class Data(RNGDataFlow): def __init__(self, train_or_test, shuffle=True): assert train_or_test in ['train', 'test'] fname_list = cfg.train_list if train_or_test == "train" else cfg.test_list self.train_or_test = train_or_test fname_list = [fname_list ] if type(fname_list) is not list else fname_list self.imglist = [] for fname in fname_list: self.imglist.extend(get_imglist(fname)) self.shuffle = shuffle self.mapper = Mapper() def size(self): return len(self.imglist) def get_data(self): idxs = np.arange(len(self.imglist)) if self.shuffle: self.rng.shuffle(idxs) for k in idxs: img_path = self.imglist[k] label_path = img_path.split('.')[0] + ".txt" img = misc.imread(img_path, 'L') if img.shape[0] != cfg.input_height: if cfg.input_width != None: img = cv2.resize(img, (cfg.input_width, cfg.input_height)) else: scale = cfg.input_height / img.shape[0] img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=scale, fy=scale) feat = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2) with open(label_path) as f: content = f.readlines() label_cleaned = ''.join( [i for i in content[0] if i in cfg.dictionary]) if label_cleaned == "": continue word_set = label_cleaned.split(' ') label = self.mapper.encode_string(label_cleaned) yield [feat, label]
class TextDF(DataFlow): def __init__(self, dirname, dict_path, channel=1): self.dirname = dirname = channel self.filelists = [ k for k in fs.recursive_walk(self.dirname) if k.endswith('.png') ]"Found {} png files ...".format(len(self.filelists))) self.mapper = Mapper(dict_path) def size(self): return len(self.filelists) def get_data(self): for filename in self.filelists: feat = misc.imread(filename, 'L') feat = np.expand_dims(feat, axis=2) label_filename = filename.replace("png", "txt") with open(label_filename) as label_file: content = label_file.readlines() yield [feat, self.mapper.encode_string(content[0])]