Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     # TODO: get rid of current_step attribute in favor of querying seq
     self._manta = Manta()
     self._midi_source = MIDISource("MantaSeq")
     self._seq = Seq()
     self._manta.set_led_enable(PAD_AND_BUTTON, True)
     self.step_duration = 0.125
     # the first step should get executed on the first process() call
     self.next_step_timestamp = time.time()
     self.current_step = 0
     self.note_offs = {}
     self.running = False
     self.start_stop_button = 0
     self.shift_button = 1
     self._state = MantaSeqIdleState(self)
     self.pad_leds = [MantaSeqPadLED(i, self._manta) for i in range(48)]
     self._global_cc1 = 0
     self._global_cc2 = 0
     # store the notenum and value of the last selected note, which will
     # be assigned to new steps
     self._selected_note = None
     self._selected_cc1 = None
     self._selected_cc2 = None
Exemple #2
            Aflap_r = 30 / 57.3
            Atwist_r = 30 / 57.3
            dphi_r = pi / 2
            Aflbias_r = 0
            Atwbias_r = 0
            action[0:11] = [
                frez, Aflap_l, Atwist_l, dphi_l, Aflbias_l, Atwbias_l, Aflap_r,
                Atwist_r, dphi_r, Aflbias_r, Atwbias_r
    return action

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 定义仿真环境
    env = Manta()
    done = False  # 初始化训练状态
    # 状态量state介绍
    # 设为 x,y,z,vartheta,psi,gamma,vx,vy,vz,wx,wy,wz
    # 其中,x,y,z为航行器在惯性系下的三轴位置,x沿航行器纵轴指向头部,y沿航行器中纵剖面指向上,z轴按右手定则指向右
    # vartheta,psi,gamma分别为航行器欧拉角形式的姿态角,俯仰角、偏航角和滚动角
    # vx,vy,vz分别为航行器惯性系下三轴速度
    # wx,wy,wz分别为航行器体轴系下三轴角速度
    # 初始状态state0=[0,-5,0,0,0,0,0.1,0,0,0,0,0]

    # 环境初始化
    state = env.reset(tend=T_END)

    # 临时变量,用于周期性运动的执行机构的动作记录,action定义同
    action_old = (
        0.5,  # 胸鳍运动频率,保持0.5Hz,设左右胸鳍频率相同且摆扭同频
Exemple #3
class MantaSeq(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # TODO: get rid of current_step attribute in favor of querying seq
        self._manta = Manta()
        self._midi_source = MIDISource("MantaSeq")
        self._seq = Seq()
        self._manta.set_led_enable(PAD_AND_BUTTON, True)
        self.step_duration = 0.125
        # the first step should get executed on the first process() call
        self.next_step_timestamp = time.time()
        self.current_step = 0
        self.note_offs = {}
        self.running = False
        self.start_stop_button = 0
        self.shift_button = 1
        self._state = MantaSeqIdleState(self)
        self.pad_leds = [MantaSeqPadLED(i, self._manta) for i in range(48)]
        self._global_cc1 = 0
        self._global_cc2 = 0
        # store the notenum and value of the last selected note, which will
        # be assigned to new steps
        self._selected_note = None
        self._selected_cc1 = None
        self._selected_cc2 = None

    def cleanup(self):
        self._manta.set_led_enable(PAD_AND_BUTTON, False)

    def start(self):
        self.running = True
        self.next_step_timestamp = time.time()

    def stop(self):
        self.running = False

    def _get_step_color(self, step_num):
        if step_num == self.current_step:
            return RED
        elif self._seq.steps[step_num].velocity > 0:
            return AMBER
            return OFF

    def _send_midi_cc(self, cc_num, value):
        self._midi_source.send(make_cc(cc_num, value))

    def _send_midi_note(self, note_num, velocity):
        # remove from note_offs dict if present
        self.note_offs.pop(note_num, None)
        midi_note = make_note(note_num, velocity)

    def _schedule_note_off(self, note_num, timestamp):
        self.note_offs[note_num] = timestamp

    def set_pad_highlight(self, pad_num, highlight):

    def set_pad_active(self, pad_num, active):

    def set_pad_intensity(self, pad_num, intensity):

    def process(self):
        now = time.time()
        events = self._manta.process()
        for event in events:
            if isinstance(event, PadVelocityEvent):
            if isinstance(event, ButtonVelocityEvent):
            elif isinstance(event, PadValueEvent):
            elif isinstance(event, SliderValueEvent):

        # send any pending note_offs
        for note_num, timestamp in self.note_offs.items():
            if now >= timestamp:
                # send_midi_note will take care of removing the note
                # from the list
                self._send_midi_note(note_num, 0)
                self.set_pad_intensity(pad_from_note(note_num), 0)

        # if it's time for another step, do it
        if self.running and now >= self.next_step_timestamp:
            last_step = self.current_step
            self.current_step = self._seq.current_step_index
            step_obj = self._seq.step()
            if step_obj.velocity > 0:
                self._send_midi_note(step_obj.note, step_obj.velocity)
                note_off_timestamp = self.next_step_timestamp + (step_obj.duration * self.step_duration)
                self._schedule_note_off(step_obj.note, note_off_timestamp)
                self.set_pad_intensity(pad_from_note(step_obj.note), step_obj.velocity)
            self._send_midi_cc(1, self._combine_cc(self._global_cc1, step_obj.cc1))
            self._send_midi_cc(2, self._combine_cc(self._global_cc2, step_obj.cc2))

            # update the step LEDs (previous and current)
            self.set_pad_highlight(last_step, False)
            self.set_pad_highlight(self.current_step, True)

            # remember which step we turned on so we can turn it off next time
            # around
            self.next_step_timestamp += self.step_duration

    def _combine_cc(self, glob, step):
        combines the global cc (glob) with the per-step cc (step)
        return int(glob + step / 127.0 * (127 - glob))

    # most of the events get deferred to the state, as they're state-dependent
    def _process_pad_velocity_event(self, event):
        if row_from_pad(event.pad_num) < 2:
            if event.velocity > 0:
            self._state.process_note_velocity(event.pad_num, event.velocity)

    def _process_button_velocity_event(self, event):
        if event.button_num == self.start_stop_button:
            if event.velocity > 0:
                self.stop() if self.running else self.start()
        elif event.button_num == self.shift_button:
            if event.velocity > 0:

    def _process_pad_value_event(self, event):
        # pad value messages are ignored for step selection pads
        if event.pad_num > 15:
            self._state.process_note_value(event.pad_num, event.value)

    def _process_slider_value_event(self, event):
        if event.touched:
            self._state.process_slider_value(event.slider_num, event.value)