Exemple #1
class TestBlockItem(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        ref = MagicMock()
        self.item = BlockItem(("endpoint", ), ref)

    def test_ref_children(self):
        self.item.ref = dict(a=MagicMock(spec=Method),
        assert self.item.ref_children() == 3

    def make_grouped_attr(self):
        attr = MagicMock(spec=Attribute)
        attr.meta = MagicMock()
        attr.meta.tags = ["group:foo"]
        return attr

    def test_group_name(self):
        attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        assert self.item._get_group_name(attr) == "foo"

    def test_grouped_children(self):
        attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        self.item.ref = dict(c=attr, d=MagicMock(spec=Attribute))
        assert self.item.ref_children() == 1

    def test_create_children(self, attribute_mock, method_mock):
        # Load up items to create
        mi1, mi2 = MagicMock(), MagicMock()
        method_mock.side_effect = [mi1, mi2]
        ai1, ai2 = MagicMock(), MagicMock()
        attribute_mock.side_effect = [ai1, ai2]
        # Load up refs to get
        group_attr = MagicMock(spec=Attribute)
        child_attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        m1 = MagicMock(spec=Method)
        m2 = MagicMock(spec=Method)
        BlockItem.items[("endpoint", "foo")] = ai1
        self.item.ref = OrderedDict(
            (("foo", group_attr), ("c", child_attr), ("a", m1), ("b", m2)))
        # Check it made the right thing
        assert len(self.item.children) == 3
        attribute_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "foo"), group_attr)
        assert self.item.children[0] == ai1
        attribute_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "c"), child_attr)
        method_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "a"), m1)
        assert self.item.children[1] == mi1
        method_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "b"), m2)
        assert self.item.children[2] == mi2
class TestBlockItem(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        ref = MagicMock()
        self.item = BlockItem(("endpoint",), ref)

    def test_ref_children(self):
        self.item.ref = dict(
            a=MethodMeta(), b=MethodMeta(), c=Attribute())
        self.assertEqual(self.item.ref_children(), 3)

    def make_grouped_attr(self):
        attr = Attribute()
        attr.set_endpoint_data("meta", MagicMock())
        attr.meta.tags = ["group:foo"]
        return attr

    def test_group_name(self):
        attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        self.assertEqual(self.item._get_group_name(attr), "foo")

    def test_grouped_children(self):
        attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        self.item.ref = dict(c=attr, d=Attribute())
        self.assertEqual(self.item.ref_children(), 1)

    def test_create_children(self, attribute_mock, method_mock):
        # Load up items to create
        mi1, mi2 = MagicMock(), MagicMock()
        method_mock.side_effect = [mi1, mi2]
        ai1, ai2 = MagicMock(), MagicMock()
        attribute_mock.side_effect = [ai1, ai2]
        # Load up refs to get
        group_attr = Attribute()
        child_attr = self.make_grouped_attr()
        m1 = MethodMeta()
        m2 = MethodMeta()
        BlockItem.items[("endpoint", "foo")] = ai1
        self.item.ref = OrderedDict((
            ("foo", group_attr), ("c", child_attr), ("a", m1), ("b", m2)))
        # Check it made the right thing
        self.assertEqual(len(self.item.children), 3)
        attribute_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "foo"), group_attr)
        self.assertEqual(self.item.children[0], ai1)
        attribute_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "c"), child_attr)
        method_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "a"), m1)
        self.assertEqual(self.item.children[1], mi1)
        method_mock.assert_any_call(("endpoint", "b"), m2)
        self.assertEqual(self.item.children[2], mi2)