Exemple #1
    def testSource(self):
        with open('lib/python/pack2/tests/test_param.p2', 'r') as f:
            source = f.read()

        p = parser.Parser()
        metadata = p.Parse(source)
        test_param = metadata.type_map['TestConfigParams']

        p2 = parser.Parser()
        metadata2 = p2.Parse(test_param.Source())
        test_param2 = metadata2.type_map['TestConfigParams']

        self.assertEqual(str(test_param), str(test_param2))
    def testRedefiendIncludeType(self):
        loader = _MockFileLoader()
        enum8 ChildEnum {
          kValue0 = 0,
          kValue1 = 1,
        enum8 ChildEnum {
          kValue0 = 0,
          kValue1 = 1,

        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        include "child.p2";
        include "child2.p2";

        param ParentParam {
          ChildEnum child_enum;
        p = parser.Parser(file_loader=loader)
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #3
    def testSpecialized(self):
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        enum32 FooRevision {
          kFooRevisionA = 0,
          kFooRevisionB = 1,

        param BaseConfigParams {
          string[32] name;
          int32 revision;

        specialize(BaseConfigParams) FooConfigParams {
          FooRevision revision;

        expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param BaseConfigParams {
          string[32] name;  // offset: 0
          int32 revision;  // offset: 32
        param FooConfigParams {
          string[32] name;  // offset: 0
          enum32 FooRevision {
            kFooRevisionA = 0,
            kFooRevisionB = 1,
          } revision;  // offset: 32
        p = parser.Parser()
        metadata = p.Parse(text)
        self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
    def testDupicateIncludeOK(self):
        loader = _MockFileLoader()
        enum8 ChildEnum {
          kValue0 = 0,
          kValue1 = 1,

        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        include "child.p2";
        include "child.p2";

        param ParentParam {
          ChildEnum child_enum;

        expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param ParentParam {
          enum8 ChildEnum {
            kValue0 = 0,
            kValue1 = 1,
          } child_enum;  // offset: 0
        p = parser.Parser(file_loader=loader)
        metadata = p.Parse(text)
        self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
Exemple #5
  def testStruct(self):
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        struct test_struct {
          uint8 field0;
          int32 field1;

        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;
          float32 thing_b;

          test_struct thing_c;
          test_struct thing_d;

    expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;  // offset: 0
          float32 thing_b;  // offset: 4
          struct test_struct {
            uint8 field0;  // offset: 0
            int32 field1;  // offset: 4
          } thing_c;  // offset: 8
          struct test_struct {
            uint8 field0;  // offset: 0
            int32 field1;  // offset: 4
          } thing_d;  // offset: 16
    p = parser.Parser()
    metadata = p.Parse(text)
    self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
Exemple #6
    def testScaled(self):
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        scaled8 test_scaled8 {
          offset = 0.0,
          scale = -1.0,

        scaled16 test_scaled16 {
          offset = 1.2e1,
          scale = 0.1e-3,

        scaled32 test_scaled32 {
          offset = -13,
          scale = -0.1e30,

        scaled32 test_scaled32_2 {
          offset = -0,
          scale = -1,

        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;
          float32 thing_b;

          test_scaled8 thing_c;
          test_scaled16 thing_d;
          test_scaled32 thing_e;
          test_scaled32_2 thing_f;

        expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;  // offset: 0
          float32 thing_b;  // offset: 4
          scaled8 test_scaled8 {
            offset = 0,
            scale = -1,
          } thing_c;  // offset: 8
          scaled16 test_scaled16 {
            offset = 12,
            scale = 0.0001,
          } thing_d;  // offset: 10
          scaled32 test_scaled32 {
            offset = -13,
            scale = -1e+29,
          } thing_e;  // offset: 12
          scaled32 test_scaled32_2 {
            offset = 0,
            scale = -1,
          } thing_f;  // offset: 16
        p = parser.Parser()
        metadata = p.Parse(text)
        self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
Exemple #7
  def testFormatter(self):
    with open('lib/python/pack2/tests/test_param_pre_fmt.p2', 'r') as f:
      pre_format = f.read()
    with open('lib/python/pack2/tests/test_param_post_fmt.p2', 'r') as f:
      post_format = f.read()

    p = parser.Parser()
    self.assertEqual(p.GetFormattedSource(), post_format)
Exemple #8
 def _TestEnumBadValue(self, width, value):
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     enum{width} test_enum {{
       VAL0 = {value},
     """).format(width=width, value=value)
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #9
 def testNoScaledScale(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a scaled type has no scale property.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     scaled8 test_scaled8 {
       offset = -1,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #10
 def testBadKeyword(self):
   # Ensure a ParseError is raised on an invalid keyword.
   text = textwrap.dedent("""\
       garbage test_struct {
         uint8 thing_a;
   p = parser.Parser()
   with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
    def testBitfield(self):
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        bitfield8 test_bf8 {
          0: FLAG0,
          1: FLAG1,
          7: FLAG_MAX,

        bitfield16 test_bf16 {
          0: FLAG0,
          1: FLAG1,
          15: FLAG_MAX,

        bitfield32 test_bf32 {
          0: FLAG0,
          1: FLAG1,
          31: FLAG_MAX,

        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;
          float32 thing_b;

          test_bf8 thing_c;
          test_bf16 thing_d;
          test_bf32 thing_e;

        expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a;  // offset: 0
          float32 thing_b;  // offset: 4
          bitfield8 test_bf8 {
            0: FLAG0,
            1: FLAG1,
            7: FLAG_MAX,
          } thing_c;  // offset: 8
          bitfield16 test_bf16 {
            0: FLAG0,
            1: FLAG1,
            15: FLAG_MAX,
          } thing_d;  // offset: 10
          bitfield32 test_bf32 {
            0: FLAG0,
            1: FLAG1,
            31: FLAG_MAX,
          } thing_e;  // offset: 12
        p = parser.Parser()
        metadata = p.Parse(text)
        self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
 def testBitmapNegValue(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a bitmap contains a negative value.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     bitfield8 test_bitfield8 {
       0: FLAG0,
       -1: FLAG1,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #13
 def testScaledNotFloat(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a scaled property is not a float.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     scaled8 test_scaled8 {
       offset = -0,
       scale = abc,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #14
 def testDupEnumValue(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when an enum contains duplicate values.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     enum8 test_enum8 {
       VAL0 = 0,
       VAL1 = 0,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
 def testDupBitmapLabel(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a bitmap contains duplicate labels.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     bitfield8 test_bitfield8 {
       0: FLAG0,
       1: FLAG0,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #16
 def testDuplicateField(self):
   # Ensure that a ParseError is raised when two fields have the same name.
   text = textwrap.dedent("""\
       param test_param {
         uint8 thing_a;
         float32 thing_a;
   p = parser.Parser()
   with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #17
  def testArrayFieldNegativeExtent(self):
    # Ensure that a ParseError is raised on an array with a negative length.
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a[-7];
          uint32 thing_b;

    p = parser.Parser()
    with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
 def testBitmap32Overflow(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a bitmap32 contains a value that is
     # out of range of its width.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     bitfield32 test_bitfield32 {
       0: FLAG0,
       32: FLAG8,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #19
 def testUnnownScaledProperty(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a scaled type has an unknown property.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     scaled8 test_scaled8 {
       offset = -0,
       scale = -1,
       abc = -1,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #20
 def testDupScaledProperty(self):
     # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when a scaled type has duplicate
     # properties.
     text = textwrap.dedent("""\
     scaled8 test_scaled8 {
       offset = -0,
       scale = -1,
       scale = -1,
     p = parser.Parser()
     with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #21
  def testDuplicateHeader(self):
    # Ensure a ParseError is raised when two headers have the same name.
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        header test_header {
          uint8 thing_a;

        header test_header {
          uint8 thing_a;
    p = parser.Parser()
    with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #22
  def testDuplicateStruct(self):
    # Ensure a ParseError is raised when two structs have the same name.
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        struct test_struct {
          uint8 thing_a;

        struct test_struct {
          uint8 thing_a;
    p = parser.Parser()
    with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #23
    def testEnumNotDefined(self):
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param BaseConfigParams {
          string[32] name;
          int32 revision;

        specialize(BaseConfigParams) FooConfigParams {
          FooRevision revision;

        p = parser.Parser()
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #24
    def testParentNotDefined(self):
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        enum32 FooRevision {
          kFooRevisionA = 0,
          kFooRevisionB = 1,

        specialize(BaseConfigParams) FooConfigParams {
          FooRevision revision;

        p = parser.Parser()
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
    def testDupBitmapType(self):
        # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when two bitfields have the same name.
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        bitfield8 test_bitfield8 {
          0: FLAG0,
          1: FLAG1,

        bitfield16 test_bitfield8 {
          0: FLAG0,
          1: FLAG1,
        p = parser.Parser()
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #26
    def testDupEnumType(self):
        # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when two enums have the same name.
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        enum8 test_enum8 {
          VAL0 = 0,
          VAL1 = 1,

        enum8 test_enum8 {
          VAL0 = 0,
          VAL1 = 1,
        p = parser.Parser()
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #27
    def testDupScaledType(self):
        # Ensure a SyntaxError is raised when two scaled type have the same name.
        text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        scaled8 test_scaled8 {
          offset = -0,
          scale = -1,

        scaled8 test_scaled8 {
          offset = -0,
          scale = -1,
        p = parser.Parser()
        with self.assertRaises(parser.ParseError):
Exemple #28
  def testArrayField(self):
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a[7];
          uint32 thing_b;

    expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          uint8 thing_a[7];  // offset: 0
          uint32 thing_b;  // offset: 8

    p = parser.Parser()
    metadata = p.Parse(text)
    self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
Exemple #29
  def testDateField(self):
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          date date;
          uint32 thing_b;

    expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param test_param {
          date date;  // offset: 0
          uint32 thing_b;  // offset: 4

    p = parser.Parser()
    metadata = p.Parse(text)
    self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)
Exemple #30
  def testSimpleParam(self):
    text = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param SerialParams {
          int32 serial_number;
          date date_of_manufacture;
          string[32] part_number;

    expected = textwrap.dedent("""\
        param SerialParams {
          int32 serial_number;  // offset: 0
          date date_of_manufacture;  // offset: 4
          string[32] part_number;  // offset: 8

    p = parser.Parser()
    metadata = p.Parse(text)
    self.assertEqual(str(metadata), expected)