Exemple #1
def test_xor():
    assert xor(
        0xff, b"\x97\x9a\x93\x93\x90\xdf\x88\x90\x8d\x93\x9b"
    ) == b"hello world"
    assert xor(
        b"hi!", b"\x00\x0cM\x04\x06\x01\x1f\x06S\x04\r"
    ) == b"hello world"
Exemple #2
rc4_key = get_rsrc[key_offset:key_offset+key_size]
encrypted = get_rsrc[28:]
decrypted = rc4(rc4_key, encrypted)
print("[+] Second layer unpacked")

if decrypted[0:2].decode('latin1') != "MZ":
	print("[-] RC4 decryption failed")

# Seems malduck ROL needs data type int according to the documentation
	convert_rol = (decrypted[0:])
	for index,value in enumerate(convert_rol):
		a = rol(value, 4, bits=8)
		#convert back to bytes for malduck.xor
		b = bytes(chr(a), 'latin1')
		dexor = xor(0xC5, b)
		s += dexor

rolxor_data = (s.decode('latin-1'))
# Iterate throught the data to find any regexp matches
get_urls = url_regexp.finditer(rolxor_data)

for matched_value in get_urls:
	matched_url = (matched_value.group())
	#URL found in CruLoader sample
	url = matched_url
	print("[+] Found URL in file: " + url) 
	r = requests.get(f'{url}', headers=headers)
	first_response = r.content.decode('utf-8')
	#Parse the data from the Pastebin webpage and send a new request
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import malduck

infile = sys.argv[1]

with open(infile, 'rb') as f:
    payload = f.read()

png_marker = bytes('redaolurc', 'latin1')
m = payload.find(png_marker)
png_marker_len = len('redaolurc')

trimmed_file = (payload[m + png_marker_len:])
dexor = malduck.xor(0x61, trimmed_file)

with open('trimmed.bin', 'wb') as o:
Exemple #4
#Todo brute XOR instead of static hex value, possibly using malduck Yara
#Todo 2 trim de-XOR:ed MZ file. For now I am piping the download payload througth the tool "cut-bytes.py '[4D5A90]':" from Didier Stevens.

import requests
import malduck

#URL found in CruLoader sample
url = 'https://pastebin.com/raw/mLem9DGk'

#Change the User-Agent to look less suspicius
headers = {'User-Agent': 'cruloader'}

r = requests.get(f'{url}', headers=headers)

first_response = r.content.decode('utf-8')

#Parse the data from the Pastebin webpage and send a new request
new_url = first_response
n = requests.get(f'{new_url}', headers=headers)
payload = n.content

# De-XOR payload
key = 0x61
payload = payload
decrypted = malduck.xor(key, payload)

# Write payload to disk
with open("payload.bin", 'wb') as o: