiapi.setMainApp(self) addHandler(self.loghandler) self.loghandler.registerGUIOutput(self.window) notifier = model.log.getNotifier() notifier.widget = self.window model.guiapi.notification_center.registerWidget(self.window) if self.serverIO.server_info() is None: self.lost_db_connection( handle_connection_lost=self.handle_connection_lost, connect_to_a_different_couch=self.force_change_couch_url) workspace_argument_set = self.open_workspace_from_args() if not workspace_argument_set: self.open_last_workspace() def on_quit(self, action=None, param=None): self.quit() def on_plugin_options(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Plugins" on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = PluginOptionsDialog(self.plugin_manager, self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_faraday_plugin(self, action, param): """Defines what happens when you press "Faraday Plugin..." on the menu""" pluginsOption_window = FaradayPluginsDialog(self.window.get_current_focused_terminal(), self.get_active_workspace().getName(), self.window) pluginsOption_window.show_all() def on_new_button(self, action=None, params=None, title=None): """Defines what happens when you press the 'new' button on the toolbar """ new_workspace_dialog = NewWorkspaceDialog(self.createWorkspace, self.workspace_manager, self.ws_sidebar, self.window, title) new_workspace_dialog.show_all() def on_new_terminal_button(self, action, params): """When the user clicks on the new_terminal button, creates a new instance of the Terminal and tells the window to add it as a new tab for the notebook""" new_terminal = Terminal(CONF) terminal_scrolled = new_terminal.create_scrollable_terminal() self.window.new_tab(terminal_scrolled) def on_click_notifications(self, button): """Defines what happens when the user clicks on the notifications button: just show a silly window with a treeview containing all the notifications""" notifications_view = Gtk.TreeView(self.notificationsModel) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Notifications", renderer, text=0) notifications_view.append_column(column) notifications_dialog = NotificationsDialog(notifications_view, self.delete_notifications, self.window) notifications_dialog.show_all() def on_click_conflicts(self, button=None): """Doesn't use the button at all, there cause GTK likes it. Shows the conflict dialog. """ conflicts = self.model_controller.getConflicts() if conflicts: dialog = ConflictsDialog(conflicts, self.window) dialog.show_all() else: dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.INFO, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, "No conflicts to fix!") dialog.destroy() def on_open_report_button(self, action, param): """What happens when the user clicks the open report button. A dialog will present itself with a combobox to select a plugin. Then a file chooser to select a report. The report will be processed with the selected plugin. """ def select_plugin(): """Creates a simple dialog with a combo box to select a plugin""" plugins_id = [_id for _id in self.plugin_manager.getPlugins()] plugins_id = sorted(plugins_id, key=lambda s: s.lower()) dialog = Gtk.Dialog("Select plugin", self.window, 0) combo_box = Gtk.ComboBoxText() combo_box.set_wrap_width(3) for plugin_id in plugins_id: combo_box.append_text(plugin_id) dialog.vbox.pack_start(combo_box, False, True, 10) dialog.add_button("Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) dialog.add_button("OK", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) response = selected = combo_box.get_active_text() dialog.destroy() return response, selected def on_file_selected(plugin_id, report): """Send the plugin_id and the report file to be processed""" self.report_manager.sendReportToPluginById(plugin_id, report) plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() while plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT and plugin_id is None: # force user to select a plugin if he did not do it errorDialog(self.window, "Please select a plugin to parse your report!") plugin_response, plugin_id = select_plugin() else: if plugin_response == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Import a report", parent=self.window, action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, buttons=("Open", Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, "Cancel", Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) ) dialog.set_modal(True) res = if res == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: on_file_selected(plugin_id, dialog.get_filename()) dialog.destroy() def on_about(self, action, param): """ Defines what happens when you press 'about' on the menu""" about_dialog = aboutDialog(self.window) about_dialog.destroy() def on_preferences(self, action=None, param=None): """Defines what happens when you press 'preferences' on the menu. Sends as a callback reloadWsManager, so if the user actually changes her Couch URL, the sidebar will reload reflecting the new workspaces available""" preference_window = PreferenceWindowDialog(self.reload_workspaces, self.connect_to_couch, self.window) preference_window.show_all() def on_click_go_to_web_ui_button(self, action=None, param=None): """Opens the dashboard of the current workspace on a new tab of the user's default browser """ couch_url = CONF.getCouchURI() ws_name = self.workspace_manager.getActiveWorkspace() if not ws_name: ws_url = couch_url + "/_ui/" else: ws_url = couch_url + "/_ui/#/dashboard/ws/" +, new=2) def on_help_dispatch(self, action, param=None): """Open the url contained in "action" in the user's browser.""" urls = {"go_to_documentation": "", "go_to_faq": "", "go_to_troubleshooting": "", "go_to_demos": "", "go_to_issues": "", "go_to_forum": "", "go_to_irc": "", "go_to_twitter": "", "go_to_googlegroup": "" } url = urls.get(action.get_name(), ""), new=2) def type_faraday_plugin_command(self, action, param=None): """ Types the faraday plugin command on the command line. """ plugin = "_".join(action.get_name().split('_')[1:]) terminal = self.window.get_current_focused_terminal() command = fplugin_utils.build_faraday_plugin_command(plugin, self.get_active_workspace().getName()) fd = terminal.get_pty().get_fd() os.write(fd, command)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.serverIO.get_host, self.icons) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "faradayPlugin": self.on_faraday_plugin, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) topmenu = Gio.Menu() pluginmenu = Gio.Menu() topmenu.append('Faraday Plugin...', 'app.faradayPlugin') plugins = fplugin_utils.get_available_plugins() for plugin in sorted(plugins.iterkeys()): gio_action ='fplugin_%s' % plugin, None) gio_action.connect("activate", self.type_faraday_plugin_command) self.add_action(gio_action) item =[plugin]['prettyname'], 'app.fplugin_%s' % plugin) pluginmenu.append_item(item) fmenu = Gio.Menu() fmenu.append_section(None, topmenu) fmenu.append_section(None, pluginmenu) appmenu.insert_submenu(1, "Faraday Plugin", fmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # XXX: do not move next line, it is very important it stays there, # just after the creation of the sidebar and before updateHosts. # correct fix: move the creation of the ws_model to the application workspace_argument_set = self.open_workspace_from_args() if not workspace_argument_set: self.open_last_workspace() self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = {"about" : self.on_about, "help" : self.on_help, "quit" : self.on_quit, "preferences" : self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions" : self.on_plugin_options, "new" : self.on_new_button, "new_terminal" : self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report" : self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui" : self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.serverIO.get_host, self.icons) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = { "about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "faradayPlugin": self.on_faraday_plugin, "appstore": self.on_appstore, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) topmenu = Gio.Menu() pluginmenu = Gio.Menu() topmenu.append('Faraday Plugin...', 'app.faradayPlugin') plugins = fplugin_utils.get_available_plugins() for plugin in sorted(plugins.iterkeys()): gio_action ='fplugin_%s' % plugin, None) gio_action.connect("activate", self.type_faraday_plugin_command) self.add_action(gio_action) item =[plugin]['prettyname'], 'app.fplugin_%s' % plugin) pluginmenu.append_item(item) fmenu = Gio.Menu() fmenu.append_section(None, topmenu) fmenu.append_section(None, pluginmenu) appmenu.insert_submenu(1, "Faraday Plugin", fmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar(self.workspace_manager, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace()) # XXX: do not move next line, it is very important it stays there, # just after the creation of the sidebar and before updateHosts. # correct fix: move the creation of the ws_model to the application workspace_argument_set = self.open_workspace_from_args() if not workspace_argument_set: self.open_last_workspace() self.updateHosts() self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model(self.all_hosts) self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = self.update_counts() self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar(self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = { "about": self.on_about, "help": self.on_help, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + '/menubar.xml') builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object('appmenu') self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object('Help') self.set_menubar(helpMenu)
def do_startup(self): """ GTK calls this method after Creates instances of the sidebar, terminal, console log and statusbar to be added to the app window. Sets up necesary actions on menu and toolbar buttons Also reads the .xml file from menubar.xml """ Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # deep GTK magic self.serverIO = ServerIO(CONF.getLastWorkspace()) self.serverIO.continously_check_server_connection() self.ws_sidebar = WorkspaceSidebar( self.serverIO, self.change_workspace, self.remove_workspace, self.on_new_button, CONF.getLastWorkspace() ) # the dummy values here will be updated as soon as the ws is loaded. self.hosts_sidebar = HostsSidebar(self.show_host_info, self.serverIO.get_hosts, self.icons) default_model = self.hosts_sidebar.create_model([]) # dummy empty list self.hosts_sidebar.create_view(default_model) self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.ws_sidebar.get_box(), self.hosts_sidebar.get_box()) host_count, service_count, vuln_count = 0, 0, 0 # dummy values self.terminal = Terminal(CONF) self.console_log = ConsoleLog() self.statusbar = Statusbar( self.on_click_notifications, self.on_click_conflicts, host_count, service_count, vuln_count ) self.notificationsModel = Gtk.ListStore(str) action_to_method = { "about": self.on_about, "quit": self.on_quit, "preferences": self.on_preferences, "pluginOptions": self.on_plugin_options, "new": self.on_new_button, "new_terminal": self.on_new_terminal_button, "open_report": self.on_open_report_button, "go_to_web_ui": self.on_click_go_to_web_ui_button, "go_to_documentation": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_faq": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_troubleshooting": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_demos": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_issues": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_forum": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_irc": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_twitter": self.on_help_dispatch, "go_to_googlegroup": self.on_help_dispatch, } for action, method in action_to_method.items(): gio_action =, None) gio_action.connect("activate", method) self.add_action(gio_action) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) builder = Gtk.Builder.new_from_file(dirname + "/menubar.xml") builder.connect_signals(self) appmenu = builder.get_object("appmenu") self.set_app_menu(appmenu) helpMenu = builder.get_object("Help") self.set_menubar(helpMenu)