class Controller(Loggable):
    """Implement the logic that takes a Block through its state machine"""

    # Attributes for all controllers
    state = None
    status = None
    busy = None
    # BlockMeta for descriptions
    meta = None

    def __init__(self, block_name, process, parts=None, params=None):
            process (Process): The process this should run under
        controller_name = "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, block_name)
        self.block = Block()
        self.log_debug("Creating block %r as %r" % (self.block, block_name))
        self.block_name = block_name
        self.params = params
        self.process = process
        self.lock = process.create_lock()
        # {part: task}
        self.part_tasks = {}
        # dictionary of dictionaries
        # {state (str): {MethodMeta: writeable (bool)}
        self.methods_writeable = {}
        # dict {hook: name}
        self.hook_names = self._find_hooks() = self._setup_parts(parts, controller_name)
        self._do_transition(sm.DISABLED, "Disabled")
        self.block.set_parent(process, block_name)

    def _find_hooks(self):
        hook_names = {}
        for n in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, n)
            if isinstance(attr, Hook):
                assert attr not in hook_names, \
                    "Hook %s already in controller as %s" % (
                        n, hook_names[attr])
                hook_names[attr] = n
        return hook_names

    def _setup_parts(self, parts, controller_name):
        if parts is None:
            parts = {}
        for part_name, part in parts.items():
            part.set_logger_name("%s.%s" % (controller_name, part_name))
            # Check part hooks into one of our hooks
            for func_name, part_hook, _ in get_hook_decorated(part):
                assert part_hook in self.hook_names, \
                    "Part %s func %s not hooked into %s" % (
                        part, func_name, self)
        return parts

    def do_initial_reset(self):
        request = Post(None, self.process.create_queue(),
                       [self.block_name, "reset"])

    def add_change(self, changes, item, attr, value):
        path = item.path_relative_to(self.block) + [attr]
        changes.append([path, value])

    def _set_block_children(self):
        # reconfigure block with new children
        child_list = [self.create_meta()]
        child_list += list(self._create_default_attributes())
        child_list += list(self.create_attributes())
        child_list += list(self.create_methods())
        for part in
            child_list += list(part.create_attributes())
            child_list += list(part.create_methods())

        self.methods_writeable = {}
        writeable_functions = {}
        children = OrderedDict()

        for name, child, writeable_func in child_list:
            if isinstance(child, MethodMeta):
                # Set if the method is writeable
                if child.only_in is None:
                    states = [
                        state for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states
                        if state not in (sm.DISABLING, sm.DISABLED)
                    states = child.only_in
                    for state in states:
                        assert state in self.stateMachine.possible_states, \
                            "State %s is not one of the valid states %s" % \
                            (state, self.stateMachine.possible_states)
                # Make a copy otherwise all instances will own the same one
                child = MethodMeta.from_dict(child.to_dict())
                self.register_method_writeable(child, states)
            elif isinstance(child, Attribute):
                child.meta.set_writeable(writeable_func is not None)
            children[name] = child
            if writeable_func:
                writeable_functions[name] = functools.partial(
                    self.call_writeable_function, writeable_func)


    def call_writeable_function(self, function, child, *args):
        with self.lock:
            if not child.writeable:
                child.log_error("I'm not writeable")
                raise ValueError("Child %r is not writeable" % (child, ))
        result = function(*args)
        return result

    def _create_default_attributes(self):
        # Add the state, status and busy attributes
        self.state = ChoiceMeta("State of Block",
        yield "state", self.state, None
        self.status = StringMeta("Status of Block",
        yield "status", self.status, None
        self.busy = BooleanMeta("Whether Block busy or not",
        yield "busy", self.busy, None

    def create_meta(self):
        self.meta = BlockMeta()
        return "meta", self.meta, None

    def create_attributes(self):
        """Method that should provide Attribute instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, Attribute, callable put_function).
        return iter(())

    def create_methods(self):
        """Method that should provide MethodMeta instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, MethodMeta, callable post_function).
        return get_method_decorated(self)

    def transition(self, state, message, create_tasks=False):
        Change to a new state if the transition is allowed

            state(str): State to transition to
            message(str): Status message
            create_tasks(bool): If true then make self.part_tasks
        with self.lock:
            if self.stateMachine.is_allowed(initial_state=self.state.value,
                self._do_transition(state, message)
                if create_tasks:
                    self.part_tasks = self.create_part_tasks()
                raise TypeError("Cannot transition from %s to %s" %
                                (self.state.value, state))

    def _do_transition(self, state, message):
        # transition is allowed, so set attributes
        changes = []
        self.add_change(changes, self.state, "value", state)
        self.add_change(changes, self.status, "value", message)
        self.add_change(changes, self.busy, "value", state
                        in self.stateMachine.busy_states)

        # say which methods can now be called
        for name in self.block:
            child = self.block[name]
            if isinstance(child, MethodMeta):
                method = child
                writeable = self.methods_writeable[state][method]
                self.add_change(changes, method, "writeable", writeable)
                for ename in method.takes.elements:
                    meta = method.takes.elements[ename]
                    self.add_change(changes, meta, "writeable", writeable)

        self.log_debug("Transitioning to %s", state)

    def register_method_writeable(self, method, states):
        Set the states that the given method can be called in

            method(MethodMeta): Method that will be set writeable or not
            states(list[str]): List of states where method is writeable
        for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states:
            writeable_dict = self.methods_writeable.setdefault(state, {})
            is_writeable = state in states
            writeable_dict[method] = is_writeable

    def create_part_tasks(self):
        part_tasks = {}
        for part_name, part in
            part_tasks[part] = Task("Task(%s)" % part_name, self.process)
        return part_tasks

    def run_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, **kwargs):
        hook_queue, func_tasks, task_part_names = self.start_hook(
            hook, part_tasks, **kwargs)
        return_table = hook.make_return_table(part_tasks)
        return_dict = self.wait_hook(hook_queue, func_tasks, task_part_names)
        for part_name in
            return_map = return_dict.get(part_name, None)
            if return_map:
                self.fill_in_table(part_name, return_table, return_map)
        return return_table

    def fill_in_table(self, part_name, table, return_map):
        # Find all the array columns
        arrays = {}
        for column_name in table.meta.elements:
            meta = table.meta.elements[column_name]
            if "hook:return_array" in meta.tags:
                arrays[column_name] = return_map[column_name]
        # If there are any arrays, make sure they are the right length
        lengths = set(len(arr) for arr in arrays.values())
        if len(lengths) == 0:
            # no arrays
            iterations = 1
            assert len(lengths) == 1, \
                "Varying array length %s for rows %s" % (lengths, arrays)
            iterations = lengths.pop()
        for i in range(iterations):
            row = []
            for k in table.endpoints:
                if k == "name":
                elif k in arrays:

    def make_task_return_value_function(self, hook_queue, **kwargs):
        def task_return(func, task):
                result = func.MethodMeta.call_post_function(func, kwargs, task)
            except StopIteration as e:
                self.log_debug("%s has been aborted", func)
                result = e
            except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
                self.log_exception("%s %s raised exception", func, kwargs)
                result = e
            self.log_debug("Putting %r on queue", result)
            hook_queue.put((func, result))

        return task_return

    def start_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, **kwargs):
        assert hook in self.hook_names, \
            "Hook %s doesn't appear in controller hooks %s" % (
                hook, self.hook_names)
        self.log_debug("Running %s hook", self.hook_names[hook])

        # ask the hook to find the functions it should run
        func_tasks = hook.find_func_tasks(part_tasks)

        # now start them off
        hook_queue = self.process.create_queue()
        task_return = self.make_task_return_value_function(
            hook_queue, **kwargs)

        for func, task in func_tasks.items():
            task.define_spawn_function(task_return, func, task)
            self.log_debug("Starting task %r", task)

        # Create the reverse dictionary so we know where to store the results
        task_part_names = {}
        for part_name, part in
            if part in part_tasks:
                task_part_names[part_tasks[part]] = part_name

        return hook_queue, func_tasks, task_part_names

    def wait_hook(self, hook_queue, func_tasks, task_part_names):
        # Wait for them all to finish
        return_dict = {}
        while func_tasks:
            func, ret = hook_queue.get()
            task = func_tasks.pop(func)
            part_name = task_part_names[task]
            return_dict[part_name] = ret

            if isinstance(ret, Exception):
                # Stop all other tasks
                for task in func_tasks.values():
                for task in func_tasks.values():

            # If we got a StopIteration, someone asked us to stop, so
            # don't wait, otherwise make sure we finished
            if not isinstance(ret, StopIteration):

            if isinstance(ret, Exception):
                raise ret

        return return_dict
Exemple #2
class Controller(Loggable):
    """Implement the logic that takes a Block through its state machine"""
    stateMachine = sm()

    # Attributes for all controllers
    state = None
    status = None
    busy = None
    # BlockMeta for descriptions
    meta = None

    def __init__(self, process, parts, params):
            process (Process): The process this should run under
            params (Map): The parameters specified in method_takes()
            parts (list): [Part]
        self.process = process
        self.params = params
        self.mri = params.mri
        controller_name = "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, self.mri)
        self.block = Block()
        self.log_debug("Creating block %r as %r", self.block, self.mri)
        self.lock = process.create_lock()
        # {part: task}
        self.part_tasks = {}
        # dictionary of dictionaries
        # {state (str): {Meta/MethodMeta/Attribute: writeable (bool)}
        self.children_writeable = {}
        # dict {hook: name}
        self.hook_names = self._find_hooks() = self._setup_parts(parts, controller_name)
        self._do_transition(sm.DISABLED, "Disabled")
        self.block.set_process_path(process, [self.mri])
        process.add_block(self.block, self)

    def _find_hooks(self):
        hook_names = {}
        for n in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, n)
            if isinstance(attr, Hook):
                assert attr not in hook_names, \
                    "Hook %s already in controller as %s" % (
                        n, hook_names[attr])
                hook_names[attr] = n
        return hook_names

    def _setup_parts(self, parts, controller_name):
        parts_dict = OrderedDict()
        for part in parts:
            part.set_logger_name("%s.%s" % (controller_name,
            # Check part hooks into one of our hooks
            for func_name, part_hook, _ in get_hook_decorated(part):
                assert part_hook in self.hook_names, \
                    "Part %s func %s not hooked into %s" % (
              , func_name, self)
            parts_dict[] = part
        return parts_dict

    def do_initial_reset(self):

    def _set_block_children(self):
        # reconfigure block with new children
        child_list = [self.create_meta()]
        child_list += list(self.create_attributes())
        child_list += list(self.create_methods())
        for part in
            child_list += list(part.create_attributes())
            child_list += list(part.create_methods())

        self.children_writeable = {}
        writeable_functions = {}
        children = OrderedDict()

        for name, child, writeable_func in child_list:
            if isinstance(child, Attribute):
                states = child.meta.writeable_in
                states = child.writeable_in
            children[name] = child
            if states:
                for state in states:
                    assert state in self.stateMachine.possible_states, \
                        "State %s is not one of the valid states %s" % \
                        (state, self.stateMachine.possible_states)
            elif writeable_func is not None:
                states = [
                    state for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states
                    if state not in (sm.DISABLING, sm.DISABLED)]
            self.register_child_writeable(name, states)
            if writeable_func:
                writeable_functions[name] = functools.partial(
                    self.call_writeable_function, writeable_func)


    def call_writeable_function(self, function, child, *args):
        with self.lock:
            if not child.writeable:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Child %r is not writeable" % (child.process_path,))
        result = function(*args)
        return result

    def create_meta(self):
        self.meta = BlockMeta()
        return "meta", self.meta, None

    def create_attributes(self):
        """Method that should provide Attribute instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, Attribute, callable put_function).
        # Add the state, status and busy attributes
        self.state = ChoiceMeta(
            "State of Block", self.stateMachine.possible_states, label="State"
        yield "state", self.state, None
        self.status = StringMeta(
            "Status of Block", label="Status"
        yield "status", self.status, None
        self.busy = BooleanMeta(
            "Whether Block busy or not", label="Busy"
        yield "busy", self.busy, None

    def create_methods(self):
        """Method that should provide MethodMeta instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, MethodMeta, callable post_function).
        return get_method_decorated(self)

    def transition(self, state, message):
        Change to a new state if the transition is allowed

            state(str): State to transition to
            message(str): Status message
        with self.lock:
            if self.stateMachine.is_allowed(
                    initial_state=self.state.value, target_state=state):
                self._do_transition(state, message)
                raise TypeError("Cannot transition from %s to %s" %
                                (self.state.value, state))

    def _do_transition(self, state, message):
        # transition is allowed, so set attributes
        changes = []
        changes.append([["state", "value"], state])
        changes.append([["status", "value"], message])
        changes.append([["busy", "value"],
                        state in self.stateMachine.busy_states])

        # say which children are now writeable
        for name in self.block:
                writeable = self.children_writeable[state][name]
            except KeyError:
            child = self.block[name]
            if isinstance(child, Attribute):
                changes.append([[name, "meta", "writeable"], writeable])
            elif isinstance(child, MethodMeta):
                changes.append([[name, "writeable"], writeable])
                for ename in child.takes.elements:
                    path = [name, "takes", "elements", ename, "writeable"]
                    changes.append([path, writeable])

        self.log_debug("Transitioning to %s", state)

    def register_child_writeable(self, name, states):
        Set the states that the given method can be called in

            name (str): Child name that will be set writeable or not
            states (list[str]): states where method is writeable
        for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states:
            writeable_dict = self.children_writeable.setdefault(state, {})
            is_writeable = state in states
            writeable_dict[name] = is_writeable

    def create_part_tasks(self):
        part_tasks = {}
        for part_name, part in
            part_tasks[part] = Task("Task(%s)" % part_name, self.process)
        return part_tasks

    def run_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, *args, **params):
        hook_queue, hook_runners = self.start_hook(
            hook, part_tasks, *args, **params)
        return_dict = self.wait_hook(hook_queue, hook_runners)
        return return_dict

    def start_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, *args, **params):
        assert hook in self.hook_names, \
            "Hook %s doesn't appear in controller hooks %s" % (
                hook, self.hook_names)

        # ask the hook to find the functions it should run
        part_funcs = hook.find_hooked_functions(
        hook_runners = {}
        self.log_debug("Run %s hook on %s",
                       self.hook_names[hook], [ for p in part_funcs])

        # now start them off
        hook_queue = self.process.create_queue()
        for part, func_name in part_funcs.items():
            task = weakref.proxy(part_tasks[part])
            hook_runner = HookRunner(
                hook_queue, part, func_name, task, *args, **params)
            hook_runners[part] = hook_runner

        return hook_queue, hook_runners

    def wait_hook(self, hook_queue, hook_runners):
        # Wait for them all to finish
        return_dict = {}
        while hook_runners:
            part, ret = hook_queue.get()
            hook_runner = hook_runners.pop(part)

            if isinstance(ret, AbortedError):
                # If AbortedError, all tasks have already been stopped.
                self.log_debug("Part %s Aborted",
                # Do not wait on them otherwise we might get a deadlock...
                raise ret

            # Wait for the process to terminate
            return_dict[] = ret
            self.log_debug("Part %s returned %r. Still waiting for %s",
                 , ret, [ for p in hook_runners])

            if isinstance(ret, Exception):
                # Got an error, so stop and wait all hook runners
                for h in hook_runners.values():
                # Wait for them to finish
                for h in hook_runners.values():
                raise ret

        return return_dict
Exemple #3
class Controller(Loggable):
    """Implement the logic that takes a Block through its state machine"""
    stateMachine = sm()

    # Attributes for all controllers
    state = None
    status = None
    busy = None
    # BlockMeta for descriptions
    meta = None

    def __init__(self, process, parts, params):
            process (Process): The process this should run under
            params (Map): The parameters specified in method_takes()
            parts (list): [Part]
        self.process = process
        self.params = params
        self.mri = params.mri
        controller_name = "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, self.mri)
        self.block = Block()
        self.log_debug("Creating block %r as %r", self.block, self.mri)
        self.lock = process.create_lock()
        # {part: task}
        self.part_tasks = {}
        # dictionary of dictionaries
        # {state (str): {Meta/MethodMeta/Attribute: writeable (bool)}
        self.children_writeable = {}
        # dict {hook: name}
        self.hook_names = self._find_hooks() = self._setup_parts(parts, controller_name)
        self._do_transition(sm.DISABLED, "Disabled")
        self.block.set_process_path(process, [self.mri])
        process.add_block(self.block, self)

    def _find_hooks(self):
        hook_names = {}
        for n in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, n)
            if isinstance(attr, Hook):
                assert attr not in hook_names, \
                    "Hook %s already in controller as %s" % (
                        n, hook_names[attr])
                hook_names[attr] = n
        return hook_names

    def _setup_parts(self, parts, controller_name):
        parts_dict = OrderedDict()
        for part in parts:
            part.set_logger_name("%s.%s" % (controller_name,
            # Check part hooks into one of our hooks
            for func_name, part_hook, _ in get_hook_decorated(part):
                assert part_hook in self.hook_names, \
                    "Part %s func %s not hooked into %s" % (
              , func_name, self)
            parts_dict[] = part
        return parts_dict

    def do_initial_reset(self):

    def _set_block_children(self):
        # reconfigure block with new children
        child_list = [self.create_meta()]
        child_list += list(self.create_attributes())
        child_list += list(self.create_methods())
        for part in
            child_list += list(part.create_attributes())
            child_list += list(part.create_methods())

        self.children_writeable = {}
        writeable_functions = {}
        children = OrderedDict()

        for name, child, writeable_func in child_list:
            if isinstance(child, Attribute):
                states = child.meta.writeable_in
                states = child.writeable_in
            children[name] = child
            if states:
                for state in states:
                    assert state in self.stateMachine.possible_states, \
                        "State %s is not one of the valid states %s" % \
                        (state, self.stateMachine.possible_states)
            elif writeable_func is not None:
                states = [
                    state for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states
                    if state not in (sm.DISABLING, sm.DISABLED)
            self.register_child_writeable(name, states)
            if writeable_func:
                writeable_functions[name] = functools.partial(
                    self.call_writeable_function, writeable_func)


    def call_writeable_function(self, function, child, *args):
        with self.lock:
            if not child.writeable:
                raise ValueError("Child %r is not writeable" %
                                 (child.process_path, ))
        result = function(*args)
        return result

    def create_meta(self):
        self.meta = BlockMeta()
        return "meta", self.meta, None

    def create_attributes(self):
        """Method that should provide Attribute instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, Attribute, callable put_function).
        # Add the state, status and busy attributes
        self.state = ChoiceMeta("State of Block",
        yield "state", self.state, None
        self.status = StringMeta("Status of Block",
        yield "status", self.status, None
        self.busy = BooleanMeta("Whether Block busy or not",
        yield "busy", self.busy, None

    def create_methods(self):
        """Method that should provide MethodMeta instances for Block

            tuple: (string name, MethodMeta, callable post_function).
        return get_method_decorated(self)

    def transition(self, state, message):
        Change to a new state if the transition is allowed

            state(str): State to transition to
            message(str): Status message
        with self.lock:
            if self.stateMachine.is_allowed(initial_state=self.state.value,
                self._do_transition(state, message)
                raise TypeError("Cannot transition from %s to %s" %
                                (self.state.value, state))

    def _do_transition(self, state, message):
        # transition is allowed, so set attributes
        changes = []
        changes.append([["state", "value"], state])
        changes.append([["status", "value"], message])
        changes.append([["busy", "value"], state
                        in self.stateMachine.busy_states])

        # say which children are now writeable
        for name in self.block:
                writeable = self.children_writeable[state][name]
            except KeyError:
            child = self.block[name]
            if isinstance(child, Attribute):
                changes.append([[name, "meta", "writeable"], writeable])
            elif isinstance(child, MethodMeta):
                changes.append([[name, "writeable"], writeable])
                for ename in child.takes.elements:
                    path = [name, "takes", "elements", ename, "writeable"]
                    changes.append([path, writeable])

        self.log_debug("Transitioning to %s", state)

    def register_child_writeable(self, name, states):
        Set the states that the given method can be called in

            name (str): Child name that will be set writeable or not
            states (list[str]): states where method is writeable
        for state in self.stateMachine.possible_states:
            writeable_dict = self.children_writeable.setdefault(state, {})
            is_writeable = state in states
            writeable_dict[name] = is_writeable

    def create_part_tasks(self):
        part_tasks = {}
        for part_name, part in
            part_tasks[part] = Task("Task(%s)" % part_name, self.process)
        return part_tasks

    def run_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, *args, **params):
        hook_queue, hook_runners = self.start_hook(hook, part_tasks, *args,
        return_dict = self.wait_hook(hook_queue, hook_runners)
        return return_dict

    def start_hook(self, hook, part_tasks, *args, **params):
        assert hook in self.hook_names, \
            "Hook %s doesn't appear in controller hooks %s" % (
                hook, self.hook_names)

        # ask the hook to find the functions it should run
        part_funcs = hook.find_hooked_functions(
        hook_runners = {}
        self.log_debug("Run %s hook on %s", self.hook_names[hook],
                       [ for p in part_funcs])

        # now start them off
        hook_queue = self.process.create_queue()
        for part, func_name in part_funcs.items():
            task = weakref.proxy(part_tasks[part])
            hook_runner = HookRunner(hook_queue, part, func_name, task, *args,
            hook_runners[part] = hook_runner

        return hook_queue, hook_runners

    def wait_hook(self, hook_queue, hook_runners):
        # Wait for them all to finish
        return_dict = {}
        while hook_runners:
            part, ret = hook_queue.get()
            hook_runner = hook_runners.pop(part)

            if isinstance(ret, AbortedError):
                # If AbortedError, all tasks have already been stopped.
                self.log_debug("Part %s Aborted",
                # Do not wait on them otherwise we might get a deadlock...
                raise ret

            # Wait for the process to terminate
            return_dict[] = ret
            self.log_debug("Part %s returned %r. Still waiting for %s",
                 , ret, [ for p in hook_runners])

            if isinstance(ret, Exception):
                # Got an error, so stop and wait all hook runners
                for h in hook_runners.values():
                # Wait for them to finish
                for h in hook_runners.values():
                raise ret

        return return_dict