Exemple #1
 def setup(self):
     self.gpkg_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'tmp.gpkg')
     self.table_name = 'test_tiles'
     self.cache = GeopackageCache(
         tile_grid=tile_grid(3857, name='global-webmarcator'),
class TestGeopackageCache(object):
    def setup(self):
        tg = tile_grid(num_levels=8)
        self.cache = GeopackageCache("visibleEarth3395.gpkg", tg)

    def teardown(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'cache_dir') and os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):

    def test_is_cached_miss(self):
        assert not self.cache.is_cached(Tile((-1, 0, 4)))

    def test_is_cached_hit(self):
        assert self.cache.is_cached(Tile((0, 0, 4)))

    def test_is_cached_none(self):
        assert self.cache.is_cached(Tile(None))

    def test_load_tile_none(self):
        assert self.cache.load_tile(Tile(None))

    def test_load_tile_not_cached(self):
        tile = Tile((-1, 0, 4))
        assert not self.cache.load_tile(tile)
        assert tile.source is None
        assert tile.is_missing()

    def test_load_tile_cached(self):
        tile = Tile((0, 0, 4))
        assert self.cache.load_tile(tile) == True
        assert not tile.is_missing()

    def test_load_tiles_cached(self):
        tiles = [Tile((0, 0, 1)), Tile((0, 1, 1))]
        assert self.cache.load_tiles(tiles)
        assert not tiles[0].is_missing()
        assert not tiles[1].is_missing()

    def test_load_tiles_mixed(self):
        tiles = [Tile(None), Tile((0, 0, 1)), Tile((-1, 0, 1))]
        assert self.cache.load_tiles(tiles) == False
        assert not tiles[0].is_missing()
        assert not tiles[1].is_missing()
        assert tiles[2].is_missing()

    def test_load_empty_tileset(self):
        assert self.cache.load_tiles([Tile(None)]) == True
        assert self.cache.load_tiles([Tile(None), Tile(None), Tile(None)]) == True

    def test_load_334_tiles(self):
        assert_raises(CacheBackendError, self.cache.load_tiles, [Tile((0, 0, 1))] * 334)
    def test_bad_config_geopackage_no_gpkg_contents(self, app, base_dir):
        gpkg_file = base_dir.join("cache.gpkg").strpath
        table_name = "no_gpkg_contents"

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                """SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?""",
                (table_name, ),
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == table_name

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                """SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name=?""",
                (table_name, ),
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert not content

        GeopackageCache(gpkg_file, TileGrid(srs=4326), table_name=table_name)

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                """SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name=?""",
                (table_name, ),
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == table_name
Exemple #4
 def test_bad_config_geopackage_srs(self):
     error_msg = None
     gpkg_file = os.path.join(
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixture'), 'cache.gpkg')
     table_name = 'cache'
         GeopackageCache(gpkg_file, TileGrid(srs=4326), table_name)
     except ValueError as ve:
         error_msg = ve
     assert "srs is improperly configured." in str(error_msg)
Exemple #5
    def test_bad_config_geopackage_no_spatial_ref_sys(self):
        gpkg_file = os.path.join(test_config['base_dir'], 'cache.gpkg')
        organization_coordsys_id = 3785

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT organization_coordsys_id FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE organization_coordsys_id=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert not content

        GeopackageCache(gpkg_file, TileGrid(srs=3785), table_name=table_name)

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                '''SELECT organization_coordsys_id FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE organization_coordsys_id=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == organization_coordsys_id
    def test_bad_config_geopackage_no_spatial_ref_sys(self, base_dir):
        gpkg_file = base_dir.join("cache.gpkg").strpath
        organization_coordsys_id = 3785
        table_name = "no_gpkg_spatial_ref_sys"

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                """SELECT organization_coordsys_id FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE organization_coordsys_id=?""",
                (organization_coordsys_id, ),
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert not content

        GeopackageCache(gpkg_file, TileGrid(srs=3785), table_name=table_name)

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute(
                """SELECT organization_coordsys_id FROM gpkg_spatial_ref_sys WHERE organization_coordsys_id=?""",
                (organization_coordsys_id, ),
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == organization_coordsys_id
Exemple #7
    def test_bad_config_geopackage_no_gpkg_contents(self):
        gpkg_file = os.path.join(test_config['base_dir'], 'cache.gpkg')
        table_name = 'no_gpkg_contents'

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == table_name

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert not content

        GeopackageCache(gpkg_file, TileGrid(srs=4326), table_name=table_name)

        with sqlite3.connect(gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == table_name
Exemple #8
class TestGeopackageCache(TileCacheTestBase):

    always_loads_metadata = True

    def setup(self):
        self.gpkg_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'tmp.gpkg')
        self.table_name = 'test_tiles'
        self.cache = GeopackageCache(
            tile_grid=tile_grid(3857, name='global-webmarcator'),

    def teardown(self):
        if self.cache:

    def test_new_geopackage(self):
        assert os.path.exists(self.gpkg_file)

        with sqlite3.connect(self.gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == self.table_name

        with sqlite3.connect(self.gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT table_name, data_type FROM gpkg_contents WHERE table_name = ?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == self.table_name
            assert content[1] == 'tiles'

        with sqlite3.connect(self.gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_tile_matrix WHERE table_name = ?''',
            content = cur.fetchall()
            assert len(content) == 20

        with sqlite3.connect(self.gpkg_file) as db:
            cur = db.execute('''SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_tile_matrix_set WHERE table_name = ?''',
            content = cur.fetchone()
            assert content[0] == self.table_name

    def test_load_empty_tileset(self):
        assert self.cache.load_tiles([Tile(None)]) == True
        assert self.cache.load_tiles([Tile(None), Tile(None), Tile(None)]) == True

    def test_load_more_than_2000_tiles(self):
        # prepare data
        for i in range(0, 2010):
            assert self.cache.store_tile(Tile((i, 0, 10),  ImageSource(BytesIO(b'foo'))))

        tiles = [Tile((i, 0, 10)) for i in range(0, 2010)]
        assert self.cache.load_tiles(tiles)

    def test_timeouts(self):
        self.cache._db_conn_cache.db = sqlite3.connect(self.cache.geopackage_file, timeout=0.05)

        def block():
            # block database by delaying the commit
            db = sqlite3.connect(self.cache.geopackage_file)
            cur = db.cursor()
            stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {0} (zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row, tile_data) " \
                   "VALUES (?,?,?,?)".format(self.table_name)
            cur.execute(stmt, (3, 1, 1, '1234'))

            assert self.cache.store_tile(self.create_tile((0, 0, 1))) == True

            t = threading.Thread(target=block)
            assert self.cache.store_tile(self.create_tile((0, 0, 1))) == False

        assert self.cache.store_tile(self.create_tile((0, 0, 1))) == True
 def setup(self):
     tg = tile_grid(num_levels=8)
     self.cache = GeopackageCache("visibleEarth3395.gpkg", tg)