def draw_visible(con): tcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, COL_B) ls = [] for object in game.actors: if map.is_fov(object.x, object.y): ls.append(object.char) line = ', '.join(ls) tcod.console_print(con, 1, game.GAME_HEIGHT - 4, chr(254)+' '+line)
def draw(self, con, skip_fov=False, no_char=False): '''skip_fov: means seeing with TEH MIND! - also makes invisible display as <space> no_char: means that the player can 'sense', but not see clearly - aka blinded''' tcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, self.color) ch = self.char if self.invisible and not skip_fov: return False if no_char: ch = ' ' if skip_fov: tcod.console_put_char(con, self.x, self.y, ch, tcod.BKGND_NONE) return True if map.is_fov(self.x, self.y): tcod.console_put_char(con, self.x, self.y, ch, tcod.BKGND_NONE)
def seek_and_destroy(self, target): if target: dx = target.x - self.owner.x dy = target.y - self.owner.y distance = map.get_distance(self.owner, target) if distance > 0: dx = int(round(dx / distance)) dy = int(round(dy / distance)) d = tcod.random_get_int(0,0,1) #make them zombies move orthogonally f**k if d == 0: if dx != 0: dy = 0 else: dx = 0 self.owner.move(dx, dy) e = map.get_actor_alive(self.owner.x+dx, self.owner.y+dy) if e and map.is_fov(self.owner.x, self.owner.y): self.owner.attacker.attack(e) if e is game.player: game.log('the',, 'hits!') elif e.destructible: game.log('a',, 'hits the',
def update(self): if map.is_fov(self.owner.x, self.owner.y): self.move_count = self.tracking_turns if self.move_count: self.move_count -= 1 self.seek_and_destroy(game.player)