def makeareamap(area, locations):

    b = Bounds()
    mapbase="" + parms.staticmapsapikey + "&"
    mapparts = []

    clubinfo = []
    marker = 'A'
    for (clubname, latitude, longitude) in locations:
        b.extend(latitude, longitude)
        mapparts.append('markers=label:%s%%7C%s,%s' % (marker, latitude, longitude))
        marker = chr(ord(marker)+1)

 #   mapparts.append("center=%s" % (b.centercoords()))
    mapparts.append("size=640x640&scale=2")   # As large as possible, at least for now
    return '%s%s' % (mapbase, '&'.join(mapparts))
Exemple #2
def computeDistances(clubs):
    """ For a group of clubs, compute the distance of each club from their center and from each other. """
    # Now, compute bounds and center
    bounds = Bounds()
    for c in list(clubs.values()):
        bounds.extend(c.latitude, c.longitude)
    bounds.clat = (bounds.north + bounds.south) / 2.0
    bounds.clong = (bounds.east + bounds.west) / 2.0
    for c in clubs:
        clubs[c].centraldistance = distance_on_unit_sphere(clubs[c].latitude, clubs[c].longitude,
                                bounds.clat, bounds.clong)
        for d in clubs:
            if c > d:
                dist = distance_on_unit_sphere(clubs[c].latitude, clubs[c].longitude, clubs[d].latitude, clubs[d].longitude)
                clubs[c].distances.append((d, dist))
                clubs[d].distances.append((c, dist))
Exemple #3



# Create map pages if mapdir was specified.
if parms.mapdir:
    for d in sorted(Division.divisions):
        if d.lower() != 'new':
            div = Division.divisions[d]
            for a in sorted(div.areas):
                with open(os.path.join(parms.mapdir, '%s.html' % a),
                          'w') as mapfile:
                    b = Bounds()
                    mapbase = ""
                    mapparts = []

                    clubinfo = []
                    marker = 'A'
                    for c in sorted(div.areas[a].clubs,
                                    key=lambda x: x.clubnumber.zfill(8)):
                        b.extend(float(c.latitude), float(c.longitude))
                        mapparts.append('markers=label:%s%%7C%s,%s' %
                                        (marker, c.latitude, c.longitude))

                        clubinfo.append('<tr><td class="marker">%s</td>' %
                        clubinfo.append('<td class="clubnum">%s</td>' %