Exemple #1
def sfa_add_user_to_slice(request, user_hrn, slice_params):
# UPDATE myslice:slice SET researcher=['ple.upmc.jordan_auge','ple.inria.thierry_parmentelat','ple.upmc.loic_baron','ple.upmc.ciro_scognamiglio','ple.upmc.mohammed-yasin_rahman','ple.upmc.azerty'] where slice_hrn=='ple.upmc.myslicedemo'
    query_current_users = Query.get('slice').select('user').filter_by('slice_hrn','==',slice_params['hrn'])
    results_current_users = execute_query(request, query_current_users)
    slice_params['researcher'] = slice_params['researcher'] | results_current_users
    query = Query.update('slice').filter_by('user_hrn', '==', user_hrn).set(slice_params).select('slice_hrn')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
# Also possible but not supported yet
# UPDATE myslice:user SET slice=['ple.upmc.agent','ple.upmc.myslicedemo','ple.upmc.tophat'] where user_hrn=='ple.upmc.azerty'
    if not results:
        raise Exception, "Could not create %s. Already exists ?" % slice_params['hrn']
    return results
Exemple #2
def sfa_add_authority(request, authority_params):
    query = Query.create('authority').set(authority_params).select('authority_hrn')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
    print "sfa_add_auth results=",results
    if not results:
        raise Exception, "Could not create %s. Already exists ?" % authority_params['hrn']
    return results
Exemple #3
def sfa_update_user(request, user_hrn, user_params):
    # user_params: keys [public_key] 
    if 'email' in user_params:
        user_params['user_email'] = user_params['email']
    query = Query.update('user').filter_by('user_hrn', '==', user_hrn).set(user_params).select('user_hrn')
    results = execute_query(request,query)
    return results
Exemple #4
def sfa_add_user(request, user_params):
    if 'email' in user_params:
        user_params['user_email'] = user_params['email']
    query = Query.create('user').set(user_params).select('user_hrn')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
    if not results:
        raise Exception, "Could not create %s. Already exists ?" % user_params['hrn']
    return results
Exemple #5
def authority_get_pi_emails(request, authority_hrn):
    #return ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']

    pi_users = authority_get_pis(request,authority_hrn)
    pi_user_hrns = [ hrn for x in pi_users for hrn in x['pi_users'] ]
    query = Query.get('user').filter_by('user_hrn', 'included', pi_user_hrns).select('email')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
    print "mails",  [result['email'] for result in results]
    return [result['email'] for result in results]
Exemple #6
def authority_get_pis(request, authority_hrn):
    query = Query.get('authority').filter_by('authority_hrn', '==', authority_hrn).select('pi_users')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
    # NOTE: temporarily commented. Because results is giving empty list. 
    # Needs more debugging
    #if not results:
    #    raise Exception, "Authority not found: %s" % authority_hrn
    #result, = results
    #return result['pi_users']
    return results
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        page = Page(self.request)
        page.add_js_files  ( [ "js/jquery.validate.js", "js/my_account.register.js", "js/my_account.edit_profile.js" ] )
        page.add_css_files ( [ "css/onelab.css", "css/account_view.css","css/plugin.css" ] )

        user_query  = Query().get('local:user').select('config','email','status')
        user_details = execute_query(self.request, user_query)
        # not always found in user_details...
        for user_detail in user_details:
            # different significations of user_status
            if user_detail['status'] == 0: 
                user_status = 'Disabled'
            elif user_detail['status'] == 1:
                user_status = 'Validation Pending'
            elif user_detail['status'] == 2:
                user_status = 'Enabled'
                user_status = 'N/A'
            #email = user_detail['email']
            if user_detail['config']:
                config = json.loads(user_detail['config'])

        platform_query  = Query().get('local:platform').select('platform_id','platform','gateway_type','disabled')
        account_query  = Query().get('local:account').select('user_id','platform_id','auth_type','config')
        platform_details = execute_query(self.request, platform_query)
        account_details = execute_query(self.request, account_query)
        # initial assignment needed for users having account.config = {} 
        platform_name = ''
        account_type = ''
        account_usr_hrn = ''
        account_pub_key = ''
        account_priv_key = ''
        account_reference = ''
        my_users = ''
        my_slices = ''
        my_auths = ''
        ref_acc_list = ''
        principal_acc_list = ''
        user_status_list = []
        platform_name_list = []
        platform_name_secondary_list = []
        platform_access_list = []
        platform_no_access_list = []
        total_platform_list = []
        account_type_list = []
        account_type_secondary_list = []
        account_reference_list = []
        delegation_type_list = []
        user_cred_exp_list = []
        slice_list = []
        auth_list = []
        slice_cred_exp_list = []
        auth_cred_exp_list = []
        usr_hrn_list = []
        pub_key_list = []
        for platform_detail in platform_details:
            if 'sfa' in platform_detail['gateway_type']:
                total_platform = platform_detail['platform']
            for account_detail in account_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    platform_name = platform_detail['platform']
                    account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                    account_usr_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A')
                    account_pub_key = account_config.get('user_public_key','N/A')
                    account_reference = account_config.get ('reference_platform','N/A')
                    # credentials of myslice platform
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        acc_user_cred = account_config.get('delegated_user_credential','N/A')
                        acc_slice_cred = account_config.get('delegated_slice_credentials','N/A')
                        acc_auth_cred = account_config.get('delegated_authority_credentials','N/A')

                        if 'N/A' not in acc_user_cred:
                            exp_date = re.search('<expires>(.*)</expires>', acc_user_cred)
                            if exp_date:
                                user_exp_date = exp_date.group(1)

                            my_users = [{'cred_exp': t[0]}
                                for t in zip(user_cred_exp_list)]

                        if 'N/A' not in acc_slice_cred:
                            for key, value in acc_slice_cred.iteritems():
                                # get cred_exp date
                                exp_date = re.search('<expires>(.*)</expires>', value)
                                if exp_date:
                                    exp_date = exp_date.group(1)

                            my_slices = [{'slice_name': t[0], 'cred_exp': t[1]}
                                for t in zip(slice_list, slice_cred_exp_list)]

                        if 'N/A' not in acc_auth_cred:
                            for key, value in acc_auth_cred.iteritems():
                                #get cred_exp date
                                exp_date = re.search('<expires>(.*)</expires>', value)
                                if exp_date:
                                    exp_date = exp_date.group(1)

                            my_auths = [{'auth_name': t[0], 'cred_exp': t[1]}
                                for t in zip(auth_list, auth_cred_exp_list)]

                    # for reference accounts
                    if 'reference' in account_detail['auth_type']:
                        account_type = 'Reference'
                        delegation = 'N/A'
                        ref_acc_list = [{'platform_name': t[0], 'account_type': t[1], 'account_reference': t[2]} 
                            for t in zip(platform_name_secondary_list, account_type_secondary_list, account_reference_list)]
                    elif 'managed' in account_detail['auth_type']:
                        account_type = 'Principal'
                        delegation = 'Automatic'
                        account_type = 'Principal'
                        delegation = 'Manual'
                    # for principal (auth_type=user/managed) accounts
                    if 'reference' not in account_detail['auth_type']:
                        # combining 5 lists into 1 [to render in the template] 
                        principal_acc_list = [{'platform_name': t[0], 'account_type': t[1], 'delegation_type': t[2], 'usr_hrn':t[3], 'usr_pubkey':t[4], 'user_status':t[5],} 
                            for t in zip(platform_name_list, account_type_list, delegation_type_list, usr_hrn_list, pub_key_list, user_status_list)]
                    # to hide private key row if it doesn't exist    
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        account_priv_key = account_config.get('user_private_key','N/A')
                    if 'sfa' in platform_detail['gateway_type']:
                        platform_access = platform_detail['platform']
        # Removing the platform which already has access
        for platform in platform_access_list:
        # we could use zip. this one is used if columns have unequal rows 
        platform_list = [{'platform_no_access': t[0]}
            for t in itertools.izip_longest(total_platform_list)]

        context = super(AccountView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['principal_acc'] = principal_acc_list
        context['ref_acc'] = ref_acc_list
        context['platform_list'] = platform_list
        context['my_users'] = my_users
        context['my_slices'] = my_slices
        context['my_auths'] = my_auths
        context['user_status'] = user_status
        context['person']   = self.request.user
        context['firstname'] = config.get('firstname',"?")
        context['lastname'] = config.get('lastname',"?")
        context['fullname'] = context['firstname'] +' '+ context['lastname']
        context['authority'] = config.get('authority',"Unknown Authority")
        context['user_private_key'] = account_priv_key
        # XXX This is repeated in all pages
        # more general variables expected in the template
        context['title'] = 'Platforms connected to MySlice'
        # the menu items on the top
        context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items_live('My Account', page)
        # so we can sho who is logged
        context['username'] = the_user(self.request)
#        context ['firstname'] = config['firstname']
        prelude_env = page.prelude_env()
        return context
def account_process(request):
    user_query  = Query().get('local:user').select('user_id','email','password','config')
    user_details = execute_query(request, user_query)
    account_query  = Query().get('local:account').select('user_id','platform_id','auth_type','config')
    account_details = execute_query(request, account_query)

    platform_query  = Query().get('local:platform').select('platform_id','platform')
    platform_details = execute_query(request, platform_query)
    # getting the user_id from the session
    for user_detail in user_details:
            user_id = user_detail['user_id']

    for account_detail in account_details:
        for platform_detail in platform_details:
            # Add reference account to the platforms
            if 'add_'+platform_detail['platform'] in request.POST:
                platform_id = platform_detail['platform_id']
                user_params = {'platform_id': platform_id, 'user_id': user_id, 'auth_type': "reference", 'config': '{"reference_platform": "myslice"}'}
                messages.info(request, 'Reference Account is added to the selected platform successfully!')
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

            # Delete reference account from the platforms
            if 'delete_'+platform_detail['platform'] in request.POST:
                platform_id = platform_detail['platform_id']
                user_params = {'user_id':user_id}
                manifold_delete_account(request,platform_id, user_id, user_params)
                messages.info(request, 'Reference Account is removed from the selected platform')
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

            if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                    account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                    acc_slice_cred = account_config.get('delegated_slice_credentials','N/A')
                    acc_auth_cred = account_config.get('delegated_authority_credentials','N/A')

    # adding the slices and corresponding credentials to list
    if 'N/A' not in acc_slice_cred:
        slice_list = []
        slice_cred = [] 
        for key, value in acc_slice_cred.iteritems():
        # special case: download each slice credentials separately 
        for i in range(0, len(slice_list)):
            if 'dl_'+slice_list[i] in request.POST:
                slice_detail = "Slice name: " + slice_list[i] +"\nSlice Credentials: \n"+ slice_cred[i]
                response = HttpResponse(slice_detail, content_type='text/plain')
                response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="slice_credential.txt"'
                return response

    # adding the authority and corresponding credentials to list
    if 'N/A' not in acc_auth_cred:
        auth_list = []
        auth_cred = [] 
        for key, value in acc_auth_cred.iteritems():
        # special case: download each slice credentials separately
        for i in range(0, len(auth_list)):
            if 'dl_'+auth_list[i] in request.POST:
                auth_detail = "Authority: " + auth_list[i] +"\nAuthority Credentials: \n"+ auth_cred[i]
                response = HttpResponse(auth_detail, content_type='text/plain')
                response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="auth_credential.txt"'
                return response

    if 'submit_name' in request.POST:
        edited_first_name =  request.POST['fname']
        edited_last_name =  request.POST['lname']
        for user_config in user_details:
            if user_config['config']:
                config = json.loads(user_config['config'])
                config['firstname'] = edited_first_name
                config['lastname'] = edited_last_name
                config['authority'] = config.get('authority','Unknown Authority')
                updated_config = json.dumps(config)
                user_params = {'config': updated_config}
            else: # it's needed if the config is empty 
                user_config['config']= '{"firstname":"' + edited_first_name + '", "lastname":"'+ edited_last_name + '", "authority": "Unknown Authority"}'
                user_params = {'config': user_config['config']} 
        # updating config local:user in manifold       
        manifold_update_user(request, request.user.email,user_params)
        # this will be depricated, we will show the success msg in same page
        # Redirect to same page with success message
        messages.success(request, 'Sucess: First Name and Last Name Updated.')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")       
    elif 'submit_pass' in request.POST:
        edited_password = request.POST['password']
        for user_pass in user_details:
            user_pass['password'] = edited_password
        #updating password in local:user
        user_params = { 'password': user_pass['password']}
#        return HttpResponse('Success: Password Changed!!')
        messages.success(request, 'Sucess: Password Updated.')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

# XXX TODO: Factorize with portal/registrationview.py

    elif 'generate' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
                        private = RSA.generate(1024)
                        private_key = json.dumps(private.exportKey())
                        public  = private.publickey()
                        public_key = json.dumps(public.exportKey(format='OpenSSH'))
                        # updating manifold local:account table
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        # preserving user_hrn
                        user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A')
                        keypair = '{"user_public_key":'+ public_key + ', "user_private_key":'+ private_key + ', "user_hrn":"'+ user_hrn + '"}'
                        updated_config = json.dumps(account_config) 
                        # updating manifold
                        user_params = { 'config': keypair, 'auth_type':'managed'}
                        manifold_update_account(request, user_id, user_params)
                        # updating sfa
                        public_key = public_key.replace('"', '');
                        user_pub_key = {'keys': public_key}
                        sfa_update_user(request, user_hrn, user_pub_key)
                        messages.success(request, 'Sucess: New Keypair Generated! Delegation of your credentials will be automatic.')
                        return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
    elif 'upload_key' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        up_file = request.FILES['pubkey']
                        file_content =  up_file.read()
                        file_name = up_file.name
                        file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] 
                        allowed_extension =  ['.pub','.txt']
                        if file_extension in allowed_extension and re.search(r'ssh-rsa',file_content):
                            account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                            # preserving user_hrn
                            user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A')
                            file_content = '{"user_public_key":"'+ file_content + '", "user_hrn":"'+ user_hrn +'"}'
                            #file_content = re.sub("\r", "", file_content)
                            #file_content = re.sub("\n", "\\n",file_content)
                            file_content = ''.join(file_content.split())
                            #update manifold local:account table
                            user_params = { 'config': file_content, 'auth_type':'user'}
                            manifold_update_account(request, user_id, user_params)
                            # updating sfa
                            user_pub_key = {'keys': file_content}
                            sfa_update_user(request, user_hrn, user_pub_key)
                            messages.success(request, 'Publickey uploaded! Please delegate your credentials using SFA: http://trac.myslice.info/wiki/DelegatingCredentials')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
                            messages.error(request, 'RSA key error: Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

    elif 'dl_pubkey' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        public_key = account_config['user_public_key'] 
                        response = HttpResponse(public_key, content_type='text/plain')
                        response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="pubkey.txt"'
                        return response
            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
    elif 'dl_pkey' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        if 'user_private_key' in account_config:
                            private_key = account_config['user_private_key']
                            response = HttpResponse(private_key, content_type='text/plain')
                            response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="privkey.txt"'
                            return response
                            messages.error(request, 'Download error: Private key is not stored in the server')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
    elif 'delete' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        if 'user_private_key' in account_config:
                            for key in account_config.keys():
                                if key == 'user_private_key':    
                                    del account_config[key]
                            updated_config = json.dumps(account_config)
                            user_params = { 'config': updated_config, 'auth_type':'user'}
                            manifold_update_account(request, user_id, user_params)
                            messages.success(request, 'Private Key deleted. You need to delegate credentials manually once it expires.')
                            messages.success(request, 'Once your credentials expire, Please delegate manually using SFA: http://trac.myslice.info/wiki/DelegatingCredentials')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
                            messages.error(request, 'Delete error: Private key is not stored in the server')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')    
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

    #clear all creds
    elif 'clear_cred' in request.POST:
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        user_cred = account_config.get('delegated_user_credential','N/A')
                        if 'N/A' not in user_cred:
                            user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A')
                            user_pub_key = json.dumps(account_config.get('user_public_key','N/A'))
                            user_priv_key = json.dumps(account_config.get('user_private_key','N/A'))
                            updated_config = '{"user_public_key":'+ user_pub_key + ', "user_private_key":'+ user_priv_key + ', "user_hrn":"'+ user_hrn + '"}'
                            user_params = { 'config': updated_config}
                            manifold_update_account(request,user_id, user_params)
                            messages.success(request, 'All Credentials cleared')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
                            messages.error(request, 'Delete error: Credentials are not stored in the server')
                            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
            messages.error(request, 'Account error: You need an account in myslice platform to perform this action')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")

    # Download delegated_user_cred
    elif 'dl_user_cred' in request.POST:
        if 'delegated_user_credential' in account_config:
            user_cred = account_config['delegated_user_credential']
            response = HttpResponse(user_cred, content_type='text/plain')
            response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="user_cred.txt"'
            return response
            messages.error(request, 'Download error: User credential  is not stored in the server')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
        messages.info(request, 'Under Construction. Please try again later!')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/portal/account/")
    def get (self,request, slicename=tmp_default_slice):
        page = Page(request)
        page.add_css_files ('css/slice-view.css')
        page.add_js_files  ( [ "js/common.functions.js" ] )
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: jQuery version " + $.fn.jquery); });')
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: users turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_users else "off"))
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: leases turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_leases else "off"))
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("manifold URL %s"); });'%(ConfigEngine().manifold_url()))

        metadata = page.get_metadata()
        resource_md = metadata.details_by_object('resource')
        resource_fields = [column['name'] for column in resource_md['column']]
        user_md = metadata.details_by_object('user')
        user_fields = ['user_hrn'] # [column['name'] for column in user_md['column']]
        # TODO The query to run is embedded in the URL
        main_query = Query.get('slice').filter_by('slice_hrn', '=', slicename)
                #'resource.hrn', 'resource.urn', 
                'resource.hostname', 'resource.type', 
        # for internal use in the querytable plugin;
        # needs to be a unique column present for each returned record
        main_query_init_key = 'hostname'
        query_resource_all = Query.get('resource').select(resource_fields)

        aq = AnalyzedQuery(main_query, metadata=metadata)
        page.enqueue_query(main_query, analyzed_query=aq)
        if do_query_users:
            # Required: the user must have an authority in its user.config
            # XXX Temporary solution
            user_query  = Query().get('local:user').select('config','email')
            user_details = execute_query(self.request, user_query)
            # not always found in user_details...
#            for user_detail in user_details:
#                #email = user_detail['email']
#                if user_detail['config']:
#                    config = json.loads(user_detail['config'])
#            user_detail['authority'] = config.get('authority',"Unknown Authority")
#            if user_detail['authority'] is not None:
#                sub_authority = user_detail['authority'].split('.')
#                root_authority = sub_authority[0]
#                query_user_all = Query.get(root_authority+':user').select(user_fields)
#                # XXX TODO this filter doesn't work - to be improved in Manifold
#                #.filter_by('authority.authority_hrn', '=', user_detail['authority'])
#                page.enqueue_query(query_user_all)
#            else:
#                print "authority of the user is not in local:user db"
            query_user_all = Query.get('user').select(user_fields)
            #    query_user_all = None
        # ... and for the relations
        # XXX Let's hardcode resources for now
        sq_resource    = aq.subquery('resource')
        sq_user        = aq.subquery('user')
        sq_lease       = aq.subquery('lease')
        sq_measurement = aq.subquery('measurement')
        # Prepare the display according to all metadata
        # (some parts will be pending, others can be triggered by users).
        # For example slice measurements will not be requested by default...
        # Create the base layout (Stack)...
        main_stack = Stack (
            title="Slice %s"%slicename,
        # ... responsible for the slice properties...
        # a nice header
        main_stack.insert (
            Raw (page=page,
                 html="<h2 class='well well-lg'> Slice %s</h2>"%slicename)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # QueryUpdater (Pending Operations)

            page                = page,
            title               = 'Pending operations',
            query               = main_query,
            togglable           = True,
            # start turned off, it will open up itself when stuff comes in
            toggled             = False, 
            domid               = 'pending',
            outline_complete    = True,

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Filter Resources
# turn off for now -- see above
        filter_query_editor = QueryEditor(
            page  = page,
            query = sq_resource, 
            query_all = query_resource_all,
            title = "Select Columns",
            domid = 'select-columns',
        filter_active_filters = ActiveFilters(
            page  = page,
            query = sq_resource,
            title = "Active Filters",
        filters_area = Stack(
            page                = page,
            title               = 'Filter Resources',
            domid               = 'filters',
            sons                = [filter_query_editor, 
            togglable           = True,
            toggled             = 'persistent',
            outline_complete    = True, 
        main_stack.insert (filters_area)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # RESOURCES
        # the resources part is made of a Tabs (Geographic, List), 

        resources_as_gmap = GoogleMap(
            page       = page,
            title      = 'Geographic view',
            domid      = 'resources-map',
            # tab's sons preferably turn this off
            togglable  = False,
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,
            # this key is the one issued by google
            googlemap_api_key = ConfigEngine().googlemap_api_key(),
            # the key to use at init-time
            init_key   = main_query_init_key,
            checkboxes = True,
            # center on Paris
            latitude   = 49.,
            longitude  = 9,
            zoom       = 4,

        resources_as_3dmap = SensLabMap(
            page       = page,
            title      = '3D Map',
            domid      = 'senslabmap',
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,

        resources_as_list = QueryTable( 
            page       = page,
            domid      = 'resources-list',
            title      = 'List view',
            # this is the query at the core of the slice list
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,
            init_key     = main_query_init_key,
            checkboxes = True,
            datatables_options = { 
                'iDisplayLength': 25,
                'bLengthChange' : True,
                'bAutoWidth'    : True,

        if insert_grid:
            resources_as_grid = QueryGrid( 
                page       = page,
                domid      = 'resources-grid',
                title      = 'Grid view',
                # this is the query at the core of the slice list
                query      = sq_resource,
                query_all  = query_resource_all,
                init_key     = main_query_init_key,
                checkboxes = True,


        #if do_query_leases:
        #    resources_as_scheduler = Scheduler(

        #        page        = page,
        #        title       = 'Scheduler',
        #        domid       = 'scheduler',
        #        query       = sq_resource,
        #        query_all_resources = query_resource_all,
        #        query_lease = sq_lease,

        #        )

        resources_as_scheduler2 = Scheduler2( 
            page       = page,
            domid      = 'scheduler',
            title      = 'Scheduler',
            # this is the query at the core of the slice list
            query = sq_resource,
            query_all_resources = query_resource_all,
            query_lease = sq_lease,

       # with the new 'Filter' stuff on top, no need for anything but the querytable
        resources_as_list_area = resources_as_list 

        resources_sons = [
            ] if do_query_leases else [
        if insert_grid:

        resources_area = Tabs ( page=page, 
                                sons= resources_sons,

                                active_domid = 'scheduler',
        main_stack.insert (resources_area)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # USERS
        if do_query_users and query_user_all is not None:
            tab_users = Tabs(
                page                = page,
                domid               = 'users',
                outline_complete    = True,
                togglable           = True,
                title               = 'Users',
                active_domid        = 'users-list',
                page        = page,
                title       = 'Users List',
                domid       = 'users-list',
                # tab's sons preferably turn this off
                togglable   = False,
                # this is the query at the core of the slice list
                query       = sq_user,
                query_all  = query_user_all,
                checkboxes  = True,
                datatables_options = { 
                    'iDisplayLength' : 25,
                    'bLengthChange'  : True,
                    'bAutoWidth'     : True,

# DEMO    
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        measurements_stats_cpu = SliceStat(
            title = "CPU Usage",
            domid = 'resources-stats-cpu',
            page  = page,
            stats = 'slice',
            key   = 'hrn',
            query = 'none',
            slicename = slicename,
            o = 'cpu'
        measurements_stats_mem = SliceStat(
            title = "Memory Usage",
            domid = 'resources-stats-mem',
            page  = page,
            stats = 'slice',
            key   = 'hrn',
            query = 'none',
            slicename = slicename,
            o = 'mem'
        measurements_stats_asb = SliceStat(
            title = "Traffic Sent",
            domid = 'resources-stats-asb',
            page  = page,
            stats = 'slice',
            key   = 'hrn',
            query = 'none',
            slicename = slicename,
            o = 'asb'
        measurements_stats_arb = SliceStat(
            title = "Traffic Received",
            domid = 'resources-stats-arb',
            page  = page,
            stats = 'slice',
            key   = 'hrn',
            query = 'none',
            slicename = slicename,
            o = 'arb'

        tab_measurements = Tabs ( page=page,
                                domid = "measurements",
                                togglable = True,
                                toggled = 'persistent',
                                title = "Measurements",
                                sons = [ measurements_stats_cpu, measurements_stats_mem, measurements_stats_asb, measurements_stats_arb ],
                                active_domid = 'resources-stats-cpu',
                                persistent_active = True,
        main_stack.insert (tab_measurements)
#        tab_measurements = Tabs (
#            page                = page,
#            active_domid        = 'measurements-list',
#            outline_complete    = True,
#            togglable           = True,
#            title               = 'Measurements',
#            domid               = 'measurements',
#        )
#        main_stack.insert(tab_measurements)
#        tab_measurements.insert(QueryTable( 
#            page        = page,
#            title       = 'Measurements',
#            domid       = 'measurements-list',
#            # tab's sons preferably turn this off
#            togglable   = False,
#            # this is the query at the core of the slice list
#            query       = sq_measurement,
#            # do NOT set checkboxes to False
#            # this table being otherwise empty, it just does not fly with dataTables
#            checkboxes  = True,
#            datatables_options = { 
#                'iDisplayLength' : 25,
#                'bLengthChange'  : True,
#                'bAutoWidth'     : True,
#            },
#        ))
#        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#        # MESSAGES (we use transient=False for now)
        if insert_messages:
                    page   = page,
                    title  = "Runtime messages for slice %s"%slicename,
                    domid  = "msgs-pre",
                    levels = "ALL",
                    # plain messages are probably less nice for production but more reliable for development for now
                    transient = False,
                    # these make sense only in non-transient mode..
                    togglable = True,
                    toggled = 'persistent',
                    outline_complete = True,
        # variables that will get passed to the view-unfold1.html template
        template_env = {}
        # define 'unfold_main' to the template engine - the main contents
        template_env [ 'unfold_main' ] = main_stack.render(request)
        # more general variables expected in the template
        template_env [ 'title' ] = '%(slicename)s'%locals()
        # the menu items on the top
        template_env [ 'topmenu_items' ] = topmenu_items_live('Slice', page) 
        # so we can sho who is logged
        template_env [ 'username' ] = the_user (request) 
        # don't forget to run the requests
        # the prelude object in page contains a summary of the requirements() for all plugins
        # define {js,css}_{files,chunks}

        return render_to_response ('view-unfold1.html',template_env,
Exemple #10
def sfa_add_slice(request, slice_params):
    query = Query.create('slice').set(slice_params).select('slice_hrn')
    results = execute_query(request, query)
    if not results:
        raise Exception, "Could not create %s. Already exists ?" % slice_params['hrn']
    return results
    def get_or_post  (self, request, method):
        # Using cache manifold-tables to get the list of authorities faster
        authorities_query = Query.get('authority').select('name', 'authority_hrn')
        authorities = execute_admin_query(request, authorities_query)
        if authorities is not None:
            authorities = sorted(authorities)

        user_query  = Query().get('local:user').select('email')
        user_email = execute_query(self.request, user_query)
        self.user_email = user_email[0].get('email')

        account_query  = Query().get('local:account').select('user_id','platform_id','auth_type','config')
        account_details = execute_query(self.request, account_query)

        platform_query  = Query().get('local:platform').select('platform_id','platform','gateway_type','disabled')
        platform_details = execute_query(self.request, platform_query)

        # getting user_hrn from local:account
        for account_detail in account_details:
            for platform_detail in platform_details:
                if platform_detail['platform_id'] == account_detail['platform_id']:
                    # taking user_hrn only from myslice account
                    # NOTE: we should later handle accounts filter_by auth_type= managed OR user
                    if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']:
                        account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config'])
                        user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A')
        #user_query  = Query().get('user').select('user_hrn').filter_by('user_hrn','==','$user_hrn')
        #user_hrn = execute_query(self.request, user_query)
        #self.user_hrn = user_hrn[0].get('user_hrn')
        page = Page(request)
        page.add_css_files ( [ "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" ] )

        if method == 'POST':
            self.errors = []
            # The form has been submitted
            slice_name = request.POST.get('slice_name', '')
            authority_hrn = request.POST.get('authority_hrn', '')
            number_of_nodes = request.POST.get('number_of_nodes', '')
            purpose = request.POST.get('purpose', '')
            email = self.user_email
            #user_hrn = user_hrn
            cc_myself = True
            if (authority_hrn is None or authority_hrn == ''):
                self.errors.append('Please, select an authority')
            # What kind of slice name is valid?
            if (slice_name is None or slice_name == ''):
                self.errors.append('Slice Name is mandatory')
            if (purpose is None or purpose == ''):
                self.errors.append('Purpose is mandatory')
            if not self.errors:
                ctx = {
                    'email': email,
                    'slice_name': slice_name,
                    'authority_hrn': authority_hrn,
                    'number_of_nodes': number_of_nodes,
                    'purpose': purpose,
                s = PendingSlice(
                    slice_name      = slice_name,
                    user_hrn        = user_hrn,
                    authority_hrn   = authority_hrn,
                    number_of_nodes = number_of_nodes,
                    purpose         = purpose
                # The recipients are the PI of the authority
                recipients = authority_get_pi_emails(request, authority_hrn)
                #if cc_myself:
                msg = render_to_string('slice-request-email.txt', ctx)
                #print "email, msg, email, recipients", email , msg, email, recipients 
                send_mail("Onelab user %s requested a slice"%email , msg, email, recipients)
                return render(request,'slice-request-ack-view.html') # Redirect after POST
        template_env = {
          'topmenu_items': topmenu_items_live('Request a slice', page),
          'errors': self.errors,
          'slice_name': request.POST.get('slice_name', ''),
          'authority_hrn': request.POST.get('authority_hrn', ''),
          'number_of_nodes': request.POST.get('number_of_nodes', ''),
          'purpose': request.POST.get('purpose', ''),
          'email': self.user_email,
          'user_hrn': user_hrn,
          'cc_myself': True,
          'authorities': authorities,
        template_env.update(page.prelude_env ())
        return render(request, 'slicerequest_view.html',template_env)
Exemple #12
    def get (self,request, slicename=tmp_default_slice):
        page = Page(request)
        page.add_css_files ('css/slice-view.css')
        page.add_js_files  ( [ "js/common.functions.js" ] )
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: jQuery version " + $.fn.jquery); });')
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: users turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_users else "off"))
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("sliceview: leases turned %s"); });'%("on" if do_query_leases else "off"))
        page.add_js_chunks ('$(function() { messages.debug("manifold URL %s"); });'%(ConfigEngine().manifold_url()))

        metadata = page.get_metadata()
        resource_md = metadata.details_by_object('resource')
        resource_fields = [column['name'] for column in resource_md['column']]
        user_md = metadata.details_by_object('user')
        user_fields = ['user_hrn'] # [column['name'] for column in user_md['column']]
        # TODO The query to run is embedded in the URL
        main_query = Query.get('slice').filter_by('slice_hrn', '=', slicename)
                #'resource.hrn', 'resource.urn', 
                'resource.hostname', 'resource.type', 
        # for internal use in the querytable plugin;
        # needs to be a unique column present for each returned record
        main_query_init_key = 'hostname'
        query_resource_all = Query.get('resource').select(resource_fields)

        aq = AnalyzedQuery(main_query, metadata=metadata)
        page.enqueue_query(main_query, analyzed_query=aq)
        if do_query_users:
            # Required: the user must have an authority in its user.config
            # XXX Temporary solution
            user_query  = Query().get('local:user').select('config','email')
            user_details = execute_query(self.request, user_query)
            # not always found in user_details...
#            for user_detail in user_details:
#                #email = user_detail['email']
#                if user_detail['config']:
#                    config = json.loads(user_detail['config'])
#            user_detail['authority'] = config.get('authority',"Unknown Authority")
#            if user_detail['authority'] is not None:
#                sub_authority = user_detail['authority'].split('.')
#                root_authority = sub_authority[0]
#                query_user_all = Query.get(root_authority+':user').select(user_fields)
#                # XXX TODO this filter doesn't work - to be improved in Manifold
#                #.filter_by('authority.authority_hrn', '=', user_detail['authority'])
#                page.enqueue_query(query_user_all)
#            else:
#                print "authority of the user is not in local:user db"
            query_user_all = Query.get('user').select(user_fields)
            #    query_user_all = None
        # ... and for the relations
        # XXX Let's hardcode resources for now
        sq_resource    = aq.subquery('resource')
        sq_user        = aq.subquery('user')
        sq_lease       = aq.subquery('lease')
        sq_measurement = aq.subquery('measurement')
        # Prepare the display according to all metadata
        # (some parts will be pending, others can be triggered by users).
        # For example slice measurements will not be requested by default...
        # Create the base layout (Stack)...
        main_stack = Stack (
            title="Slice %s"%slicename,
        # ... responsible for the slice properties...
        # a nice header
        main_stack.insert (
            Raw (page=page,
                 html="<h2 class='well well-lg'> Slice %s</h2>"%slicename)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # QueryUpdater (Pending Operations)

            page                = page,
            title               = 'Pending operations',
            query               = main_query,
            togglable           = True,
            # start turned off, it will open up itself when stuff comes in
            toggled             = False, 
            domid               = 'pending',
            outline_complete    = True,

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Filter Resources
# turn off for now -- see above
        filter_query_editor = QueryEditor(
            page  = page,
            query = sq_resource, 
            query_all = query_resource_all,
            title = "Select Columns",
            domid = 'select-columns',
        filter_active_filters = ActiveFilters(
            page  = page,
            query = sq_resource,
            title = "Active Filters",
        filters_area = Stack(
            page                = page,
            title               = 'Filter Resources',
            domid               = 'filters',
            sons                = [filter_query_editor, 
            togglable           = True,
            toggled             = 'persistent',
            outline_complete    = True, 
        main_stack.insert (filters_area)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # RESOURCES
        # the resources part is made of a Tabs (Geographic, List), 

        resources_as_gmap = GoogleMap(
            page       = page,
            title      = 'Geographic view',
            domid      = 'resources-map',
            # tab's sons preferably turn this off
            togglable  = False,
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,
            # this key is the one issued by google
            googlemap_api_key = ConfigEngine().googlemap_api_key(),
            # the key to use at init-time
            init_key   = main_query_init_key,
            checkboxes = True,
            # center on Paris
            latitude   = 49.,
            longitude  = 9,
            zoom       = 4,

        resources_as_3dmap = SensLabMap(
            page       = page,
            title      = '3D Map',
            domid      = 'senslabmap',
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,

        resources_as_list = QueryTable( 
            page       = page,
            domid      = 'resources-list',
            title      = 'List view',
            # this is the query at the core of the slice list
            query      = sq_resource,
            query_all  = query_resource_all,
            init_key     = main_query_init_key,
            checkboxes = True,
            datatables_options = { 
                'iDisplayLength': 25,
                'bLengthChange' : True,
                'bAutoWidth'    : True,

        if insert_grid:
            resources_as_grid = QueryGrid( 
                page       = page,
                domid      = 'resources-grid',
                title      = 'Grid view',
                # this is the query at the core of the slice list
                query      = sq_resource,
                query_all  = query_resource_all,
                init_key     = main_query_init_key,
                checkboxes = True,


        #if do_query_leases:
        #    resources_as_scheduler = Scheduler(

        #        page        = page,
        #        title       = 'Scheduler',
        #        domid       = 'scheduler',
        #        query       = sq_resource,
        #        query_all_resources = query_resource_all,
        #        query_lease = sq_lease,

        #        )

        resources_as_scheduler2 = Scheduler2( 
            page       = page,
            domid      = 'scheduler',
            title      = 'Scheduler',
            # this is the query at the core of the slice list
            query = sq_resource,
            query_all_resources = query_resource_all,
            query_lease = sq_lease,