if not os.path.exists (ex_02):
        os.makedirs (ex_02)

      extract_done = False
      if os.path.exists (os.path.join (ex_02, 'extract_done')):
        extract_done = True

      if not extract_done:
        mids = []

        for i in range (ids[s][0] - marginids, ids[s][0] + marginids + 1):
          if os.path.exists (os.path.join (sdir, str(i) + '.DAT')):
            mids.append (i)

        # extract to 02
        mkm = Makemseed ()
        mkm.station = s
        mkm.root = os.path.join (d, s)
        mkm.destdir = ex_02
        mkm.ids = mids
        (mseedf, idsf, refsf) = mkm.dorange ()

        rd = open (os.path.join (ex_02, 'extract_done'), 'w')
        rd.write ('yes\n')
        rd.close ()

        print "%s: %s already extracted, skipping station." % (d, s)

    # seismometer
    s = 'GAKS'
    print "%s: reextracting.." % d
    for s in stations:
      reextract_done = False
      if os.path.exists (os.path.join (d, s, '01', 'reextract_done')):
        reextract_done = True

      if not reextract_done:
        idf = open (os.path.join (d, s, '00', idfiles[s]), 'r')
        ids = []
        for l in idf.readlines ():
          (ii, sdlag) = l.split (',')
          ids.append (int(ii))

        idf.close ()

        mkm = Makemseed ()
        mkm.station = s
        mkm.root = os.path.join (d, s)
        mkm.destdir = os.path.join (d, s, '01')
        mkm.ids = ids
        (mseedf, idsf, refsf) = mkm.dorange ()

        rd = open (os.path.join (d, s, '01', 'reextract_done'), 'w')
        rd.write ('yes\n')
        rd.close ()
        print "%s: %s already reextracted, skipping." % (d, s)

    print "%s: putting to 04_events_localize.." % d
    p = Putrevised ()
    p.doevent (d, d, '01')
Exemple #3

            extract_done = False
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ex_02, 'extract_done')):
                extract_done = True

            if not extract_done:
                mids = []

                for i in range(ids[s][0] - marginids,
                               ids[s][0] + marginids + 1):
                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sdir, str(i) + '.DAT')):

                # extract to 02
                mkm = Makemseed()
                mkm.station = s
                mkm.root = os.path.join(d, s)
                mkm.destdir = ex_02
                mkm.ids = mids
                (mseedf, idsf, refsf) = mkm.dorange()

                rd = open(os.path.join(ex_02, 'extract_done'), 'w')

                print "%s: %s already extracted, skipping station." % (d, s)

        # seismometer
        s = 'GAKS'