def renderMap(m, file, bbox): print('Rendering map with dimensions %s, %s' % (m.width, m.height)) m.zoom_to_box(bbox) if mapnik.has_pycairo(): print('Rendering PDF') pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file, m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, pdf_surface, 1 / 2.0, 0, 0) pdf_surface.finish() print('Rendered PDF') print('Rendering done')
def test_render_points(): # Test for effectivenes of ticket #402 (borderline points get lost on reprojection) raise Todo("See:") if not mapnik.has_pycairo(): return # create and populate point datasource (WGS84 lat-lon coordinates) places_ds = mapnik.PointDatasource() places_ds.add_point(142.48,-38.38,'Name','Westernmost Point') # westernmost places_ds.add_point(143.10,-38.60,'Name','Southernmost Point') # southernmost # create layer/rule/style s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() symb = mapnik.PointSymbolizer() symb.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(symb) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik.Layer('Places','+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84') lyr.datasource = places_ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') # latlon bounding box corners ul_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(142.30,-38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(143.40,-38.80) # render for different projections projs = { 'latlon': '+proj=latlon +datum=WGS84', 'merc': '+proj=merc +datum=WGS84 +k=1.0 +units=m +over +no_defs', 'google': '+proj=merc +ellps=sphere +R=6378137 +a=6378137 +units=m', 'utm': '+proj=utm +zone=54 +datum=WGS84' } from cairo import SVGSurface for projdescr in projs.iterkeys(): m = mapnik.Map(1000, 500, projs[projdescr]) m.append_style('places_labels',s) m.layers.append(lyr) p = mapnik.Projection(projs[projdescr]) m.zoom_to_box(p.forward(mapnik.Envelope(ul_lonlat,lr_lonlat))) # Render to SVG so that it can be checked how many points are there with string comparison import StringIO svg_memory_file = StringIO.StringIO() surface = SVGSurface(svg_memory_file, m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.flush() surface.finish() svg = svg_memory_file.getvalue() svg_memory_file.close() num_points_present = len(places_ds.all_features()) num_points_rendered = svg.count('<image ') eq_(num_points_present, num_points_rendered, "Not all points were rendered (%d instead of %d) at projection %s" % (num_points_rendered, num_points_present, projdescr))
def _pycairo_surface(type,sym): if mapnik.has_pycairo(): import cairo test_cairo_file = 'test.%s' % type m = mapnik.Map(256,256) mapnik.load_map(m,'../data/good_maps/%s_symbolizer.xml' % sym) surface = getattr(cairo,'%sSurface' % type.upper())(test_cairo_file, m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.finish() if os.path.exists(test_cairo_file): os.remove(test_cairo_file) return True else: # Fail, the file wasn't written return False
def renderMap(m): print 'Rendering map with dimensions %s, %s' % (m.width, m.height) im = mapnik.Image(m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, im) # Render cairo examples if mapnik.has_pycairo(): print 'Rendering PDF' pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface(OUTPUT_PATH + 'slovakia.pdf', m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, pdf_surface) pdf_surface.finish() print 'Rendered PDF to %s' % (OUTPUT_PATH + 'slovakia.pdf',) print 'Saving map configuration to %s' % (OUTPUT_PATH + "map_slovakia.xml",) mapnik.save_map(m, OUTPUT_PATH + "map_slovakia.xml")
def _pycairo_surface(type, sym): if mapnik.has_pycairo(): import cairo test_cairo_file = 'test.%s' % type m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) mapnik.load_map(m, '../data/good_maps/%s_symbolizer.xml' % sym) surface = getattr(cairo, '%sSurface' % type.upper())(test_cairo_file, m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.finish() if os.path.exists(test_cairo_file): os.remove(test_cairo_file) return True else: # Fail, the file wasn't written return False
def test_renders_with_cairo(): if not mapnik.has_pycairo(): return sym = mapnik.GlyphSymbolizer("DejaVu Sans Condensed", mapnik.Expression("'í'")) sym.allow_overlap = True sym.angle = mapnik.Expression("[azimuth]+90") #+90 so the top of the glyph points upwards sym.size = mapnik.Expression("[value]") sym.color = mapnik.Expression("'#ff0000'") _map = create_map_and_append_symbolyzer(sym) from cStringIO import StringIO import cairo surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 256, 256) mapnik.render(_map, surface) im = mapnik.Image.from_cairo(surface) save_data('cairo_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png')) assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
def test_renders_with_cairo(): if not mapnik.has_pycairo(): return sym = mapnik.GlyphSymbolizer("DejaVu Sans Condensed", mapnik.Expression("'í'")) sym.allow_overlap = True sym.angle = mapnik.Expression( "[azimuth]+90") #+90 so the top of the glyph points upwards sym.size = mapnik.Expression("[value]") sym.color = mapnik.Expression("'#ff0000'") _map = create_map_and_append_symbolyzer(sym) if _map: from cStringIO import StringIO import cairo surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 256, 256) mapnik.render(_map, surface) im = mapnik.Image.from_cairo(surface) save_data('cairo_glyph_symbolizer.png', im.tostring('png')) assert contains_word('\xff\x00\x00\xff', im.tostring())
def _render_surface(self, map, map_size): if self.format.startswith('image/'): # AGG f = str(self.format.split('/')[1].lower()) im = mapnik.Image(*map_size) mapnik.render(map, im) return im.tostring(f) elif self.format in ('application/pdf', 'application/postscript', 'text/svg+xml'): # CAIRO try: # first, check if Cairo is available import cairo # newer Mapniks have better ways of checking whether they were actually # compiled with Cairo support if hasattr(mapnik, 'has_cairo') and (not mapnik.has_cairo()): raise ImportError if hasattr(mapnik, 'has_pycairo') and (not mapnik.has_pycairo()): raise ImportError except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Mapnik wasn't compiled with Cairo support, or Cairo isn't installed." ) surface_file = StringIO() if (self.format == 'application/pdf'): surface = cairo.PDFSurface(surface_file, *map_size) elif (self.format == 'application/postscript'): surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface_file, *map_size) elif (self.format == 'text/svg+xml'): surface = cairo.SVGSurface(surface_file, *map_size) mapnik.render(map, surface) surface.finish() return surface_file.getvalue() else: raise ValueError("Unknown format: %s" % self.format)
def _render_surface(self, map, map_size): if self.format.startswith('image/'): # AGG f = str(self.format.split('/')[1].lower()) im = mapnik.Image(*map_size) mapnik.render(map, im) return im.tostring(f) elif self.format in ('application/pdf', 'application/postscript', 'text/svg+xml'): # CAIRO try: # first, check if Cairo is available import cairo # newer Mapniks have better ways of checking whether they were actually # compiled with Cairo support if hasattr(mapnik, 'has_cairo') and (not mapnik.has_cairo()): raise ImportError if hasattr(mapnik, 'has_pycairo') and (not mapnik.has_pycairo()): raise ImportError except ImportError: raise ImportError("Mapnik wasn't compiled with Cairo support, or Cairo isn't installed.") surface_file = StringIO() if (self.format == 'application/pdf'): surface = cairo.PDFSurface(surface_file, *map_size) elif (self.format == 'application/postscript'): surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface_file, *map_size) elif (self.format == 'text/svg+xml'): surface = cairo.SVGSurface(surface_file, *map_size) mapnik.render(map, surface) surface.finish() return surface_file.getvalue() else: raise ValueError("Unknown format: %s" % self.format)
m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_all() im = mapnik.Image(m.width, m.height) detector = mapnik.LabelCollisionDetector(m) mapnik.render_layer_with_detector(m, im, detector, lyr) eq_(im.is_solid(), True) c = im.get_pixel(0, 0, True) eq_(c.r, 255) eq_(c.g, 0) eq_(c.b, 0) eq_(c.a, 255) if mapnik.has_pycairo(): import cairo def test_render_layer_to_cairo_surface(): ds = mapnik.MemoryDatasource() context = mapnik.Context() context.push('Name') f = mapnik.Feature(context, 1) f['Name'] = 'poly' f.geometry = mapnik.Geometry.from_wkt( 'POLYGON ((1 1, -1 1, -1 -1, 1 -1, 1 1))') ds.add_feature(f) s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() symb = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer() symb.fill = mapnik.Color('red')
] ctx.set_line_width(inset/2) for idx,pt in enumerate(inline): if (idx == 0): ctx.move_to(*pt) else: ctx.line_to(*pt) ctx.close_path() ctx.stroke() def cairo_color(c): """ Return a Cairo color tuple from a Mapnik Color.""" ctx_c = (c.r/255.0,c.g/255.0,c.b/255.0,c.a/255.0) return ctx_c if mapnik.has_pycairo(): import cairo def test_passing_pycairo_context_svg(): m = make_tmp_map() m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(-180,-90,180,90)) test_cairo_file = '/tmp/mapnik-cairo-context-test.svg' surface = cairo.SVGSurface(test_cairo_file, m.width, m.height) expected_cairo_file = './images/pycairo/cairo-cairo-expected.svg' context = cairo.Context(surface) mapnik.render(m,context) draw_title(m,context,"Hello Map",size=20) draw_neatline(m,context) surface.finish() if not os.path.exists(expected_cairo_file): print 'generated expected cairo surface file %s' % expected_cairo_file
images_.append('demo64_binary_transparency.png')'demo128_colors_hextree_no_alpha.png', 'png8:c=100:m=h:t=0') images_.append('demo128_colors_hextree_no_alpha.png')'demo_high.jpg', 'jpeg100') images_.append('demo_high.jpg')'demo_low.jpg', 'jpeg50') images_.append('demo_low.jpg')'demo.tif', 'tiff') images_.append('demo.tif') # Render cairo examples if HAS_PYCAIRO_MODULE and mapnik.has_pycairo(): svg_surface = cairo.SVGSurface('demo.svg', m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, svg_surface) svg_surface.finish() images_.append('demo.svg') pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface('demo.pdf', m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, pdf_surface) images_.append('demo.pdf') pdf_surface.finish() postscript_surface = cairo.PSSurface('', m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, postscript_surface) images_.append('') postscript_surface.finish()
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import mapnik from import * from utilities import execution_path, run_all def setup(): # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests # from another directory we need to chdir() os.chdir(execution_path('.')) if mapnik.has_pycairo() and 'sqlite' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.plugin_names(): def _pycairo_surface(type,sym): import cairo test_cairo_file = '/tmp/test.%s' % type m = mapnik.Map(256,256) mapnik.load_map(m,'../data/good_maps/%s_symbolizer.xml' % sym) if hasattr(cairo,'%sSurface' % type.upper()): surface = getattr(cairo,'%sSurface' % type.upper())(test_cairo_file, m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.finish() if os.path.exists(test_cairo_file): os.remove(test_cairo_file) return True else: # Fail, the file wasn't written return False else: print 'skipping cairo.%s test since surface is not available' % type.upper()
#images_.append('demo64_binary_transparency.png') #'demo128_colors_hextree_no_alpha.png', 'png8:c=100:m=h:t=0') #images_.append('demo128_colors_hextree_no_alpha.png') #'demo_high.jpg', 'jpeg100') #images_.append('demo_high.jpg') #'demo_low.jpg', 'jpeg50') #images_.append('demo_low.jpg') #'demo.tif', 'tiff') #images_.append('demo.tif') # ## Render cairo examples if HAS_PYCAIRO_MODULE and mapnik.has_pycairo(): svg_surface = cairo.SVGSurface('demo.svg', m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m, svg_surface) svg_surface.finish() images_.append('demo.svg') # pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface('demo.pdf', m.width,m.height) # mapnik.render(m, pdf_surface) # images_.append('demo.pdf') # pdf_surface.finish() # # postscript_surface = cairo.PSSurface('', m.width,m.height) # mapnik.render(m, postscript_surface) # images_.append('') # postscript_surface.finish()
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import mapnik from import * from utilities import execution_path, run_all def setup(): # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests # from another directory we need to chdir() os.chdir(execution_path('.')) if mapnik.has_pycairo() and 'sqlite' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.plugin_names(): def _pycairo_surface(type, sym): import cairo test_cairo_file = '/tmp/test.%s' % type m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) mapnik.load_map(m, '../data/good_maps/%s_symbolizer.xml' % sym) if hasattr(cairo, '%sSurface' % type.upper()): surface = getattr(cairo, '%sSurface' % type.upper())(test_cairo_file, m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, surface) surface.finish() if os.path.exists(test_cairo_file): os.remove(test_cairo_file) return True else: